コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        ///  Convert the set of values returned into a dimension for an aggregation.
        ///  NOTE: Aggregations with huge numbers of distinct values aren't recommended.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>AggregationDimension to use to 'Group By' the column</returns>
        public AggregationDimension ToAggregationDimension()
            AggregationDimension d = new AggregationDimension();

            d.Name = ((DistinctQuery)this.Query).Column;

            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < this.Values.RowCount; ++rowIndex)
                d.GroupByWhere.Add(new TermExpression(d.Name, Operator.Equals, this.Values[rowIndex, 0]));

コード例 #2
        public AggregationResult Compute(Partition p)
            if (p == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("p");

            Stopwatch         w      = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            AggregationResult result = new AggregationResult(this);

            result.AggregationContext = this.Aggregator.CreateContext();

            // Get any columns passed to the aggregation function
            IUntypedColumn[] columns = null;
            if (this.AggregationColumns != null)
                columns = new IUntypedColumn[this.AggregationColumns.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < this.AggregationColumns.Length; ++i)
                    string columnName = this.AggregationColumns[i];

                    if (!p.Columns.TryGetValue(columnName, out columns[i]))
                        result.Details.AddError(ExecutionDetails.ColumnDoesNotExist, columnName);

            // Find the number of dimensions and number of "cells" for which we'll aggregate
            List <string> resultBlockColumns = new List <string>();
            int           rowCount           = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < this.Dimensions.Count; ++i)
                AggregationDimension dimension = this.Dimensions[i];

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dimension.Name))
                    resultBlockColumns.Add(StringExtensions.Format("Dimension {0}", i + 1));

                rowCount *= (dimension.GroupByWhere.Count + 1);


            // Create the DataBlock to hold the final results
            result.Values = new DataBlock(resultBlockColumns, rowCount);

            // Find the set of items in the base query
            ShortSet baseWhereSet = new ShortSet(p.Count);

            this.Where.TryEvaluate(p, baseWhereSet, result.Details);
            result.Total = baseWhereSet.Count();

            // If this is only one dimension, use only one ShortSet and aggregate as we go
            if (this.Dimensions.Count == 1)
                AggregationDimension dimension       = this.Dimensions[0];
                ShortSet             setForDimension = new ShortSet(p.Count);
                int nextBlockRow = 0;

                foreach (IExpression dimensionValue in dimension.GroupByWhere)
                    // Get the set for this value intersected with the base set
                    dimensionValue.TryEvaluate(p, setForDimension, result.Details);

                    // Compute and store the aggregate value
                    if (!setForDimension.IsEmpty())
                        result.Values[nextBlockRow, 1] = this.Aggregator.Aggregate(result.AggregationContext, setForDimension, columns);


                // Add the total
                result.Values[nextBlockRow, 1] = this.Aggregator.Aggregate(result.AggregationContext, baseWhereSet, columns);
                // Compute the set of items actually matching each dimension-value
                List <List <Tuple <IExpression, ShortSet> > > allDimensionValueSets = new List <List <Tuple <IExpression, ShortSet> > >();
                foreach (AggregationDimension dimension in this.Dimensions)
                    List <Tuple <IExpression, ShortSet> > dimensionSet = new List <Tuple <IExpression, ShortSet> >();

                    // Add one item for each value in this dimension
                    foreach (IExpression dimensionValue in dimension.GroupByWhere)
                        ShortSet setForDimensionValue = new ShortSet(p.Count);
                        dimensionValue.TryEvaluate(p, setForDimensionValue, result.Details);

                        dimensionSet.Add(new Tuple <IExpression, ShortSet>(dimensionValue, setForDimensionValue));

                    // Add one 'Total row' item
                    dimensionSet.Add(new Tuple <IExpression, ShortSet>(new AllExpression(), baseWhereSet));


                // Run the aggregator over the items
                AggregateAllDimensionsFlat(result.AggregationContext, result.Values, p.Count, baseWhereSet, allDimensionValueSets, columns, this.Aggregator);

            // Add the dimension names to the result if this is the only partition; otherwise, merge will add it
            if (p.Mask.Equals(PartitionMask.All))

            // Capture timing and return
            result.Runtime = w.Elapsed;