public void OnDrawGizmos() { if (MeshFilter.mesh == null) { MeshFilter.mesh = new Mesh(); } if (Points == null || Points.Count < 3) { return; } VertList = new List <VertexDefinition>(); float colorNum = 0f; var lastVert = new VertexDefinition(Points.First().position, ColorUtility.HsvtoRgb(0, .8f, 1f)); foreach (var point in Points) { var thisVert = new VertexDefinition(point.position, ColorUtility.HsvtoRgb(colorNum, .8f, 1f), lastVert.Position, point.position); colorNum += COLOR_MOD; VertList.Add(thisVert); lastVert.NextPosition = thisVert.Position; lastVert = thisVert; } // last point required here to complete triangle MeshFilter.mesh.Clear(); MeshFilter.mesh.vertices = VertList.Select(vertex => vertex.Position).ToArray(); MeshFilter.mesh.colors = VertList.Select(vertex => vertex.Color).ToArray(); MeshFilter.mesh.normals = VertList.Select(vertex => vertex.NextPosition - vertex.Position).ToArray(); MeshFilter.mesh.tangents = VertList.Select(vertex => (vertex.LastPosition - vertex.Position).ConvertToVector4()).ToArray(); var indices = new List <int>(); for (var i = 0; i < VertList.Count; i++) { indices.Add(i); } MeshFilter.mesh.SetIndices(indices.ToArray(), MeshTopology.LineStrip, 0); MeshFilter.mesh.UploadMeshData(false); }
protected override Color ColorLerp(MutableObject mutable, Color a, Color b, float proportion) { var endColor = b; if (DoApplyColorField.GetFirstValue(mutable)) { endColor = UsePreciseLerp.GetFirstValue(mutable)? ColorUtility.SqrLerpColors(a, b, proportion): a + (b - a) * proportion; } endColor.a = DoApplyAlphaField.GetFirstValue(mutable) ? a.a + (b.a - a.a) * proportion : b.a; return(endColor); }
protected override Color ColorLerp(MutableObject mutable, Color a, Color b, float proportion) { float H1, S1, V1; float H2, S2, V2; ColorUtility.RGBToHSV(a, out H1, out S1, out V1); ColorUtility.RGBToHSV(b, out H2, out S2, out V2); float endH = ApplyHLerpField.GetFirstValue(mutable) ? H1 + (H2 - H1) * proportion : H2; float endS = ApplySLerpField.GetFirstValue(mutable) ? S1 + (S2 - S1) * proportion : S2; float endV = ApplyVLerpField.GetFirstValue(mutable) ? V1 + (V2 - V1) * proportion : V2; Color endColor = ColorUtility.HsvtoRgb(endH, endS, endV); endColor.a = DoApplyAlphaField.GetFirstValue(mutable)?a.a + (b.a - a.a) * proportion:b.a; return(endColor); }
public static bool StringToValueOfType(this string text, Type t, ref object result, bool errorMessages = false) { if (t == typeof(string)) { result = text; return(true); } if (t == typeof(bool)) { bool v; if (bool.TryParse(text, out v)) { result = v; return(true); } else { if (errorMessages) { Debug.Log("Error: Cannot convert argument \"" + text + "\" to bool\n"); } return(false); } } if (t == typeof(int)) { int v; if (Int32.TryParse(text, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out v)) { result = v; return(true); } else { if (errorMessages) { Debug.Log("Error: Cannot convert argument \"" + text + "\" to integer\n"); } return(false); } } if (t == typeof(uint)) { uint v; if (UInt32.TryParse(text, out v)) { result = v; return(true); } else { if (errorMessages) { Debug.Log("Error: Cannot convert argument \"" + text + "\" to unsigned integer\n"); } return(false); } } if (t == typeof(long)) { long v; if (long.TryParse(text, out v)) { result = v; return(true); } else { if (errorMessages) { Debug.Log("Error: Cannot convert argument \"" + text + "\" to long integer\n"); } return(false); } } if (t == typeof(float)) { float v; if (float.TryParse(text, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out v)) { result = v; return(true); } else { if (errorMessages) { Debug.Log("Error: Cannot convert argument \"" + text + "\" to float\n"); } return(false); } } if (t == typeof(Color)) { var colorValue = Color.magenta; if (ColorUtility.TryParse(text, ref colorValue)) { result = colorValue; return(true); } else { if (errorMessages) { Debug.Log("Error: Cannot convert argument \"" + text + "\" to color\n"); } return(false); } } if (t == typeof(Vector3)) { var vector3Value = new Vector3(); if (VectorUtility.TryParseVector(text, ref vector3Value)) { result = vector3Value; return(true); } else { if (errorMessages) { Debug.Log("Error: Cannot convert argument \"" + text + "\" to vector3\n"); } return(false); } } if (t == typeof(Quaternion)) { var quaternionValue = new Quaternion(); if (QuaternionUtility.TryParseQuaternion(text, ref quaternionValue)) { result = quaternionValue; return(true); } else { if (errorMessages) { Debug.Log("Error: Cannot convert argument \"" + text + "\" to quaternion\n"); } return(false); } } if (t.IsEnum) { // No TryParse until .NET we have to handle exceptions object value = null; var valid = true; int temp; if (Int32.TryParse(text, out temp)) // Check to see if it's just a number...then fail it. (Enum.Parse allows it!) { valid = false; } else { try { value = Enum.Parse(t, text, true); } catch (Exception) { valid = false; } } if (valid) { result = value; return(true); } else { if (errorMessages) { Debug.Log("Error: Cannot convert argument \"" + text + "\" to the required enum. Valid enum values are:\n"); foreach (var val in Enum.GetValues(t)) { Debug.Log(" " + val); } } return(false); } } Debug.LogError("Error: Argument type not yet supported. Assigning \"\""); result = ""; return(true); }