private ColumnTypeEnum GetColumnType(CommonDataProvider provider, string tableName, string columnName) { string sql = string.Format("select data_type from information_schema.columns where table_name = '{0}' AND column_name = '{1}'", tableName, columnName); string val = provider.ExecuteScalar(sql).ToString(); if (val == "char" || val == "nchar" || val == "nvarchar" || val == "varchar") { return ColumnTypeEnum.Varchar; } else if (val == "int") { return ColumnTypeEnum.Integer; } else if (val == "numeric") { return ColumnTypeEnum.Numeric; } else if (val == "decimal") { return ColumnTypeEnum.Decimal; } else if (val == "uniqueidentifier") { return ColumnTypeEnum.Uniqueidentifier; } else { return ColumnTypeEnum.Unknown; } }
private int GetColumnLength(CommonDataProvider provider, string tableName, string columnName) { string sql = string.Format("select character_maximum_length from information_schema.columns where table_name = '{0}' AND column_name = '{1}'", tableName, columnName); object val = provider.ExecuteScalar(sql); if (val == DBNull.Value) return 0; return Convert.ToInt32(val); }
public object GetProductDicitonaryValue(Guid productID, string property) { string sql = "select [{0}] from Product where ID = '{1}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, property, productID); using (CommonDataProvider provider = new CommonDataProvider()) { return provider.ExecuteScalar(sql); } }
public object GetProductDictionaryText(Guid entityID, DictionaryTree entity) { string sql = "select [{0}] from {1} where [{2}] = '{3}'"; sql = string.Format(sql, entity.Dictionary.IdentifierField, entity.Dictionary.TableName, entity.PK, entityID); using (CommonDataProvider provider = new CommonDataProvider()) { return provider.ExecuteScalar(sql); } }
public object GetDictionaryItemValue(Guid dictionaryTreeID, Guid entityID, string column) { DictionaryTree tree = DictionaryTrees.SingleOrDefault(d => d.ID == dictionaryTreeID); if (tree != null) { string sql = string.Format("select [{0}] from [{1}] where [{2}] = '{3}'", column, tree.Dictionary.TableName, tree.PK, entityID); using (CommonDataProvider domain = new CommonDataProvider()) { return domain.ExecuteScalar(sql); } } return null; }