private static void UpdateUnitySettings(string[] slnFiles) { try { if (slnFiles.Any()) { EditorPrefs.SetString("kScriptEditorArgs", "\"" + slnFiles.First() + "\""); } else { EditorPrefs.SetString("kScriptEditorArgs", string.Empty); } } catch (Exception e) { Rider.Log("Exception on updating kScriptEditorArgs: " + e.Message); } }
public static void OnGeneratedCSProjectFiles() { if (!Rider.Enabled) { return; } var currentDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); var projectFiles = Directory.GetFiles(currentDirectory, "*.csproj"); bool isModified = false; foreach (var file in projectFiles) { isModified = UpgradeProjectFile(file); } var slnFiles = Directory.GetFiles(currentDirectory, "*.sln"); // piece from MLTimK fork foreach (var file in slnFiles) { string content = File.ReadAllText(file); const string magicProjectGUID = @"Project(""{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}"")"; // guid representing C# project if (!content.Contains(magicProjectGUID)) { string matchGUID = @"Project\(\""\{[A-Z0-9]{8}-[A-Z0-9]{4}-[A-Z0-9]{4}-[A-Z0-9]{4}-[A-Z0-9]{12}\}\""\)"; // Unity may put a random guid, which will brake Rider goto content = Regex.Replace(content, matchGUID, magicProjectGUID); File.WriteAllText(file, content); isModified = true; } } Rider.Log(isModified ? "Solution was post processed successfully" : "No change necessary"); UpdateUnitySettings(slnFiles); UpdateDebugSettings(); }
// initial version copied from private static bool UpdateDebugSettings() { var workspaceFile = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), ".idea"), ".idea." + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Rider.SlnFile)), ".idea"), "workspace.xml"); if (!File.Exists(workspaceFile)) { // TODO: write workspace settings from a template to be able to write debug settings before Rider is started for the first time. Rider.Log(workspaceFile + " doesn't exist."); return(true); } var document = XDocument.Load(workspaceFile); var runManagerElement = (from elem in document.Descendants() where elem.Attribute("name") != null && elem.Attribute("name").Value.Equals("RunManager") select elem).FirstOrDefault(); if (runManagerElement == null) { var projectElement = document.Element("project"); if (projectElement == null) { return(false); } runManagerElement = new XElement("component", new XAttribute("name", "RunManager")); projectElement.Add(runManagerElement); } var editorConfigElem = (from elem in runManagerElement.Descendants() where elem.Attribute("name") != null && elem.Attribute("name").Value.Equals("UnityEditor-generated") select elem).FirstOrDefault(); var currentDebugPort = GetDebugPort(); if (editorConfigElem == null) { editorConfigElem = new XElement("configuration"); var defaultAttr = new XAttribute("default", false); var nameAttr = new XAttribute("name", "UnityEditor-generated"); var typeAttr = new XAttribute("type", "ConnectRemote"); var factoryNameAttr = new XAttribute("factoryName", "Mono remote"); var showStdErrAttr = new XAttribute("show_console_on_std_err", false); var showStdOutAttr = new XAttribute("show_console_on_std_out", true); var portAttr = new XAttribute("b", currentDebugPort); var addressAttr = new XAttribute("a", ""); editorConfigElem.Add(defaultAttr, nameAttr, typeAttr, factoryNameAttr, showStdErrAttr, showStdOutAttr, portAttr, addressAttr); var optionAdress = new XElement("option"); optionAdress.Add(new XAttribute("address", "")); var optionPort = new XElement("option"); optionPort.Add(new XAttribute("port", currentDebugPort.ToString())); editorConfigElem.Add(optionAdress, optionPort); runManagerElement.SetAttributeValue("selected", "Mono remote.UnityEditor-generated"); runManagerElement.Add(editorConfigElem); } else { editorConfigElem.Attribute("b").Value = currentDebugPort.ToString(); var el = editorConfigElem.Descendants("option").Single(a => a.Attribute("name").Value == "port"); el.Attribute("value").SetValue(currentDebugPort.ToString()); } document.Save(workspaceFile); // Rider doesn't like it small... :/ var lines = File.ReadAllLines(workspaceFile); lines[0] = lines[0].Replace("utf-8", "UTF-8"); File.WriteAllLines(workspaceFile, lines); return(true); }