private static void AssignCoachesAndSwimmers(Coach coach1, Coach coach2, Swimmer swimmer1, Swimmer swimmer2, Swimmer swimmer3) { //coach not registered with the club try { swimmer1.Coach = coach1; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } //Coach is not assigned to a club try { coach2.AddSwimmer(swimmer2); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } swimmer1.Club.AddCoach(coach1); swimmer2.Club.AddCoach(coach2); //swimmer and the coach not in the same club try { coach2.AddSwimmer(swimmer3); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } coach1.AddSwimmer(swimmer1); coach1.AddSwimmer(swimmer3); swimmer2.Coach = coach2; DisplayInfo("coach 1", coach1); DisplayInfo("coach 2", coach2); DisplayInfo("club1", swimmer1.Club); DisplayInfo("club2", swimmer2.Club); }
public void AddSwimmer(Swimmer aSwimmer) { if (CoachIsAssignedToClub) { if (aSwimmer.Club == AssignedClubToCoach) { listOfSwimmers.Add(aSwimmer); } else { throw (new Exception("swimmer and the coach not in the same club")); } } else { throw (new Exception("Coach is not assigned to a club")); } }
private static void CreateSwimmers(out Swimmer swimmer1, out Swimmer swimmer2, out Swimmer swimmer3) { swimmer1 = new Swimmer("Bob Smith", new DateTime(1970, 1, 1), new Address("35 Elm St", "Toronto", "ON", "M2M 2M2"), 4161234567); DisplayInfo("swimmer1", swimmer1); swimmer2 = new Swimmer(); DisplayInfo("swimmer2", swimmer2); swimmer2.Address = new Address("1 King St", "Toronto", "ON", "M2M 3M3"); swimmer2.Name = "John Lee"; swimmer2.PhoneNumber = 4162222222; swimmer2.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1950, 12, 1); DisplayInfo("swimmer2", swimmer2); swimmer3 = new Swimmer("Ann Smith", new DateTime(1975, 1, 1), new Address("5 Queen St", "Toronto", "ON", "M2M 4M4"), 4163333333); DisplayInfo("swimmer3", swimmer3); }
public void EnterSwimmersTime(Registrant swimmer, string time) { int indexOfSwimmerInCollection = 0; SwimTimeEntered = true; for (int i = 0; i < NumOfRegisterant; i++) { if (CollOfRegisterants[i] == swimmer) { indexOfSwimmerInCollection = i; } } if (AlreadyEntered(swimmer, CollOfRegisterants) == true) { aSwimmer = (Swimmer)swimmer; CollOfSwims[indexOfSwimmerInCollection].TimeSwam = time; time = "0:" + time; aSwimmer.AddAsBestTime(PoolTypeOfEvent, Stroke, Distance, TimeSpan.Parse(time)); } else { throw (new Exception("Swimmer has not entered the event")); } }