コード例 #1
ファイル: GameBoard.cs プロジェクト: Bilzac/457a
        public GameBoard(MinMax node_type, GameBoard parent)
            //parents and children
            this.parent = parent;
            this.children = new List<GameBoard>();

            this.board = parent.CopyBoard();

            if (node_type == MinMax.Max)
                this.node_type = MinMax.Max;
                this.alpha = 0;
                this.node_type = MinMax.Min;
                this.beta = 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Assignment1b.cs プロジェクト: Bilzac/457a
        public static void displayBoard(GameBoard gameBoard)

            int counter = 0;
            while (counter < 4)
                displayPieceColour(gameBoard.GetGamePiece(counter, 3).colour, gameBoard.GetGamePiece(counter, 3).stones);

            counter = 0;
            while (counter < 4)
                displayPieceColour(gameBoard.GetGamePiece(counter, 2).colour, gameBoard.GetGamePiece(counter, 2).stones);

            counter = 0;
            while (counter < 4)
                displayPieceColour(gameBoard.GetGamePiece(counter, 1).colour, gameBoard.GetGamePiece(counter, 1).stones);

            counter = 0;
            while (counter < 4)
                displayPieceColour(gameBoard.GetGamePiece(counter, 0).colour, gameBoard.GetGamePiece(counter, 0).stones);

コード例 #3
ファイル: GameBoard.cs プロジェクト: Bilzac/457a
        // default constructor
        public GameBoard()
            //parents and children
            this.parent = null;
            this.children = new List<GameBoard>();

            this.board = new GamePiece[4,4]; //the game board - 4x4 array

            for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j <= 3; j++)
                    this.board[i, j] = new GamePiece(Colour.NONE, 0);

            this.board[0, 3].stones = 10; //player 1 - BLACK stones (them)
            this.board[0, 3].colour = Colour.BLACK; //MIN

            this.board[3, 0].stones = 10; //player2 - WHITE stones (us)
            this.board[3, 0].colour = Colour.WHITE; //MAX

            this.node_type = MinMax.Null;
コード例 #4
ファイル: GameBoard.cs プロジェクト: Bilzac/457a
 //Add children
 public bool AddChildren(GameBoard child)
     return true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: GameBoard.cs プロジェクト: Bilzac/457a
 //set methods
 public bool SetParent(GameBoard parent)
     this.parent = parent;
     return true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Assignment1b.cs プロジェクト: Bilzac/457a
        static void MinimaxSearch()
            if(game over in current board position)
                return winner
            children = all legal moves for player from this board

            //starting game position (default)
            GameBoard parent = new GameBoard();
            int total_moves = 0;
            //forced loss test
            parent.SetStones(0, 0, 10, Colour.WHITE);
            parent.SetStones(1, 0, 3, Colour.BLACK);
            parent.SetStones(0, 1, 3, Colour.BLACK);
            parent.SetStones(1, 1, 4, Colour.BLACK);
            parent.SetStones(3, 0, 0, Colour.NONE);
            parent.SetStones(0, 3, 0, Colour.NONE);

            Console.WriteLine("Starting move:");

            bool turn = false; //turn 0 = player's turn(black,min), turn 1 = our turn(white,max)
            GameBoard next_move = null;

            //while we still have moves left, or haven't played over 1000 moves
            while(total_moves < 5000)
                if (turn == false)//their turn (BLACK)
                    Console.WriteLine("Black - Their Move / Player 1");

                    //Random moves :(
                    //choose random child
                    int moves = parent.GetChildren().Count;
                    if (moves <= 0)
                        moves = CalculateMoves(parent);

                    //player 2 wins
                    if (moves == 0)

                    Random random_number = new Random();
                    int black_move = random_number.Next(parent.GetChildren().Count - 1);

                    next_move = parent.GetChildren().ElementAt(black_move);

                    turn = true;
                else //my move (WHITE)
                    Console.WriteLine("White - My Move / Player 2");
                    //GameBoard start_move = parent; // CalculateMaxMove(parent); //current node is a beta
                    next_move = parent;
                    //GameBoard next_move_tmp = start_move;
                    int counter = 0;

                    //iterative deepening
                    int internal_counter = 1; //keep adding one more iteration

                    while (internal_counter > counter)
                        int moves = 0;
                        if (next_move.GetChildren().Count > 0)
                            moves = next_move.GetChildren().Count;
                            moves = CalculateMoves(next_move);

                        //player 1 wins-need to avoid
                        if (moves == 0)

                        if (parent.GetNodeType() == GameBoard.MinMax.Min)
                            if (CalculateMaxMove(next_move) == null) //end node
                            next_move = CalculateMaxMove(next_move);
                            if (CalculateMinMove(next_move) == null) //end node
                            next_move = CalculateMinMove(next_move);

                        if (counter == internal_counter && internal_counter < 50) //deepen search
                            internal_counter = internal_counter + 1;

                    while (next_move.GetParent().GetParent() != null)
                        next_move = next_move.GetParent();

                    turn = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Move #: " + total_moves);
                parent = next_move;
                next_move.SetParent(null); //get rid of useless nodes
                System.GC.Collect();        // parent is always root node


            if (next_move.GetChildren().Count > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("NO winner. Try again...");

            if (next_move.GetNodeType() == GameBoard.MinMax.Max)
                Console.WriteLine("Player 1 wins");
                Console.WriteLine("Computer wins");
コード例 #7
ファイル: Assignment1b.cs プロジェクト: Bilzac/457a
        static int CheckTwoSquares(GameBoard board, GameBoard.MinMax child_type, Colour player_colour, int x, int y, 
            int a, int b, int c, int d, int moves)
            //check boundary of array
            if (a >= 0 && a <= 3 && b >= 0 && b <= 3)
                //check adjacent square is empty
                if (board.ReturnPosition(a, b).stones == 0 || board.ReturnPosition(a, b).colour == player_colour)
                    if (c >= 0 && c <= 3 && d >= 0 && d <= 3)
                        if (board.ReturnPosition(c, d).stones == 0 || board.ReturnPosition(c, d).colour == player_colour)
                            //new child
                            GameBoard child = new GameBoard(child_type, board);

                            int stones = child.ReturnPosition(x, y).stones;
                            child.SetStones(x, y, 0, player_colour);

                            int original_stones = child.ReturnPosition(a, b).stones;
                            child.SetStones(a, b, original_stones + 1, player_colour); //first square
                            stones--; //one stone moved into a,b

                            original_stones = child.ReturnPosition(c, d).stones; //rest of stones moved into c,d
                            child.SetStones(c, d, stones + original_stones, player_colour); //second square

                            //add child to parent
                            moves = CheckAdjacentMove(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, moves);
                        moves = CheckAdjacentMove(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, moves);
                    moves = CheckAdjacentMove(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, moves);
            return moves;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Assignment1b.cs プロジェクト: Bilzac/457a
        static int CheckAdjacentMove(GameBoard board, GameBoard.MinMax child_type, Colour player_colour, int x, int y, int a, int b,
            int moves)
            //check boundary of array
            if (a >= 0 && a <= 3 && b >= 0 && b <= 3)
                //check adjacent square is empty
                if (board.ReturnPosition(a, b).stones == 0 || board.ReturnPosition(a, b).colour == player_colour)
                    //new child
                    GameBoard child = new GameBoard(child_type, board);

                    int stones = child.ReturnPosition(x, y).stones;
                    child.SetStones(x, y, 0, player_colour);

                    int original_stones = child.ReturnPosition(a, b).stones; //adjacent square
                    child.SetStones(a, b, stones+original_stones, player_colour);

                    //add child to parent
            return moves;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Assignment1b.cs プロジェクト: Bilzac/457a
        static int CalculateMoves(GameBoard board)
            /* goes through all the possible moves
             * on a gameboard
             * returns number of moves

            int moves = 0;

            Colour player_colour = Colour.NONE;
            GameBoard.MinMax child_type = GameBoard.MinMax.Null;

            if (board.GetNodeType() == GameBoard.MinMax.Max)
                player_colour = Colour.BLACK;
                child_type = GameBoard.MinMax.Min;
            }else if (board.GetNodeType() == GameBoard.MinMax.Min)
                player_colour = Colour.WHITE;
                child_type = GameBoard.MinMax.Max;

            for (int x = 0; x <= 3; x++)

                for (int y = 0; y <= 3; y++)
                    if (board.ReturnPosition(x,y).stones > 0 && board.ReturnPosition(x,y).colour == player_colour)
                        //if statement to sort number of stones
                        //1-2 stones = 1 square
                        if (board.ReturnPosition(x, y).stones == 1 || board.ReturnPosition(x, y).stones == 2)
                            int a = x;
                            int b = y + 1;
                            moves = CheckAdjacentMove(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, moves);

                            a = x;
                            b = y - 1;
                            moves = CheckAdjacentMove(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, moves);

                            a = x - 1;
                            b = y;
                            moves = CheckAdjacentMove(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, moves);

                            a = x + 1;
                            b = y;
                            moves = CheckAdjacentMove(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, moves);

                            a = x + 1;
                            b = y - 1;
                            moves = CheckAdjacentMove(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, moves);

                            a = x - 1;
                            b = y - 1;
                            moves = CheckAdjacentMove(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, moves);

                            a = x + 1;
                            b = y + 1;
                            moves = CheckAdjacentMove(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, moves);

                            a = x - 1;
                            b = y + 1;
                            moves = CheckAdjacentMove(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, moves);
                        else if (board.ReturnPosition(x, y).stones == 3)//3 stones = 2 squares
                            //north x2
                            int a = x;
                            int b = y + 1;
                            int c = x;
                            int d = y + 2;
                            moves = CheckTwoSquares(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, c, d, moves);

                            //south x2
                            a = x;
                            b = y - 1;
                            c = x;
                            d = y - 2;
                            moves = CheckTwoSquares(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, c, d, moves);

                            a = x - 1;
                            b = y;
                            c = x - 2;
                            d = y;
                            moves = CheckTwoSquares(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, c, d, moves);

                            a = x + 1;
                            b = y;
                            c = x + 2;
                            d = y;
                            moves = CheckTwoSquares(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, c, d, moves);

                            a = x + 1;
                            b = y - 1;
                            c = x + 2;
                            d = y - 2;
                            moves = CheckTwoSquares(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, c, d, moves);

                            a = x - 1;
                            b = y - 1;
                            c = x - 2;
                            d = y - 2;
                            moves = CheckTwoSquares(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, c, d, moves);

                            //se x2
                            a = x + 1;
                            b = y + 1;
                            c = x + 2;
                            d = y + 2;
                            moves = CheckTwoSquares(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, c, d, moves);

                            a = x - 1;
                            b = y + 1;
                            c = x - 2;
                            d = y + 2;
                            moves = CheckTwoSquares(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, c, d, moves);
                        else //  4+ stones = 3 squares
                            //north x3
                            int a = x;
                            int b = y + 1;
                            int c = x;
                            int d = y + 2;
                            int e = x;
                            int f = y + 3;
                            moves = CheckThreeSquares(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, c, d, e, f, moves);

                            //south x3
                            a = x;
                            b = y - 1;
                            c = x;
                            d = y - 2;
                            e = x;
                            f = y - 3;
                            moves = CheckThreeSquares(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, c, d, e, f, moves);

                            a = x - 1;
                            b = y;
                            c = x - 2;
                            d = y;
                            e = x - 3;
                            f = y;
                            moves = CheckThreeSquares(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, c, d, e, f, moves);

                            a = x + 1;
                            b = y;
                            c = x + 2;
                            d = y;
                            e = x + 3;
                            f = y;
                            moves = CheckThreeSquares(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, c, d, e, f, moves);

                            a = x + 1;
                            b = y + 1;
                            c = x + 2;
                            d = y + 2;
                            e = x + 3;
                            f = y + 3;
                            moves = CheckThreeSquares(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, c, d, e, f, moves);

                            //nwx3 //---------????
                            a = x - 1;
                            b = y + 1;
                            c = x - 2;
                            d = y + 2;
                            e = x - 3;
                            f = y + 3;
                            moves = CheckThreeSquares(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, c, d, e, f, moves);

                            //se x3
                            a = x + 1;
                            b = y - 1;
                            c = x + 2;
                            d = y - 2;
                            e = x + 3;
                            f = y - 3;
                            moves = CheckThreeSquares(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, c, d, e, f, moves);

                            a = x - 1;
                            b = y - 1;
                            c = x - 2;
                            d = y - 2;
                            e = x - 3;
                            f = y - 3;
                            moves = CheckThreeSquares(board, child_type, player_colour, x, y, a, b, c, d, e, f, moves);

            //store moves in parent - number of squares covereed - failed eval fxn
            /* int squares = 0;
             for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
                 for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++)
                     if (board.ReturnPosition(x, y).colour == player_colour)

             return squares;
             return moves;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Assignment1b.cs プロジェクト: Bilzac/457a
        static GameBoard CalculateMinMove(GameBoard parent)
            /* Beta values are stored in the min nodes
             * Beta value = min(alpha Values of max nodes)
             * Because we want to maximize our moves
            if (parent.GetChildren().Count <= 0)

            GameBoard worst_child = null;

            if (parent.GetChildren().Count > 0)
               worst_child = parent.GetChildren().ElementAt(0);

                foreach (GameBoard child in parent.GetChildren())
                    if (CalculateMoves(child) <= parent.GetAlphaBetaValue())
                        worst_child = child;
                return worst_child;
            return null;
コード例 #11
ファイル: Assignment1b.cs プロジェクト: Bilzac/457a
        static GameBoard CalculateMaxMove(GameBoard parent)
            /* Alpha values are stored in the max nodes
             * Alpha value = max(children's Beta Values of min nodes)
             * Because we want to minimize opponent moves             *
            if (parent.GetChildren().Count <= 0)

            GameBoard best_child = null;
            if (parent.GetChildren().Count > 0)
                 best_child = parent.GetChildren().ElementAt(0); //best is first child

                foreach (GameBoard child in parent.GetChildren())
                    if (CalculateMoves(child) >= parent.GetAlphaBetaValue()) //get max
                        best_child = child; //new best child

                return best_child;
            return null;
コード例 #12
ファイル: Assignment1b.cs プロジェクト: Bilzac/457a
        static int CalculateAlphaBeta(GameBoard parent, int depth, int alpha, int beta, GameBoard.MinMax player)
            int moves = 0;
            if (parent.GetChildren().Count == 0) //if there are no children for this node
                moves = CalculateMoves(parent);
                moves = parent.GetChildren().Count;

            if (moves == 0 || depth == 0) //terminal node
                return parent.GetAlphaBetaValue(); //return non null value

            if (player == GameBoard.MinMax.Max) //max player
                foreach (GameBoard child in parent.GetChildren())
                    //children are min nodes
                    alpha = Math.Max(alpha, CalculateAlphaBeta(child, depth-1, alpha, beta, child.GetNodeType()));
                    if(beta <= alpha)
                return alpha;
            else //min player
                foreach (GameBoard child in parent.GetChildren())
                    //children are max nodes
                    beta = Math.Min(beta, CalculateAlphaBeta(child, depth-1, alpha, beta, child.GetNodeType()));
                    if (beta <= alpha)
                return beta;
コード例 #13
ファイル: Assignment1b.cs プロジェクト: Bilzac/457a
        static void AlphaBetaSearch()
            GameBoard parent = new GameBoard();
            int total_moves = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("Starting move:");

            bool turn = false; //turn 0 = player's turn(black,min), turn 1 = our turn(white,max)
            GameBoard next_move = parent;

            while (total_moves < 5000)
                if (turn == false)//their turn (BLACK)
                    Console.WriteLine("Their Move / Player 1");
                    //next_move = CalculateBeta(parent);

                    //Random Agent :(
                    //choose random child

                    if (parent.GetChildren().Count <= 0)

                    if (parent.GetChildren().Count <= 0)
                        break; //win condition for player 2

                    Random random_number = new Random();
                    int black_move = random_number.Next(parent.GetChildren().Count - 1);

                    next_move = parent.GetChildren().ElementAt(black_move);
                    turn = true;
                else //my move (WHITE)
                    Console.WriteLine("My Move / Player 2");

                    //next_move = null;
                    int best = 100000;

                    if (parent.GetChildren().Count <= 0)

                    if (parent.GetChildren().Count <= 0)
                        break; //win condition for player 1

                    //the parent is a max node (next_move)
                    //the children are min nodes
                    Collection<GameBoard> potentialMoves = new Collection<GameBoard>();

                    foreach (GameBoard child in parent.GetChildren())
                        CalculateAlphaBeta(child, 3, -100000, best, GameBoard.MinMax.Min);

                        if (child.GetAlphaBetaValue() < best)
                            best = child.GetAlphaBetaValue();
                        else if (child.GetAlphaBetaValue() == best)

                    Random random_number = new Random();
                    int white_move = random_number.Next(potentialMoves.Count - 1);
                    next_move = potentialMoves.ElementAt(white_move);


                    turn = false;
                //each move
                Console.WriteLine("Move #: " + total_moves);
                parent = next_move;


            if (next_move.GetNodeType() == GameBoard.MinMax.Max)
                Console.WriteLine("Player 1 wins");
                Console.WriteLine("Computer wins");