コード例 #1
 public bool CanPack(Type type, BinaryDataFormat?contentBinaryFormatHint)
     return(type != _model.MapType(typeof(string)) &&
            !CanTypeBeNull(type) &&
            !RuntimeTypeModel.CheckTypeIsCollection(_model, type) &&
            ListDecorator.CanPack(HelpersInternal.GetWireType(HelpersInternal.GetTypeCode(type), contentBinaryFormatHint.GetValueOrDefault())));
コード例 #2
        private IProtoTypeSerializer BuildSerializer(bool isRoot)
            // reference tracking decorators (RootDecorator, NetObjectDecorator, NetObjectValueDecorator)
            // should always be applied only one time (otherwise will consider new objects as already written):
            // #1 For collection types references are handled either by RootDecorator or
            // by ValueMember which owns the value (so outside of this scope)
            // because the value is treated as single object
            // #2 For members: ordinal ValueMembers are used and they will handle references when appropriate

            if (Helpers.IsEnum(Type))
                IProtoTypeSerializer ser = new WireTypeDecorator(WireType.Variant, new EnumSerializer(Type, GetEnumMap()));
                if (isRoot && !GetRootStartsGroup())
                    ser = new RootFieldNumberDecorator(ser, ListHelpers.FieldItem);

            Type itemType = _settingsValueFinal.Member.Collection.ItemType;

            if (itemType != null)
                if (_surrogate != null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Repeated data (a list, collection, etc) has inbuilt behaviour and cannot use a surrogate");

                Type defaultType = null;
                ResolveListTypes(_model, Type, ref itemType, ref defaultType);

                if (_fields.Count != 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Repeated data (an array, list, etc) has inbuilt behavior and can't have fields");

                // apply default member settings to type settings too
                var s = _settingsValueFinal.Member;
                // but change this:
                s.EffectiveType           = Type;  // not merged with anything so assign
                s.Collection.ConcreteType = _settingsValueFinal.ConstructType ?? defaultType;
                s.Collection.Append       = false; // allowed only on members
                s.WriteAsDynamicType      = false; // allowed only on members
                // this should be handled as collection
                if (s.Collection.ItemType == null)
                    s.Collection.ItemType = itemType;

                var vs = _rootNestedVs.Clone();
                vs.SetSettings(s, 0);
                vs.DefaultLevel = new ValueSerializationSettings.LevelValue(s.MakeDefaultNestedLevel());

                WireType wt;
                var      ser = (IProtoTypeSerializer)_model.ValueSerializerBuilder.BuildValueFinalSerializer(vs, false, out wt);

                // standard root decorator won't start any field
                // in compatibility mode collections won't start subitems like normally
                // so wrap with field
                if (isRoot && !GetRootStartsGroup())
                    ser = new RootFieldNumberDecorator(ser, TypeModel.EnumRootTag);


            if (BaseType != null && !BaseType.GetFinalSettingsCopy().IgnoreListHandling&& RuntimeTypeModel.CheckTypeIsCollection(_model, BaseType.Type))
                throw new ArgumentException("A subclass of a repeated data (an array, list, etc should be handled too as a collection");

            // #2

            if (_surrogate != null)
                MetaType mt = _model[_surrogate], mtBase;
                while ((mtBase = mt.BaseType) != null)
                    mt = mtBase;
                return(new SurrogateSerializer(_model, Type, _surrogate, mt.Serializer));
            if (_settingsValueFinal.IsAutoTuple)
                if (_tupleCtor == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't find tuple constructor");
                return(new TupleSerializer(_model, _tupleCtor, _tupleFields.ToArray(), _settingsValueFinal.PrefixLength.GetValueOrDefault(true)));

            var fields = new BasicList(_fields.Cast <object>());


            int fieldCount   = fields.Count;
            int subTypeCount = _subTypes?.Count ?? 0;

            int[] fieldNumbers = new int[fieldCount + subTypeCount];
            IProtoSerializerWithWireType[] serializers = new IProtoSerializerWithWireType[fieldCount + subTypeCount];
            int i = 0;

            if (subTypeCount != 0)
                Debug.Assert(_subTypes != null, "_subTypes != null");
                foreach (SubType subType in _subTypes)
                    if (!subType.DerivedType.IgnoreListHandling && ienumerable.IsAssignableFrom(subType.DerivedType.Type.GetTypeInfo()))
                    if (!subType.DerivedType.IgnoreListHandling && _model.MapType(ienumerable).IsAssignableFrom(subType.DerivedType.Type))
                        throw new ArgumentException("Repeated data (a list, collection, etc) has inbuilt behaviour and cannot be used as a subclass");
                    fieldNumbers[i]  = subType.FieldNumber;
                    serializers[i++] = subType.GetSerializer(_model);
            if (fieldCount != 0)
                foreach (ValueMember member in fields)
                    fieldNumbers[i]  = member.FieldNumber;
                    serializers[i++] = member.Serializer;

            BasicList baseCtorCallbacks = null;
            MetaType  tmp = BaseType;

            while (tmp != null)
                MethodInfo method = tmp.HasCallbacks ? tmp.Callbacks.BeforeDeserialize : null;
                if (method != null)
                    if (baseCtorCallbacks == null)
                        baseCtorCallbacks = new BasicList();
                tmp = tmp.BaseType;
            MethodInfo[] arr = null;
            if (baseCtorCallbacks != null)
                arr = new MethodInfo[baseCtorCallbacks.Count];
                baseCtorCallbacks.CopyTo(arr, 0);
            // root serializer should be always from base type
            if (isRoot && BaseType != null)
                return(new ForbiddenRootStub(Type));
            return(new TypeSerializer(_model, Type, fieldNumbers, serializers, arr, BaseType == null, !_settingsValueFinal.SkipConstructor, _callbacks, _settingsValueFinal.ConstructType, _factory, _settingsValueFinal.PrefixLength.Value));