コード例 #1
        protected override void LoadContent()
            spriteBatch       = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
            currentFont       = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("MgGenFont");
            defaultTexture    = Content.Load <Texture2D>("CheckerBoardTemplateImage");
            orientationArrows = Content.Load <Texture2D>("OrientationImage_PartiallyTransparent");



            bigShere     = new SpherePNTT(false, 12, 25f, false, true);
            littleSphere = new SpherePNTT(false, 12, 5f, true);
            lineToLight  = new LinePCT(.1f, Color.White, Vector3.Zero, initialLightPosition);

            // prep model reader.
            RiggedModelLoader modelReader = new RiggedModelLoader(Content, riggedEffect);

            RiggedModelLoader.DefaultTexture     = defaultTexture;
            modelReader.AddAdditionalLoopingTime = true;
            modelReader.AddedLoopingDuration     = .1f;
            //model = modelReader.LoadAsset("dude.fbx", 24);
            //model = modelReader.LoadAsset("new_thin_zombie.fbx", 24);
            //model = modelReader.LoadAsset("AnimatedCube5.fbx", 24);
            model = modelReader.LoadAsset("PipeFromCube16VGrpsLCRetexAnimKeyframesMovedUp.fbx", 24); // damn its hard to find models that work.

            modelVisualNormals    = new ModelsVisualNormals(model, orientationArrows, .5f, 1f);
            primitiveNormalArrows = new NormalArrow(bigShere.vertices, bigShere.indices, orientationArrows, 1f);
コード例 #2
 public void SetAnimationFpsCreateFrames(int animationFramesPerSecond, RiggedModel model, bool loopAnimation)
     Console.WriteLine("Animation name: " + animationName + "  DurationInSeconds: " + DurationInSeconds + "  DurationInSecondsLooping: " + DurationInSecondsLooping);
     fps                    = animationFramesPerSecond;
     TotalFrames            = (int)(DurationInSeconds * (double)(animationFramesPerSecond));
     TicksPerFramePerSecond = TicksPerSecond / (double)(animationFramesPerSecond);
     SecondsPerFrame        = (1d / (animationFramesPerSecond));
     CalculateNewInterpolatedAnimationFrames(model, loopAnimation);
コード例 #3
            private void CalculateNewInterpolatedAnimationFrames(RiggedModel model, bool loopAnimation)
                // Loop nodes.
                for (int i = 0; i < animatedNodes.Count; i++)
                    // Make sure we have enough frame orientations alloted for the number of frames.
                    animatedNodes[i].frameOrientations     = new Matrix[TotalFrames];
                    animatedNodes[i].frameOrientationTimes = new double[TotalFrames];

                    // print name of node as we loop
                    Console.WriteLine("name " + animatedNodes[i].nodeName);

                    // Loop destination frames.
                    for (int j = 0; j < TotalFrames; j++)
                        // Find and set the interpolated value from the s r t elements based on time.
                        var frameTime = j * SecondsPerFrame; // + .0001d;
                        animatedNodes[i].frameOrientations[j]     = Interpolate(frameTime, animatedNodes[i], loopAnimation);
                        animatedNodes[i].frameOrientationTimes[j] = frameTime;