// This function is used to add configuration settings to imported audio assets. private void OnPreprocessAudio() { // Defining a new import configuration asset. ConfigurationAsset audioImportConfiguration; // Getting asset path directry in lower case type. string assetDirectory = AssetImportDirectory.GetAssetDirectory(assetImporter.assetPath.ToLower()); // Getting import configuration asset file for the imported texture asset. audioImportConfiguration = Configurations.GetAssetImportConfiguration(assetDirectory); // Validating the import configuration asset. bool configurationAssetIsValid = AssetImportDirectory.IsValidConfigurationAsset(audioImportConfiguration); // Checking if import configurations asset file is valid. if (configurationAssetIsValid) { // Checking if the imported asset directories is included or affected by the configuration asset. if (audioImportConfiguration.IncludedAssetDirectoryLibrary.Directories.Contains(assetDirectory)) { // Post processing asset file using import settings. AssetImporterPostProcessor.ProcessAudioAsset(audioImportConfiguration, this); // Checking if the configuration asset allow debug is enabled. if (audioImportConfiguration.AllowDebug) { // This message that will be logged to the unity's debug console. string logMessage = "The imported audio asset(s) has been configured successfully."; // Logging a new message to the unity debug console. Debugger.Log(className: classLogName, message: logMessage); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Updates all assets from the configuration asset's included diretories. /// </summary> /// <param name="configurationAsset">This function takes in a configuration asset file and use the data to find and update project affected assets.</param> public static void OnUpdateIncludedAssetsUsingConfiguration(ConfigurationAsset configurationAsset) { // Checking if configuration file is valid bool isValidConfigurationAssetFile = AssetImportDirectory.IsValidConfigurationAsset(configurationAsset); // Checking if a configuration asset is not null. if (isValidConfigurationAssetFile) { // Checking if the configuration asset's importer assets library has included directories assigned. bool configurationIncludesDirectories = configurationAsset.GetIncludedAssetsDirectoryLibraryCount() > 0; // Checking if directories are included. if (configurationIncludesDirectories) { // Getting a list of all included asset directories in the configuration asset file. AssetsDirectoryLibrary includedAssetDirectoryLibrary = configurationAsset.GetIncludedAssetsDirectoryLibrary(); // Checking through all the found included directories assigned in the configuration asset file. foreach (string directory in includedAssetDirectoryLibrary.Directories) { // Reimporting assets from the included directory. AssetsReimporter.ReimportAssetsAtPath(directory, configurationAsset); } } else { // Checking if the configuration asset allow debug is enabled to log to messages to the console. if (configurationAsset.AllowDebug) { // This message that will be logged to the unity's debug console. string logMessage = "There are currently no included asset directories to update."; // Logging a new warning message to the unity debug console. Debugger.LogWarning(className: classLogName, message: logMessage); } return; } } else { // Checking if the configuration asset allow debug is enabled. if (configurationAsset.AllowDebug) { // This message that will be logged to the unity's debug console. string logMessage = "Configuration file missing."; // Logging a new warning message to the unity debug console. Debugger.LogWarning(className: classLogName, message: logMessage); } return; } }
/// <summary> /// Assigns asset directories to newly created configuration asset files. /// This static function also adds the project affected or included asset directories to a newly created configuration asset file. /// </summary> /// <param name="configurationAsset">Takes in the newly created configuration asset.</param> /// <param name="assetDirectory">Takes in the asset directory path.</param> public static void AddConfigurationIncludedAssetDirectory(ConfigurationAsset configurationAsset, string assetDirectory) { // Checking if asset importer configuration doesn't include any directories. bool configurationHasNoIncludedAssetDirectories = configurationAsset.GetIncludedAssetsDirectoryLibraryCount() <= 0; // Checking if asset importer configuration loaded successfully and that it doesn't include directories. if (AssetImportDirectory.IsValidConfigurationAsset(configurationAsset) && configurationHasNoIncludedAssetDirectories) { // Getting the directory of the newly created configuration asset. string newConfigurationAssetDirectory = AssetImportDirectory.GetAssetDirectory(assetDirectory); // Assigning the directory reference to the asset importer. configurationAsset.AddConfigurationAssetIncludedDirectoryToLibrary(newConfigurationAssetDirectory); // Checking for sub directories to include in the asset importer configuration directory. string[] subDirectoriesToInclude = AssetDatabase.GetSubFolders(newConfigurationAssetDirectory); // Checking if sun directories are found/initialized. bool subDirectoriesFound = subDirectoriesToInclude.Length > 0; // --Checking if sub directories were found in the asset directory. if (subDirectoriesFound) { // Looping through found included sub directories to add to the asset importer configuration asset file. foreach (string directory in subDirectoriesToInclude) { // Adding the scriptable object import configuration asset path to the newely created configuration asset file. configurationAsset.AddConfigurationAssetIncludedDirectoryToLibrary(directory); } } // Save asset data base. AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); // Refreshing the assets data base. AssetDatabase.Refresh(); // Message to log in the unity debug console window. string logMessage = "A new import configuration asset file was successfully created at path : " + newConfigurationAssetDirectory; // Logging configuration asset creation successs message to the unity debugger console. Debugger.Log(className: classLogName, message: logMessage); } }