public void ExitException() { using (var d = DisposingFile.CreateTempFileWithTail(".dll.dep")) { using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(d.FileName)) { tw.Write(@"$ DOTNETITEM ---> DOTNETITEM // Bad - contains ---> =---> := : ---> blabla =: // Bad - contains ---> --->> := ** ---> blabla =: "); } Assert.AreEqual(Program.EXCEPTION_RESULT, Program.Main(CreateCheckDepsArgs(d))); } using (var d = DisposingFile.CreateTempFileWithTail(".dll.dep")) { using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(d.FileName)) { tw.Write(@"$ DOTNETITEM ---> DOTNETITEM --> := ** ---> blabla =: "); } Assert.AreEqual(Program.EXCEPTION_RESULT, Program.Main(CreateCheckDepsArgs(d))); } }
public void NestedMacroTest1() { using (var d = DisposingFile.CreateTempFileWithTail(".dll.dep")) { using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(d.FileName)) { tw.Write(@" $ DOTNETITEM ---> DOTNETITEM ** ---> :ExcludeFromCodeCoverageAttribute _B.** ---> _B.** _B.** ---> System.** _B.dir1.dir2:SomeClass ---? -:NamespacelessTestClassForArchichect::I -:* ---? System:* // Each type may declare constructors DOTNETTYPE:** -- '_declaresmethod -> '_ctor $ DOTNETASSEMBLY ---> DOTNETASSEMBLY * ---> *"); } Assert.AreEqual(Program.OK_RESULT, Program.Main( new[] { Program.DoDefineOption.Opt, "_A", "Archichect.TestAssembly", Program.DoDefineOption.Opt, "_B", "_A" }.Concat(CreateCheckDepsArgs(d)).ToArray())); } }
public void TestDipWithProxies() { var gc = new GlobalContext(); WorkingGraph graph = gc.CurrentGraph; using (var f = DisposingFile.CreateTempFileWithTail(".dip")) { using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(f.FileName)) { tw.Write(@"$ NKK(Name:Key1:Key2) NKK:a:keyA1:? => ;1;0;0;|1 => NKK:?:keyA1:? NKK:?:keyA1:? => ;2;1;0;|3;example123 => NKK:a:keyA2:? NKK:a:keyA2:? => ;3;0;0;|5 => NKK:a:keyA1:KEYa1 NKK:?:?:KEYa2 => ;4;0;0;|7 => NKK:a:keyA2:KEYa2 NKK:?:keyA2:KEYa2 => ;5;1;0;|9 => NKK:b::KEYb NKK:?:?:KEYb => ;6;0;0;|11 => NKK:?:?:KEYa1 NKK:?::KEYb => ;7;0;0;|13 => NKK:?:keyA2:?"); } var dipReaderFactory = new DipReaderFactory(); IEnumerable <Dependency> dependencies = dipReaderFactory.CreateReader(f.FileName, false, dipReaderFactory.CreateReadingContext()) .ReadDependencies(gc.CurrentGraph, 0, ignoreCase: false); Assert.IsNotNull(dependencies); Item[] items = dependencies.SelectMany(d => new[] { d.UsingItem, d.UsedItem }).Distinct().ToArray(); Assert.AreEqual(3, items.Length); Assert.IsTrue(items.Contains(graph.CreateItem(ItemType.Find("NKK"), "a", "keyA1", "KEYa1"))); Assert.IsTrue(items.Contains(graph.CreateItem(ItemType.Find("NKK"), "a", "keyA2", "KEYa2"))); Assert.IsTrue(items.Contains(graph.CreateItem(ItemType.Find("NKK"), "b", "", "KEYb"))); } }
public void TestIncludeExclude() { using (var f = DisposingFile.CreateTempFileWithTail("Mark.dip")) { Assert.AreEqual(0, Program.Main(new[] { Program.DoResetOption.Opt, Program.TransformTestDataOption.Opt, ".", typeof(MarkDeps).Name, "{", MarkDeps.DependencyMatchOptions.DependencyMatchOption.Opt, "'M--", MarkDeps.DependencyMatchOptions.NoMatchOption.Opt, "->B", MarkDeps.MarkLeftItemOption.Opt, "LeftMatch", MarkDeps.MarkRightItemOption.Opt, "RightMatch", MarkDeps.MarkDependencyItemOption.Opt, "DepMatch", "}", Program.WriteDipOption.Opt, f.FileName })); using (var sw = new StreamReader(f.FileName)) { string o = sw.ReadToEnd(); Assert.IsTrue(Regex.IsMatch(o, "SIMPLE:A[^:=]*RightMatch")); Assert.IsFalse(Regex.IsMatch(o, "SIMPLE:B[^:=]*RightMatch")); Assert.IsTrue(Regex.IsMatch(o, "SIMPLE:C[^:=]*RightMatch")); Assert.IsTrue(Regex.IsMatch(o, "SIMPLE:A[^:=]*LeftMatch")); Assert.IsTrue(Regex.IsMatch(o, "SIMPLE:B[^:=]*LeftMatch")); Assert.IsFalse(Regex.IsMatch(o, "SIMPLE:C[^:=]*LeftMatch")); } } }
public void ExitOkAspects() { using (var d = DisposingFile.CreateTempFileWithTail(".dll.dep")) { using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(d.FileName)) { tw.Write(@" $ DOTNETITEM ---> DOTNETITEM ::* ---> ::mscorlib ** ---> ** // Schlägt fehlt, weil eine SpecialMethod auch auf YetAnotherMethod zugreift! **::*SpecialMethod* ---> : { ---> System:* ---> **::*SpecialMethod* ---> **::*ExtraordinaryMethod* } $ DOTNETASSEMBLY ---> DOTNETASSEMBLY * ---> * "); } Assert.AreEqual(Program.OK_RESULT, Program.Main(CreateCheckDepsArgs(d))); } }
public void ExitOk() { using (var d = DisposingFile.CreateTempFileWithTail(".dll.dep")) { using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(d.FileName)) { tw.Write(@" $ DOTNETITEM ---> DOTNETITEM ** ---> :ExcludeFromCodeCoverageAttribute Archichect.TestAssembly.** ---> Archichect.TestAssembly.** Archichect.TestAssembly.**::Archichect.TestAssembly ---> System.**::mscorlib Archichect.TestAssembly.dir1.dir2:SomeClass ---? -:NamespacelessTestClassForArchichect::I -:* ---? System:* Archichect.TestAssembly.** ---> Archichect.TestAssembly.** // Each type may declare constructors DOTNETTYPE:** -- '_declaresmethod -> '_ctor $ DOTNETASSEMBLY ---> DOTNETASSEMBLY * ---> * "); } Assert.AreEqual(Program.OK_RESULT, Program.Main(CreateCheckDepsArgs(d))); } }
public void TestMarkFromTo() { using (var f = DisposingFile.CreateTempFileWithTail("Mark.dip")) { Assert.AreEqual(0, Program.Main(new[] { Program.DoResetOption.Opt, Program.TransformTestDataOption.Opt, ".", typeof(MarkDeps).Name, "{", MarkDeps.DependencyMatchOptions.DependencyMatchOption.Opt, "'M--->'N", MarkDeps.DependencyMatchOptions.DependencyMatchOption.Opt, "A--->A", MarkDeps.MarkLeftItemOption.Opt, "LeftMatch", MarkDeps.MarkRightItemOption.Opt, "RightMatch", MarkDeps.MarkDependencyItemOption.Opt, "DepMatch", MarkDeps.UnmarkLeftItemOption.Opt, "N", // does nothing MarkDeps.UnmarkRightItemOption.Opt, "M", // removes M from A because of match of 2nd pattern "}", Program.WriteDipOption.Opt, f.FileName })); using (var sw = new StreamReader(f.FileName)) { string o = sw.ReadToEnd(); Assert.IsTrue(o.Contains("SIMPLE:A'LeftMatch+RightMatch ")); Assert.IsTrue(o.Contains("SIMPLE:B'M ")); Assert.IsTrue(o.Contains("SIMPLE:C'N+RightMatch")); Assert.IsTrue(o.Contains("=> 'DepMatch")); } } }
public void TestCollectArgsFromFile() { using (var f = DisposingFile.CreateTempFileWithTail(".nd")) { using (var sw = new StreamWriter(f.FileName)) { sw.WriteLine(@" a b // 1 2 c d { e1 e2 // 3 4 5 6 7 // line starting { is split! f1 f2 f3 // 8 g { // 9 h1 h2 // 10 i1 i2 i3 // 11 } // 12 j { k1 k2 } l m n o { // 13 p } } q // 14 r s"); // 15 16 } string[] result = Option.CollectArgsFromFile(f.FileName); Assert.AreEqual(16, result.Length); Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains("e1")); Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains(" f1 f2 f3 // 8")); Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains(" i1 i2 i3 // 11")); Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains(" p } } q // 14")); Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains("r")); Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains("s")); } }
public void ExitNoRuleGroupsFoundForEmptyDepFile() { using (var d = DisposingFile.CreateTempFileWithTail(".dll.dep")) { using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(d.FileName)) { tw.Write(""); } Assert.AreEqual(Program.NO_RULE_GROUPS_FOUND, Program.Main(CreateCheckDepsArgs(d))); } }
private static string[] CreateCheckDepsArgs(DisposingFile d) { return(new[] { TestAssemblyPath, Program.ConfigureOption.Opt, typeof(CheckDeps).Name, "{", CheckDeps.DefaultRuleFileOption + "=" + d.FileName, "}", Program.TransformOption.Opt, typeof(CheckDeps).Name, Program.WriteFileOption.Opt, typeof(RuleViolationWriter).Name, "violations.txt", Program.WriteDipOption.Opt, "dependencies.txt", }); }
public void TestWriteTestDataOption() { using (var d = DisposingFile.CreateTempFileWithTail(".gif")) { // The usage typeof(...).FullName forces copying of assembly to bin directory. Assert.AreEqual(0, Program.Main(new[] { TestAssemblyPath, Program.WriteTestDataOption.Opt, "Archichect.TestRenderer.dll", typeof(TestRendererForLoadFromAssembly).Name, d.FileName })); } }
public void TestWriteTestDataOptionWithModulesAndInterfacesRenderer() { using (var d = DisposingFile.CreateTempFileWithTail(".gif")) { Assert.AreEqual(0, Program.Main(new[] { TestAssemblyPath, Program.WriteTestDataOption.Opt, ".", typeof(ModulesAndInterfacesRenderer).Name, $"{{ {GraphicsRenderer.WidthOption} 1500 {GraphicsRenderer.HeightOption} 1000 {GraphicsRenderer.TitleOption} TestGOption {ModulesAndInterfacesRenderer.InterfaceSelectorOption} MI }}", d.FileName })); } }
public void WriteAndReadDotNetDependencies() { using (DisposingFile dipFile = DisposingFile.CreateTempFileWithTail(".dip")) { int result = Program.Main(new[] { MainTests.TestAssemblyPath, Program.WriteDipOption.Opt, dipFile.FileName, Program.DoResetOption.Opt, dipFile.FileName, Program.CountDependenciesOption.Opt }); Assert.AreEqual(Program.OK_RESULT, result); Console.WriteLine(dipFile.FileName); } }
public void ExitFileNotFound() { using (var d = DisposingFile.CreateTempFileWithTail(".dll.dep")) { using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(d.FileName)) { tw.Write(@"$ DOTNETITEM ---> DOTNETITEM : ---> blabla "); } Assert.AreEqual(Program.FILE_NOT_FOUND_RESULT, Program.Main(CreateCheckDepsArgs(d).Concat(new[] { "nonexistingfile.dll" }).ToArray())); } }
public void ExitDependenciesNotOk() { using (var d = DisposingFile.CreateTempFileWithTail(".dll.dep")) { // The rules are not enough for the test assembly - we expect return result 3 using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(d.FileName)) { tw.Write(@" $ DOTNETITEM ---> DOTNETITEM ** ---> blabla "); } Assert.AreEqual(Program.DEPENDENCIES_NOT_OK, Program.Main(CreateCheckDepsArgs(d))); } }
public void ExitDependenciesNotOkAspects() { using (var d = DisposingFile.CreateTempFileWithTail(".dll.dep")) { using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(d.FileName)) { tw.Write(@"$ DOTNETITEM ---> DOTNETITEM Archichect.TestAssembly.** ---> Archichect.TestAssembly.** Archichect.TestAssembly.** ---> System.** Archichect.TestAssembly.dir1.dir2:SomeClass ---? -:NamespacelessTestClassForArchichect::I -:* ---? System:* // Schlägt fehlt, weil eine SpecialMethod auch auf ExtraordinaryMethod zugreift! :::*SpecialMethod* ---> : { : ---> System:* ---> :::*SpecialMethod* } "); } Assert.AreEqual(Program.DEPENDENCIES_NOT_OK, Program.Main(new[] { Program.LogChattyOption.Opt }.Concat(CreateCheckDepsArgs(d)).ToArray())); } }
public void TestAddImplementsDependencies() { using (var dipFile = DisposingFile.CreateTempFileWithTail(".dip").Keep) { int result = Program.Main(new[] { MainTests.TestAssemblyPath, Program.TransformOption.Opt, typeof(PathMarker).Name, "{", PathMarker.DefineItemMatchOption.Opt, "C", "'_class", PathMarker.DefineItemMatchOption.Opt, "I", "'_interface", PathMarker.DefineDependencyMatchOption.Opt, "i", "'_directlyimplements", PathMarker.DefineDependencyMatchOption.Opt, "d", "'_directlyderivedfrom", PathMarker.RegexOption.Opt, "C#([id]:)*[id]I", PathMarker.AddDependencyOption.Opt, PathMarker.AddMarkerOption.Opt, "implements", //PathMarker.AddIndexedMarkerOption.Opt, "implements", "}", Program.WriteDipOption.Opt, dipFile.FileName, //typeof(FlatPathWriter).Name, "{", // FlatPathWriter.PathMarkerOption.Opt, "_directlyimplements*", // FlatPathWriter.ShowItemMarkersOption.Opt, //"}", dipFile.FileName, }); Assert.AreEqual(Program.OK_RESULT, result); using (var tr = new StreamReader(dipFile.FileName)) { string o = tr.ReadToEnd().Trim(); Console.WriteLine(o); AssertImplements(o, "AbstractImplementingClass", "ISomeBaseInterface"); AssertImplements(o, "ImplementingClass1", "ISomeBaseInterface"); AssertImplements(o, "ImplementingClass2", "ISomeBaseInterface"); AssertImplements(o, "AbstractImplementingClass", "ISomeInterface"); AssertImplements(o, "ImplementingClass1", "ISomeInterface"); AssertImplements(o, "ImplementingClass2", "ISomeInterface"); AssertImplements(o, "ISomeInterface", "ISomeBaseInterface", false); } } }
public void TestBackProjectSmallCycle() { ItemType generic2 = ItemType.Generic(2, ignoreCase: false); var gc = new GlobalContext(); WorkingGraph graph = gc.CurrentGraph; Item a1 = graph.CreateItem(generic2, "a:1"); Item b1 = graph.CreateItem(generic2, "b:1"); Item a2 = graph.CreateItem(generic2, "a:2"); Item b2 = graph.CreateItem(generic2, "b:2"); Item b3 = graph.CreateItem(generic2, "b:3"); var deps = new[] { Dep(graph, a1, b1), Dep(graph, b1, a2), Dep(graph, b2, a2), Dep(graph, a1, b3) }; List<Dependency> backProjectedDeps = ProjectMarkCyclesAndBackProject(deps, gc); Assert.IsTrue(Find(backProjectedDeps, a1, b1).MarkersContain("C0")); Assert.IsTrue(Find(backProjectedDeps, a1, b3).MarkersContain("C0")); Assert.IsTrue(Find(backProjectedDeps, b1, a2).MarkersContain("C0")); Assert.IsTrue(Find(backProjectedDeps, b2, a2).MarkersContain("C0")); var pw = new FlatPathWriter(); using (var t = DisposingFile.CreateTempFileWithTail(".txt")) { pw.Render(gc, backProjectedDeps, $"{{ {FlatPathWriter.PathMarkerOption} C* }}".Replace(" ", Environment.NewLine), new WriteTarget(t.FileName, append: false, limitLinesForConsole: 100), ignoreCase: false); using (var sr = new StreamReader(t.FileName)) { var o = sr.ReadToEnd(); //Console.WriteLine(o); Assert.IsTrue(o.Contains("a:1")); Assert.IsTrue(o.Contains("<= a:2 $")); } } }
public void TestWritePluginption() { using (var d = DisposingFile.CreateTempFileWithTail(".dll.dep")) { using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(d.FileName)) { tw.Write(@" $ DOTNETITEM ---> DOTNETITEM Archichect.TestAssembly.** ---> Archichect.TestAssembly.** Archichect.TestAssembly.**::Archichect.TestAssembly ---> System.**::mscorlib Archichect.TestAssembly.dir1.dir2:SomeClass ---? -:NamespacelessTestClassForArchichect::I -:* ---? System:** Archichect.TestAssembly.** ---> Archichect.TestAssembly.** $ DOTNETASSEMBLY ---> DOTNETASSEMBLY ** ---> ** $ DOTNETITEM ---> SIMPLE(Name) ! System**:** ---> .Net ! Microsoft**:** ---> .Net ! (**):(**) ---> \1#\2 "); } using (var e = DisposingFile.CreateTempFileWithTail(".gif")) { // typeof(FullName) forces copying to known directory ... Assert.AreEqual(0, Program.Main( CreateCheckDepsArgs(d) .Concat(new[] { Program.WritePluginOption.Opt, "Archichect.TestRenderer.dll", typeof(TestRendererForLoadFromAssembly).FullName, e.FileName }) .ToArray())); } } }
public void TestParams() { const string mainScript = "main.nd"; const string script1 = "script1.nd"; const string script1a = "script1a.nd"; const string script2 = "script2.nd"; string resultTxt = Path.GetFullPath("result.txt"); Console.WriteLine($"Writing to {resultTxt}"); using (DisposingFile m = DisposingFile.Create(mainScript)) { using (DisposingFile s1 = DisposingFile.Create(script1)) { using (DisposingFile s1a = DisposingFile.Create(script1a)) { using (DisposingFile s2 = DisposingFile.Create(script2)) { using (DisposingFile result = DisposingFile.Create(resultTxt)) { using (var tw = new StreamWriter(m.FileName)) { tw.WriteLine($"-dc cmd.exe 2 {{ /c echo START > {result} }} " + "-dd VALUE1 value1 " + $"-ds {script1} VALUE1 : value3 " + // passes value1, null, value3 $"-ds {script2} VALUE1 " + // passes value1 $"-dc cmd.exe 2 {{ /c echo END >> {result} }} "); } using (var tw = new StreamWriter(s1.FileName)) { tw.WriteLine( "-fp F1 -fp F2 defaultValue2 -fp F3 defaultValue3 -fp F4 defaultValue4 " + // receives value1, [null->]defaultValue2, value3, [null->]defaultValue4 $"-dc cmd.exe 2 {{ /c echo {script1} F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 >> {result} }} " + // first line: value1, defaultValue2, value3, defaultValue4, F5 $"-ds {script1a} value1a 2=F3 " + // passed value1a, 2=value3 $"-dc cmd.exe 2 {{ /c echo {script1} F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 >> {result} }}"); // third result line: write same as above, but globalF5 at the end } using (var tw = new StreamWriter(s1a.FileName)) { tw.WriteLine( "-fp F1 -fp F2 defaultValue2 -fp F3 defaultValue3 -fp F4 defaultValue4 " + // receives value1a 2=value3 [null->]defaultValue3 [null->]defaultValue4 "-dd F5 globalF5 " + $"-dc cmd.exe 2 {{ /c echo {script1a} F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 >> {result} }} "); // second result line: value1a, 2=value3, defaultValue3, defaultValue4, globalF5 } using (var tw = new StreamWriter(s2.FileName)) { tw.WriteLine( "-fp F1 -fp F2 defaultValue2 -fp F3 defaultValue3 -fp F4 defaultValue4 " + // receives value1, [null->]defaultValue2, [null->]defaultValue3, [null->]defaultValue4 $"-dc cmd.exe 2 {{ /c echo {script2} F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 >> {result} }} "); // fourth result line: value1, defaultValue2, defaultValue3, defaultValue4, globalF5 } int returnValue = Program.Main(new[] { "-ds", mainScript }); Assert.AreEqual(0, returnValue); using (var tr = new StreamReader(result.FileName)) { AssertNextLineIsEqual(tr, "START"); AssertNextLineIsEqual(tr, "script1.nd value1 defaultValue2 value3 defaultValue4 F5"); AssertNextLineIsEqual(tr, "script1a.nd value1a 2=value3 defaultValue3 defaultValue4 globalF5"); AssertNextLineIsEqual(tr, "script1.nd value1 defaultValue2 value3 defaultValue4 globalF5"); AssertNextLineIsEqual(tr, "script2.nd value1 defaultValue2 defaultValue3 defaultValue4 globalF5"); AssertNextLineIsEqual(tr, "END"); } } } } } } }
public void GeneralSucceedingTest() { using (var ruleFile = DisposingFile.CreateTempFileWithTail(".dll.dep")) { using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(ruleFile.FileName, false, Encoding.Default)) { tw.Write(@" // Test dependencies for Archichect $ DOTNETITEM ---> DOTNETITEM // Every class may use all classes from its own namespace. (**): ---> \1: // Special dependency for classes from global namespace // A class from the global namespace may use // all classes from that namespace. -:** ---> -:** // Every class may use all classes from child namespaces // of its own namespace. (**): ---> \1.**: // Every class may use all of System. ** ---> System.**: // Archichect may use antlr and itself. Archichect ---> antlr // Archichect must not use Windows Forms. Archichect.** ---! System.Windows.Forms.** _TES := asdasdasdasdasdasd _TESTS := Archichect.TestAssembly _TEST_OTHERS := xxxxxxxxxxxxx _TEST := asdasdasdasdasdasd // Test declarations from dir1.dir2 may use declarations from dir1.dir3. _TESTS.dir1.dir2:* ---> _TESTS.dir1.dir3:* _TESTS.dir1:* ---> _TESTS.dir1.dir3:* // ...SomeClass.AnotherMethod may use -:NamespacelessTestClassForArchichect - // but this is questionable. _TESTS.dir1.dir2:SomeClass::AnotherMethod ---? -:NamespacelessTestClassForArchichect // A questionable rule that never fires - it should be output. asdlkfj.* ---? askdjf.*; // Umlautmatching rules _TESTS.dirümläut.** ---> _TESTS.dirümläutö.** _TESTS.dirümläut.** ---> _TESTS.dirümläutß.** _TESTS.dirumlaut.** ---> _TESTS.dirumlauts.** // Test case for ""open item 5"" // Methods called InnerClassMethod may call each other :::InnerClassMethod ---> :::InnerClassMethod // Tests must be able to see tested classes _TESTS.** ---> Archichect.** // Tests may use Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools. _TESTS.** ---> Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.** // ------------------ // In these tests, we ignore everything in the // current test class. Archichect:Tests ---> ** //////// ------------------ ////// // All of system is ignored //////% ()System.** ////// // Classes in Archichect.Tests are shown separately, without the namespace //////% Archichect.Tests.(**) ////// // Classes in Archichect are also shown separately, but with the namespace //////% (Archichect) ////// // antlr classes are shown by namespace //////% (antlr) //////% (antlr.**) ////// // Top level classes are shown as their class name //////% -:(*) "); } string outFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); int result; //string workingDir = Path.GetTempPath(); using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(outFile)) { TextWriter oldOut = Console.Out; Console.SetOut(tw); string[] args = { Program.LogVerboseOption.Opt, Program.ConfigureOption.Opt, typeof(CheckDeps).Name, "<.", CheckDeps.DefaultRuleFileOption.Opt,ruleFile.FileName, ".>", Program.ReadOption.Opt, TestAssemblyPath }; result = Program.Main(args); Console.SetOut(oldOut); } AssertNotContains(outFile, "****"); File.Delete(outFile); Assert.AreEqual(Program.OK_RESULT, result); } }