コード例 #1
ファイル: RichPath.cs プロジェクト: luukholleman/Airchitect
		/** Split funnel at node index \a splitIndex and throw the nodes up to that point away and replace with \a prefix.
		  * Used when the AI has happened to get sidetracked and entered a node outside the funnel.
		public void UpdateFunnelCorridor (int splitIndex, TriangleMeshNode prefix) {

			if (splitIndex > 0) {
				//This is a node which should be removed, we replace it with the prefix
				nodes[0] = prefix;
			} else {


			for (int i=0;i<nodes.Count-1;i++) {
				//NOTE should use return value in future versions
				nodes[i].GetPortal (nodes[i+1],left,right,false);

コード例 #2
		/** Returns the closest point of the node */
		public Vector3 ClosestPointOnNode (TriangleMeshNode node, Vector3 pos) {
			return Polygon.ClosestPointOnTriangle ((Vector3)GetVertex(node.v0),(Vector3)GetVertex(node.v1),(Vector3)GetVertex(node.v2),pos);
コード例 #3
		/** Returns if the point is inside the node in XZ space */
		public bool ContainsPoint (TriangleMeshNode node, Vector3 pos) {
			if (	Polygon.IsClockwise ((Vector3)GetVertex(node.v0),(Vector3)GetVertex(node.v1), pos)
			    && 	Polygon.IsClockwise ((Vector3)GetVertex(node.v1),(Vector3)GetVertex(node.v2), pos)
			    && 	Polygon.IsClockwise ((Vector3)GetVertex(node.v2),(Vector3)GetVertex(node.v0), pos)) {
				return true;
			return false;
コード例 #4
		public void ReplaceTile (int x, int z, int w, int d, Int3[] verts, int[] tris, bool worldSpace) {

			if(x + w > tileXCount || z+d > tileZCount || x < 0 || z < 0) {
				throw new System.ArgumentException ("Tile is placed at an out of bounds position or extends out of the graph bounds ("+x+", " + z + " [" + w + ", " + d+ "] " + tileXCount + " " + tileZCount + ")");

			if (w < 1 || d < 1) throw new System.ArgumentException ("width and depth must be greater or equal to 1. Was " + w + ", " + d);

			//Remove previous tiles
			for (int cz=z; cz < z+d;cz++) {
				for (int cx=x; cx < x+w;cx++) {

					NavmeshTile otile = tiles[cx + cz*tileXCount];
					if (otile == null) continue;

					//Remove old tile connections
					RemoveConnectionsFromTile (otile);

					for (int i=0;i<otile.nodes.Length;i++) {

					for (int qz=otile.z; qz < otile.z+otile.d;qz++) {
						for (int qx=otile.x; qx < otile.x+otile.w;qx++) {
							NavmeshTile qtile = tiles[qx + qz*tileXCount];
							if (qtile == null || qtile != otile) throw new System.Exception("This should not happen");

							if (qz < z || qz >= z+d || qx < x || qx >= x+w) {
								//if out of this tile's bounds, replace with empty tile
								tiles[qx + qz*tileXCount] = NewEmptyTile(qx,qz);

								if (batchTileUpdate) {
									batchUpdatedTiles.Add (qx + qz*tileXCount);
							} else {
								//Will be replaced by the new tile
								tiles[qx + qz*tileXCount] = null;

			//Create a new navmesh tile and assign its settings
			var tile = new NavmeshTile();

			tile.x = x;
			tile.z = z;
			tile.w = w;
			tile.d = d;
			tile.tris = tris;
			tile.verts = verts;
			tile.bbTree = new BBTree();

			if (tile.tris.Length % 3 != 0) throw new System.ArgumentException ("Triangle array's length must be a multiple of 3 (tris)");

			if (tile.verts.Length > 0xFFFF) throw new System.ArgumentException ("Too many vertices per tile (more than 65535)");

			if (!worldSpace) {
				if (!Mathf.Approximately (x*tileSizeX*cellSize*Int3.FloatPrecision, (float)Math.Round(x*tileSizeX*cellSize*Int3.FloatPrecision))) Debug.LogWarning ("Possible numerical imprecision. Consider adjusting tileSize and/or cellSize");
				if (!Mathf.Approximately (z*tileSizeZ*cellSize*Int3.FloatPrecision, (float)Math.Round(z*tileSizeZ*cellSize*Int3.FloatPrecision))) Debug.LogWarning ("Possible numerical imprecision. Consider adjusting tileSize and/or cellSize");

				var offset = (Int3)(new Vector3((x * tileSizeX * cellSize),0,(z * tileSizeZ * cellSize)) + forcedBounds.min);

				for (int i=0;i<verts.Length;i++) {
					verts[i] += offset;


			var nodes = new TriangleMeshNode[tile.tris.Length/3];
			tile.nodes = nodes;

			//Here we are faking a new graph
			//The tile is not added to any graphs yet, but to get the position querys from the nodes
			//to work correctly (not throw exceptions because the tile is not calculated) we fake a new graph
			//and direct the position queries directly to the tile
			int graphIndex = AstarPath.active.astarData.graphs.Length;

			TriangleMeshNode.SetNavmeshHolder (graphIndex, tile);

			//This index will be ORed to the triangle indices
			int tileIndex = x + z*tileXCount;
			tileIndex <<= TileIndexOffset;

			//Create nodes and assign triangle indices
			for (int i=0;i<nodes.Length;i++) {
				var node = new TriangleMeshNode(active);
				nodes[i] = node;
				node.GraphIndex = (uint)graphIndex;
				node.v0 = tile.tris[i*3+0] | tileIndex;
				node.v1 = tile.tris[i*3+1] | tileIndex;
				node.v2 = tile.tris[i*3+2] | tileIndex;

				//Degenerate triangles might occur, but they will not cause any large troubles anymore
				//if (Polygon.IsColinear (node.GetVertex(0), node.GetVertex(1), node.GetVertex(2))) {
				//	Debug.Log ("COLINEAR!!!!!!");

				//Make sure the triangle is clockwise
				if (!Polygon.IsClockwise (node.GetVertex(0), node.GetVertex(1), node.GetVertex(2))) {
					int tmp = node.v0;
					node.v0 = node.v2;
					node.v2 = tmp;

				node.Walkable = true;
				node.Penalty = initialPenalty;


			CreateNodeConnections (tile.nodes);

			//Set tile
			for (int cz=z; cz < z+d;cz++) {
				for (int cx=x; cx < x+w;cx++) {
					tiles[cx + cz*tileXCount] = tile;

			if (batchTileUpdate) {
				batchUpdatedTiles.Add (x + z*tileXCount);
			} else {
				/*if (x > 0) ConnectTiles (tiles[(x-1) + z*tileXCount], tile);
				if (z > 0) ConnectTiles (tiles[x + (z-1)*tileXCount], tile);
				if (x < tileXCount-1) ConnectTiles (tiles[(x+1) + z*tileXCount], tile);
				if (z < tileZCount-1) ConnectTiles (tiles[x + (z+1)*tileXCount], tile);*/

			//Remove the fake graph
			TriangleMeshNode.SetNavmeshHolder (graphIndex, null);

			//Real graph index
			//TODO, could this step be changed for this function, is a fake index required?
			graphIndex = AstarPath.active.astarData.GetGraphIndex (this);

			for (int i=0;i<nodes.Length;i++) nodes[i].GraphIndex = (uint)graphIndex;

コード例 #5
		public override void DeserializeExtraInfo (GraphSerializationContext ctx) {
			//NavMeshGraph.DeserializeMeshNodes (this,nodes,bytes);

			BinaryReader reader = ctx.reader;

			tileXCount = reader.ReadInt32();

			if (tileXCount < 0) return;

			tileZCount = reader.ReadInt32();

			tiles = new NavmeshTile[tileXCount * tileZCount];

			//Make sure mesh nodes can reference this graph
			TriangleMeshNode.SetNavmeshHolder (ctx.graphIndex, this);

			for (int z=0;z<tileZCount;z++) {
				for (int x=0;x<tileXCount;x++) {

					int tileIndex = x + z*tileXCount;
					int tx = reader.ReadInt32();
					if (tx < 0) throw new System.Exception ("Invalid tile coordinates (x < 0)");

					int tz = reader.ReadInt32();
					if (tz < 0) throw new System.Exception ("Invalid tile coordinates (z < 0)");

					// This is not the origin of a large tile. Refer back to that tile.
					if (tx != x || tz != z) {
						tiles[tileIndex] = tiles[tz*tileXCount + tx];

					var tile = new NavmeshTile ();

					tile.x = tx;
					tile.z = tz;
					tile.w = reader.ReadInt32();
					tile.d = reader.ReadInt32();
					tile.bbTree = new BBTree ();

					tiles[tileIndex] = tile;

					int trisCount = reader.ReadInt32 ();

					if (trisCount % 3 != 0) throw new System.Exception ("Corrupt data. Triangle indices count must be divisable by 3. Got " + trisCount);

					tile.tris = new int[trisCount];
					for (int i=0;i<tile.tris.Length;i++) tile.tris[i] = reader.ReadInt32();

					tile.verts = new Int3[reader.ReadInt32()];
					for (int i=0;i<tile.verts.Length;i++) {
						tile.verts[i] = new Int3 (reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadInt32());

					int nodeCount = reader.ReadInt32();
					tile.nodes = new TriangleMeshNode[nodeCount];

					//Prepare for storing in vertex indices
					tileIndex <<= TileIndexOffset;

					for (int i=0;i<tile.nodes.Length;i++) {
						var node = new TriangleMeshNode (active);
						tile.nodes[i] = node;

						node.DeserializeNode (ctx);

						node.v0 = tile.tris[i*3+0] | tileIndex;
						node.v1 = tile.tris[i*3+1] | tileIndex;
						node.v2 = tile.tris[i*3+2] | tileIndex;

コード例 #6
		/** Create a tile at tile index \a x , \a z from the mesh.
		 * \warning This implementation is not thread safe. It uses cached variables to improve performance
		NavmeshTile CreateTile (Voxelize vox, VoxelMesh mesh, int x, int z) {

			if (mesh.tris == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException ("mesh.tris");
			if (mesh.verts == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException ("mesh.verts");

			//Create a new navmesh tile and assign its settings
			var tile = new NavmeshTile();

			tile.x = x;
			tile.z = z;
			tile.w = 1;
			tile.d = 1;
			tile.tris = mesh.tris;
			tile.verts = mesh.verts;
			tile.bbTree = new BBTree();

			if (tile.tris.Length % 3 != 0) throw new System.ArgumentException ("Indices array's length must be a multiple of 3 (mesh.tris)");

			if (tile.verts.Length >= VertexIndexMask) throw new System.ArgumentException ("Too many vertices per tile (more than "+VertexIndexMask+")." +
				"\nTry enabling ASTAR_RECAST_LARGER_TILES under the 'Optimizations' tab in the A* Inspector");

			//Dictionary<Int3, int> firstVerts = new Dictionary<Int3, int> ();
			Dictionary<Int3, int> firstVerts = cachedInt3_int_dict;

			var compressedPointers = new int[tile.verts.Length];

			int count = 0;
			for (int i=0;i<tile.verts.Length;i++) {
				if (!firstVerts.ContainsKey(tile.verts[i])) {
					firstVerts.Add (tile.verts[i], count);
					compressedPointers[i] = count;
					tile.verts[count] = tile.verts[i];
				} else {
					// There are some cases, rare but still there, that vertices are identical
					compressedPointers[i] = firstVerts[tile.verts[i]];

			for (int i=0;i<tile.tris.Length;i++) {
				tile.tris[i] = compressedPointers[tile.tris[i]];

			var compressed = new Int3[count];
			for (int i=0;i<count;i++) compressed[i] = tile.verts[i];

			tile.verts = compressed;

			var nodes = new TriangleMeshNode[tile.tris.Length/3];
			tile.nodes = nodes;

			//Here we are faking a new graph
			//The tile is not added to any graphs yet, but to get the position querys from the nodes
			//to work correctly (not throw exceptions because the tile is not calculated) we fake a new graph
			//and direct the position queries directly to the tile
			int graphIndex = AstarPath.active.astarData.graphs.Length;

			TriangleMeshNode.SetNavmeshHolder (graphIndex, tile);

			//This index will be ORed to the triangle indices
			int tileIndex = x + z*tileXCount;
			tileIndex <<= TileIndexOffset;

			//Create nodes and assign triangle indices
			for (int i=0;i<nodes.Length;i++) {
				var node = new TriangleMeshNode(active);
				nodes[i] = node;
				node.GraphIndex = (uint)graphIndex;
				node.v0 = tile.tris[i*3+0] | tileIndex;
				node.v1 = tile.tris[i*3+1] | tileIndex;
				node.v2 = tile.tris[i*3+2] | tileIndex;

				//Degenerate triangles might occur, but they will not cause any large troubles anymore
				//if (Polygon.IsColinear (node.GetVertex(0), node.GetVertex(1), node.GetVertex(2))) {
				//	Debug.Log ("COLINEAR!!!!!!");

				//Make sure the triangle is clockwise
				if (!Polygon.IsClockwise (node.GetVertex(0), node.GetVertex(1), node.GetVertex(2))) {
					int tmp = node.v0;
					node.v0 = node.v2;
					node.v2 = tmp;

				node.Walkable = true;
				node.Penalty = initialPenalty;

			CreateNodeConnections (tile.nodes);

			//Remove the fake graph
			TriangleMeshNode.SetNavmeshHolder (graphIndex, null);

			return tile;
コード例 #7
		/** Create connections between all nodes.
		 * \warning This implementation is not thread safe. It uses cached variables to improve performance
		void CreateNodeConnections (TriangleMeshNode[] nodes) {

			List<MeshNode> connections = ListPool<MeshNode>.Claim (); //new List<MeshNode>();
			List<uint> connectionCosts = ListPool<uint>.Claim (); //new List<uint>();

			Dictionary<Int2,int> nodeRefs = cachedInt2_int_dict;

			// Build node neighbours
			for (int i=0;i<nodes.Length;i++) {

				TriangleMeshNode node = nodes[i];

				int av = node.GetVertexCount ();

				for (int a=0;a<av;a++) {

					// Recast can in some very special cases generate degenerate triangles which are simply lines
					// In that case, duplicate keys might be added and thus an exception will be thrown
					// It is safe to ignore the second edge though... I think (only found one case where this happens)
					var key = new Int2 (node.GetVertexIndex(a), node.GetVertexIndex ((a+1) % av));
					if (!nodeRefs.ContainsKey(key)) {
						nodeRefs.Add (key, i);

			for (int i=0;i<nodes.Length;i++) {

				TriangleMeshNode node = nodes[i];

				connections.Clear ();
				connectionCosts.Clear ();

				int av = node.GetVertexCount ();

				for (int a=0;a<av;a++) {
					int first = node.GetVertexIndex(a);
					int second = node.GetVertexIndex((a+1) % av);
					int connNode;

					if (nodeRefs.TryGetValue (new Int2 (second, first), out connNode)) {
						TriangleMeshNode other = nodes[connNode];

						int bv = other.GetVertexCount ();

						for (int b=0;b<bv;b++) {
							/** \todo This will fail on edges which are only partially shared */
							if (other.GetVertexIndex (b) == second && other.GetVertexIndex ((b+1) % bv) == first) {
								uint cost = (uint)(node.position - other.position).costMagnitude;
								connections.Add (other);
								connectionCosts.Add (cost);

				node.connections = connections.ToArray ();
				node.connectionCosts = connectionCosts.ToArray ();

			ListPool<MeshNode>.Release (connections);
			ListPool<uint>.Release (connectionCosts);
コード例 #8
		public override void DeserializeExtraInfo (GraphSerializationContext ctx) {

			uint graphIndex = (uint)ctx.graphIndex;
			TriangleMeshNode.SetNavmeshHolder ((int)graphIndex,this);

			int nodeCount = ctx.reader.ReadInt32();
			int vertexCount = ctx.reader.ReadInt32();

			if (nodeCount == -1) {
				nodes = new TriangleMeshNode[0];
				_vertices = new Int3[0];
				originalVertices = new Vector3[0];

			nodes = new TriangleMeshNode[nodeCount];
			_vertices = new Int3[vertexCount];
			originalVertices = new Vector3[vertexCount];

			for (int i=0;i<vertexCount;i++) {
				_vertices[i] = new Int3(ctx.reader.ReadInt32(), ctx.reader.ReadInt32(), ctx.reader.ReadInt32());
				originalVertices[i] = new Vector3(ctx.reader.ReadSingle(), ctx.reader.ReadSingle(), ctx.reader.ReadSingle());

			bbTree = new BBTree();

			for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount;i++) {
				nodes[i] = new TriangleMeshNode(active);
				TriangleMeshNode node = nodes[i];

			bbTree.RebuildFrom (nodes);
コード例 #9
		/** Generates a navmesh. Based on the supplied vertices and triangles */
		void GenerateNodes (Vector3[] vectorVertices, int[] triangles, out Vector3[] originalVertices, out Int3[] vertices) {

			Profiler.BeginSample ("Init");

			if (vectorVertices.Length == 0 || triangles.Length == 0) {
				originalVertices = vectorVertices;
				vertices = new Int3[0];
				nodes = new TriangleMeshNode[0];

			vertices = new Int3[vectorVertices.Length];

			int c = 0;

			for (int i=0;i<vertices.Length;i++) {
				vertices[i] = (Int3)matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (vectorVertices[i]);

			var hashedVerts = new Dictionary<Int3,int> ();

			var newVertices = new int[vertices.Length];

			Profiler.EndSample ();
			Profiler.BeginSample ("Hashing");

			for (int i=0;i<vertices.Length;i++) {
				if (!hashedVerts.ContainsKey (vertices[i])) {
					newVertices[c] = i;
					hashedVerts.Add (vertices[i], c);

			for (int x=0;x<triangles.Length;x++) {
				Int3 vertex = vertices[triangles[x]];

				triangles[x] = hashedVerts[vertex];

			Int3[] totalIntVertices = vertices;
			vertices = new Int3[c];
			originalVertices = new Vector3[c];
			for (int i=0;i<c;i++) {

				vertices[i] = totalIntVertices[newVertices[i]];
				originalVertices[i] = vectorVertices[newVertices[i]];

			Profiler.EndSample ();
			Profiler.BeginSample ("Constructing Nodes");

			nodes = new TriangleMeshNode[triangles.Length/3];

			int graphIndex = active.astarData.GetGraphIndex(this);

			// Does not have to set this, it is set in ScanInternal
			//TriangleMeshNode.SetNavmeshHolder ((int)graphIndex,this);

			for (int i=0;i<nodes.Length;i++) {

				nodes[i] = new TriangleMeshNode(active);
				TriangleMeshNode node = nodes[i];//new MeshNode ();

				node.GraphIndex = (uint)graphIndex;
				node.Penalty = initialPenalty;
				node.Walkable = true;

				node.v0 = triangles[i*3];
				node.v1 = triangles[i*3+1];
				node.v2 = triangles[i*3+2];

				if (!Polygon.IsClockwise (vertices[node.v0],vertices[node.v1],vertices[node.v2])) {
					//Debug.DrawLine (vertices[node.v0],vertices[node.v1],Color.red);
					//Debug.DrawLine (vertices[node.v1],vertices[node.v2],Color.red);
					//Debug.DrawLine (vertices[node.v2],vertices[node.v0],Color.red);

					int tmp = node.v0;
					node.v0 = node.v2;
					node.v2 = tmp;

				if (Polygon.IsColinear (vertices[node.v0],vertices[node.v1],vertices[node.v2])) {
					Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vertices[node.v0],(Vector3)vertices[node.v1],Color.red);
					Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vertices[node.v1],(Vector3)vertices[node.v2],Color.red);
					Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vertices[node.v2],(Vector3)vertices[node.v0],Color.red);

				// Make sure position is correctly set

			Profiler.EndSample ();

			var sides = new Dictionary<Int2, TriangleMeshNode>();

			for (int i=0, j=0;i<triangles.Length; j+=1, i+=3) {
				sides[new Int2(triangles[i+0],triangles[i+1])] = nodes[j];
				sides[new Int2(triangles[i+1],triangles[i+2])] = nodes[j];
				sides[new Int2(triangles[i+2],triangles[i+0])] = nodes[j];

			Profiler.BeginSample ("Connecting Nodes");

			var connections = new List<MeshNode> ();
			var connectionCosts = new List<uint> ();

			for (int i=0, j = 0; i < triangles.Length; j+=1, i+=3) {
				connections.Clear ();
				connectionCosts.Clear ();

				TriangleMeshNode node = nodes[j];

				for ( int q = 0; q < 3; q++ ) {
					TriangleMeshNode other;
					if (sides.TryGetValue ( new Int2 (triangles[i+((q+1)%3)], triangles[i+q]), out other ) ) {
						connections.Add (other);
						connectionCosts.Add ((uint)(node.position-other.position).costMagnitude);

				node.connections = connections.ToArray ();
				node.connectionCosts = connectionCosts.ToArray ();

			Profiler.EndSample ();
			Profiler.BeginSample ("Rebuilding BBTree");

			RebuildBBTree (this);

			Profiler.EndSample ();

			for (int i=0;i<nodes.Length;i++) {
				TriangleMeshNode node = nodes[i] as TriangleMeshNode;

				float a1 = Polygon.TriangleArea2 ((Vector3)vertices[node.v0],(Vector3)vertices[node.v1],(Vector3)vertices[node.v2]);

				long a2 = Polygon.TriangleArea2 (vertices[node.v0],vertices[node.v1],vertices[node.v2]);
				if (a1 * a2 < 0) Debug.LogError (a1+ " " + a2);

				if (Polygon.IsClockwise (vertices[node.v0],vertices[node.v1],vertices[node.v2])) {
					Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vertices[node.v0],(Vector3)vertices[node.v1],Color.green);
					Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vertices[node.v1],(Vector3)vertices[node.v2],Color.green);
					Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vertices[node.v2],(Vector3)vertices[node.v0],Color.green);
				} else {
					Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vertices[node.v0],(Vector3)vertices[node.v1],Color.red);
					Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vertices[node.v1],(Vector3)vertices[node.v2],Color.red);
					Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vertices[node.v2],(Vector3)vertices[node.v0],Color.red);
コード例 #10
		public static bool ContainsPoint (TriangleMeshNode node, Vector3 pos, Int3[] vertices) {
			if (!Polygon.IsClockwiseMargin ((Vector3)vertices[node.v0],(Vector3)vertices[node.v1], (Vector3)vertices[node.v2])) {
				Debug.LogError ("Noes!");

			if ( 	Polygon.IsClockwiseMargin ((Vector3)vertices[node.v0],(Vector3)vertices[node.v1], pos)
			    && 	Polygon.IsClockwiseMargin ((Vector3)vertices[node.v1],(Vector3)vertices[node.v2], pos)
			    && 	Polygon.IsClockwiseMargin ((Vector3)vertices[node.v2],(Vector3)vertices[node.v0], pos)) {
				return true;
			return false;
コード例 #11
		public bool ContainsPoint (TriangleMeshNode node, Vector3 pos) {
			if (	Polygon.IsClockwise ((Vector3)vertices[node.v0],(Vector3)vertices[node.v1], pos)
			    && 	Polygon.IsClockwise ((Vector3)vertices[node.v1],(Vector3)vertices[node.v2], pos)
			    && 	Polygon.IsClockwise ((Vector3)vertices[node.v2],(Vector3)vertices[node.v0], pos)) {
				return true;
			return false;
コード例 #12
		/** Returns the closest point of the node.
		 * The only reason this is here is because it is slightly faster compared to TriangleMeshNode.ClosestPointOnNode
		 * since it doesn't involve so many indirections.
		 * Use TriangleMeshNode.ClosestPointOnNode in most other cases.
		static Vector3 ClosestPointOnNode (TriangleMeshNode node, Int3[] vertices, Vector3 pos) {
			return Polygon.ClosestPointOnTriangle ((Vector3)vertices[node.v0],(Vector3)vertices[node.v1],(Vector3)vertices[node.v2],pos);