コード例 #1
        private IResponse Query <T>(IRequestContext ctx, Route route, IQuery <T> query, NameValueCollection p)
            IQuery <T> wrappedQuery = WrapInJoinQueryIfFound(query, this.Database, p);

            // Ensure the table exists and set it on the query
            string tableName = GetAndValidateTableName(route);

            if (!this.Database.TableExists(tableName))
                return(ArribaResponse.NotFound("Table not found to query."));

            query.TableName = tableName;

            // Correct the query with default correctors
            using (ctx.Monitor(MonitorEventLevel.Verbose, "Correct", type: "Table", identity: tableName, detail: query.Where.ToString()))

            // Execute and return results for the query
            using (ctx.Monitor(MonitorEventLevel.Information, query.GetType().Name, type: "Table", identity: tableName, detail: query.Where.ToString()))
                T result = this.Database.Query(wrappedQuery, (si) => this.IsInIdentity(ctx.Request.User, si));
コード例 #2
        private async Task<IResponse> Select(IRequestContext ctx, Route route)
            string tableName = GetAndValidateTableName(route);
            if (!this.Database.TableExists(tableName))
                return ArribaResponse.NotFound("Table not found to select from.");

            string outputFormat = ctx.Request.ResourceParameters["fmt"];

            SelectQuery query = await SelectQueryFromRequest(this.Database, ctx);
            query.TableName = tableName;

            Table table = this.Database[tableName];
            SelectResult result = null;

            // If no columns were requested or this is RSS, get only the ID column
            if(query.Columns == null || query.Columns.Count == 0 || String.Equals(outputFormat, "rss", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                query.Columns = new string[] { table.IDColumn.Name };

            // Read Joins, if passed
            IQuery<SelectResult> wrappedQuery = WrapInJoinQueryIfFound(query, this.Database, ctx);

            ICorrector correctors = this.CurrentCorrectors(ctx);
            using (ctx.Monitor(MonitorEventLevel.Verbose, "Correct", type: "Table", identity: tableName, detail: query.Where.ToString()))
                // Run server correctors

            using (ctx.Monitor(MonitorEventLevel.Information, "Select", type: "Table", identity: tableName, detail: query.Where.ToString()))
                // Run the query
                result = this.Database.Query(wrappedQuery, (si) => this.IsInIdentity(ctx.Request.User, si));

            // Format the result in the return format
            switch((outputFormat ?? "").ToLowerInvariant())
                case "":
                case "json":
                    return ArribaResponse.Ok(result);
                case "csv":
                    return ToCsvResponse(result, $"{tableName}-{DateTime.Now:yyyyMMdd}.csv");
                case "rss":
                    return ToRssResponse(result, "", query.TableName + ": " + query.Where, ctx.Request.ResourceParameters["iURL"]);
                    throw new ArgumentException($"OutputFormat [fmt] passed, '{outputFormat}', was invalid.");
コード例 #3
        protected IResponse ValidateTableAccess(IRequestContext ctx, Route routeData, PermissionScope scope, bool overrideLocalHostSameUser = false)
            string tableName = GetAndValidateTableName(routeData);

            if (!this.Database.TableExists(tableName))
                return(ArribaResponse.NotFound("Table requested does not exist."));

            var currentUser = ctx.Request.User;

            // If we are asked if override auth, check if the request was made from a loopback address (local) and the
            // current process identity matches the request identity
            if (overrideLocalHostSameUser && IsRequestOriginLoopback(ctx.Request) && IsProcessUserSame(currentUser.Identity))
                // Log for auditing that we skipped out on checking table auth.
                                       entityType: "Table",
                                       entityIdentity: tableName,
                                       name: "Authentication Override",
                                       user: ctx.Request.User.Identity.Name,
                                       detail: "Skipping table authentication for local loopback user on request");


            if (!HasTableAccess(tableName, currentUser, scope))
                return(ArribaResponse.Forbidden(String.Format("Access to {0} denied for {1}.", tableName, currentUser.Identity.Name)));