internal static void GetAccessToken(GoogleTestUser user, out string access_token, out string refresh_token) { string token_type; int expires_in; GoogleOAuthHelper.GetAccessToken(user, out access_token, out refresh_token, out token_type, out expires_in); }
public static void Run() { try { GoogleTestUser User2 = new GoogleTestUser("user", "email address", "password", "clientId", "client secret"); string accessToken; string refreshToken; GoogleOAuthHelper.GetAccessToken(User2, out accessToken, out refreshToken); // Get IGmailclient using (IGmailClient client = GmailClient.GetInstance(accessToken, User2.EMail)) { Contact[] contacts = client.GetAllContacts(); Contact contact = contacts[0]; // ExStart:DeleteGmailContact client.DeleteContact(contact.Id.GoogleId); // ExEnd:DeleteGmailContact } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public static void Run() { try { // ExStart:UpdateGmailContact GoogleTestUser User2 = new GoogleTestUser("user", "email address", "password", "clientId", "client secret"); string accessToken; string refreshToken; GoogleOAuthHelper.GetAccessToken(User2, out accessToken, out refreshToken); // Get IGmailclient using (IGmailClient client = GmailClient.GetInstance(accessToken, User2.EMail)) { Contact[] contacts = client.GetAllContacts(); Contact contact = contacts[0]; contact.JobTitle = "Manager IT"; contact.DepartmentName = "Customer Support"; contact.CompanyName = "Aspose"; contact.Profession = "Software Developer"; client.UpdateContact(contact); } // ExEnd:UpdateGmailContact } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public static void Run() { try { // ExStart:AccessColorInfo GoogleTestUser User2 = new GoogleTestUser("user", "email address", "password", "clientId", "client secret"); string accessToken; string refreshToken; GoogleOAuthHelper.GetAccessToken(User2, out accessToken, out refreshToken); using (IGmailClient client = GmailClient.GetInstance(accessToken, User2.EMail)) { ColorsInfo colors = client.GetColors(); Dictionary <string, Colors> palettes = colors.Calendar; // Traverse the settings list foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Colors> pair in palettes) { Console.WriteLine("Key = " + pair.Key + ", Color = " + pair.Value); } Console.WriteLine("Update Date = " + colors.Updated); } // ExEnd:AccessColorInfo } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public static void Run() { try { // ExStart:DeleteParticularCalendar // Get access token GoogleTestUser User2 = new GoogleTestUser("user", "email address", "password", "clientId", "client secret"); string accessToken; string refreshToken; GoogleOAuthHelper.GetAccessToken(User2, out accessToken, out refreshToken); using (IGmailClient client = GmailClient.GetInstance(accessToken, User2.EMail)) { // Access and delete calendar with summary starting from "Calendar summary - " string summary = "Calendar summary - "; // Get calendars list ExtendedCalendar[] lst0 = client.ListCalendars(); foreach (ExtendedCalendar extCal in lst0) { // Delete selected calendars if (extCal.Summary.StartsWith(summary)) { client.DeleteCalendar(extCal.Id); } } } // ExEnd:DeleteParticularCalendar } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public static void Run() { try { string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Gmail(); GoogleTestUser User2 = new GoogleTestUser("user", "email address", "password", "clientId", "client secret"); string accessToken; string refreshToken; GoogleOAuthHelper.GetAccessToken(User2, out accessToken, out refreshToken); // Get IGmailclient using (IGmailClient client = GmailClient.GetInstance(accessToken, User2.EMail)) { Contact[] contacts = client.GetAllContacts(); Contact contact = contacts[0]; // ExStart:SavingContact contact.Save(dataDir + "contact_out.msg", ContactSaveFormat.Msg); contact.Save(dataDir + "contact_out.vcf", ContactSaveFormat.VCard); // ExEnd:SavingContact } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
internal static void GetAccessToken(string authorizationCode, GoogleTestUser user, out string access_token, out string token_type, out int expires_in, out string refresh_token) { access_token = null; token_type = null; expires_in = 0; refresh_token = null; HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(TOKEN_REQUEST_URL); request.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(); request.Method = "POST"; request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; string encodedParameters = string.Format("client_id={0}&code={1}&client_secret={2}&redirect_uri={3}&grant_type={4}", System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(user.ClientId), System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(authorizationCode), System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(user.ClientSecret), System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(REDIRECT_URI), System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(GrantTypes.authorization_code.ToString())); byte[] requestData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(encodedParameters); request.ContentLength = requestData.Length; if (requestData.Length > 0) { using (Stream stream = request.GetRequestStream()) stream.Write(requestData, 0, requestData.Length); } HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); string responseText = null; using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.ASCII)) responseText = reader.ReadToEnd(); foreach (string sPair in responseText.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "").Replace("\"", "").Split(new string[] { ",\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None)) { string[] pair = sPair.Split(':'); string name = pair[0].Trim().ToLower(); string value = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(pair[1].Trim()); switch (name) { case "access_token": access_token = value; break; case "token_type": token_type = value; break; case "expires_in": expires_in = Convert.ToInt32(value); break; case "refresh_token": refresh_token = value; break; } } Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Authorization code: '{0}'", authorizationCode)); Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Access token: '{0}'", access_token)); Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Refresh token: '{0}'", refresh_token)); Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Token type: '{0}'", token_type)); Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Expires in: '{0}'", expires_in)); Debug.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------------------"); Debug.WriteLine(""); }
internal static string GetAccessToken(GoogleTestUser user) { string access_token; string token_type; int expires_in; GetAccessToken(user, out access_token, out token_type, out expires_in); return(access_token); }
public static void Run() { try { // ExStart:AccessGmailContacts GoogleTestUser User2 = new GoogleTestUser("user", "email address", "password", "clientId", "client secret"); string accessToken; string refreshToken; GoogleOAuthHelper.GetAccessToken(User2, out accessToken, out refreshToken); // Get IGmailclient using (IGmailClient client = GmailClient.GetInstance(accessToken, User2.EMail)) { Contact[] contacts = client.GetAllContacts(); foreach (Contact contact in contacts) { Console.WriteLine(contact.DisplayName + ", " + contact.EmailAddresses[0]); } // Fetch contacts from a specific group ContactGroupCollection groups = client.GetAllGroups(); GoogleContactGroup group = null; foreach (GoogleContactGroup g in groups) { switch (g.Title) { case "TestGroup": group = g; break; } } // Retrieve contacts from the Group if (group != null) { Contact[] contacts2 = client.GetContactsFromGroup(group.Id); foreach (Contact con in contacts2) { Console.WriteLine(con.DisplayName + "," + con.EmailAddresses[0].ToString()); } } } // ExEnd:AccessGmailContacts } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public static void Run() { try { // ExStart:InsertFetchAndUpdateCalendar // Get access token GoogleTestUser User2 = new GoogleTestUser("user", "email address", "password", "clientId", "client secret"); string accessToken; string refreshToken; GoogleOAuthHelper.GetAccessToken(User2, out accessToken, out refreshToken); using (IGmailClient client = GmailClient.GetInstance(accessToken, User2.EMail)) { // Insert, get and update calendar Aspose.Email.Clients.Google.Calendar calendar = new Aspose.Email.Clients.Google.Calendar("summary - " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), null, null, "America/Los_Angeles"); // Insert calendar and Retrieve same calendar using id string id = client.CreateCalendar(calendar); Aspose.Email.Clients.Google.Calendar cal = client.FetchCalendar(id); //Match the retrieved calendar info with local calendar if ((calendar.Summary == cal.Summary) && (calendar.TimeZone == cal.TimeZone)) { Console.WriteLine("fetched calendar information matches"); } else { Console.WriteLine("fetched calendar information does not match"); } // Change information in the fetched calendar and Update calendar cal.Description = "Description - " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); cal.Location = "Location - " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); client.UpdateCalendar(cal); } // ExEnd:InsertFetchAndUpdateCalendar } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public static void Run() { try { // ExStart:AccessClientSettings GoogleTestUser User2 = new GoogleTestUser("user", "email address", "password", "clientId", "client secret"); string accessToken; string refreshToken; GoogleOAuthHelper.GetAccessToken(User2, out accessToken, out refreshToken); using (IGmailClient client = GmailClient.GetInstance(accessToken, User2.EMail)) { // Retrieve client settings Dictionary <string, string> settings = client.GetSettings(); if (settings.Count < 1) { Console.WriteLine("No settings are available."); return; } // Traverse the settings list foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in settings) { // Get the setting value and test if settings are ok string value = client.GetSetting(pair.Key); if (pair.Value == value) { Console.WriteLine("Key = " + pair.Key + ", Value = " + pair.Value); } else { Console.WriteLine("Settings could not be retrieved"); } } } // ExEnd:AccessClientSettings } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public static void Run() { try { // ExStart:MoveAndDeleteAppointment GoogleTestUser User2 = new GoogleTestUser("user", "email address", "password", "clientId", "client secret"); string accessToken; string refreshToken; GoogleOAuthHelper.GetAccessToken(User2, out accessToken, out refreshToken); // Get IGmailclient using (IGmailClient client = Aspose.Email.Clients.Google.GmailClient.GetInstance(accessToken, User2.EMail)) { string SourceCalendarId = client.ListCalendars()[0].Id; string DestinationCalendarId = client.ListCalendars()[1].Id; string TargetAppUniqueId = client.ListAppointments(SourceCalendarId)[0].UniqueId; // Retrieve the list of appointments in the destination calendar before moving the appointment Appointment[] appointments = client.ListAppointments(DestinationCalendarId); Console.WriteLine("Before moving count = " + appointments.Length); Appointment Movedapp = client.MoveAppointment(SourceCalendarId, DestinationCalendarId, TargetAppUniqueId); // Retrieve the list of appointments in the destination calendar after moving the appointment appointments = client.ListAppointments(DestinationCalendarId); Console.WriteLine("After moving count = " + appointments.Length); // Delete particular appointment from a calendar using unique id client.DeleteAppointment(DestinationCalendarId, Movedapp.UniqueId); // Retrieve the list of appointments. It should be one less than the earlier appointments in the destination calendar appointments = client.ListAppointments(DestinationCalendarId); Console.WriteLine("After deleting count = " + appointments.Length); } // ExEnd:MoveAndDeleteAppointment } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public static void Run() { try { // ExStart:RetrieveUpdateAppointment GoogleTestUser User2 = new GoogleTestUser("user", "email address", "password", "clientId", "client secret"); string accessToken; string refreshToken; GoogleOAuthHelper.GetAccessToken(User2, out accessToken, out refreshToken); // Get IGmailclient using (IGmailClient client = GmailClient.GetInstance(accessToken, User2.EMail)) { string calendarId = client.ListCalendars()[0].Id; string AppointmentUniqueId = client.ListAppointments(calendarId)[0].UniqueId; // Retrieve Appointment Appointment app3 = client.FetchAppointment(calendarId, AppointmentUniqueId); // Change the appointment information app3.Summary = "New Summary - " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); app3.Description = "New Description - " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); app3.Location = "New Location - " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); app3.Flags = AppointmentFlags.AllDayEvent; app3.StartDate = DateTime.Now.AddHours(2); app3.EndDate = app3.StartDate.AddHours(1); app3.StartTimeZone = "Europe/Kiev"; app3.EndTimeZone = "Europe/Kiev"; // Update the appointment and get back updated appointment Appointment app4 = client.UpdateAppointment(calendarId, app3); } // ExEnd:RetrieveUpdateAppointment } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public static void Run() { try { // ExStart:ManageAccessRule GoogleTestUser User2 = new GoogleTestUser("user", "email address", "password", "clientId", "client secret"); string accessToken; string refreshToken; GoogleOAuthHelper.GetAccessToken(User2, out accessToken, out refreshToken); using (IGmailClient client = GmailClient.GetInstance(accessToken, User2.EMail)) { // Retrieve list of calendars for the current client ExtendedCalendar[] calendarList = client.ListCalendars(); // Get first calendar id and retrieve list of AccessControlRule for the first calendar string calendarId = calendarList[0].Id; AccessControlRule[] roles1 = client.ListAccessRules(calendarId); // Create a local access control rule and Set rule properties AccessControlRule rule = new AccessControlRule(); rule.Role = AccessRole.reader; rule.Scope = new AclScope(AclScopeType.user, User2.EMail); // Insert new rule for the calendar. It returns the newly created rule AccessControlRule createdRule = client.CreateAccessRule(calendarId, rule); // Confirm if local created rule and returned rule are equal if ((rule.Role == createdRule.Role) && (rule.Scope.Type == createdRule.Scope.Type) && (rule.Scope.Value.ToLower() == createdRule.Scope.Value.ToLower())) { Console.WriteLine("local rule and returned rule after creation are equal"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Rule could not be created successfully"); return; } // Get list of rules AccessControlRule[] roles2 = client.ListAccessRules(calendarId); // Current list length should be 1 more than the earlier one if (roles1.Length + 1 == roles2.Length) { Console.WriteLine("List lengths are ok"); } else { Console.WriteLine("List lengths are not ok"); return; } // Change rule and Update the rule for the selected calendar createdRule.Role = AccessRole.writer; AccessControlRule updatedRule = client.UpdateAccessRule(calendarId, createdRule); // Check if returned access control rule after update is ok if ((createdRule.Role == updatedRule.Role) && (createdRule.Id == updatedRule.Id)) { Console.WriteLine("Rule is updated successfully"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Rule is not updated"); return; } // Retrieve individaul rule against a calendar AccessControlRule fetchedRule = client.FetchAccessRule(calendarId, createdRule.Id); //Check if rule parameters are ok if ((updatedRule.Id == fetchedRule.Id) && (updatedRule.Role == fetchedRule.Role) && (updatedRule.Scope.Type == fetchedRule.Scope.Type) && (updatedRule.Scope.Value.ToLower() == fetchedRule.Scope.Value.ToLower())) { Console.WriteLine("Rule parameters are ok"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Rule parameters are not ok"); } // Delete particular rule against a given calendar and Retrieve the all rules list for the same calendar client.DeleteAccessRule(calendarId, createdRule.Id); AccessControlRule[] roles3 = client.ListAccessRules(calendarId); // Check that current rules list length should be equal to the original list length before adding and deleting the rule if (roles1.Length == roles3.Length) { Console.WriteLine("List lengths are same"); } else { Console.WriteLine("List lengths are not equal"); return; } } // ExEnd:ManageAccessRule } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public static void Run() { try { // ExStart:CreateGmailContact GoogleTestUser User2 = new GoogleTestUser("user", "email address", "password", "clientId", "client secret"); string accessToken; string refreshToken; GoogleOAuthHelper.GetAccessToken(User2, out accessToken, out refreshToken); // Gmail Client IGmailClient client = GmailClient.GetInstance(accessToken, User2.EMail); // Create a Contact Contact contact = new Contact(); contact.Prefix = "Prefix"; contact.GivenName = "GivenName"; contact.Surname = "Surname"; contact.MiddleName = "MiddleName"; contact.DisplayName = "Test User 1"; contact.Suffix = "Suffix"; contact.JobTitle = "JobTitle"; contact.DepartmentName = "DepartmentName"; contact.CompanyName = "CompanyName"; contact.Profession = "Profession"; contact.Notes = "Notes"; PostalAddress address = new PostalAddress(); address.Category = PostalAddressCategory.Work; address.Address = "Address"; address.Street = "Street"; address.PostOfficeBox = "PostOfficeBox"; address.City = "City"; address.StateOrProvince = "StateOrProvince"; address.PostalCode = "PostalCode"; address.Country = "Country"; contact.PhysicalAddresses.Add(address); PhoneNumber pnWork = new PhoneNumber(); pnWork.Number = "323423423423"; pnWork.Category = PhoneNumberCategory.Work; contact.PhoneNumbers.Add(pnWork); PhoneNumber pnHome = new PhoneNumber(); pnHome.Number = "323423423423"; pnHome.Category = PhoneNumberCategory.Home; contact.PhoneNumbers.Add(pnHome); PhoneNumber pnMobile = new PhoneNumber(); pnMobile.Number = "323423423423"; pnMobile.Category = PhoneNumberCategory.Mobile; contact.PhoneNumbers.Add(pnMobile); contact.Urls.Blog = ""; contact.Urls.BusinessHomePage = ""; contact.Urls.HomePage = ""; contact.Urls.Profile = ""; contact.Events.Birthday = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-30); contact.Events.Anniversary = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-10); contact.InstantMessengers.AIM = "AIM"; contact.InstantMessengers.GoogleTalk = "GoogleTalk"; contact.InstantMessengers.ICQ = "ICQ"; contact.InstantMessengers.Jabber = "Jabber"; contact.InstantMessengers.MSN = "MSN"; contact.InstantMessengers.QQ = "QQ"; contact.InstantMessengers.Skype = "Skype"; contact.InstantMessengers.Yahoo = "Yahoo"; contact.AssociatedPersons.Spouse = "Spouse"; contact.AssociatedPersons.Sister = "Sister"; contact.AssociatedPersons.Relative = "Relative"; contact.AssociatedPersons.ReferredBy = "ReferredBy"; contact.AssociatedPersons.Partner = "Partner"; contact.AssociatedPersons.Parent = "Parent"; contact.AssociatedPersons.Mother = "Mother"; contact.AssociatedPersons.Manager = "Manager"; // Email Address EmailAddress eAddress = new EmailAddress(); eAddress.Address = "*****@*****.**"; contact.EmailAddresses.Add(eAddress); string contactUri = client.CreateContact(contact); // ExEnd:CreateGmailContact } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public static void Run() { try { // ExStart:QueryingCalendar // Get access token GoogleTestUser User2 = new GoogleTestUser("user", "email address", "password", "clientId", "client secret"); string accessToken; string refreshToken; GoogleOAuthHelper.GetAccessToken(User2, out accessToken, out refreshToken); // Get IGmailClient using (IGmailClient client = GmailClient.GetInstance(accessToken, User2.EMail)) { // Initialize calendar item Aspose.Email.Clients.Google.Calendar calendar1 = new Aspose.Email.Clients.Google.Calendar("summary - " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), null, null, "Europe/Kiev"); // Insert calendar and get back id of newly inserted calendar and Fetch the same calendar using calendar id string id = client.CreateCalendar(calendar1); Aspose.Email.Clients.Google.Calendar cal1 = client.FetchCalendar(id); string calendarId1 = cal1.Id; try { // Get list of appointments in newly inserted calendar. It should be zero Appointment[] appointments = client.ListAppointments(calendarId1); if (appointments.Length != 0) { Console.WriteLine("Wrong number of appointments"); return; } // Create a new appointment and Calculate appointment start and finish time DateTime startDate = DateTime.Now; DateTime endDate = startDate.AddHours(1); // Create attendees list for appointment MailAddressCollection attendees = new MailAddressCollection(); attendees.Add("*****@*****.**"); attendees.Add("*****@*****.**"); // Create appointment Appointment app1 = new Appointment("Location - " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), startDate, endDate, "*****@*****.**", attendees); app1.Summary = "Summary - " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); app1.Description = "Description - " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); app1.StartTimeZone = "Europe/Kiev"; app1.EndTimeZone = "Europe/Kiev"; // Insert the newly created appointment and get back the same in case of successful insertion Appointment app2 = client.CreateAppointment(calendarId1, app1); // Create Freebusy query by setting min/max timeand time zone FreebusyQuery query = new FreebusyQuery(); query.TimeMin = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); query.TimeMax = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1); query.TimeZone = "Europe/Kiev"; // Set calendar item to search and Get the reponse of query containing query.Items.Add(cal1.Id); FreebusyResponse resp = client.GetFreebusyInfo(query); // Delete the appointment client.DeleteAppointment(calendarId1, app2.UniqueId); } finally { // Delete the calendar client.DeleteCalendar(cal1.Id); } } // ExEnd:QueryingCalendar } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public static void Run() { try { // ExStart:AddingAnAppointment GoogleTestUser User2 = new GoogleTestUser("user", "email address", "password", "clientId", "client secret"); string accessToken; string refreshToken; GoogleOAuthHelper.GetAccessToken(User2, out accessToken, out refreshToken); // Get IGmailclient using (IGmailClient client = GmailClient.GetInstance(accessToken, User2.EMail)) { // Create local calendar Aspose.Email.Clients.Google.Calendar calendar1 = new Aspose.Email.Clients.Google.Calendar("summary - " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), null, null, "Europe/Kiev"); // Insert calendar and get id of inserted calendar and Get back calendar using an id string id = client.CreateCalendar(calendar1); Aspose.Email.Clients.Google.Calendar cal1 = client.FetchCalendar(id); string calendarId1 = cal1.Id; try { // Retrieve list of appointments from the first calendar Appointment[] appointments = client.ListAppointments(calendarId1); if (appointments.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Wrong number of appointments"); return; } // Get current time and Calculate time after an hour from now DateTime startDate = DateTime.Now; DateTime endDate = startDate.AddHours(1); // Initialize a mail address collection and set attendees mail address MailAddressCollection attendees = new MailAddressCollection(); attendees.Add("*****@*****.**"); attendees.Add("*****@*****.**"); // Create an appointment with above attendees Appointment app1 = new Appointment("Location - " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), startDate, endDate, User2.EMail, attendees); // Set appointment summary, description, start/end time zone app1.Summary = "Summary - " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); app1.Description = "Description - " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); app1.StartTimeZone = "Europe/Kiev"; app1.EndTimeZone = "Europe/Kiev"; // Insert appointment in the first calendar inserted above and get back inserted appointment Appointment app2 = client.CreateAppointment(calendarId1, app1); // Retrieve appointment using unique id Appointment app3 = client.FetchAppointment(calendarId1, app2.UniqueId); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } // ExEnd:AddingAnAppointment } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
internal static void GetAccessToken(GoogleTestUser user, out string access_token, out string refresh_token, out string token_type, out int expires_in) { string authorizationCode = GoogleOAuthHelper.GetAuthorizationCode(user, GoogleOAuthHelper.SCOPE, GoogleOAuthHelper.REDIRECT_URI, GoogleOAuthHelper.REDIRECT_TYPE); GoogleOAuthHelper.GetAccessToken(authorizationCode, user, out access_token, out token_type, out expires_in, out refresh_token); }
internal static string GetAuthorizationCode(GoogleTestUser acc, string scope, string redirectUri, string responseType) { Debug.WriteLine(""); Debug.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------------------"); Debug.WriteLine("-----------OAuth 2.0 authorization information-----------"); Debug.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------------------"); Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Login: '******'", acc.EMail)); string authorizationCode = null; string error = null; string approveUrl = string.Format("{0}&response_type={1}&client_id={2}&scope={3}", redirectUri, responseType, acc.ClientId, scope); AutoResetEvent are0 = new AutoResetEvent(false); Thread t = new Thread(delegate() { bool doEvents = true; WebBrowser browser = new WebBrowser(); browser.AllowNavigation = true; browser.DocumentCompleted += delegate(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) { doEvents = false; }; Form f = new Form(); f.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow; f.ShowInTaskbar = false; f.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; f.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(-2000, -2000); f.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(1, 1); f.Controls.Add(browser); f.Load += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { browser.Navigate(""); doEvents = true; while (doEvents) { Application.DoEvents(); } browser.Navigate(""); doEvents = true; while (doEvents) { Application.DoEvents(); } HtmlElement loginForm = browser.Document.Forms["gaia_loginform"]; if (loginForm != null) { HtmlElement userName = browser.Document.All["Email"]; userName.SetAttribute("value", acc.EMail); loginForm.InvokeMember("submit"); doEvents = true; while (doEvents) { Application.DoEvents(); } loginForm = browser.Document.Forms["gaia_loginform"]; HtmlElement passwd = browser.Document.All["Passwd"]; passwd.SetAttribute("value", acc.Password); loginForm.InvokeMember("submit"); doEvents = true; while (doEvents) { Application.DoEvents(); } } else { error = "Login form is not found in \n" + browser.Document.Body.InnerHtml; return; } browser.Navigate(approveUrl); doEvents = true; while (doEvents) { Application.DoEvents(); } HtmlElement approveForm = browser.Document.Forms["connect-approve"]; if (approveForm != null) { HtmlElement submitAccess = browser.Document.All["submit_access"]; submitAccess.SetAttribute("value", "true"); approveForm.InvokeMember("submit"); doEvents = true; while (doEvents) { Application.DoEvents(); } } else { error = "Approve form is not found in \n" + browser.Document.Body.InnerHtml; return; } HtmlElement code = browser.Document.All["code"]; if (code != null) { authorizationCode = code.GetAttribute("value"); } else { error = "Authorization code is not found in \n" + browser.Document.Body.InnerHtml; } } catch (Exception ex) { error = ex.Message; } finally { f.Close(); } }; Application.Run(f); are0.Set(); }); t.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); t.Start(); are0.WaitOne(); if (error != null) { throw new Exception(error); } return(authorizationCode); }