static void GetSceneMeshes (Bounds bounds, List<string> tagMask, LayerMask layerMask, List<ExtraMesh> meshes) { if ( (tagMask != null && tagMask.Count > 0) || layerMask != 0 ) { var filters = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(MeshFilter)) as MeshFilter[]; var filteredFilters = new List<MeshFilter> (filters.Length/3); for (int i=0;i<filters.Length;i++) { MeshFilter filter = filters[i]; Renderer rend = filter.GetComponent<Renderer>(); if (rend != null && filter.sharedMesh != null && rend.enabled && (((1 << filter.gameObject.layer) & layerMask) != 0 || tagMask.Contains (filter.tag))) { if (filter.GetComponent<RecastMeshObj>() == null) { filteredFilters.Add (filter); } } } var cachedVertices = new Dictionary<Mesh, Vector3[]>(); var cachedTris = new Dictionary<Mesh, int[]>(); bool containedStatic = false; for (int i=0;i<filteredFilters.Count;i++) { MeshFilter filter = filteredFilters[i]; // Note, guaranteed to have a renderer Renderer rend = filter.GetComponent<Renderer>(); //Workaround for statically batched meshes if (rend.isPartOfStaticBatch) { containedStatic = true; } else { //Only include it if it intersects with the graph if (rend.bounds.Intersects (bounds)) { Mesh mesh = filter.sharedMesh; var smesh = new ExtraMesh(); smesh.matrix = rend.localToWorldMatrix; smesh.original = filter; if (cachedVertices.ContainsKey (mesh)) { smesh.vertices = cachedVertices[mesh]; smesh.triangles = cachedTris[mesh]; } else { smesh.vertices = mesh.vertices; smesh.triangles = mesh.triangles; cachedVertices[mesh] = smesh.vertices; cachedTris[mesh] = smesh.triangles; } smesh.bounds = rend.bounds; meshes.Add (smesh); } } if (containedStatic) Debug.LogWarning ("Some meshes were statically batched. These meshes can not be used for navmesh calculation" + " due to technical constraints.\nDuring runtime scripts cannot access the data of meshes which have been statically batched.\n" + "One way to solve this problem is to use cached startup (Save & Load tab in the inspector) to only calculate the graph when the game is not playing."); } #if ASTARDEBUG int y = 0; foreach (ExtraMesh smesh in meshes) { y++; Vector3[] vecs = smesh.vertices; int[] tris = smesh.triangles; for (int i=0;i<tris.Length;i+=3) { Vector3 p1 = smesh.matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(vecs[tris[i+0]]); Vector3 p2 = smesh.matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(vecs[tris[i+1]]); Vector3 p3 = smesh.matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(vecs[tris[i+2]]); Debug.DrawLine (p1,p2,,1); Debug.DrawLine (p2,p3,,1); Debug.DrawLine (p3,p1,,1); } } #endif } }
/** Rasterizes a collider to a mesh assuming it's vertices should be multiplied with the matrix. * Note that the bounds of the returned ExtraMesh is based on collider.bounds. So you might want to * call myExtraMesh.RecalculateBounds on the returned mesh to recalculate it if the collider.bounds would * not give the correct value. * */ ExtraMesh RasterizeCollider (Collider col, Matrix4x4 localToWorldMatrix) { if (col is BoxCollider) { var collider = col as BoxCollider; Matrix4x4 matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS (, Quaternion.identity, collider.size*0.5f); matrix = localToWorldMatrix * matrix; Bounds b = collider.bounds; var m = new ExtraMesh(BoxColliderVerts,BoxColliderTris, b, matrix); #if ASTARDEBUG Vector3[] verts = BoxColliderVerts; int[] tris = BoxColliderTris; for (int i=0;i<tris.Length;i+=3) { Debug.DrawLine (matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(verts[tris[i]]),matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(verts[tris[i+1]]), Color.yellow); Debug.DrawLine (matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(verts[tris[i+2]]),matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(verts[tris[i+1]]), Color.yellow); Debug.DrawLine (matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(verts[tris[i]]),matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(verts[tris[i+2]]), Color.yellow); //Normal debug /*Vector3 va = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(verts[tris[i]]); Vector3 vb = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(verts[tris[i+1]]); Vector3 vc = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(verts[tris[i+2]]); Debug.DrawRay ((va+vb+vc)/3, Vector3.Cross(vb-va,vc-va).normalized,;*/ } #endif return m; } else if (col is SphereCollider || col is CapsuleCollider) { var scollider = col as SphereCollider; var ccollider = col as CapsuleCollider; float radius = (scollider != null ? scollider.radius : ccollider.radius); float height = scollider != null ? 0 : (ccollider.height*0.5f/radius) - 1; Matrix4x4 matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS (scollider != null ? :, Quaternion.identity,*radius); matrix = localToWorldMatrix * matrix; //Calculate the number of rows to use //grows as sqrt(x) to the radius of the sphere/capsule which I have found works quite good int rows = Mathf.Max (4,Mathf.RoundToInt(colliderRasterizeDetail*Mathf.Sqrt(matrix.MultiplyVector(; if (rows > 100) { Debug.LogWarning ("Very large detail for some collider meshes. Consider decreasing Collider Rasterize Detail (RecastGraph)"); } int cols = rows; Vector3[] verts; int[] trisArr; //Check if we have already calculated a similar capsule CapsuleCache cached = null; for (int i=0;i<capsuleCache.Count;i++) { CapsuleCache c = capsuleCache[i]; if (c.rows == rows && Mathf.Approximately (c.height, height)) { cached = c; } } if (cached == null) { //Generate a sphere/capsule mesh verts = new Vector3[(rows)*cols + 2]; var tris = new List<int>(); verts[verts.Length-1] = Vector3.up; for (int r=0;r<rows;r++) { for (int c=0;c<cols;c++) { verts[c + r*cols] = new Vector3 (Mathf.Cos (c*Mathf.PI*2/cols)*Mathf.Sin ((r*Mathf.PI/(rows-1))), Mathf.Cos ((r*Mathf.PI/(rows-1))) + (r < rows/2 ? height : -height) , Mathf.Sin (c*Mathf.PI*2/cols)*Mathf.Sin ((r*Mathf.PI/(rows-1)))); } } verts[verts.Length-2] = Vector3.down; for (int i=0, j = cols-1;i<cols; j = i++) { tris.Add (verts.Length-1); tris.Add (0*cols + j); tris.Add (0*cols + i); } for (int r=1;r<rows;r++) { for (int i=0, j = cols-1;i<cols; j = i++) { tris.Add (r*cols + i); tris.Add (r*cols + j); tris.Add ((r-1)*cols + i); tris.Add ((r-1)*cols + j); tris.Add ((r-1)*cols + i); tris.Add (r*cols + j); } } for (int i=0, j = cols-1;i<cols; j = i++) { tris.Add (verts.Length-2); tris.Add ((rows-1)*cols + j); tris.Add ((rows-1)*cols + i); } //Enqueue calculated mesh to the cache cached = new CapsuleCache (); cached.rows = rows; cached.height = height; cached.verts = verts; cached.tris = tris.ToArray(); capsuleCache.Add (cached); } //Read from cache verts = cached.verts; trisArr = cached.tris; Bounds b = col.bounds; var m = new ExtraMesh(verts,trisArr, b, matrix); #if ASTARDEBUG for (int i=0;i<trisArr.Length;i+=3) { Debug.DrawLine (matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(verts[trisArr[i]]),matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(verts[trisArr[i+1]]), Color.yellow); Debug.DrawLine (matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(verts[trisArr[i+2]]),matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(verts[trisArr[i+1]]), Color.yellow); Debug.DrawLine (matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(verts[trisArr[i]]),matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(verts[trisArr[i+2]]), Color.yellow); } #endif return m; } else if (col is MeshCollider) { var collider = col as MeshCollider; if ( collider.sharedMesh != null ) { var m = new ExtraMesh(collider.sharedMesh.vertices, collider.sharedMesh.triangles, collider.bounds, localToWorldMatrix); return m; } } return new ExtraMesh(); }
/** Find all relevant RecastMeshObj components and create ExtraMeshes for them */ public void GetRecastMeshObjs (Bounds bounds, List<ExtraMesh> buffer) { List<RecastMeshObj> buffer2 = ListPool<RecastMeshObj>.Claim (); // Get all recast mesh objects inside the bounds RecastMeshObj.GetAllInBounds (buffer2, bounds); var cachedVertices = new Dictionary<Mesh, Vector3[]>(); var cachedTris = new Dictionary<Mesh, int[]>(); // Create an ExtraMesh object // for each RecastMeshObj for (int i=0;i<buffer2.Count;i++) { MeshFilter filter = buffer2[i].GetMeshFilter(); Renderer rend = filter != null ? filter.GetComponent<Renderer>() : null; if (filter != null && rend != null) { Mesh mesh = filter.sharedMesh; var smesh = new ExtraMesh(); smesh.matrix = rend.localToWorldMatrix; smesh.original = filter; smesh.area = buffer2[i].area; // Don't read the vertices and triangles from the // mesh if we have seen the same mesh previously if (cachedVertices.ContainsKey (mesh)) { smesh.vertices = cachedVertices[mesh]; smesh.triangles = cachedTris[mesh]; } else { smesh.vertices = mesh.vertices; smesh.triangles = mesh.triangles; cachedVertices[mesh] = smesh.vertices; cachedTris[mesh] = smesh.triangles; } smesh.bounds = rend.bounds; buffer.Add (smesh); } else { Collider coll = buffer2[i].GetCollider(); if (coll == null) { Debug.LogError ("RecastMeshObject ("+buffer2[i] +") didn't have a collider or MeshFilter+Renderer attached"); continue; } ExtraMesh smesh = RasterizeCollider (coll); smesh.area = buffer2[i].area; //Make sure a valid ExtraMesh was returned if (smesh.vertices != null) buffer.Add(smesh); } } //Clear cache to avoid memory leak capsuleCache.Clear(); ListPool<RecastMeshObj>.Release (buffer2); }
void CollectTreeMeshes (Terrain terrain, List<ExtraMesh> extraMeshes) { TerrainData data = terrain.terrainData; for (int i=0;i<data.treeInstances.Length;i++) { TreeInstance instance = data.treeInstances[i]; TreePrototype prot = data.treePrototypes[instance.prototypeIndex]; // Make sure that the tree prefab exists if (prot.prefab == null) { continue; } var collider = prot.prefab.GetComponent<Collider>(); if (collider == null) { var b = new Bounds(terrain.transform.position + Vector3.Scale(instance.position,data.size), new Vector3(instance.widthScale,instance.heightScale,instance.widthScale)); Matrix4x4 matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS (terrain.transform.position + Vector3.Scale(instance.position,data.size), Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(instance.widthScale,instance.heightScale,instance.widthScale)*0.5f); var m = new ExtraMesh(BoxColliderVerts,BoxColliderTris, b, matrix); #if ASTARDEBUG Debug.DrawRay (instance.position, Vector3.up,,1); #endif extraMeshes.Add (m); } else { //The prefab has a collider, use that instead Vector3 pos = terrain.transform.position + Vector3.Scale(instance.position,data.size); var scale = new Vector3(instance.widthScale,instance.heightScale,instance.widthScale); //Generate a mesh from the collider ExtraMesh m = RasterizeCollider (collider,Matrix4x4.TRS (pos,Quaternion.identity,scale)); //Make sure a valid mesh was generated if (m.vertices != null) { #if ASTARDEBUG Debug.DrawRay (pos, Vector3.up, Color.yellow,1); #endif //The bounds are incorrectly based on collider.bounds m.RecalculateBounds (); extraMeshes.Add (m); } } } }