public SwordSprite(Texture2D texture, int msPerFrame, float scale, Vector2 rotationPoint, CombatableCharacter swordOwner) { this.layerDepth = DEFAULT_LAYER_DEPTH; this.msPerFrame = msPerFrame; this.texture = texture; this.scale = scale; this.rotationPoint = rotationPoint; this.rotation = 0; this.swordOwner = swordOwner; Animating = false; charactersHit = new List<CombatableCharacter>(); // Extract collision data textureData = new Color[texture.Width * texture.Height]; texture.GetData(textureData); }
public void Attack(CombatableCharacter enemy) { int damage = (int)(Strength - (0.5 * enemy.Defense)); enemy.HitPoints -= damage; }
// source: public bool Intersects(CombatableCharacter character, GameLevel currentLevel) { bool intersectionOccured = false; // Update the character's transform Matrix characterTransform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(character.Position, 0.0f)); // Build the sword's transform Matrix swordTransform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(-rotationPoint, 0.0f)) * Matrix.CreateScale(scale) * Matrix.CreateRotationZ(rotation) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(anchorPosition, 0.0f)); // Calculate the bounding rectangle of this block in world space int anchorOffset = (int)(rotationPoint.Y - texture.Height); Rectangle swordRectangle = CalculateBoundingRectangle( new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(anchorOffset + texture.Width), (int)(anchorOffset + texture.Height)), swordTransform); // The per-pixel check is expensive, so check the bounding rectangles // first to prevent testing pixels when collisions are impossible. if (character.AsRectangle().Intersects(swordRectangle)) { // Check collision with person if (IntersectPixels(characterTransform, character.CharacterSprite.Texture.Width, character.CharacterSprite.Texture.Height, character.TextureData, swordTransform, texture.Width, texture.Height, textureData)) { intersectionOccured = true; } } return intersectionOccured; }