コード例 #1
        public void Best(int count_row, int g_size, Piping_System piping) //Selection of the best individuals from the population
            double F  = 100000;                                           //Evaluation Value
            double F2 = 100000;
            int    A  = 0;
            int    B  = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                double fit = designplans[i].Fittness(count_row, g_size, piping);

                if (fit < F)
                    F = fit;
                    B = A;
                    A = i;
                else if (fit < F2)
                    F2 = fit;
                    B  = i;
            best   = designplans[A];
            second = designplans[B];
コード例 #2
        private void button3_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog();

            if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                textBox4.Text = openFileDialog1.FileName;
                string            ExcelBookFileName = textBox4.Text;
                Excel.Application ExcelApp          = new Excel.Application();
                ExcelApp.Visible = false;
                Excel.Workbook  wb  = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(ExcelBookFileName);
                Excel.Worksheet ws1 = wb.Sheets[1];
                count_row = ws1.get_Range("A2").End[Excel.XlDirection.xlDown].Row - 1;//A1から数えているので"-1"している count_row = cluster数
                //count_column = ws1.get_Range("A2").End[Excel.XlDirection.xlToRight].Column;//A1から数えている

                Excel.Range range = ExcelApp.get_Range("A1", "K150");//K150までの情報は読み取り可能→一応クラスタは150個まで
                if (range != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < count_row; i++)
                        string cluster_name = Convert.ToString(range.Value2[i + 2, 1]); //ID
                        int    size_x       = Convert.ToInt32(range.Value2[i + 2, 2]);  //width
                        int    size_y       = Convert.ToInt32(range.Value2[i + 2, 3]);  //height
                        int    const_f      = Convert.ToInt32(range.Value2[i + 2, 4]);  //floor
                        int    const_p      = Convert.ToInt32(range.Value2[i + 2, 5]);  //partial
                        int    const_3rd    = Convert.ToInt32(range.Value2[i + 2, 6]);  //3rd dk
                        int    const_2nd    = Convert.ToInt32(range.Value2[i + 2, 7]);  //2nd dk
                        string side         = Convert.ToString(range.Value2[i + 2, 8]); //(S)or(P)
                        string pos_deck     = Convert.ToString(range.Value2[i + 2, 9]); //deck
                        int    pos_row      = Convert.ToInt32(range.Value2[i + 2, 10]); //row
                        int    pos_col      = Convert.ToInt32(range.Value2[i + 2, 11]); //column

                        form_cluster_Inf.Add(new Cluster_Inf(cluster_name, size_x, size_y, const_f, const_p, const_2nd, const_3rd, pos_deck, pos_row, pos_col, side));
                form_cluster = new Cluster(form_cluster_Inf);

                Excel.Worksheet ws2 = wb.Sheets[2];
                piping = new Piping_System();
                piping.Interaction(count_row, ws2);

                wb.Close(false, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
コード例 #3
        public double Fittness(int count_row, int g_size, Piping_System piping) //Calculation of fitness
            if (penalty.Count != 0)                                             //Give the greater the number of overlapping penalty
                PipeLength = piping.Calc_Length(count_row, C_List, g_size);
                fittness   = PipeLength + (100 * penalty.Count);//Number only 100 lattice amount of penalty of overlap

                PipeLength = piping.Calc_Length(count_row, C_List, g_size);
                fittness   = PipeLength;
コード例 #4
        public void makeGeneration2(Random r1, Generation GB, int popu_size, int n, Deck[] form_decks, int count_row, Cluster cluster_orig, int g_size, Piping_System piping_orig)//1-point crossover
            Population P1 = new Population(popu_size, n);
            Population P2 = P1.Tournament(r1, GB.populations, count_row, form_decks, cluster_orig);
            Population P3 = P2.Crossover(r1, P2, count_row);
            Population P4 = P3.Mutation(r1, P3, count_row);
            Population P5 = P4.DesignPlan(P4, form_decks, count_row, cluster_orig, g_size, piping_orig, r1);

            populations = P5;
コード例 #5
        public void makeGeneration1(int popu_size, int n, Deck[] deck_GA, int count_row, Cluster cluster_GA, int g_size, Piping_System piping_GA, Random r1)
            Population P = new Population(popu_size, n);

            P.makePopulaiton1(deck_GA, count_row, cluster_GA, r1, piping_GA);
            P.Best(count_row, g_size, piping_GA);
            populations = P;
コード例 #6
        public Population DesignPlan(Population P, Deck[] deck_GA, int count_row, Cluster cluster_GA, int g_size, Piping_System piping, Random r1)
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                designplans[i].makeDesignplan2(count_row, deck_GA, cluster_GA);

                //-----------designplans[i]Initialize after Generation, The deck Information---------------

                Deck deck = new Deck();


            P.Best(count_row, g_size, piping);
コード例 #7
        public void makePopulaiton1(Deck[] deck_GA, int count_row, Cluster cluster_GA, Random r1, Piping_System piping_GA) //First Generation
            designplans = new DesignPlan[size];

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) //size: generation size
                DesignPlan C1 = new DesignPlan(count_row);

                C1.makeDesignplan1(count_row, r1, cluster_GA, deck_GA);
                designplans[i] = C1;

                //-----------designplans[i] Initialize after Generation, The deck Information---------------

                Deck deck = new Deck();

コード例 #8
 public GA(Cluster form_cluster, Deck[] form_decks, Piping_System piping)
     cluster_GA = form_cluster;
     deck_GA    = form_decks;
     piping_GA  = piping;