public static string GetPaginationUrl(this UrlHelper url, Category c, int? offset, int? count) { // reads the search, sorting, and filter parameters from the route data. // all other overrides do not (ie. jumping from category to category resets // those fields, but paging in a result set obviously should not). var q = url.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.QueryString["q"]; var s = url.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.QueryString["sort"]; var afford = url.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.QueryString["afford"]; var tag = url.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.QueryString["tag"]; return GetCategoryUrl(url, c, tag, q, s, String.IsNullOrEmpty(afford) ? (bool?)null : true, offset, count); }
public static string GetCategoryUrl(this UrlHelper url, Category c, string tag, string q, string s, bool? afford, int? offset, int? count) { var d = new RouteValueDictionary { { "tag", tag }, { "q", q }, { "s", s }, { "afford", afford }, { "offset", offset }, { "count", count }, }; var name = "CatalogKeys" + c.Key.Length; while (null != c && c.Key.Length > 1) { d["key" + (c.Key.Length-2)] = c.Slug; c = c.Parent; } return url.RouteUrl(name, d); }
public static string GetCategoryUrl(this UrlHelper url, Category c, int? offset, int? count) { return GetCategoryUrl(url, c, null, null, null, null, offset, count); }
public static string GetCategoryUrl(this UrlHelper url, Category c) { return GetCategoryUrl(url, c, null, null); }
public static string GetTagUrl(this UrlHelper url, Category c, string tag) { return GetCategoryUrl(url, c, tag, null, null, null, null, null); }
public static MvcHtmlString CategoryNode(this HtmlHelper html, UrlHelper url, Category c, Func<Category, bool> expanded = null) { var buf = new StringBuilder(); var exp = (null != expanded && expanded(c)); buf.Append(exp ? "<li class=\"expanded\">" : "<li>"); buf.AppendFormat("<span class=\"ui-icon {0}\" style=\"float: left;\"></span>", null != c.Children && c.Children.Count > 0 ? (exp ? "ui-icon-circlesmall-minus expandable" : "ui-icon-circlesmall-plus expandable") : "ui-icon-placeholder"); buf.Append(html.CategoryLink(url, c)); if (null != c.Children && c.Children.Count > 0) { buf.Append("<ul>"); foreach (var child in c.Children.Values) { buf.Append(html.CategoryNode(url, child, expanded)); } buf.Append("</ul>"); } buf.Append("</li>"); return MvcHtmlString.Create(buf.ToString()); }
public static MvcHtmlString CategoryLink(this HtmlHelper html, UrlHelper url, Category c) { return MvcHtmlString.Create("<a href=\"" + url.GetCategoryUrl(c) + "\">" + (c.Name == "Catalog" ? "All Products" : c.Name) + "</a>"); }
public IList<CatalogProduct> SearchProducts(string catalog, Category category, string query) { query = query.ToLowerInvariant(); return category.Products.Where(x => x.Name.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(query)).ToList(); }
public IList<CatalogProduct> GetProducts(string catalog, Category category) { return category.Products; }
public CatalogData( IApplicationConfiguration configuration, Catalog catalog, Product[] products) { // set the root category Categories = new Category { Key = new string[] {"catalog"}, Slug = "catalog", Name = "Catalog", Products = new List<CatalogProduct>(products.Length), }; // convert products Products = new Dictionary<string, CatalogProduct>(products.Length); foreach (var p in products) { // find/build the category var category = Categories; for (int i = 1; i < p.Category.Length; i++) { var slug = p.Category[i].ToSlug(); if (null == category.Children) { category.Children = new Dictionary<string, Category>(); } if (!category.Children.ContainsKey(slug)) { category.Children[slug] = new Category { Key = category.Key.Concat(new[] {slug}).ToArray(), Name = p.Category[i], Parent = category, Slug = slug, Products = new List<CatalogProduct>(100), }; } category = category.Children[slug]; } // tranform the product var x = new CatalogProduct { Catalog = catalog, Id = p.ProductId, Name = p.Name, Sku = p.Sku, Manufacturer = p.Manufacturer, Brand = p.Brand, Model = p.Model, Description = p.Description, Features = p.Features, Warranty = p.Warranty, CountryOfOrigin = p.CountryOfOrigin, Category = category, Tags = p.Tags, Price = (int)Math.Ceiling(catalog.GetPrice(p) * configuration.PointsPerDollar), Options = null == p.Options ? new List<CatalogProductOption>() : p.Options.Select(i => { var source = i.GetBestSource(); var price = null == source ? null : source.Pricing; return new CatalogProductOption { Sku = i.Sku, Name = i.Name, Price = price == null ? null : (int?)Math.Ceiling(configuration.PointsPerDollar * catalog.GetPrice(p, i.Name)), }; }).ToList(), }; Products[x.Id] = x; // add to various categories do { category.Products.Add(x); category = category.Parent; } while (category != null); } }