public void Run(string nodeId, string labelToNext, Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> > groupedSources, List <string> alreadyCached, Action <string, string, Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> >, List <string> > Output) { var usedCache = new List <string>(); var outputDict = new Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> >(); // caution if import setting file is exists already or not. var samplingDirectoryPath = FileController.PathCombine(AssetBundleGraphSettings.MODIFIER_SAMPLING_PLACE, nodeId); var sampleAssetPath = string.Empty; ValidateModifierSample(samplingDirectoryPath, (string noSampleFolder) => { Debug.LogWarning("modifierSetting:" + noSampleFolder); }, (string noSampleFile) => { throw new Exception("modifierSetting error:" + noSampleFile); }, (string samplePath) => { Debug.Log("using modifier setting:" + samplePath); sampleAssetPath = samplePath; }, (string tooManysample) => { throw new Exception("modifierSetting error:" + tooManysample); } ); if (groupedSources.Keys.Count == 0) { return; } var the1stGroupKey = groupedSources.Keys.ToList()[0]; // shrink group to 1 group. if (1 < groupedSources.Keys.Count) { Debug.LogWarning("modifierSetting shrinking group to \"" + the1stGroupKey + "\" forcely."); } var inputSources = new List <InternalAssetData>(); foreach (var groupKey in groupedSources.Keys) { inputSources.AddRange(groupedSources[groupKey]); } var importSetOveredAssetsAndUpdatedFlagDict = new Dictionary <InternalAssetData, bool>(); /* * check file & setting. * if need, apply modifierSetting to file. */ { var samplingAssetImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(sampleAssetPath); var effector = new InternalSamplingImportEffector(samplingAssetImporter); { foreach (var inputSource in inputSources) { var importer = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(inputSource.importedPath); /* * compare type of import setting effector. */ var importerTypeStr = importer.GetType().ToString(); if (importerTypeStr != samplingAssetImporter.GetType().ToString()) { // mismatched target will be ignored. but already imported. importSetOveredAssetsAndUpdatedFlagDict[inputSource] = false; continue; } importSetOveredAssetsAndUpdatedFlagDict[inputSource] = false; /* * kind of importer is matched. * check setting then apply setting or no changed. */ switch (importerTypeStr) { case "UnityEditor.AssetImporter": { // materials and others... assets which are generated in Unity. var assetType = inputSource.assetType.ToString(); switch (assetType) { case "UnityEngine.Material": { // 判別はできるんだけど、このあとどうしたもんか。ロードしなきゃいけない + loadしてもなんかグローバルなプロパティだけ比較とかそういうのかなあ、、 // var materialInstance = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(inputSource.importedPath, inputSource.assetType) as Material;// 型を指定してロードしないといけないので、ここのコードのようにswitchに落としたほうが良さそう。 // var s = materialInstance.globalIlluminationFlags;// グローバルなプロパティ、リフレクションで列挙できそうではあるけど、、、 break; } default: { Debug.LogError("unsupported type. assetType:" + assetType); break; } } /* * 試しにserializeして云々してみる */ var assetInstance = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(inputSource.importedPath, inputSource.assetType) as Material; // ここの型が露出しちゃうのやばい var serializedObject = new UnityEditor.SerializedObject(assetInstance); var itr = serializedObject.GetIterator(); itr.NextVisible(true); // Debug.LogError("0 itr:" + itr.propertyPath + " displayName:" + itr.displayName + " name:" + + " type:" + itr.type); // while (itr.NextVisible(true)) { // Debug.LogError("~ itr:" + itr.propertyPath + " displayName:" + itr.displayName + " name:" + + " type:" + itr.type); // } /* * このへんのログはこんな感じになる。 * * 0 itr:m_Shader displayName:Shader name:m_Shader type:PPtr<Shader> * ~ itr:m_ShaderKeywords displayName:Shader Keywords name:m_ShaderKeywords type:string * ~ itr:m_LightmapFlags displayName:Lightmap Flags name:m_LightmapFlags type:uint * ~ itr:m_CustomRenderQueue displayName:Custom Render Queue name:m_CustomRenderQueue type:int * ~ itr:stringTagMap displayName:String Tag Map name:stringTagMap type:map * ~ itr:stringTagMap.Array.size displayName:Size name:size type:ArraySize * ~ itr:m_SavedProperties displayName:Saved Properties name:m_SavedProperties type:UnityPropertySheet * ~ itr:m_SavedProperties.m_TexEnvs displayName:Tex Envs name:m_TexEnvs type:map * ~ itr:m_SavedProperties.m_TexEnvs.Array.size displayName:Size name:size type:ArraySize * ~[0] displayName:Element 0 name:data type:pair * ~[0].first displayName:First name:first type:FastPropertyName * ~[0] displayName:Name name:name type:string * ~[0].second displayName:Second name:second type:UnityTexEnv * ~[0].second.m_Texture displayName:Texture name:m_Texture type:PPtr<Texture> * ~[0].second.m_Scale displayName:Scale name:m_Scale type:Vector2 * ~[0].second.m_Scale.x displayName:X name:x type:float * ~[0].second.m_Scale.y displayName:Y name:y type:float * ~[0].second.m_Offset displayName:Offset name:m_Offset type:Vector2 * ~[0].second.m_Offset.x displayName:X name:x type:float * ~[0].second.m_Offset.y displayName:Y name:y type:float * ~[1] displayName:Element 1 name:data type:pair * ~[1].first displayName:First name:first type:FastPropertyName * ~[1] displayName:Name name:name type:string * ~[1].second displayName:Second name:second type:UnityTexEnv * ~[1].second.m_Texture displayName:Texture name:m_Texture type:PPtr<Texture> * ~[1].second.m_Scale displayName:Scale name:m_Scale type:Vector2 * ~[1].second.m_Scale.x displayName:X name:x type:float * ~[1].second.m_Scale.y displayName:Y name:y type:float * ~[1].second.m_Offset displayName:Offset name:m_Offset type:Vector2 * ~[1].second.m_Offset.x displayName:X name:x type:float * ~[1].second.m_Offset.y displayName:Y name:y type:float * ~[2] displayName:Element 2 name:data type:pair * ~[2].first displayName:First name:first type:FastPropertyName * ~[2] displayName:Name name:name type:string * ~[2].second displayName:Second name:second type:UnityTexEnv * ~[2].second.m_Texture displayName:Texture name:m_Texture type:PPtr<Texture> * ~[2].second.m_Scale displayName:Scale name:m_Scale type:Vector2 * ~[2].second.m_Scale.x displayName:X name:x type:float * ~[2].second.m_Scale.y displayName:Y name:y type:float * ~[2].second.m_Offset displayName:Offset name:m_Offset type:Vector2 * ~[2].second.m_Offset.x displayName:X name:x type:float * ~[2].second.m_Offset.y displayName:Y name:y type:float * ~[3] displayName:Element 3 name:data type:pair * ~[3].first displayName:First name:first type:FastPropertyName * ~[3] displayName:Name name:name type:string * ~[3].second displayName:Second name:second type:UnityTexEnv * ~[3].second.m_Texture displayName:Texture name:m_Texture type:PPtr<Texture> * ~[3].second.m_Scale displayName:Scale name:m_Scale type:Vector2 * ~[3].second.m_Scale.x displayName:X name:x type:float * ~[3].second.m_Scale.y displayName:Y name:y type:float * ~[3].second.m_Offset displayName:Offset name:m_Offset type:Vector2 * ~[3].second.m_Offset.x displayName:X name:x type:float * ~[3].second.m_Offset.y displayName:Y name:y type:float * ~[4] displayName:Element 4 name:data type:pair * ~[4].first displayName:First name:first type:FastPropertyName * ~[4] displayName:Name name:name type:string * ~[4].second displayName:Second name:second type:UnityTexEnv * ~[4].second.m_Texture displayName:Texture name:m_Texture type:PPtr<Texture> * ~[4].second.m_Scale displayName:Scale name:m_Scale type:Vector2 * ~[4].second.m_Scale.x displayName:X name:x type:float * ~[4].second.m_Scale.y displayName:Y name:y type:float * ~[4].second.m_Offset displayName:Offset name:m_Offset type:Vector2 * ~[4].second.m_Offset.x displayName:X name:x type:float * ~[4].second.m_Offset.y displayName:Y name:y type:float * ~[5] displayName:Element 5 name:data type:pair * ~[5].first displayName:First name:first type:FastPropertyName * ~[5] displayName:Name name:name type:string * ~[5].second displayName:Second name:second type:UnityTexEnv * ~[5].second.m_Texture displayName:Texture name:m_Texture type:PPtr<Texture> * ~[5].second.m_Scale displayName:Scale name:m_Scale type:Vector2 * ~[5].second.m_Scale.x displayName:X name:x type:float * ~[5].second.m_Scale.y displayName:Y name:y type:float * ~[5].second.m_Offset displayName:Offset name:m_Offset type:Vector2 * ~[5].second.m_Offset.x displayName:X name:x type:float * ~[5].second.m_Offset.y displayName:Y name:y type:float * ~[6] displayName:Element 6 name:data type:pair * ~[6].first displayName:First name:first type:FastPropertyName * ~[6] displayName:Name name:name type:string * ~[6].second displayName:Second name:second type:UnityTexEnv * ~[6].second.m_Texture displayName:Texture name:m_Texture type:PPtr<Texture> * ~[6].second.m_Scale displayName:Scale name:m_Scale type:Vector2 * ~[6].second.m_Scale.x displayName:X name:x type:float * ~[6].second.m_Scale.y displayName:Y name:y type:float * ~[6].second.m_Offset displayName:Offset name:m_Offset type:Vector2 * ~[6].second.m_Offset.x displayName:X name:x type:float * ~[6].second.m_Offset.y displayName:Y name:y type:float * ~[7] displayName:Element 7 name:data type:pair * ~[7].first displayName:First name:first type:FastPropertyName * ~[7] displayName:Name name:name type:string * ~[7].second displayName:Second name:second type:UnityTexEnv * ~[7].second.m_Texture displayName:Texture name:m_Texture type:PPtr<Texture> * ~[7].second.m_Scale displayName:Scale name:m_Scale type:Vector2 * ~[7].second.m_Scale.x displayName:X name:x type:float * ~[7].second.m_Scale.y displayName:Y name:y type:float * ~[7].second.m_Offset displayName:Offset name:m_Offset type:Vector2 * ~[7].second.m_Offset.x displayName:X name:x type:float * ~[7].second.m_Offset.y displayName:Y name:y type:float * ~[8] displayName:Element 8 name:data type:pair * ~[8].first displayName:First name:first type:FastPropertyName * ~[8] displayName:Name name:name type:string * ~[8].second displayName:Second name:second type:UnityTexEnv * ~[8].second.m_Texture displayName:Texture name:m_Texture type:PPtr<Texture> * ~[8].second.m_Scale displayName:Scale name:m_Scale type:Vector2 * ~[8].second.m_Scale.x displayName:X name:x type:float * ~[8].second.m_Scale.y displayName:Y name:y type:float * ~[8].second.m_Offset displayName:Offset name:m_Offset type:Vector2 * ~[8].second.m_Offset.x displayName:X name:x type:float * ~[8].second.m_Offset.y displayName:Y name:y type:float * ~ itr:m_SavedProperties.m_Floats displayName:Floats name:m_Floats type:map * ~ itr:m_SavedProperties.m_Floats.Array.size displayName:Size name:size type:ArraySize * ~[0] displayName:Element 0 name:data type:pair * ~[0].first displayName:First name:first type:FastPropertyName * ~[0] displayName:Name name:name type:string * ~[0].second displayName:Second name:second type:float * ~[1] displayName:Element 1 name:data type:pair * ~[1].first displayName:First name:first type:FastPropertyName * ~[1] displayName:Name name:name type:string * ~[1].second displayName:Second name:second type:float * ~[2] displayName:Element 2 name:data type:pair * ~[2].first displayName:First name:first type:FastPropertyName * ~[2] displayName:Name name:name type:string * ~[2].second displayName:Second name:second type:float * ~[3] displayName:Element 3 name:data type:pair * ~[3].first displayName:First name:first type:FastPropertyName * ~[3] displayName:Name name:name type:string * ~[3].second displayName:Second name:second type:float * ~[4] displayName:Element 4 name:data type:pair * ~[4].first displayName:First name:first type:FastPropertyName * ~[4] displayName:Name name:name type:string * ~[4].second displayName:Second name:second type:float * ~[5] displayName:Element 5 name:data type:pair * ~[5].first displayName:First name:first type:FastPropertyName * ~[5] displayName:Name name:name type:string * ~[5].second displayName:Second name:second type:float * ~[6] displayName:Element 6 name:data type:pair * ~[6].first displayName:First name:first type:FastPropertyName * ~[6] displayName:Name name:name type:string * ~[6].second displayName:Second name:second type:float * ~[7] displayName:Element 7 name:data type:pair * ~[7].first displayName:First name:first type:FastPropertyName * ~[7] displayName:Name name:name type:string * ~[7].second displayName:Second name:second type:float * ~[8] displayName:Element 8 name:data type:pair * ~[8].first displayName:First name:first type:FastPropertyName * ~[8] displayName:Name name:name type:string * ~[8].second displayName:Second name:second type:float * ~[9] displayName:Element 9 name:data type:pair * ~[9].first displayName:First name:first type:FastPropertyName * ~[9] displayName:Name name:name type:string * ~[9].second displayName:Second name:second type:float * ~[10] displayName:Element 10 name:data type:pair * ~[10].first displayName:First name:first type:FastPropertyName * ~[10] displayName:Name name:name type:string * ~[10].second displayName:Second name:second type:float * ~[11] displayName:Element 11 name:data type:pair * ~[11].first displayName:First name:first type:FastPropertyName * ~[11] displayName:Name name:name type:string * ~[11].second displayName:Second name:second type:float * ~ itr:m_SavedProperties.m_Colors displayName:Colors name:m_Colors type:map * ~ itr:m_SavedProperties.m_Colors.Array.size displayName:Size name:size type:ArraySize * ~[0] displayName:Element 0 name:data type:pair * ~[0].first displayName:First name:first type:FastPropertyName * ~[0] displayName:Name name:name type:string * ~[0].second displayName:Second name:second type:Color * ~[1] displayName:Element 1 name:data type:pair * ~[1].first displayName:First name:first type:FastPropertyName * ~[1] displayName:Name name:name type:string * ~[1].second displayName:Second name:second type:Color * */ // もしサンプルとの差があれば、この素材には変更があったものとして、関連するPrefabの作成時にprefabのキャッシュを消すとかする。 // if (!same) { // effector.ForceOnPreprocessTexture(texImporter); // importSetOveredAssetsAndUpdatedFlagDict[inputSource] = true; // } // とりあえず決め打ちで、変化があったものとしてみなす。デバッグ中。 Debug.LogError("modifierは、現状「通過した素材の設定が変更されてるかどうか把握できない」ので、常に新規扱いになっている。そのため、このファイルと、このファイルを使ったpredab生成が常に新作になり、キャッシュが効かないようになっている。"); importSetOveredAssetsAndUpdatedFlagDict[inputSource] = true; break; } default: { throw new Exception("unhandled modifier type:" + importerTypeStr); } } } } } /* * inputSetting sequence is over. */ var outputSources = new List <InternalAssetData>(); foreach (var inputAsset in inputSources) { var updated = importSetOveredAssetsAndUpdatedFlagDict[inputAsset]; if (!updated) { // already set completed. var newInternalAssetData = InternalAssetData.InternalAssetDataGeneratedByImporterOrModifierOrPrefabricator( inputAsset.importedPath, AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(inputAsset.importedPath), AssetBundleGraphInternalFunctions.GetAssetType(inputAsset.importedPath), false, // not changed. false ); outputSources.Add(newInternalAssetData); } else { // updated asset. var newInternalAssetData = InternalAssetData.InternalAssetDataGeneratedByImporterOrModifierOrPrefabricator( inputAsset.importedPath, AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(inputAsset.importedPath), AssetBundleGraphInternalFunctions.GetAssetType(inputAsset.importedPath), true, // changed. false ); outputSources.Add(newInternalAssetData); } } outputDict[the1stGroupKey] = outputSources; Output(nodeId, labelToNext, outputDict, usedCache); }
public void Setup(string nodeId, string labelToNext, Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> > groupedSources, List <string> alreadyCached, Action <string, string, Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> >, List <string> > Output) { var outputDict = new Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> >(); var first = true; if (groupedSources.Keys.Count == 0) { return; } // shrink group to 1 group. if (1 < groupedSources.Keys.Count) { Debug.LogWarning("modifierSetting shrinking group to \"" + groupedSources.Keys.ToList()[0] + "\" forcely."); } var inputSources = new List <InternalAssetData>(); foreach (var groupKey in groupedSources.Keys) { inputSources.AddRange(groupedSources[groupKey]); } var assumedImportedAssetDatas = new List <InternalAssetData>(); var samplingDirectoryPath = FileController.PathCombine(AssetBundleGraphSettings.MODIFIER_SAMPLING_PLACE, nodeId); ValidateModifierSample(samplingDirectoryPath, (string noSampleFolder) => { // do nothing. keep importing new asset for sampling. }, (string noSampleFile) => { // do nothing. keep importing new asset for sampling. }, (string samplePath) => { first = false; }, (string tooManysample) => { first = false; } ); var alreadyImported = new List <string>(); var ignoredResource = new List <string>(); foreach (var inputSource in inputSources) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputSource.absoluteSourcePath)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputSource.importedPath)) { alreadyImported.Add(inputSource.importedPath); continue; } ignoredResource.Add(inputSource.fileNameAndExtension); continue; } var assumedType = TypeBinder.AssumeTypeOfAsset(inputSource.importedPath); var newData = InternalAssetData.InternalAssetDataByImporter( inputSource.traceId, inputSource.absoluteSourcePath, inputSource.sourceBasePath, inputSource.fileNameAndExtension, inputSource.pathUnderSourceBase, inputSource.importedPath, null, assumedType ); assumedImportedAssetDatas.Add(newData); if (first) { if (!Directory.Exists(samplingDirectoryPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(samplingDirectoryPath); } var absoluteFilePath = inputSource.absoluteSourcePath; var targetFilePath = FileController.PathCombine(samplingDirectoryPath, inputSource.fileNameAndExtension); EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("AssetBundleGraph Modifier generating ModifierSetting...", targetFilePath, 0); FileController.CopyFileFromGlobalToLocal(absoluteFilePath, targetFilePath); first = false; AssetDatabase.Refresh(ImportAssetOptions.ImportRecursive); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } if (alreadyImported.Any()) { Debug.LogError("modifierSetting:" + string.Join(", ", alreadyImported.ToArray()) + " are already imported."); } if (ignoredResource.Any()) { Debug.LogError("modifierSetting:" + string.Join(", ", ignoredResource.ToArray()) + " are ignored."); } outputDict[groupedSources.Keys.ToList()[0]] = assumedImportedAssetDatas; } Output(nodeId, labelToNext, outputDict, new List <string>()); }
public void Run(string nodeName, string nodeId, string connectionIdToNextNode, Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> > groupedSources, List <string> alreadyCached, Action <string, string, Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> >, List <string> > Output) { if (groupedSources.Keys.Count == 0) { return; } // Modifier merges multiple incoming groups into one. if (1 < groupedSources.Keys.Count) { Debug.LogWarning(nodeName + " Modifier merges incoming group into \"" + groupedSources.Keys.ToList()[0]); } var groupMergeKey = groupedSources.Keys.ToList()[0]; // merge all assets into single list. var inputSources = new List <InternalAssetData>(); foreach (var groupKey in groupedSources.Keys) { inputSources.AddRange(groupedSources[groupKey]); } if (!inputSources.Any()) { return; } // load type from 1st asset of flow. var modifierType = TypeBinder.AssumeTypeOfAsset(inputSources[0].importedPath).ToString(); // modifierType is fixed. check support. if (!TypeBinder.SupportedModifierOperatorDefinition.ContainsKey(modifierType)) { throw new NodeException("current incoming Asset Type:" + modifierType + " is unsupported.", nodeId); } // validate saved data. ValidateModifiyOperationData( nodeId, currentPlatformStr, () => { throw new NodeException("No ModifierOperatorData found. please Setup first.", nodeId); }, () => { /*do nothing.*/ } ); var outputSources = new List <InternalAssetData>(); var modifierOperatorDataPathForTargetPlatform = FileController.PathCombine(AssetBundleGraphSettings.MODIFIER_OPERATOR_DATAS_PLACE, nodeId, ModifierOperatiorDataName(currentPlatformStr)); // if runtime platform specified modifierOperatorData is nof found, // use default platform modifierOperatorData. if (!File.Exists(modifierOperatorDataPathForTargetPlatform)) { modifierOperatorDataPathForTargetPlatform = FileController.PathCombine(AssetBundleGraphSettings.MODIFIER_OPERATOR_DATAS_PLACE, nodeId, ModifierOperatiorDataName(AssetBundleGraphSettings.PLATFORM_DEFAULT_NAME)); } var loadedModifierOperatorData = string.Empty; using (var sr = new StreamReader(modifierOperatorDataPathForTargetPlatform)) { loadedModifierOperatorData = sr.ReadToEnd(); } /* * read saved modifierOperator type for detect data type. */ var deserializedDataObject = JsonUtility.FromJson <ModifierOperators.OperatorBase>(loadedModifierOperatorData); var dataTypeString = deserializedDataObject.dataType; // sadly, if loaded assetType is no longer supported or not. if (!TypeBinder.SupportedModifierOperatorDefinition.ContainsKey(dataTypeString)) { throw new NodeException("unsupported ModifierOperator Type:" + modifierType, nodeId); } var modifyOperatorType = TypeBinder.SupportedModifierOperatorDefinition[dataTypeString]; /* * make generic method for genearte desired typed ModifierOperator instance. */ var modifyOperatorInstance = typeof(IntegratedGUIModifier) .GetMethod("FromJson") .MakeGenericMethod(modifyOperatorType)// set desired generic type here. .Invoke(this, new object[] { loadedModifierOperatorData }) as ModifierOperators.OperatorBase; var isChanged = false; foreach (var inputSource in inputSources) { var modifyTargetAssetPath = inputSource.importedPath; var modifyOperationTargetAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <UnityEngine.Object>(modifyTargetAssetPath); if (!modifyOperatorInstance.IsChanged(modifyOperationTargetAsset)) { var notChangedData = InternalAssetData.InternalAssetDataGeneratedByImporterOrModifierOrPrefabricator( inputSource.importedPath, AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(inputSource.importedPath), AssetBundleGraphInternalFunctions.GetAssetType(inputSource.importedPath), false, // marked as not changed. false ); outputSources.Add(notChangedData); continue; } isChanged = true; modifyOperatorInstance.Modify(modifyOperationTargetAsset); var newData = InternalAssetData.InternalAssetDataGeneratedByImporterOrModifierOrPrefabricator( inputSource.importedPath, AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(inputSource.importedPath), AssetBundleGraphInternalFunctions.GetAssetType(inputSource.importedPath), true, // marked as changed. false ); outputSources.Add(newData); } if (isChanged) { // apply asset setting changes to AssetDatabase. AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } var outputDict = new Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> >(); outputDict[groupMergeKey] = outputSources; Output(nodeId, connectionIdToNextNode, outputDict, new List <string>()); }
public void Setup(string nodeName, string nodeId, string connectionIdToNextNode, Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> > groupedSources, List <string> alreadyCached, Action <string, string, Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> >, List <string> > Output) { if (groupedSources.Keys.Count == 0) { return; } // Modifier merges multiple incoming groups into one. if (1 < groupedSources.Keys.Count) { Debug.LogWarning(nodeName + " Modifier merges incoming group into \"" + groupedSources.Keys.ToList()[0]); } var groupMergeKey = groupedSources.Keys.ToList()[0]; // merge all assets into single list. var inputSources = new List <InternalAssetData>(); foreach (var groupKey in groupedSources.Keys) { inputSources.AddRange(groupedSources[groupKey]); } if (!inputSources.Any()) { return; } // initialize as object. var modifierType = string.Empty; var first = true; foreach (var inputSource in inputSources) { var modifyTargetAssetPath = inputSource.importedPath; var assumedType = TypeBinder.AssumeTypeOfAsset(modifyTargetAssetPath); if (assumedType == null || assumedType == typeof(object)) { continue; } if (first) { first = false; modifierType = assumedType.ToString(); continue; } if (modifierType != assumedType.ToString()) { throw new NodeException("multiple Asset Type detected. consider reduce Asset Type number to only 1 by Filter. detected Asset Types is:" + modifierType + " , and " + assumedType.ToString(), nodeId); } } // modifierType is fixed. check support. if (!TypeBinder.SupportedModifierOperatorDefinition.ContainsKey(modifierType)) { throw new NodeException("current incoming Asset Type:" + modifierType + " is unsupported.", nodeId); } // generate modifierOperatorData if data is not exist yet. { var modifierOperatorDataFolderPath = AssetBundleGraphSettings.MODIFIER_OPERATOR_DATAS_PLACE; if (!Directory.Exists(modifierOperatorDataFolderPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(modifierOperatorDataFolderPath); } var opDataFolderPath = FileController.PathCombine(modifierOperatorDataFolderPath, nodeId); if (!Directory.Exists(opDataFolderPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(opDataFolderPath); } // ready default platform path. var modifierOperatorDataPathForDefaultPlatform = FileController.PathCombine(opDataFolderPath, ModifierOperatiorDataName(AssetBundleGraphSettings.PLATFORM_DEFAULT_NAME)); /* * create default platform ModifierOperatorData if not exist. * default ModifierOperatorData is the target platform for every platform by default. */ if (!File.Exists(modifierOperatorDataPathForDefaultPlatform)) { var operatorType = TypeBinder.SupportedModifierOperatorDefinition[modifierType]; var operatorInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(operatorType) as ModifierOperators.OperatorBase; var defaultRenderTextureOp = operatorInstance.DefaultSetting(); /* * generated json data is typed as supported ModifierOperation type. */ var jsonData = JsonUtility.ToJson(defaultRenderTextureOp); var prettified = AssetBundleGraph.PrettifyJson(jsonData); using (var sw = new StreamWriter(modifierOperatorDataPathForDefaultPlatform)) { sw.WriteLine(prettified); } } } // validate saved data. ValidateModifiyOperationData( nodeId, currentPlatformStr, () => { throw new NodeException("No ModifierOperatorData found. please Setup first.", nodeId); }, () => { /*do nothing.*/ } ); var outputSources = new List <InternalAssetData>(); /* * all assets types are same and do nothing to assets in setup. */ foreach (var inputSource in inputSources) { var modifyTargetAssetPath = inputSource.importedPath; var newData = InternalAssetData.InternalAssetDataByImporterOrModifier( inputSource.traceId, inputSource.absoluteSourcePath, inputSource.sourceBasePath, inputSource.fileNameAndExtension, inputSource.pathUnderSourceBase, inputSource.importedPath, null, inputSource.assetType ); outputSources.Add(newData); } var outputDict = new Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> >(); outputDict[groupMergeKey] = outputSources; Output(nodeId, connectionIdToNextNode, outputDict, new List <string>()); }
public string BundlizeAssets(string nodeName, string groupkey, List <InternalAssetData> sources, string recommendedBundleOutputDir, bool isRun) { var invalids = new List <string>(); foreach (var source in sources) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.importedPath)) { invalids.Add(source.pathUnderSourceBase); } } if (invalids.Any()) { throw new AssetBundleGraphBuildException(nodeName + ": Invalid files to bundle. Following files need to be imported before bundlize: " + string.Join(", ", invalids.ToArray())); } var bundleName = bundleNameTemplate; /* * if contains KEYWORD_WILDCARD, use group identifier to bundlize name. */ if (bundleNameTemplate.Contains(AssetBundleGraphSettings.KEYWORD_WILDCARD)) { var templateHead = bundleNameTemplate.Split(AssetBundleGraphSettings.KEYWORD_WILDCARD)[0]; var templateTail = bundleNameTemplate.Split(AssetBundleGraphSettings.KEYWORD_WILDCARD)[1]; bundleName = (templateHead + groupkey + templateTail + "." + GraphStackController.Platform_Dot_Package()).ToLower(); } var bundlePath = FileController.PathCombine(recommendedBundleOutputDir, bundleName); for (var i = 0; i < sources.Count; i++) { var source = sources[i]; // if already bundled in this running, avoid changing that name. if (source.isBundled) { continue; } if (isRun) { if (GraphStackController.IsMetaFile(source.importedPath)) { continue; } var assetImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(source.importedPath); if (assetImporter == null) { continue; } assetImporter.assetBundleName = bundleName; } // set as this resource is already bundled. sources[i] = InternalAssetData.InternalAssetDataBundledByBundlizer(sources[i]); } return(bundlePath); }
private void Export(string nodeId, string labelToNext, Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> > groupedSources, Action <string, string, Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> >, List <string> > Output, bool isRun) { var outputDict = new Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> >(); outputDict["0"] = new List <InternalAssetData>(); var failedExports = new List <string>(); foreach (var groupKey in groupedSources.Keys) { var exportedAssets = new List <InternalAssetData>(); var inputSources = groupedSources[groupKey]; foreach (var source in inputSources) { if (isRun) { if (!Directory.Exists(exportFilePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(exportFilePath); } } var destinationSourcePath = source.importedPath; // in bundleBulider, use platform-package folder for export destination. if (destinationSourcePath.StartsWith(AssetBundleGraphSettings.BUNDLEBUILDER_CACHE_PLACE)) { var depth = AssetBundleGraphSettings.BUNDLEBUILDER_CACHE_PLACE.Split(AssetBundleGraphSettings.UNITY_FOLDER_SEPARATOR).Length + 1; var splitted = destinationSourcePath.Split(AssetBundleGraphSettings.UNITY_FOLDER_SEPARATOR); var reducedArray = new string[splitted.Length - depth]; Array.Copy(splitted, depth, reducedArray, 0, reducedArray.Length); var fromDepthToEnd = string.Join(AssetBundleGraphSettings.UNITY_FOLDER_SEPARATOR.ToString(), reducedArray); destinationSourcePath = fromDepthToEnd; } var destination = FileController.PathCombine(exportFilePath, destinationSourcePath); var parentDir = Directory.GetParent(destination).ToString(); if (isRun) { if (!Directory.Exists(parentDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(parentDir); } if (File.Exists(destination)) { File.Delete(destination); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.importedPath)) { failedExports.Add(source.absoluteSourcePath); continue; } File.Copy(source.importedPath, destination); } var exportedAsset = InternalAssetData.InternalAssetDataGeneratedByExporter(destination); exportedAssets.Add(exportedAsset); } outputDict["0"].AddRange(exportedAssets); } if (failedExports.Any()) { Debug.LogError("exporter: " + string.Join(", ", failedExports.ToArray()) + " is not imported yet, should import before export."); } Output(nodeId, labelToNext, outputDict, new List <string>()); }
public void Run(string nodeId, string labelToNext, Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> > groupedSources, List <string> alreadyCached, Action <string, string, Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> >, List <string> > Output) { var usedCache = new List <string>(); var invalids = new List <string>(); foreach (var sources in groupedSources.Values) { foreach (var source in sources) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.importedPath)) { invalids.Add(source.pathUnderSourceBase); } } } if (invalids.Any()) { throw new Exception("prefabricator:" + string.Join(", ", invalids.ToArray()) + " are not imported yet, should import before prefabricate."); } var recommendedPrefabOutputDirectoryPath = FileController.PathCombine(AssetBundleGraphSettings.PREFABRICATOR_CACHE_PLACE, nodeId, GraphStackController.Current_Platform_Package_Folder()); var outputDict = new Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> >(); var cachedOrGenerated = new List <string>(); foreach (var groupKey in groupedSources.Keys) { var inputSources = groupedSources[groupKey]; var recommendedPrefabPath = FileController.PathCombine(recommendedPrefabOutputDirectoryPath, groupKey); if (!recommendedPrefabPath.EndsWith(AssetBundleGraphSettings.UNITY_FOLDER_SEPARATOR.ToString())) { recommendedPrefabPath = recommendedPrefabPath + AssetBundleGraphSettings.UNITY_FOLDER_SEPARATOR.ToString(); } /* * ready input resource info for execute. not contains cache in this node. */ var assets = new List <AssetInfo>(); foreach (var assetData in inputSources) { var assetName = assetData.fileNameAndExtension; var assetType = assetData.assetType; var assetPath = assetData.importedPath; var assetId = assetData.assetId; assets.Add(new AssetInfo(assetName, assetType, assetPath, assetId)); } // collect generated prefab path. var generated = new List <string>(); var outputSources = new List <InternalAssetData>(); /* * Prefabricate(GameObject baseObject, string prefabName, bool forceGenerate) method. */ Func <GameObject, string, bool, string> Prefabricate = (GameObject baseObject, string prefabName, bool forceGenerate) => { var newPrefabOutputPath = Path.Combine(recommendedPrefabPath, prefabName); if (forceGenerate || !GraphStackController.IsCachedForEachSource(inputSources, alreadyCached, newPrefabOutputPath)) { // not cached, create new. UnityEngine.Object prefabFile = PrefabUtility.CreateEmptyPrefab(newPrefabOutputPath); // export prefab data. PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(baseObject, prefabFile); // save prefab. AssetDatabase.Refresh(ImportAssetOptions.ImportRecursive); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); generated.Add(newPrefabOutputPath); cachedOrGenerated.Add(newPrefabOutputPath); Debug.Log("AssetBundleGraph prefab:" + newPrefabOutputPath + " is newly generated."); } else { // cached. usedCache.Add(newPrefabOutputPath); cachedOrGenerated.Add(newPrefabOutputPath); Debug.Log("AssetBundleGraph prefab:" + newPrefabOutputPath + " is already cached. if want to regenerate forcely, set Prefabricate(baseObject, prefabName, true) <- forcely regenerate prefab."); } // set used. PrefabricateIsUsed(); return(newPrefabOutputPath); }; if (!Directory.Exists(recommendedPrefabPath)) { // create recommended directory. Directory.CreateDirectory(recommendedPrefabPath); } /* * execute inheritee's input method. */ try { Run(groupKey, assets, recommendedPrefabPath, Prefabricate); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError("Prefabricator:" + this + " error:" + e); } if (!isUsed) { Debug.LogWarning("should use 'Prefabricate' method for create prefab in Prefabricator for cache."); } /* * ready assets-output-data from this node to next output. * it contains "cached" or "generated as prefab" or "else" assets. * output all assets. */ var currentAssetsInThisNode = FileController.FilePathsInFolder(recommendedPrefabPath); foreach (var generatedCandidateAssetPath in currentAssetsInThisNode) { /* * candidate is new, regenerated prefab. */ if (generated.Contains(generatedCandidateAssetPath)) { var newAsset = InternalAssetData.InternalAssetDataGeneratedByImporterOrModifierOrPrefabricator( generatedCandidateAssetPath, AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(generatedCandidateAssetPath), AssetBundleGraphInternalFunctions.GetAssetType(generatedCandidateAssetPath), true, false ); outputSources.Add(newAsset); continue; } /* * candidate is not new prefab. */ var cachedPrefabAsset = InternalAssetData.InternalAssetDataGeneratedByImporterOrModifierOrPrefabricator( generatedCandidateAssetPath, AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(generatedCandidateAssetPath), AssetBundleGraphInternalFunctions.GetAssetType(generatedCandidateAssetPath), false, false ); outputSources.Add(cachedPrefabAsset); } /* * add current resources to next node's resources. */ outputSources.AddRange(inputSources); outputDict[groupKey] = outputSources; } // delete unused cached prefabs. var unusedCachePaths = alreadyCached.Except(cachedOrGenerated).Where(path => !GraphStackController.IsMetaFile(path)).ToList(); foreach (var unusedCachePath in unusedCachePaths) { // unbundlize unused prefabricated cached asset. var assetImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(unusedCachePath); assetImporter.assetBundleName = string.Empty; FileController.DeleteFileThenDeleteFolderIfEmpty(unusedCachePath); } Output(nodeId, labelToNext, outputDict, usedCache); }
public void Setup(string nodeId, string labelToNext, Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> > groupedSources, List <string> alreadyCached, Action <string, string, Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> >, List <string> > Output) { var invalids = new List <string>(); foreach (var sources in groupedSources.Values) { foreach (var source in sources) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.importedPath)) { invalids.Add(source.pathUnderSourceBase); } } } if (invalids.Any()) { throw new Exception("prefabricator:" + string.Join(", ", invalids.ToArray()) + " are not imported yet, should import before prefabricate."); } var recommendedPrefabOutputDirectoryPath = FileController.PathCombine(AssetBundleGraphSettings.PREFABRICATOR_CACHE_PLACE, nodeId, GraphStackController.Current_Platform_Package_Folder()); var outputDict = new Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> >(); foreach (var groupKey in groupedSources.Keys) { var inputSources = groupedSources[groupKey]; var recommendedPrefabPath = FileController.PathCombine(recommendedPrefabOutputDirectoryPath, groupKey); if (!recommendedPrefabPath.EndsWith(AssetBundleGraphSettings.UNITY_FOLDER_SEPARATOR.ToString())) { recommendedPrefabPath = recommendedPrefabPath + AssetBundleGraphSettings.UNITY_FOLDER_SEPARATOR.ToString(); } /* * ready input resource info for execute. not contains cache in this node. */ var assets = new List <AssetInfo>(); foreach (var assetData in inputSources) { var assetName = assetData.fileNameAndExtension; var assetType = assetData.assetType; var assetPath = assetData.importedPath; var assetId = assetData.assetId; assets.Add(new AssetInfo(assetName, assetType, assetPath, assetId)); } // collect generated prefab path. var generated = new List <string>(); /* * Prefabricate(string prefabName) method. */ Func <string, string> Prefabricate = (string prefabName) => { var newPrefabOutputPath = Path.Combine(recommendedPrefabPath, prefabName); generated.Add(newPrefabOutputPath); // set used. PrefabricateIsUsed(); return(newPrefabOutputPath); }; /* * execute inheritee's input method. */ try { Estimate(groupKey, assets, recommendedPrefabPath, Prefabricate); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError("Prefabricator:" + this + " error:" + e); } if (!isUsed) { Debug.LogWarning("should use 'Prefabricate' method for create prefab in Prefabricator for cache."); } foreach (var generatedPrefabPath in generated) { var newAsset = InternalAssetData.InternalAssetDataGeneratedByImporterOrModifierOrPrefabricator( generatedPrefabPath, string.Empty, // dummy data typeof(string), // dummy data true, // absolutely new in setup. false ); if (!outputDict.ContainsKey(groupKey)) { outputDict[groupKey] = new List <InternalAssetData>(); } outputDict[groupKey].Add(newAsset); } outputDict[groupKey].AddRange(inputSources); } Output(nodeId, labelToNext, outputDict, new List <string>()); }
public void Setup(string nodeName, string nodeId, string connectionIdToNextNode, Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> > groupedSources, List <string> alreadyCached, Action <string, string, Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> >, List <string> > Output) { var invalids = new List <string>(); foreach (var sources in groupedSources.Values) { foreach (var source in sources) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.importedPath)) { invalids.Add(source.pathUnderSourceBase); } } } if (invalids.Any()) { throw new NodeException(string.Join(", ", invalids.ToArray()) + " are not imported yet. These assets need to be imported before prefabricated.", nodeId); } var recommendedPrefabOutputDirectoryPath = FileController.PathCombine(AssetBundleGraphSettings.PREFABRICATOR_CACHE_PLACE, nodeId, GraphStackController.GetCurrentPlatformPackageFolder()); var outputDict = new Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> >(); foreach (var groupKey in groupedSources.Keys) { var inputSources = groupedSources[groupKey]; var recommendedPrefabPath = FileController.PathCombine(recommendedPrefabOutputDirectoryPath, groupKey); if (!recommendedPrefabPath.EndsWith(AssetBundleGraphSettings.UNITY_FOLDER_SEPARATOR.ToString())) { recommendedPrefabPath = recommendedPrefabPath + AssetBundleGraphSettings.UNITY_FOLDER_SEPARATOR.ToString(); } /* * ready input resource info for execute. not contains cache in this node. */ var assets = new List <AssetInfo>(); foreach (var assetData in inputSources) { var assetName = assetData.fileNameAndExtension; var assetType = assetData.assetType; var assetPath = assetData.importedPath; var assetId = assetData.assetId; assets.Add(new AssetInfo(assetName, assetType, assetPath, assetId)); } // collect generated prefab path. var generated = new List <string>(); /* * Prefabricate(string prefabName) method. */ Func <string, string> Prefabricate = (string prefabName) => { var newPrefabOutputPath = Path.Combine(recommendedPrefabPath, prefabName); generated.Add(newPrefabOutputPath); isPrefabricateFunctionCalled = true; return(newPrefabOutputPath); }; ValidateCanCreatePrefab(nodeName, nodeId, groupKey, assets, recommendedPrefabPath, Prefabricate); if (!isPrefabricateFunctionCalled) { Debug.LogWarning(nodeName + ": Prefabricate delegate was not called. Prefab might not be created properly."); } foreach (var generatedPrefabPath in generated) { var newAsset = InternalAssetData.InternalAssetDataGeneratedByImporterOrModifierOrPrefabricator( generatedPrefabPath, string.Empty, // dummy data typeof(string), // dummy data true, // absolutely new in setup. false ); if (!outputDict.ContainsKey(groupKey)) { outputDict[groupKey] = new List <InternalAssetData>(); } outputDict[groupKey].Add(newAsset); } outputDict[groupKey].AddRange(inputSources); } Output(nodeId, connectionIdToNextNode, outputDict, new List <string>()); }
public void Run(string nodeName, string nodeId, string connectionIdToNextNode, Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> > groupedSources, List <string> alreadyCached, Action <string, string, Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> >, List <string> > Output) { var usedCache = new List <string>(); var outputDict = new Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> >(); // caution if import setting file is exists already or not. var samplingDirectoryPath = FileController.PathCombine(AssetBundleGraphSettings.IMPORTER_SETTINGS_PLACE, nodeId); var sampleAssetPath = string.Empty; ValidateImportSample(samplingDirectoryPath, (string samplePath) => { throw new AssetBundleGraphBuildException(nodeName + ": No ImportSettings Directory found for this node:" + nodeName + " please supply assets to this node."); }, (string samplePath) => { throw new AssetBundleGraphBuildException(nodeName + ": No saved ImportSettings found for asset:" + samplePath); }, (string samplePath) => { sampleAssetPath = samplePath; }, (string samplePath) => { throw new AssetBundleGraphBuildException(nodeName + ": Too many ImportSettings found. please open editor and resolve issue:" + samplePath); } ); if (groupedSources.Keys.Count == 0) { return; } var the1stGroupKey = groupedSources.Keys.ToList()[0]; // ImportSetting merges multiple incoming groups into one, so warn this if (1 < groupedSources.Keys.Count) { Debug.LogWarning(nodeName + " ImportSetting merges incoming group into \"" + groupedSources.Keys.ToList()[0]); } var inputSources = new List <InternalAssetData>(); foreach (var groupKey in groupedSources.Keys) { inputSources.AddRange(groupedSources[groupKey]); } var importSetOveredAssetsAndUpdatedFlagDict = new Dictionary <InternalAssetData, bool>(); /* * check file & setting. * if need, apply importSetting to file. */ var samplingAssetImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(sampleAssetPath); var effector = new InternalSamplingImportEffector(samplingAssetImporter); var samplingAssetImporterTypeStr = samplingAssetImporter.GetType().ToString(); foreach (var inputSource in inputSources) { var importer = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(inputSource.importedPath); /* * compare type of import setting effector. */ var importerTypeStr = importer.GetType().ToString(); if (importerTypeStr != samplingAssetImporterTypeStr) { throw new NodeException("for each importerSetting should be only treat 1 import setting. current import setting type of this node is:" + samplingAssetImporterTypeStr + " inputted error file path:" + inputSource.importedPath, nodeId); } importSetOveredAssetsAndUpdatedFlagDict[inputSource] = false; /* * kind of importer is matched. * check setting then apply setting or no changed. */ switch (importerTypeStr) { case "UnityEditor.TextureImporter": { var texImporter = importer as TextureImporter; var same = InternalSamplingImportEffector.IsSameTextureSetting(texImporter, samplingAssetImporter as TextureImporter); if (!same) { effector.ForceOnPreprocessTexture(texImporter); importSetOveredAssetsAndUpdatedFlagDict[inputSource] = true; } break; } case "UnityEditor.ModelImporter": { var modelImporter = importer as ModelImporter; var same = InternalSamplingImportEffector.IsSameModelSetting(modelImporter, samplingAssetImporter as ModelImporter); if (!same) { effector.ForceOnPreprocessModel(modelImporter); importSetOveredAssetsAndUpdatedFlagDict[inputSource] = true; } break; } case "UnityEditor.AudioImporter": { var audioImporter = importer as AudioImporter; var same = InternalSamplingImportEffector.IsSameAudioSetting(audioImporter, samplingAssetImporter as AudioImporter); if (!same) { effector.ForceOnPreprocessAudio(audioImporter); importSetOveredAssetsAndUpdatedFlagDict[inputSource] = true; } break; } default: { throw new NodeException("unhandled importer type:" + importerTypeStr, nodeId); } } } /* * inputSetting sequence is over. */ var outputSources = new List <InternalAssetData>(); foreach (var inputAsset in inputSources) { var updated = importSetOveredAssetsAndUpdatedFlagDict[inputAsset]; if (!updated) { // already set completed. var newInternalAssetData = InternalAssetData.InternalAssetDataGeneratedByImporterOrModifierOrPrefabricator( inputAsset.importedPath, AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(inputAsset.importedPath), AssetBundleGraphInternalFunctions.GetAssetType(inputAsset.importedPath), false, // not changed. false ); outputSources.Add(newInternalAssetData); } else { // updated asset. var newInternalAssetData = InternalAssetData.InternalAssetDataGeneratedByImporterOrModifierOrPrefabricator( inputAsset.importedPath, AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(inputAsset.importedPath), AssetBundleGraphInternalFunctions.GetAssetType(inputAsset.importedPath), true, // changed. false ); outputSources.Add(newInternalAssetData); } } outputDict[the1stGroupKey] = outputSources; Output(nodeId, connectionIdToNextNode, outputDict, usedCache); }
public void Setup(string nodeName, string nodeId, string connectionIdToNextNode, Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> > groupedSources, List <string> alreadyCached, Action <string, string, Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> >, List <string> > Output) { // reserve importSetting type for limit asset. var importSettingSampleType = string.Empty; var outputDict = new Dictionary <string, List <InternalAssetData> >(); var first = true; if (groupedSources.Keys.Count == 0) { return; } // ImportSetting merges multiple incoming groups into one, so warn this if (1 < groupedSources.Keys.Count) { Debug.LogWarning(nodeName + " ImportSetting merges incoming group into \"" + groupedSources.Keys.ToList()[0]); } var inputSources = new List <InternalAssetData>(); foreach (var groupKey in groupedSources.Keys) { inputSources.AddRange(groupedSources[groupKey]); } var assumedImportedAssetDatas = new List <InternalAssetData>(); var samplingDirectoryPath = FileController.PathCombine(AssetBundleGraphSettings.IMPORTER_SETTINGS_PLACE, nodeId); ValidateImportSample(samplingDirectoryPath, (string samplePath) => { // do nothing. keep importing new asset for sampling. }, (string samplePath) => { // do nothing. keep importing new asset for sampling. }, (string samplePath) => { importSettingSampleType = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(samplePath).GetType().ToString(); first = false; }, (string samplePath) => { throw new NodeException( String.Format("Too many sample file found for this import setting node. Delete files in {0} or use \"Clear Saved ImportSettings\" menu.", samplePath), nodeId); } ); var alreadyImported = new List <string>(); var ignoredResource = new List <string>(); foreach (var inputSource in inputSources) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputSource.absoluteSourcePath)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputSource.importedPath)) { alreadyImported.Add(inputSource.importedPath); continue; } ignoredResource.Add(inputSource.fileNameAndExtension); continue; } var assumedImportedPath = inputSource.importedPath; var assumedType = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(assumedImportedPath).GetType(); var importerTypeStr = assumedType.ToString(); /* * only texture, model and audio importer is acceptable. */ switch (importerTypeStr) { case "UnityEditor.TextureImporter": case "UnityEditor.ModelImporter": case "UnityEditor.AudioImporter": { break; } default: { throw new NodeException("unhandled importer type:" + importerTypeStr, nodeId); } } var newData = InternalAssetData.InternalAssetDataByImporterOrModifier( inputSource.traceId, inputSource.absoluteSourcePath, inputSource.sourceBasePath, inputSource.fileNameAndExtension, inputSource.pathUnderSourceBase, assumedImportedPath, null, assumedType ); assumedImportedAssetDatas.Add(newData); if (first) { if (!Directory.Exists(samplingDirectoryPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(samplingDirectoryPath); } var absoluteFilePath = inputSource.absoluteSourcePath; var targetFilePath = FileController.PathCombine(samplingDirectoryPath, inputSource.fileNameAndExtension); EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("AssetBundleGraph ImportSetting generating ImporterSetting...", targetFilePath, 0); FileController.CopyFileFromGlobalToLocal(absoluteFilePath, targetFilePath); first = false; AssetDatabase.Refresh(ImportAssetOptions.ImportRecursive); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); importSettingSampleType = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(targetFilePath).GetType().ToString(); } else { if (importerTypeStr != importSettingSampleType) { throw new NodeException("Multiple asset type is given to Importer Settings. ImporterSetting Takes only 1 asset type." + nodeName + " is configured for " + importSettingSampleType + ", but " + importerTypeStr + " found.", nodeId); } } if (alreadyImported.Any()) { Debug.LogError("importSetting:" + string.Join(", ", alreadyImported.ToArray()) + " are already imported."); } if (ignoredResource.Any()) { Debug.LogError("importSetting:" + string.Join(", ", ignoredResource.ToArray()) + " are ignored."); } outputDict[groupedSources.Keys.ToList()[0]] = assumedImportedAssetDatas; } Output(nodeId, connectionIdToNextNode, outputDict, new List <string>()); }