void Check_Checkbox_visibility() { Report.Info("Inside Check_Checkbox_visibility "); Report.Info("Going to check the checkBox visibility"); Total_Port_Fwding_Rules tpfr = new Total_Port_Fwding_Rules(); int rulesCnt = tpfr.pfRules_Count(); Report.Info(" rulesCnt -------->> " + rulesCnt); //if there are no rules (or) if the first check box is not visible then skip the next 2 test cases if (rulesCnt == -1) { // there are no rules TestSuite.Current.GetTestCase("Select_First_Port_Forwarding_Rule_to_Disable").Checked = false; TestSuite.Current.GetTestCase("Disable_First_Port_Forward_Rule").Checked = false; } else if (rulesCnt > 0) // if rulesCnt is 'zero' skip it { TestSuite.Current.GetTestCase("Select_First_Port_Forwarding_Rule_to_Disable").Checked = false; TestSuite.Current.GetTestCase("Disable_First_Port_Forward_Rule").Checked = false; } }
public void Choose_All_Port_Forward_Rules_to_Disable() { //choose all port rules ( except UPnP) to delete - Added on 06/06/2017 , R3.11 //Delay.Seconds(15); Total_Port_Fwding_Rules tpfr = new Total_Port_Fwding_Rules(); int ruleCnt = tpfr.pfRules_Count(); Report.Info(" ruleCnt " + ruleCnt); if (ruleCnt == -1) { Report.Failure("Port Forwarding ", "There are no active Port Forwarding rules to Disable !!"); TestSuite.Current.GetTestCase("Apply_Port_Forward_Changes_Disable_All").Checked = false; return; } else if (TotalRows < 6) { Delay.Seconds(5); } else if (TotalRows < 10) { Delay.Seconds(10); } else if (TotalRows > 10 && TotalRows < 20) { Delay.Seconds(20); } else if (TotalRows > 20 && TotalRows < 30) { Delay.Seconds(30); } else if (TotalRows > 30) { Delay.Seconds(40); } WebDocument webDocument = "/dom[@domain='']"; TableTag myTable = webDocument.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//table[#'PortForwardingTable']"); //R3.11 // TableTag myTable = webDocument.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//table[#'portTriggeringTable']"); //As per R3.5 (9.1.116J) //Count the total no of port forwarding rules (rows) IList <TrTag> totalRules = myTable.Find <TrTag>("./tbody//tr"); int rulesCount = totalRules.Count; //Report.Info("Total Rules",rulesCount.ToString()); string totalPortRules = "Total Rules : " + rulesCount.ToString(); //Report.Info("Port Forwarding ",totalPortRules); if (rulesCount > 0) { Report.Info("Total Rules", totalPortRules); // is there are any active rules ?? //walkthrough the column values IList <TdTag> cols = myTable.Find <TdTag>("./tbody//td"); int colsCount = cols.Count; int j = 1; //Report.Info("Total colsCount",colsCount.ToString()); foreach (TdTag col in cols) { Report.Info("Column #", j.ToString()); Report.Info("Column Value", col.InnerText); if (j == 5) { //enable or disable ? //Report.Info("Enable or Disable ?"); IList <InputTag> inputVals = col.Find <InputTag>("./input"); int inputValsCount = inputVals.Count; //Report.Info("input count : "+inputVals.Count); Report.Info("input count : " + inputValsCount); if (ruleCnt == 1 && inputValsCount == 0) { Report.Info(" Skip - Apply_Port_Forward_Changes_Disable_All "); TestSuite.Current.GetTestCase("Apply_Port_Forward_Changes_Disable_All").Checked = false; } foreach (InputTag inputVal in inputVals) { Ranorex.InputTag testTag = inputVal; Report.Info(inputVal.GetPath().ToString()); if (testTag.Checked.ToString() == "True") { Report.Info(" portForwardingTableEnabledTag is currently enabled "); inputVal.Checked = "False"; Delay.Seconds(5); Report.Log(ReportLevel.Success, "This port forwarding rule is disabled now..."); Report.Screenshot("PortForwardingRule", col.Element, true); } else { //Report.Info(" portForwardingTableEnabledTag is currently disabled "); //inputVal.PerformClick(); //Delay.Seconds(5); Report.Log(ReportLevel.Success, "This port forwarding rule is already disabled !!!"); Report.Screenshot("PortForwardingRule", col.Element, true); } } //end of for-loop : InputTag j++; //increment the column } else if (j == 6) { //delete box //Report.Info("delete ?"); j = 1; } else { j++; } } // end of FOR-LOOP :TdTag Report.Log(ReportLevel.Success, "The following port forwarding rule(s) are Disabled"); Delay.Seconds(1); //Report.Screenshot(); Report.Screenshot("PortForwardingRule", myTable.Element, true); } else { Report.Failure("Port Forwarding ", "There are no active Port Forwarding rules to Disable !!"); TestSuite.Current.GetTestCase("Apply_Port_Forward_Changes_Disable_All").Checked = false; return; } // end of if-else }