コード例 #1
 public void clicked(Map map)
     if (person.getLocation() != null)
             GraphicalMap.panTo(person.getLocation().hex.x, person.getLocation().hex.y);
コード例 #2
        public override void turnTick(Person person)
            if (person.title_land == null)
                person.action = null; return;

            turns += 1;
            if (turns >= World.staticMap.param.action_letterWritingTurns)
                int    c            = 0;
                Person chosenTarget = null;
                foreach (Location loc in person.getLocation().getNeighbours())
                    foreach (Location l2 in loc.getNeighbours())
                        if (l2.person() != null && l2.person() != person)
                            if (l2.person().awareness < person.awareness)
                                c += 1;
                                if (Eleven.random.Next(c) == 0)
                                    chosenTarget = l2.person();
                if (chosenTarget != null)
                    double delta = person.map.param.awareness_letterWritingAwarenessGain * chosenTarget.getAwarenessMult() * person.map.param.awareness_master_speed;
                    delta = Math.Min(delta, 1 - chosenTarget.awareness);
                    delta = Math.Min(delta, person.awareness - chosenTarget.awareness);//Can't exceed your own awareness
                    chosenTarget.awareness += delta;
                    person.map.addMessage(person.getFullName() + " writes to " + chosenTarget.getFullName() + " to warn them. " + (int)(delta * 100) + " awareness gained", MsgEvent.LEVEL_ORANGE, false);
                    person.lastLetterTurn = person.map.turn;
                person.action = null;
コード例 #3
        public override double computeUtility(Person voter, VoteOption option, List <ReasonMsg> msgs)
            double u = option.getBaseUtility(voter);

            Person p = option.person;

            double benefitU = voter.getRelation(p).getLiking() * voter.map.param.utility_singleUseCure;

            msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Benefit to " + p.getFullName(), benefitU));
            u += benefitU;

            bool hasDisease = false;

            foreach (Property pr in voter.getLocation().properties)
                if (pr.proto.isDisease)
                    hasDisease = true;
            if (hasDisease && p != voter)
                //We're considering giving this cure to another

                //This option doesn't help me. If I'm corrupt, I'll naturally be angry at not being given help
                double localU = voter.getSelfInterest() * voter.threat_plague.threat * World.staticMap.param.utility_selfInterestFromThreat * 1.5;
                if (localU != 0)
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Does not help me personally", localU));
                    u += localU;

コード例 #4
        public override double computeUtility(Person p, VoteOption option, List <ReasonMsg> msgs)
            double u = option.getBaseUtility(p);

            if (option.index == NO_RESPONSE)
                msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Neutral Option", 0));

            if (option.index == AGENT_TO_MEDIC)
                double localU = Unit_Investigator.getSwitchUtility(p, (Unit_Investigator)option.unit, Unit_Investigator.unitState.medic);
                localU *= p.map.param.utility_swapAgentRolesMult;
                msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Balance of agent skills vs balance of threats", localU));
                u += localU;
            if (option.index == AGENT_TO_BASIC)
                double localU = Unit_Investigator.getSwitchUtility(p, (Unit_Investigator)option.unit, Unit_Investigator.unitState.basic);
                localU *= p.map.param.utility_swapAgentRolesMult;
                msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Balance of agent skills vs balance of threats", localU));
                u += localU;
            if (option.index == QUARANTINE)
                //First part is your personal utility. How much am I, personally, affected?
                double localU      = p.threat_plague.threat;
                bool   amNeighbour = false;
                bool   hasDisease  = false;
                foreach (Property p2 in p.getLocation().properties)
                    if (p2.proto.isDisease)
                        hasDisease = true; break;
                if (hasDisease)
                    //This option doesn't help me. It's already here. If I'm corrupt, I'll naturally be angry at not being given help
                    localU = p.getSelfInterest() * p.threat_plague.threat * World.staticMap.param.utility_selfInterestFromThreat;
                    if (localU != 0)
                        msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Does not help me personally", localU));
                        u += localU;
                    //I do not have the disease. Best to vote to keep it that way.
                    foreach (Location l2 in p.getLocation().getNeighbours())
                        foreach (Property p2 in l2.properties)
                            if (p2.proto.isDisease)
                                amNeighbour = true; break;
                    if (amNeighbour)
                        localU *= 1.5;
                        localU *= 0.66;
                    localU *= p.getSelfInterest() * -1 * World.staticMap.param.utility_selfInterestFromThreat; //Note this param is negative as it is petulance
                    if (localU != 0)
                        msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Desire to keep self safe from disease", localU));
                        u += localU;

                //Second part is the benefit to the nation
                int    nNeighbours = 0;
                double nSocLocs    = 0;
                foreach (Location l2 in p.map.locations)
                    if (l2.soc == p.society)
                        nSocLocs += 1;

                    hasDisease = false;
                    foreach (Property p2 in l2.properties)
                        if (p2.proto.isDisease)
                            hasDisease = true; break;
                    if (hasDisease)
                        foreach (Location l3 in l2.getNeighbours())
                            if (l3.soc != p.society)
                            bool l3HasDisease = false;
                            foreach (Property p2 in l3.properties)
                                if (p2.proto.isDisease)
                                    l3HasDisease = true; break;
                            if (!l3HasDisease)
                                //Location 3 doesn not have the disease, but l2 does. Therefore it is a spread vector
                                //Since we're taking a risk for each link, we can double-count L3s.
                                nNeighbours += 1;
                localU = nNeighbours;
                if (nSocLocs > 0)
                    localU /= nSocLocs;
                }                                        //Normalise for society size
                localU *= p.threat_plague.threat;
                localU *= p.map.param.utility_plagueResponseMultPerRiskItem;
                localU *= Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1, 1 - p.getSelfInterest()));//Clamp that between [0,1]
                if (localU != 0)
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Benefit to nation: Number of locations at risk", localU));
                    u += localU;
            if (option.index == TREATMENT)
                //First part is your personal utility. How much am I, personally, affected?
                double localU     = p.threat_plague.threat;
                bool   hasDisease = false;
                foreach (Property p2 in p.getLocation().properties)
                    if (p2.proto.isDisease)
                        hasDisease = true; break;
                if (hasDisease)
                    //I have the disease. Gotta invest in that sweet cure
                    localU *= p.getSelfInterest() * -1 * World.staticMap.param.utility_selfInterestFromThreat;//Note this param is negative as it is petulance
                    if (localU != 0)
                        msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Desire to save self from disease", localU));
                        u += localU;
                    //This option doesn't help me. It's already here. If I'm corrupt, I'll naturally be angry at not being given help
                    localU = p.getSelfInterest() * p.threat_plague.threat * World.staticMap.param.utility_selfInterestFromThreat;
                    if (localU != 0)
                        msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Does not help me personally", localU));
                        u += localU;

                //Second part is the benefit to the nation
                int    nDiseased = 0;
                double nSocLocs  = 0;
                foreach (Location l2 in p.map.locations)
                    if (l2.soc == p.society)
                        nSocLocs += 1;

                    foreach (Property p2 in l2.properties)
                        if (p2.proto.isDisease)
                            nDiseased += 1; break;
                localU = nDiseased;
                if (nSocLocs > 0)
                    localU /= nSocLocs;
                }                                        //Normalise for society size
                localU *= p.threat_plague.threat;
                localU *= p.map.param.utility_plagueResponseMultPerRiskItem;
                localU *= Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1, 1 - p.getSelfInterest()));//Clamp that between [0,1]
                if (localU != 0)
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Benefit to nation: Number of locations infected", localU));
                    u += localU;

コード例 #5
        public override double computeUtility(Person voter, VoteOption option,List<ReasonMsg> msgs)
            double u = option.getBaseUtility(voter);

            double ourStrength = society.currentMilitary;
            double theirStrength = option.group.currentMilitary;
            double localU = 0;

            //1 if we're 100% of the balance, -1 if they are
            double relativeStrength = (ourStrength - theirStrength) / (ourStrength + theirStrength);

            //Don't just always attack the weakest, it causes blobbing. Check military to avoid suicide charges, but attack should be modulated by threat
            //As such, this modifier only applies when its negative (aversion to attacking stronger targets)
            localU = society.map.param.utility_militaryTargetRelStrengthOffensive*relativeStrength;
            if (localU < 0)
                msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Relative Strength of Current Militaries", localU));
                u += localU;

            //We want to expand into territory we already partially own
            bool hasMyTerritory = false;
            foreach (Location loc in option.group.lastTurnLocs)
                if (loc.province == voter.getLocation().province)
                    hasMyTerritory = true;
            if (hasMyTerritory)
                localU = society.map.param.utility_militaryTargetCompleteProvince;
                msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Has territory from my province", localU));
                u += localU;

            bool hasOurTerritory = false;
            foreach (Location loc in option.group.lastTurnLocs)
                foreach (Location l2 in society.lastTurnLocs)
                    if (loc.province == l2.province)
                        hasOurTerritory = true;

            //We want to own more land. Invade weak neighbours
            bool shouldExpand = true;
            int nDukes = 0;
            foreach (Title t in society.titles)
                if (t is Title_ProvinceRuler) { nDukes += 1; }
            if (nDukes >= society.map.param.society_maxDukes) { shouldExpand = false; }
            if (shouldExpand && option.group is Society && option.group.currentMilitary*1.5 < this.society.currentMilitary && option.group.getNeighbours().Contains(this.society))
                //Society soc = (Society)option.group;
                //if (this.society.getCapital() != null && soc.getCapital() != null)
                //    if (soc.getCapital().hex.getHabilitability() > 0.5)
                //    {
                        localU = society.map.param.utility_militaryTargetExpansion;
                        msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Expand our holdings", localU));
                        u += localU;
                //    }

            foreach (ThreatItem threat in voter.threatEvaluations)
                if (threat.group == option.group)
                    localU = threat.threat*society.map.param.utility_fromThreat;
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Perceived Threat", localU));
                    u += localU;

            //If we already have a military target
            if (society.offensiveTarget != null)
                theirStrength = society.offensiveTarget.currentMilitary;
                localU = 0;

                //1 if we're 100% of the balance, -1 if they are
                relativeStrength = (ourStrength - theirStrength) / (ourStrength + theirStrength);
                if (relativeStrength > 0) { relativeStrength = 0; }

                //Add current target threat
                foreach (ThreatItem threat in voter.threatEvaluations)
                    if (threat.group == society.offensiveTarget)
                        localU -= threat.threat;

                //We want to expand into territory we already partially own
                hasOurTerritory = false;
                foreach (Location loc in society.offensiveTarget.lastTurnLocs)
                    if (loc.province == voter.getLocation().province)
                        hasOurTerritory = true;
                if (hasOurTerritory)
                    localU -= society.map.param.utility_militaryTargetCompleteProvince;

                localU -= society.map.param.utility_militaryTargetRelStrengthOffensive * relativeStrength;
                msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Desirability of current target (" + society.offensiveTarget.getName() + ")", localU));
                u += localU;

            return u;
コード例 #6
        public override double computeUtility(Person voter, VoteOption option, List <ReasonMsg> msgs)
            double     u = option.getBaseUtility(voter);
            ThreatItem greatestThreat = voter.getGreatestThreat();

            double ourStr = 1 + (voter.society.currentMilitary + (voter.society.maxMilitary / 2));
            double offStr = 1;
            double defStr = 1;

            if (voter.society.offensiveTarget != null)
                offStr = voter.society.offensiveTarget.currentMilitary + (voter.society.offensiveTarget.maxMilitary / 2);
            if (voter.society.defensiveTarget != null)
                defStr = voter.society.defensiveTarget.currentMilitary + (voter.society.defensiveTarget.maxMilitary / 2);

            double defUtility        = 0;
            double defGreatestThreat = 0;

            if (voter.society.defensiveTarget != null)
                //Negative if we are stronger than the one we fear
                defUtility += (defStr - ourStr) / (ourStr + defStr) * voter.map.param.utility_militaryTargetRelStrengthDefensive;

                if (defUtility < -50)
                    defUtility = -50;

                if (greatestThreat != null)
                    if (greatestThreat.group != null && greatestThreat.group.currentMilitary > voter.society.currentMilitary)
                        defGreatestThreat = World.staticMap.param.utility_greatestThreatDelta;
                        defUtility       += defGreatestThreat;
                        if (option.index == 0)
                            msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Our greatest threat (" + greatestThreat.group.getName() + ") is stronger than us, we must defend", defGreatestThreat));
            double offUtility            = 0;
            double offUtilityStr         = 0;
            double offUtilityPersonality = 0;
            double offUtilityTerritory   = 0;
            double offUtilityInstab      = 0;
            double offGreatestThreat     = 0;

            if (voter.society.offensiveTarget != null)
                //Negative if the offensive target is stronger
                offUtilityStr += (ourStr - offStr) / (ourStr + offStr) * voter.map.param.utility_militaryTargetRelStrengthOffensive;
                if (voter.society.offensiveTarget is Society)
                    offUtilityStr = Math.Min(offUtilityStr, voter.map.param.utility_militaryTargetRelStrengthOffensive);//Capped to prevent insanity snowballing
                offUtilityPersonality += voter.getMilitarism() * voter.map.param.utility_militarism;

                //We want to expand into territory we already partially own
                bool hasOurTerritory = false;
                foreach (Location loc in voter.society.offensiveTarget.lastTurnLocs)
                    if (loc.province == voter.getLocation().province)
                        hasOurTerritory = true;
                if (hasOurTerritory)
                    offUtilityTerritory += society.map.param.utility_militaryTargetCompleteProvince * society.data_societalStability;

                if (offUtilityStr > 0 && society.offensiveTarget is Society)
                    //Counters expansion desire. Value always negative or zero
                    //u = off*stability
                    //u = off + (off*(stability-1))  (Because we are removing 1 from stability mult)
                    //If stab == 0 it's off - off
                    //If stab < 0 it's less than off
                    offUtilityInstab = offUtilityInstab * (society.data_societalStability - 1);

                if (greatestThreat != null)
                    if (greatestThreat.group != null && greatestThreat.group.currentMilitary < voter.society.currentMilitary)
                        offGreatestThreat += World.staticMap.param.utility_greatestThreatDelta;
                        if (option.index == 1)
                            msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Our greatest threat (" + greatestThreat.group.getName() + ") is weaker than us, we must attack", offGreatestThreat));
                offUtility += offGreatestThreat;
                offUtility += offUtilityStr;
                offUtility += offUtilityPersonality;
                offUtility += offUtilityTerritory;
                offUtility += offUtilityInstab;
            double introUtility          = 0;
            double introUtilityStability = 0;

            if (society.data_societalStability < 0.66)
                introUtilityStability = -(society.data_societalStability - 1);  //0 if stability is 1, increasing to 1 if civil war is imminent, to 2 if every single person is a traitor
            double introGreatestThreat = 0;

            if (greatestThreat != null)
                if (greatestThreat.form == ThreatItem.formTypes.AGENTS || greatestThreat.form == ThreatItem.formTypes.ENSHADOWED_NOBLES)
                    introGreatestThreat = World.staticMap.param.utility_greatestThreatDelta;
                    introUtility       += introGreatestThreat;
                    if (option.index == 2)
                        msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Our greatest threat (" + greatestThreat.getTitle() + ") requires internal security", introGreatestThreat));
            introUtilityStability *= voter.map.param.utility_introversionFromInstability;
            double introFromInnerThreat = voter.threat_enshadowedNobles.threat * voter.map.param.utility_introversionFromSuspicion;

            introUtility += introUtilityStability;
            introUtility += introFromInnerThreat;
            introUtility += 10;

            //Option 0 is DEFENSIVE
            //Option 1 is OFFENSIVE
            //Option 2 is INTROSPECTIVE
            if (voter.society.posture == Society.militaryPosture.defensive && option.index != 0)
                u -= defUtility;
                msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Switching away from defensive", -defUtility));
            if (voter.society.posture == Society.militaryPosture.offensive && option.index != 1)
                u -= offUtility;
                msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Switching away from offensive", -offUtility));
            if (voter.society.posture == Society.militaryPosture.introverted && option.index != 2)
                u -= introUtility;
                msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Switching away from introversion", -introUtility));

            if (option.index == 0)
                if (society.posture != Society.militaryPosture.defensive)
                    u += defUtility;
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Our relative strength against defensive target", defUtility));
                    if (voter.society.isDarkEmpire)
                        int value = (int)(-100 * voter.shadow);
                        u += value;
                        msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("We must expand the Dark Empire", value));
                    u += defUtility;
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Our relative strength against defensive target", defUtility));
                    if (voter.society.isDarkEmpire)
                        int value = (int)(-100 * voter.shadow);
                        u += value;
                        msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("We must expand the Dark Empire", value));
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("No need to change: It is our current stance", -u));
                    u = 0;
            if (option.index == 1)
                if (society.posture != Society.militaryPosture.offensive)
                    u += offUtility;
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Our relative strength against offensive target", offUtilityStr));
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Risk of instability from expansion", offUtilityInstab));
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Militarism personality", offUtilityPersonality));
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Desire for territory", offUtilityTerritory));
                    if (voter.society.isDarkEmpire)
                        int value = (int)(100 * voter.shadow);
                        u += value;
                        msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("We must expand the Dark Empire", value));
                    u += offUtility;
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Our relative strength against offensive target", offUtilityStr));
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Risk of instability from expansion", offUtilityInstab));
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Militarism personality", offUtilityPersonality));
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Desire for territory", offUtilityTerritory));
                    if (voter.society.isDarkEmpire)
                        int value = (int)(100 * voter.shadow);
                        u += value;
                        msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("We must expand the Dark Empire", value));
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("No need to change: It is our current stance", -u));
                    u = 0;
            if (option.index == 2)
                msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Default position", 10));
                if (society.posture != Society.militaryPosture.introverted)
                    u += introUtility;
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Instability internally", introUtilityStability));
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Suspicion of nobles' darkness", introFromInnerThreat));
                    if (voter.society.isDarkEmpire)
                        int value = (int)(-100 * voter.shadow);
                        u += value;
                        msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("We must expand the Dark Empire", value));
                    u += introUtility;
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Instability internally", introUtilityStability));
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Suspicion of nobles' darkness", introFromInnerThreat));
                    if (voter.society.isDarkEmpire)
                        int value = (int)(-100 * voter.shadow);
                        u += value;
                        msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("We must expand the Dark Empire", value));
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("No need to change: It is our current stance", -u));
                    u = 0;

コード例 #7
        public override double computeUtility(Person voter, VoteOption option, List <ReasonMsg> msgs)
            double u = option.getBaseUtility(voter);

            //double parityMult = 1;
            //if (option.index == 0) { parityMult = -1; }
            //return 100 * parityMult;

            //Option 0 is "Don't declare war"

            //1 if we're 100% of the balance, -1 if they are

            double ourStrength   = society.currentMilitary + (society.maxMilitary * 0.5);
            double theirStrength = target.currentMilitary + (target.maxMilitary * 0.5);

            if (ourStrength + theirStrength == 0)
                ourStrength += 0.001;
            double relativeStrength = (ourStrength - theirStrength) / (ourStrength + theirStrength + 1);
            double localU           = 0;

            double relMilU = society.map.param.utility_militaryTargetRelStrengthOffensive * relativeStrength;

            bool shouldExpand = true;
            int  nDukes       = 0;

            foreach (Title t in society.titles)
                if (t is Title_ProvinceRuler)
                    nDukes += 1;
            if (nDukes >= society.map.param.society_maxDukes)
                shouldExpand = false;

            bool hasOurTerritory = false;

            foreach (Location loc in target.lastTurnLocs)
                foreach (Location l2 in society.lastTurnLocs)
                    if (loc.province == l2.province)
                        hasOurTerritory = true;

            if (option.index == 0)
                if (ourStrength < 1)
                    localU = 1000;
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("We are too weak", localU));
                    u += localU;

                if (ourStrength * 2 < theirStrength)
                    localU = 1000;
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("We stand no chance", localU));
                    u += localU;

                if (relMilU < 0)
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Relative strength of current militaries", -relMilU));
                    u += relMilU;

                bool tinyComplete = target.lastTurnLocs.Count <= 3 && hasOurTerritory;//You can take over tiny nations to complete your provinces
                if (!tinyComplete && society.isDarkEmpire == false && shouldExpand == false && target is Society)
                    localU = society.map.param.utility_militaryOverexpansionHalt;
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("We have as much as we can control", localU));
                    u += localU;

                localU = voter.getMilitarism() * -100;
                msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Militarism of " + voter.getFullName(), localU));
                u += localU;
            else //Pro-war
                //We want to expand into territory we already partially own
                bool hasMyTerritory = false;
                foreach (Location loc in target.lastTurnLocs)
                    if (loc.province == voter.getLocation().province)
                        hasMyTerritory = true;
                if (hasMyTerritory)
                    localU = society.map.param.utility_militaryTargetCompleteProvince;
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Has territory from my province", localU));
                    u += localU;

                //We want to own more land. Invade weak neighbours
                if (shouldExpand && target is Society && target.currentMilitary * 1.5 < this.society.currentMilitary && target.getNeighbours().Contains(this.society))
                    //Society soc = (Society)target;
                    //if (this.society.getCapital() != null && soc.getCapital() != null)
                    //    if (soc.getCapital().hex.getHabilitability() > 0.5)
                    //    {
                    localU = society.map.param.utility_militaryTargetExpansion * Math.Max(0, voter.getMilitarism());
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Expand our holdings", localU));
                    u += localU;
                    //    }

                localU = voter.getMilitarism() * 100;
                msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Militarism of " + voter.getFullName(), localU));
                u += localU;

                foreach (ThreatItem threat in voter.threatEvaluations)
                    if (threat.group == target)
                        localU = threat.threat * society.map.param.utility_fromThreat;
                        msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Perceived Threat", localU));
                        u += localU;

             * if (relMilU > 0 && target is Society)
             * {
             *  //0 if stability is full, getting more negative as stability decreases
             *  double stabilityU = (this.society.data_societalStability-1);
             *  stabilityU = relMilU * stabilityU;//More negative the worse stability is, reaches the complement of relMilU when civil war is imminent
             *  msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Our societal stability concerns", stabilityU));
             *  u += stabilityU;
             * }

             * if (this.society.defensiveTarget != null && this.society.defensiveTarget != this.society.offensiveTarget)
             * {
             *  theirStrength = society.defensiveTarget.currentMilitary;
             *  //0 if we're 100% of the balance, -1 if they are
             *  relativeStrength = (((ourStrength - theirStrength) / (ourStrength + theirStrength))-1)/2;
             *  localU = society.map.param.utility_militaryTargetRelStrength * relativeStrength * parityMult;
             *  msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Defensive Target's Capabilities (risk of sneak attack)", localU));
             *  u += localU;
             * }

コード例 #8
        public void lashOut(Person p)
            if (Eleven.random.NextDouble() > p.map.param.insanity_lashOutProbability)

            int    c      = 0;
            Person victim = null;

            foreach (Person p2 in p.society.people)
                if (p2 == p)
                c += 1;
                if (Eleven.random.Next(c) == 0)
                    victim = p2;
            if (victim != null)
                victim.getRelation(p).addLiking(-30, "Lashed out in madess", p.map.turn);
                if (p.society.hasEnthralled())
                    p.map.addMessage(p.getFullName() + " lashes out against " + victim.getFullName() + " in madness", MsgEvent.LEVEL_DARK_GREEN, p.state != Person.personState.enthralled, p.getLocation().hex);
コード例 #9
        public void processAwareness()
            if (param.useAwareness != 1)
            if (awarenessReportings > 0)
                data_awarenessSum /= awarenessReportings;

            double targetAwareness = worldPanic;

            targetAwareness = Math.Pow(targetAwareness, 2);//Square it, such that it reaches 100% at 100%, but dawdles before then
            if (data_awarenessSum < targetAwareness)
                if (turn % 7 == 0)
                    int    c      = 0;
                    Person target = null;
                    foreach (Location loc in locations)
                        if (loc.soc is Society && loc.person() != null && loc.settlement != null && loc.settlement is Set_University && loc.person().state == Person.personState.normal)
                            if (loc.person().awareness < 1)
                                c += 1;
                                if (Eleven.random.Next(c) == 0)
                                    target = loc.person();
                    if (target != null)
                        target.awareness = 1;
                        addMessage(target.getFullName() + " has gained awareness, having studied the signs", MsgEvent.LEVEL_ORANGE, false, target.getLocation().hex);
                    double sumGain = 0;
                    foreach (Location loc in locations)
                        if (loc.person() != null && loc.person().state == Person.personState.normal && loc.person().awareness > 0)
                            foreach (Location l2 in loc.getNeighbours())
                                if (l2.person() != null && l2.person().state == Person.personState.normal && l2.person().awareness < loc.person().awareness)
                                    double maxGain = loc.person().awareness - l2.person().awareness;
                                    maxGain *= 1 - l2.person().shadow;
                                    double prev = l2.person().awareness;
                                    l2.person().nextTurnawareness = l2.person().awareness + (maxGain * Eleven.random.NextDouble());
                                    if (l2.person().nextTurnawareness > 1)
                                        l2.person().nextTurnawareness = 1;
                                    }                                                                            //Should be impossible, but best not risk it
                                    sumGain += l2.person().nextTurnawareness - prev;
                    if (sumGain > 0.9)
                        addMessage("Awareness of the dark grows", MsgEvent.LEVEL_ORANGE, false);
            data_awarenessSum   = 0;
            awarenessReportings = 0;
        public override double computeUtility(Person p, VoteOption option, List <ReasonMsg> msgs)
            double u = option.getBaseUtility(p);

            double concernLevel = p.threat_agents.threat;                   //curr 0 to 200

            concernLevel += (100 * p.awareness) + (100 * p.map.worldPanic); //0 to 400
            concernLevel /= 4;
            concernLevel  = Math.Min(concernLevel, (p.map.worldPanic * 100) + 20);

            concernLevel *= (1 - p.shadow);
            if (p.state == Person.personState.enthralled || p.state == Person.personState.broken)
                concernLevel = 0;

            //Define the range at which this manner of response is appropriate
            double responseLevelMin = 0;
            double responseLevelMax = 0;

            if (option.index == DEFEND_PROVINCE)
                responseLevelMin = 10;
                responseLevelMax = 40;

                int evidenceFound = 0;
                foreach (Evidence ev in foundEvidence)
                    if (ev.locationFound.province.index == option.province)
                        evidenceFound += 1;

                double localU = World.staticMap.param.utility_defendEvidenceProvince * evidenceFound * (1 - p.shadow);
                msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Amount of evidence found in " + society.map.provinces[option.province].name + " province", localU));
                u += localU;

                localU = 0;
                foreach (Person person in society.people)
                    if (person.getLocation() != null && person.getLocation().province.index == option.province)
                        localU += p.getRelation(person.index).getLiking() * World.staticMap.param.utility_agentDefendProvinceLikingMult;
                string add = "";
                msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Liking for nobles in province" + add, localU));
                u += localU;

                if (p.getLocation().province.index != option.province)
                    localU = p.getSelfInterest() * p.threat_agents.threat * World.staticMap.param.utility_selfInterestFromThreat;
                    if (localU != 0)
                        msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Does not help me personally", localU));
                        u += localU;
                    localU = -1 * p.getSelfInterest() * p.threat_agents.threat * World.staticMap.param.utility_selfInterestFromThreat;
                    if (localU != 0)
                        msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Helps me personally", localU));
                        u += localU;
            if (option.index == NATIONWIDE_SECURITY)
                responseLevelMin = 10;
                responseLevelMax = 40;

                double localU = World.staticMap.param.utility_evidenceResonseBaseline * (concernLevel / 100);
                msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Base Desirability", localU));
                u += localU;

                localU = p.getSelfInterest() * p.threat_agents.threat * World.staticMap.param.utility_selfInterestFromThreat / 2;
                if (localU != 0)
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Doesn't maximise my provinces' defences", localU));
                    u += localU;
            if (option.index == NO_RESPONSE)
                responseLevelMin = 0;
                responseLevelMax = 10;

                if (p.getGreatestThreat() != null && p.getGreatestThreat() != p.threat_agents)
                    double localU = World.staticMap.param.utility_greatestThreatDelta * 0.5;
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Not our greatest threat", localU));
                    u += localU;
                    double localU = -World.staticMap.param.utility_greatestThreatDelta;
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Dark Agents are our greatest threat", localU));
                    u += localU;

            if (option.index == EXPELL_ALL_FOREIGN_AGENTS)
                responseLevelMin = 75;
                responseLevelMax = 100;

                double n = 0;
                foreach (Unit unit in society.map.units)
                    if (unit.society == society)
                    if (society.enemies.Contains(unit) == false)
                        n += 1;
                if (n > 0)
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("So many potential enemies!", concernLevel));
                    u += concernLevel;
            if (option.index == LOCKDOWN_PROVINCE)
                responseLevelMin = 40;
                responseLevelMax = 100;

                int evidenceFound = 0;
                foreach (Evidence ev in foundEvidence)
                    if (ev.locationFound.province.index == option.province)
                        evidenceFound += 1;

                double localU = World.staticMap.param.utility_defendEvidenceProvince * evidenceFound * (1 - p.shadow);
                msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Amount of evidence found in " + society.map.provinces[option.province].name + " province", localU));
                u += localU;

                localU = 0;
                foreach (Person person in society.people)
                    if (person.getLocation() != null && person.getLocation().province.index == option.province)
                        localU += p.getRelation(person.index).getLiking() * World.staticMap.param.utility_agentDefendProvinceLikingMult;
                string add = "" + (int)(localU);
                msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Liking for nobles in province" + add, localU));
                u += localU;

                if (p.getLocation().province.index != option.province)
                    localU = p.getSelfInterest() * p.threat_agents.threat * World.staticMap.param.utility_selfInterestFromThreat;
                    if (localU != 0)
                        msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Does not help me personally", localU));
                        u += localU;
                    localU = -1 * p.getSelfInterest() * p.threat_agents.threat * World.staticMap.param.utility_selfInterestFromThreat;
                    if (localU != 0)
                        msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Helps me personally", localU));
                        u += localU;
            if (option.index == AGENT_TO_INVESTIGATOR)
                responseLevelMin = 0;
                responseLevelMax = 100;
                Unit_Investigator inv = (Unit_Investigator)option.unit;

                double localU = Unit_Investigator.getSwitchUtility(p, (Unit_Investigator)option.unit, Unit_Investigator.unitState.investigator);
                localU *= p.map.param.utility_swapAgentRolesMult;
                msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Balance of agent skills vs balance of threats", localU));
                u += localU;
                bool hasSuspicions = false;
                foreach (RelObj rel in inv.person.relations.Values)
                    if (inv.location.map.persons[rel.them] == null)
                    if (rel.suspicion > 0 && inv.location.map.persons[rel.them].unit != null && inv.location.map.units.Contains(inv.location.map.persons[rel.them].unit))
                        hasSuspicions = true;
                if (hasSuspicions)
                    localU = 12;
                    msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Has a suspect", localU));
                    u += localU;
            if (option.index == AGENT_TO_BASIC)
                responseLevelMin = 0;
                responseLevelMax = 100;

                double localU = Unit_Investigator.getSwitchUtility(p, (Unit_Investigator)option.unit, Unit_Investigator.unitState.basic);
                localU *= p.map.param.utility_swapAgentRolesMult;
                msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Balance of agent skills vs balance of threats", localU));
                u += localU;

            if (concernLevel > responseLevelMax)
                double delta = responseLevelMax - concernLevel;
                delta *= society.map.param.utility_extremeismScaling;
                double localU = delta;
                msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Too weak response for current concern level (" + (int)(concernLevel) + "%)", localU));
                u += localU;
            if (concernLevel < responseLevelMin)
                double delta = concernLevel - responseLevelMin;
                delta *= society.map.param.utility_extremeismScaling;
                double localU = delta;
                msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Too extreme for current concern level (" + (int)(concernLevel) + "%)", localU));
                u += localU;
コード例 #11
 public override void castInner(Map map, Person person)
     cast(map, person.getLocation().hex);