コード例 #1
		public override void SerializeSettings ( GraphSerializationContext ctx ) {

			base.SerializeSettings (ctx);
			ctx.writer.Write (aspectRatio);
			ctx.SerializeVector3 (rotation);
			ctx.SerializeVector3 (center);
			ctx.SerializeVector3 ((Vector3)unclampedSize);
			ctx.writer.Write (nodeSize);
			// collision
			collision.SerializeSettings (ctx);

			ctx.writer.Write (maxClimb);
			ctx.writer.Write (maxClimbAxis);
			ctx.writer.Write (maxSlope);
			ctx.writer.Write (erodeIterations);
			ctx.writer.Write (erosionUseTags);
			ctx.writer.Write (erosionFirstTag);
			ctx.writer.Write (autoLinkGrids);
			ctx.writer.Write ((int)neighbours);
			ctx.writer.Write (cutCorners);
			ctx.writer.Write (penaltyPosition);
			ctx.writer.Write (penaltyPositionFactor);
			ctx.writer.Write (penaltyAngle);
			ctx.writer.Write (penaltyAngleFactor);
			ctx.writer.Write (penaltyAnglePower);
			ctx.writer.Write (isometricAngle);
			ctx.writer.Write (uniformEdgeCosts);
			ctx.writer.Write (useJumpPointSearch);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Base.cs プロジェクト: luukholleman/Airchitect
		public void SerializeSettings ( GraphSerializationContext ctx ) {
			ctx.writer.Write ((int)type);
			ctx.writer.Write (diameter);
			ctx.writer.Write (height);
			ctx.writer.Write (collisionOffset);
			ctx.writer.Write ((int)rayDirection);
			ctx.writer.Write ((int)mask);
			ctx.writer.Write ((int)heightMask);
			ctx.writer.Write (fromHeight);
			ctx.writer.Write (thickRaycast);
			ctx.writer.Write (thickRaycastDiameter);

			ctx.writer.Write (unwalkableWhenNoGround);
			ctx.writer.Write (use2D);
			ctx.writer.Write (collisionCheck);
			ctx.writer.Write (heightCheck);
コード例 #3
		public void SerializeExtraInfo () {
			if (!settings.nodes) return;
			int totCount = 0;
			for (int i=0;i<graphs.Length;i++) {
				if (graphs[i] == null) continue;
				graphs[i].GetNodes (node => {
					totCount = Math.Max (node.NodeIndex, totCount);
					if (node.NodeIndex == -1) {
						Debug.LogError ("Graph contains destroyed nodes. This is a bug.");
					return true;
				var stream = new MemoryStream ();
				var wr = new BinaryWriter (stream);
				wr.Write (totCount);
				int c = 0;
				for (int i=0;i<graphs.Length;i++) {
					if (graphs[i] == null) continue;
					graphs[i].GetNodes (node => {
						c = Math.Max (node.NodeIndex, c);
						wr.Write (node.NodeIndex);
						return true;
				if (c != totCount) throw new Exception ("Some graphs are not consistent in their GetNodes calls, sequential calls give different results.");

				byte[] bytes = stream.ToArray ();
				wr.Close ();

				AddChecksum (bytes);
				zip.AddEntry ("graph_references"+binaryExt,bytes);
			for (int i=0;i<graphs.Length;i++) {
				if (graphs[i] == null) continue;
				var stream = new MemoryStream ();
				var wr = new BinaryWriter (stream);
				var ctx = new GraphSerializationContext(wr);
				graphs[i].SerializeExtraInfo (ctx);
				byte[] bytes = stream.ToArray ();

				wr.Close ();
				AddChecksum (bytes);
				zip.AddEntry ("graph"+i+"_extra"+binaryExt,bytes);
				stream = new MemoryStream ();
				wr = new BinaryWriter (stream);
				ctx = new GraphSerializationContext(wr);
				graphs[i].GetNodes (delegate (GraphNode node) {
					node.SerializeReferences (ctx);
					return true;

				wr.Close ();
				bytes = stream.ToArray ();
				AddChecksum (bytes);
				zip.AddEntry ("graph"+i+"_references"+binaryExt,bytes);
コード例 #4
		public override void DeserializeNode (GraphSerializationContext ctx)
			base.DeserializeNode (ctx);
			v0 = ctx.reader.ReadInt32();
			v1 = ctx.reader.ReadInt32();
			v2 = ctx.reader.ReadInt32();
コード例 #5
ファイル: Base.cs プロジェクト: luukholleman/Airchitect
		public virtual void SerializeSettings ( GraphSerializationContext ctx ) {

			ctx.writer.Write (guid.ToByteArray());
			ctx.writer.Write (initialPenalty);
			ctx.writer.Write (open);
			ctx.writer.Write (name ?? "");
			ctx.writer.Write (drawGizmos);
			ctx.writer.Write (infoScreenOpen);

			for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
				for ( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
					ctx.writer.Write (matrix.GetRow(i)[j]);
コード例 #6
ファイル: PointNode.cs プロジェクト: luukholleman/Airchitect
		public override void DeserializeNode (GraphSerializationContext ctx) {
			base.DeserializeNode (ctx);
			position = new Int3 (ctx.reader.ReadInt32(), ctx.reader.ReadInt32(), ctx.reader.ReadInt32());
コード例 #7
ファイル: PointNode.cs プロジェクト: luukholleman/Airchitect
		public override void DeserializeReferences (GraphSerializationContext ctx) {
			int count = ctx.reader.ReadInt32();
			if (count == -1) {
				connections = null;
				connectionCosts = null;
			} else {
				connections = new GraphNode[count];
				connectionCosts = new uint[count];
				for (int i=0;i<count;i++) {
					connections[i] = ctx.GetNodeFromIdentifier (ctx.reader.ReadInt32());
					connectionCosts[i] = ctx.reader.ReadUInt32();
コード例 #8
		public override void DeserializeExtraInfo (GraphSerializationContext ctx) {

			uint graphIndex = (uint)ctx.graphIndex;
			TriangleMeshNode.SetNavmeshHolder ((int)graphIndex,this);

			int nodeCount = ctx.reader.ReadInt32();
			int vertexCount = ctx.reader.ReadInt32();

			if (nodeCount == -1) {
				nodes = new TriangleMeshNode[0];
				_vertices = new Int3[0];
				originalVertices = new Vector3[0];

			nodes = new TriangleMeshNode[nodeCount];
			_vertices = new Int3[vertexCount];
			originalVertices = new Vector3[vertexCount];

			for (int i=0;i<vertexCount;i++) {
				_vertices[i] = new Int3(ctx.reader.ReadInt32(), ctx.reader.ReadInt32(), ctx.reader.ReadInt32());
				originalVertices[i] = new Vector3(ctx.reader.ReadSingle(), ctx.reader.ReadSingle(), ctx.reader.ReadSingle());

			bbTree = new BBTree();

			for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount;i++) {
				nodes[i] = new TriangleMeshNode(active);
				TriangleMeshNode node = nodes[i];

			bbTree.RebuildFrom (nodes);
コード例 #9
		public override void SerializeSettings ( GraphSerializationContext ctx ) {

			base.SerializeSettings (ctx);
			ctx.writer.Write (characterRadius);
			ctx.writer.Write (contourMaxError);
			ctx.writer.Write (cellSize);
			ctx.writer.Write (cellHeight);
			ctx.writer.Write (walkableHeight);
			ctx.writer.Write (maxSlope);
			ctx.writer.Write (maxEdgeLength);
			ctx.writer.Write (editorTileSize);
			ctx.writer.Write (tileSizeX);
			ctx.writer.Write (nearestSearchOnlyXZ);
			ctx.writer.Write (useTiles);
			ctx.writer.Write ((int)relevantGraphSurfaceMode);
			ctx.writer.Write (rasterizeColliders);
			ctx.writer.Write (rasterizeMeshes);
			ctx.writer.Write (rasterizeTerrain);
			ctx.writer.Write (rasterizeTrees);
			ctx.writer.Write (colliderRasterizeDetail);
			ctx.SerializeVector3 (forcedBoundsCenter);
			ctx.SerializeVector3 (forcedBoundsSize);
			ctx.writer.Write (mask);
			ctx.writer.Write (tagMask.Count);
			for (int i = 0; i < tagMask.Count; i++) {
				ctx.writer.Write (tagMask[i]);
			ctx.writer.Write (showMeshOutline);
			ctx.writer.Write (showNodeConnections);
			ctx.writer.Write (terrainSampleSize);

			ctx.writer.Write (walkableClimb);
			ctx.writer.Write (minRegionSize);
			ctx.writer.Write (tileSizeZ);
コード例 #10
		public override void SerializeSettings ( GraphSerializationContext ctx ) {
			base.SerializeSettings (ctx);

			ctx.SerializeUnityObject ( sourceMesh );

			ctx.SerializeVector3 (offset);
			ctx.SerializeVector3 (rotation);

コード例 #11
		public override void DeserializeSettings ( GraphSerializationContext ctx ) {
			base.DeserializeSettings (ctx);

			sourceMesh = ctx.DeserializeUnityObject () as Mesh;

			offset = ctx.DeserializeVector3 ();
			rotation = ctx.DeserializeVector3 ();
			scale = ctx.reader.ReadSingle();
			accurateNearestNode = ctx.reader.ReadBoolean();
コード例 #12
		public override void SerializeExtraInfo (GraphSerializationContext ctx) {
			if (nodes == null || originalVertices == null || _vertices == null || originalVertices.Length != _vertices.Length) {
				ctx.writer.Write (-1);
				ctx.writer.Write (-1);

			for (int i=0;i<_vertices.Length;i++) {
				ctx.writer.Write (_vertices[i].x);
				ctx.writer.Write (_vertices[i].y);
				ctx.writer.Write (_vertices[i].z);

				ctx.writer.Write (originalVertices[i].x);
				ctx.writer.Write (originalVertices[i].y);
				ctx.writer.Write (originalVertices[i].z);

			for (int i=0;i<nodes.Length;i++) {
				nodes[i].SerializeNode (ctx);
コード例 #13
		/** Deserializes extra graph info.
		 * Extra graph info is specified by the graph types.
		 * \see Pathfinding.NavGraph.DeserializeExtraInfo
		 * \note Stored in files named "graph#_extra.binary" where # is the graph number.
		public void DeserializeExtraInfo () {
			bool anySerialized = false;

			// Loop through all graphs and deserialize the extra info
			// if there is any such info in the zip file
			for (int i=0;i<graphs.Length;i++) {
				var entry = zip["graph"+i+"_extra"+binaryExt];
				if (entry == null) continue;
				anySerialized = true;
				var str = new MemoryStream();
				entry.Extract (str);
				str.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
				var reader = new BinaryReader (str);
				var ctx = new GraphSerializationContext(reader, null, i + graphIndexOffset);

				// Call the graph to process the data
				graphs[i].DeserializeExtraInfo (ctx);
			if (!anySerialized) {

			// Sanity check
			// Make sure the graphs don't contain destroyed nodes
			int totCount = 0;
			for (int i=0;i<graphs.Length;i++) {
				if (graphs[i] == null) continue;
				graphs[i].GetNodes (delegate (GraphNode node) {
					totCount = Math.Max (node.NodeIndex, totCount);
					if (node.NodeIndex == -1) {
						Debug.LogError ("Graph contains destroyed nodes. This is a bug.");
					return true;
				// Get the file containing the list of all node indices
				// This is correlated with the new indices of the nodes and a mapping from old to new
				// is done so that references can be resolved
				var entry = zip["graph_references"+binaryExt];
				if (entry == null) throw new Exception ("Node references not found in the data. Was this loaded from an older version of the A* Pathfinding Project?");
				var str = new MemoryStream();
				entry.Extract (str);
				str.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
				var reader = new BinaryReader (str);
				int count = reader.ReadInt32();
				var int2Node = new GraphNode[count+1];
				try {
					for (int i=0;i<graphs.Length;i++) {
						if (graphs[i] == null) continue;
						graphs[i].GetNodes (node => {
							int2Node[reader.ReadInt32()] = node;
							return true;
				} catch (Exception e) {
					throw new Exception ("Some graph(s) has thrown an exception during GetNodes, or some graph(s) have deserialized more or fewer nodes than were serialized", e);

				reader.Close ();
				// Deserialize node references
				for (int i=0;i<graphs.Length;i++) {
					if (graphs[i] == null) continue;
					entry = zip["graph"+i+"_references"+binaryExt];
					if (entry == null) throw new Exception ("Node references for graph " +i + " not found in the data. Was this loaded from an older version of the A* Pathfinding Project?");
					str = new MemoryStream();
					entry.Extract (str);
					str.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
					reader = new BinaryReader (str);
					var ctx = new GraphSerializationContext(reader, int2Node, i + graphIndexOffset);
					graphs[i].GetNodes (delegate (GraphNode node) {
						node.DeserializeReferences (ctx);
						return true;
コード例 #14
		/** Deserializes graph settings.
		 * \note Stored in files named "graph#.json" where # is the graph number.
		public NavGraph[] DeserializeGraphs () {
			// Allocate a list of graphs to be deserialized
			graphs = new NavGraph[meta.graphs];

			int nonNull = 0;

			for (int i=0;i<meta.graphs;i++) {
				// Get the graph type from the metadata we deserialized earlier
				var tp = meta.GetGraphType(i);
				// Graph was null when saving, ignore
				if (System.Type.Equals (tp, null)) continue;


				var entry = zip["graph"+i+jsonExt];
				if (entry == null)
					throw new FileNotFoundException ("Could not find data for graph "+i+" in zip. Entry 'graph+"+i+jsonExt+"' does not exist");

				// Create a new graph of the right type
				NavGraph graph = data.CreateGraph(tp);
				graph.graphIndex = (uint)(i + graphIndexOffset);

				var entryText = GetString(entry);
				var reader = new JsonReader(entryText,readerSettings);

				reader.PopulateObject (ref graph);
				var mem = new MemoryStream ();
				mem.Position = 0;
				var reader = new BinaryReader (mem);
				var ctx = new GraphSerializationContext(reader, null, i + graphIndexOffset);
				graph.DeserializeSettings (ctx);

				graphs[i] = graph;
				if (graphs[i].guid.ToString () != meta.guids[i])
					throw new Exception ("Guid in graph file not equal to guid defined in meta file. Have you edited the data manually?\n"+graphs[i].guid+" != "+meta.guids[i]);

			// Remove any null entries from the list
			var compressed = new NavGraph[nonNull];
			nonNull = 0;
			for ( int i=0;i<graphs.Length;i++) {
				if ( graphs[i] != null ) {
					compressed[nonNull] = graphs[i];

			graphs = compressed;

			return graphs;
コード例 #15
		public override void DeserializeSettings ( GraphSerializationContext ctx ) {

			base.DeserializeSettings (ctx);

			aspectRatio = ctx.reader.ReadSingle();
			rotation = ctx.DeserializeVector3();
			center = ctx.DeserializeVector3();
			unclampedSize = (Vector2)ctx.DeserializeVector3();
			nodeSize = ctx.reader.ReadSingle();
			maxClimb = ctx.reader.ReadSingle();
			maxClimbAxis = ctx.reader.ReadInt32();
			maxSlope = ctx.reader.ReadSingle();
			erodeIterations = ctx.reader.ReadInt32();
			erosionUseTags = ctx.reader.ReadBoolean();
			erosionFirstTag = ctx.reader.ReadInt32();
			autoLinkGrids = ctx.reader.ReadBoolean();
			neighbours = (NumNeighbours)ctx.reader.ReadInt32();
			cutCorners = ctx.reader.ReadBoolean();
			penaltyPosition = ctx.reader.ReadBoolean();
			penaltyPositionFactor = ctx.reader.ReadSingle();
			penaltyAngle = ctx.reader.ReadBoolean();
			penaltyAngleFactor = ctx.reader.ReadSingle();
			penaltyAnglePower = ctx.reader.ReadSingle();
			isometricAngle = ctx.reader.ReadSingle();
			uniformEdgeCosts = ctx.reader.ReadBoolean();
			useJumpPointSearch = ctx.reader.ReadBoolean();
コード例 #16
		public override void DeserializeSettings ( GraphSerializationContext ctx ) {

			base.DeserializeSettings (ctx);

			characterRadius = ctx.reader.ReadSingle ();
			contourMaxError = ctx.reader.ReadSingle ();
			cellSize = ctx.reader.ReadSingle ();
			cellHeight = ctx.reader.ReadSingle ();
			walkableHeight = ctx.reader.ReadSingle ();
			maxSlope = ctx.reader.ReadSingle ();
			maxEdgeLength = ctx.reader.ReadSingle ();
			editorTileSize = ctx.reader.ReadInt32 ();
			tileSizeX = ctx.reader.ReadInt32 ();
			nearestSearchOnlyXZ = ctx.reader.ReadBoolean ();
			useTiles = ctx.reader.ReadBoolean ();
			relevantGraphSurfaceMode = (RelevantGraphSurfaceMode)ctx.reader.ReadInt32 ();
			rasterizeColliders = ctx.reader.ReadBoolean ();
			rasterizeMeshes = ctx.reader.ReadBoolean ();
			rasterizeTerrain = ctx.reader.ReadBoolean ();
			rasterizeTrees = ctx.reader.ReadBoolean ();
			colliderRasterizeDetail = ctx.reader.ReadSingle ();
			forcedBoundsCenter = ctx.DeserializeVector3 ();
			forcedBoundsSize = ctx.DeserializeVector3 ();
			mask = ctx.reader.ReadInt32 ();

			int count = ctx.reader.ReadInt32 ();
			tagMask = new List<string> (count);
			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
				tagMask.Enqueue (ctx.reader.ReadString());

			showMeshOutline = ctx.reader.ReadBoolean ();
			showNodeConnections = ctx.reader.ReadBoolean ();
			terrainSampleSize = ctx.reader.ReadInt32 ();

			// These were originally forgotten but added in an upgrade
			// To keep backwards compatibility, they are only deserialized
			// If they exist in the streamed data
			walkableClimb = ctx.DeserializeFloat (walkableClimb);
			minRegionSize = ctx.DeserializeFloat (minRegionSize);

			// Make the world square if this value is not in the stream
			tileSizeZ = ctx.DeserializeInt (tileSizeX);
コード例 #17
ファイル: PointNode.cs プロジェクト: luukholleman/Airchitect
		public override void SerializeNode (GraphSerializationContext ctx) {
			base.SerializeNode (ctx);
			ctx.writer.Write (position.x);
			ctx.writer.Write (position.y);
			ctx.writer.Write (position.z);
コード例 #18
		/** Serializes Node Info.
		 * Should serialize:
		 * - Base
		 *    - Node Flags
		 *    - Node Penalties
		 *    - Node
		 * - Node Positions (if applicable)
		 * - Any other information necessary to load the graph in-game
		 * All settings marked with json attributes (e.g JsonMember) have already been
		 * saved as graph settings and do not need to be handled here.
		 * It is not necessary for this implementation to be forward or backwards compatible.
		 * \see
		public override void SerializeExtraInfo (GraphSerializationContext ctx) {

			BinaryWriter writer = ctx.writer;

			if (tiles == null) {
				writer.Write (-1);
			writer.Write (tileXCount);
			writer.Write (tileZCount);

			for (int z=0;z<tileZCount;z++) {
				for (int x=0;x<tileXCount;x++) {
					NavmeshTile tile = tiles[x + z*tileXCount];

					if (tile == null) {
						throw new System.Exception ("NULL Tile");
						//writer.Write (-1);


					if (tile.x != x || tile.z != z) continue;


					writer.Write (tile.tris.Length);

					for (int i=0;i<tile.tris.Length;i++) writer.Write (tile.tris[i]);

					writer.Write (tile.verts.Length);
					for (int i=0;i<tile.verts.Length;i++) {
						writer.Write (tile.verts[i].x);
						writer.Write (tile.verts[i].y);
						writer.Write (tile.verts[i].z);

					writer.Write (tile.nodes.Length);
					for (int i=0;i<tile.nodes.Length;i++) {
						tile.nodes[i].SerializeNode (ctx);

			//return NavMeshGraph.SerializeMeshNodes (this,nodes);
コード例 #19
ファイル: PointNode.cs プロジェクト: luukholleman/Airchitect
		public override void SerializeReferences (GraphSerializationContext ctx) {
			if (connections == null) {
			} else {
				ctx.writer.Write (connections.Length);
				for (int i=0;i<connections.Length;i++) {
					ctx.writer.Write (ctx.GetNodeIdentifier (connections[i]));
					ctx.writer.Write (connectionCosts[i]);
コード例 #20
		public override void DeserializeExtraInfo (GraphSerializationContext ctx) {
			//NavMeshGraph.DeserializeMeshNodes (this,nodes,bytes);

			BinaryReader reader = ctx.reader;

			tileXCount = reader.ReadInt32();

			if (tileXCount < 0) return;

			tileZCount = reader.ReadInt32();

			tiles = new NavmeshTile[tileXCount * tileZCount];

			//Make sure mesh nodes can reference this graph
			TriangleMeshNode.SetNavmeshHolder (ctx.graphIndex, this);

			for (int z=0;z<tileZCount;z++) {
				for (int x=0;x<tileXCount;x++) {

					int tileIndex = x + z*tileXCount;
					int tx = reader.ReadInt32();
					if (tx < 0) throw new System.Exception ("Invalid tile coordinates (x < 0)");

					int tz = reader.ReadInt32();
					if (tz < 0) throw new System.Exception ("Invalid tile coordinates (z < 0)");

					// This is not the origin of a large tile. Refer back to that tile.
					if (tx != x || tz != z) {
						tiles[tileIndex] = tiles[tz*tileXCount + tx];

					var tile = new NavmeshTile ();

					tile.x = tx;
					tile.z = tz;
					tile.w = reader.ReadInt32();
					tile.d = reader.ReadInt32();
					tile.bbTree = new BBTree ();

					tiles[tileIndex] = tile;

					int trisCount = reader.ReadInt32 ();

					if (trisCount % 3 != 0) throw new System.Exception ("Corrupt data. Triangle indices count must be divisable by 3. Got " + trisCount);

					tile.tris = new int[trisCount];
					for (int i=0;i<tile.tris.Length;i++) tile.tris[i] = reader.ReadInt32();

					tile.verts = new Int3[reader.ReadInt32()];
					for (int i=0;i<tile.verts.Length;i++) {
						tile.verts[i] = new Int3 (reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadInt32());

					int nodeCount = reader.ReadInt32();
					tile.nodes = new TriangleMeshNode[nodeCount];

					//Prepare for storing in vertex indices
					tileIndex <<= TileIndexOffset;

					for (int i=0;i<tile.nodes.Length;i++) {
						var node = new TriangleMeshNode (active);
						tile.nodes[i] = node;

						node.DeserializeNode (ctx);

						node.v0 = tile.tris[i*3+0] | tileIndex;
						node.v1 = tile.tris[i*3+1] | tileIndex;
						node.v2 = tile.tris[i*3+2] | tileIndex;

コード例 #21
		public override void SerializeNode (GraphSerializationContext ctx)
			base.SerializeNode (ctx);
コード例 #22
		public override void DeserializeNode (GraphSerializationContext ctx)
			base.DeserializeNode (ctx);
			position = new Int3(ctx.reader.ReadInt32(), ctx.reader.ReadInt32(), ctx.reader.ReadInt32());
			gridFlags = ctx.reader.ReadUInt16();
			gridConnections = ctx.reader.ReadUInt16();
			gridConnections = ctx.reader.ReadUInt32();
コード例 #23
ファイル: Base.cs プロジェクト: luukholleman/Airchitect
		/** Deserializes graph type specific node data.
		 * \see SerializeExtraInfo
		public virtual void DeserializeExtraInfo (GraphSerializationContext ctx) {
コード例 #24
		public override void SerializeExtraInfo (GraphSerializationContext ctx) {
			if (nodes == null) {

			ctx.writer.Write (nodes.Length);

			for (int i=0;i<nodes.Length;i++) {
コード例 #25
ファイル: Base.cs プロジェクト: luukholleman/Airchitect
		public virtual void DeserializeSettings ( GraphSerializationContext ctx ) {

			guid = new Guid(ctx.reader.ReadBytes (16));
			initialPenalty = ctx.reader.ReadUInt32 ();
			open = ctx.reader.ReadBoolean();
			name = ctx.reader.ReadString();
			drawGizmos = ctx.reader.ReadBoolean();
			infoScreenOpen = ctx.reader.ReadBoolean();

			for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
				Vector4 row = Vector4.zero;
				for ( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
					row[j] = ctx.reader.ReadSingle ();
				matrix.SetRow (i, row);
コード例 #26
		public override void DeserializeExtraInfo (GraphSerializationContext ctx) {

			int count = ctx.reader.ReadInt32();
			if (count == -1) {
				nodes = null;

			nodes = new GridNode[count];

			for (int i=0;i<nodes.Length;i++) {
				nodes[i] = new GridNode (active);
コード例 #27
ファイル: Base.cs プロジェクト: luukholleman/Airchitect
		public void DeserializeSettings ( GraphSerializationContext ctx ) {
			type = (ColliderType)ctx.reader.ReadInt32();
			diameter = ctx.reader.ReadSingle ();
			height = ctx.reader.ReadSingle ();
			collisionOffset = ctx.reader.ReadSingle ();
			rayDirection = (RayDirection)ctx.reader.ReadInt32 ();
			mask = (LayerMask)ctx.reader.ReadInt32 ();
			heightMask = (LayerMask)ctx.reader.ReadInt32 ();
			fromHeight = ctx.reader.ReadSingle ();
			thickRaycast = ctx.reader.ReadBoolean ();
			thickRaycastDiameter = ctx.reader.ReadSingle ();

			unwalkableWhenNoGround = ctx.reader.ReadBoolean();
			use2D = ctx.reader.ReadBoolean();
			collisionCheck = ctx.reader.ReadBoolean();
			heightCheck = ctx.reader.ReadBoolean();
コード例 #28
		/** Serializes the graph settings to JSON and returns the data */
		public byte[] Serialize (NavGraph graph) {
			// Grab a cached string builder to avoid allocations
			var output = GetStringBuilder ();
			var writer = new JsonWriter (output,writerSettings);
			writer.Write (graph);
			return encoding.GetBytes (output.ToString());
			var mem = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
			var writer = new System.IO.BinaryWriter(mem);
			var ctx = new GraphSerializationContext (writer);
			graph.SerializeSettings (ctx);
			return mem.ToArray();