/// <summary> /// Coordinates all the processing for each time slice /// </summary> /// <param name="updateIncrement"></param> public static void NextTimeSlice() { /* * Initially the only items that would be named in events would be actual units. * Now that other things (ActiveRegions,for example) can also appear in events * it is necessary to allow UnitFActs to know those names too, to keep various checks on * object name legality from failing */ /* 1. Process the incoming list of events from below */ // Which units are currently on the incoming list? List<string> unitList = IncomingList.AffectedUnits(); for (int i = 0; i < unitList.Count; i++) { List<IncomingItemType> eventList = IncomingList.Retrieve(unitList[i]); /* do things with these events */ for (int j = 0; j < eventList.Count; j++) { ScenarioEventType thisItem = eventList[j].TheEvent; Coordinator.debugLogger.Writeline("Timer", "Time: " + timer + " Unit " + unitList[i] + " has incoming " + thisItem.GetType().ToString(), "test"); if (UnitFacts.AnyDead(thisItem.AllUnits)) { continue; } Boolean launchedByOwner; switch (thisItem.GetType().ToString()) { case name_Space + "MoveComplete_Event": { Coordinator.debugLogger.Writeline("Timer", "Unit " + thisItem.UnitID + " MoveComplete discovered at t=" + timer.ToString(), "test"); // scan happenings list for matches VerifyMatch = ActionMatch; SeekHappening(thisItem.UnitID, "MoveComplete_Event"); SeekSpeciesHappening(thisItem, "MoveComplete_Event"); } break; case name_Space + "StateChangeNotice": string newState = ((StateChangeNotice)thisItem).NewState; Coordinator.debugLogger.Writeline("Timer", "Unit " + thisItem.UnitID + " StateChange to " + newState + " discovered at t=" + timer.ToString(), "test"); VerifyMatch = StateMatch; List<string> affectedUnitList = new List<string>(); if ("Dead" != newState) { affectedUnitList.Add(thisItem.UnitID); UnitFacts.CurrentUnitStates[thisItem.UnitID] = newState;// newState; } else // Purge queues if the new state is "Dead" { affectedUnitList = SubplatformRecords.DeepDockedList(thisItem.UnitID); } for (int someUnit = 0; someUnit < affectedUnitList.Count; someUnit++) { if ("Dead" == newState) { UnitFacts.CurrentUnitStates[affectedUnitList[someUnit]] = "Dead";// newState; //first drop all timer events involving this unit TimerQueueClass.FlushOneUnit(affectedUnitList[someUnit]); } SeekHappening(affectedUnitList[someUnit], newState); //Then if dead, remove all happening events involving this unit if ("Dead" == newState) { HappeningList.FlushOneUnit(affectedUnitList[someUnit]); Coordinator.debugLogger.Writeline("Timer", " stateChangeEvent for " + affectedUnitList[someUnit], "test"); } SeekSpeciesHappening(thisItem, newState); } break; case name_Space + "AttackSuccessfulNotice": AttackSuccessfulNotice asn = (AttackSuccessfulNotice)thisItem; for (int asi = 0; asi < AttackSuccessfulList.Happenings.Count; asi++) { AttackSuccessfulCompletionType tryThisEvent = AttackSuccessfulList.Happenings[asi]; if (tryThisEvent.Matches(asn)) { if (tryThisEvent.DoThisList.Count > 0) AttackSuccessfulCompletionType.EnqueueEvents(asn.UnitID, asn.Target, tryThisEvent.DoThisList); break; } } break; case name_Space + "AttackObjectRequestType": Coordinator.debugLogger.Writeline("Timer", "Attack request for " + thisItem.UnitID + "attack Request discovered at t=" + timer.ToString(), "test"); AttackObjectRequestType recastAOR = (AttackObjectRequestType)thisItem; if (ApprovalsList.AttackApproved(recastAOR)) { string attacker = recastAOR.UnitID; string target = recastAOR.TargetObjectID; AttackObjectEvent attack = new AttackObjectEvent(attacker, target, recastAOR.CapabilityName); attack.AddOtherUnit(target); TimerQueueClass.Add(1 + (int)(TimerTicker.Timer / 1000/*Coordinator.UpdateIncrement*/), attack); } else TimerQueueClass.Add(1 + (int)(TimerTicker.Timer / 1000), new SystemMessage(1, recastAOR.UnitID, "Attack against " + recastAOR.TargetObjectID + " failed.")); break; case name_Space + "WeaponLaunchRequestType": WeaponLaunchRequestType recastWL = (WeaponLaunchRequestType)thisItem; string unitID = recastWL.UnitID; string weaponID = recastWL.WeaponID; string targetID = recastWL.TargetObjectID; Coordinator.debugLogger.Writeline("Timer", "Weapon Launch request for " + unitID + " using " + weaponID + " Attack Request discovered at t=" + timer.ToString(), "test"); string platformOwner = UnitFacts.Data[unitID].Owner; string weaponOwner = UnitFacts.Data[weaponID].Owner; launchedByOwner = SpeciesType.GetSpecies(UnitFacts.Data[weaponID].Species).LaunchedByOwner; // ) if ( SubplatformRecords.IsLaunchableWeapon(unitID, weaponID) && ( (platformOwner == recastWL.DecisionMaker) || (weaponOwner == recastWL.DecisionMaker) && launchedByOwner ) ) { // validate attack DecisionMakerType targetDM = DecisionMakerType.GetDM(UnitFacts.GetDM(targetID)); if ( (launchedByOwner && UnitFacts.HostileTo(DecisionMakerType.GetDM(platformOwner).Team, targetDM.Team)) || (UnitFacts.HostileTo(DecisionMakerType.GetDM(weaponOwner).Team, targetDM.Team)) //Removed !launchedByOwner from second statement ) { //NB. THe code that builds and sends the event was missing from here. It was last seen in rev 232. // its removeal was probably an accident? // build event to send down WeaponLaunch_EventType wEvent = new WeaponLaunch_EventType(unitID, targetID, weaponID); TimerQueueClass.Add(1 + (int)(timer / 1000), wEvent); // replace by new platform handling } } else { //need to throw an event back to ViewPro to re-allocate weapon String reason = ""; if (!UnitFacts.Data.ContainsKey(unitID)) { reason = "Platform object is unknown by the system."; } else if (UnitFacts.Data[unitID].Owner != recastWL.DecisionMaker) { reason = "Requesting DM does not own the Platform object."; } WeaponLaunchFailure_EventType failEvent = new WeaponLaunchFailure_EventType(weaponID, unitID, reason); failEvent.Time = (int)(timer / 1000/*Coordinator.UpdateIncrement*/); TimerQueueClass.Add(1 + (int)(timer / 1000/*Coordinator.UpdateIncrement*/), failEvent); } break; case name_Space + "SubplatformLaunchRequestType": SubplatformLaunchRequestType recastSL = (SubplatformLaunchRequestType)thisItem; string childID = recastSL.UnitID; string requestor = recastSL.Requestor; string parentID = recastSL.ParentUnit; LocationType destination = recastSL.Destination; Coordinator.debugLogger.Writeline("Timer", "Subplatform Launch request for " + childID + " from " + parentID + " discovered at t=" + timer.ToString(), "test"); launchedByOwner = SpeciesType.GetSpecies(UnitFacts.Data[childID].Species).LaunchedByOwner; if ( (UnitFacts.Data[parentID].Owner == requestor) || (UnitFacts.Data[childID].Owner == requestor) && launchedByOwner ) { // build event to send down SubplatformLaunchType slEvent = new SubplatformLaunchType(childID, parentID, destination); TimerQueueClass.Add(1 + (int)(timer / 1000), slEvent); } /**/ break; case name_Space + "SubplatformDockRequestType": SubplatformDockRequestType recastSD = (SubplatformDockRequestType)thisItem; string orphanID = recastSD.UnitID; string dockRequestor = recastSD.Requestor; string adopterID = recastSD.ParentUnit; Coordinator.debugLogger.Writeline("Timer", "Subplatform Dock request for " + orphanID + " from " + adopterID + " discovered at t=" + timer.ToString(), "test"); if ("" != adopterID) { if (UnitFacts.Data.ContainsKey(orphanID) && UnitFacts.Data.ContainsKey(adopterID) && ((UnitFacts.Data[orphanID].Owner == dockRequestor) // && (UnitFacts.Data[adopterID].Owner == dockRequestor) ) && SpeciesType.GetSpecies(UnitFacts.GetSpecies(adopterID)).CanHaveSubplatform(UnitFacts.GetSpecies(orphanID)) ) { /* for dock to any object*/ SubplatformDockType sdEvent = new SubplatformDockType(orphanID, adopterID); TimerQueueClass.Add(1 + (int)(timer / 1000), sdEvent); } }// if the parent is "" just ignore the request else TimerQueueClass.Add(1 + (int)(TimerTicker.Timer / 1000), new SystemMessage(1, dockRequestor, "Docking of " + orphanID + "to " + adopterID + " failed.")); break; case name_Space + "MoveObjectRequestType": // does this dM control this object MoveObjectRequestType recastMove = (MoveObjectRequestType)thisItem; Coordinator.debugLogger.Writeline("Timer", "Move request for " + thisItem.UnitID + " discovered at t=" + timer.ToString(), "test"); if (UnitFacts.Data.ContainsKey(recastMove.UnitID) && (UnitFacts.Data[recastMove.UnitID].Owner == recastMove.DecisionMaker)) { Move_EventType mover = new Move_EventType(recastMove.UnitID, TimerTicker.Timer, recastMove.Destination, recastMove.Throttle); TimerQueueClass.Add(1 + (int)(TimerTicker.Timer / 1000/*Coordinator.UpdateIncrement*/), mover); } else TimerQueueClass.Add(1 + (int)(TimerTicker.Timer / 1000), new SystemMessage(1, recastMove.DecisionMaker, "Move of " + recastMove.UnitID + " denied.")); break; case name_Space + "TransferObjectRequest": Boolean transferred = false; TransferObjectRequest recastTransferRequest = (TransferObjectRequest)thisItem; /* * Transfer is allowed when * (1) requestor is owner of asset and has transfer authority * (2) owner of unit is subordinate of requestor, who has forced transfer authority * Unit is in a stealable state * * */ DecisionMakerType unitDM = DecisionMakerType.GetDM(UnitFacts.GetDM(recastTransferRequest.UnitID)); DecisionMakerType requestingDM = DecisionMakerType.GetDM(recastTransferRequest.Requestor); DecisionMakerType receivingDM = DecisionMakerType.GetDM(recastTransferRequest.Recipient); // To know if stealable, need current state Boolean inStealableState = false; Dictionary<string, StateBody> allStates = StatesForUnits.GetExpandedStatesOf(recastTransferRequest.UnitID); if (allStates.ContainsKey(recastTransferRequest.State)) { StateBody thisState = allStates[recastTransferRequest.State]; inStealableState = thisState.Parameters.ContainsKey("Stealable"); } if ((unitDM.Identifier == requestingDM.Identifier) && (requestingDM.HasTransferAuthority) ||// does the path from requestor to unit contain and forced transfers? (requestingDM.CanForceTransferOf(unitDM) || ( inStealableState && (recastTransferRequest.Requestor == receivingDM.Identifier)))) { if (receivingDM.CanOwn(recastTransferRequest.UnitID)) transferred = UnitFacts.ChangeDM(recastTransferRequest.UnitID, recastTransferRequest.Recipient); } if (transferred) { TransferEvent confirmation = new TransferEvent(recastTransferRequest.UnitID, UnitFacts.GetDM(recastTransferRequest.UnitID), recastTransferRequest.Recipient); EventCommunicator.SendEvent(confirmation); VerifyMatch = ActionMatch; SeekHappening(thisItem.UnitID, "TransferObject"); SeekSpeciesHappening(thisItem, "TransferObject"); //Note: Event here is successful transfer, not request } else TimerQueueClass.Add(1 + (int)(TimerTicker.Timer / 1000), new SystemMessage(1, recastTransferRequest.Requestor, "Transfer of " + recastTransferRequest.UnitID + " to " + recastTransferRequest.Recipient + " denied.")); break; case name_Space + "SelfDefenseAttackNotice": /* * Notice: Assuming that self-defense only against enemy and that the condition is satisfied * by the attack, without any attention to who the enemy is. Will surely need a "Team" level happenings queue in time */ { Coordinator.debugLogger.Writeline("Timer", "Unit " + thisItem.UnitID + " SelfDefenseAttackNotice discovered at t=" + timer.ToString(), "test"); // scan happenings list for matches VerifyMatch = ActionMatch; SeekHappening(thisItem.UnitID, "SelfDefenseAttackNotice"); SeekSpeciesHappening(thisItem, "SelfDefenseAttackNotice"); break; }//
private static void SendWeaponLaunchFailureEvent(WeaponLaunchFailure_EventType incoming) { SimulationEvent e = SimulationEventFactory.BuildEvent(ref simModelInfo, "WeaponLaunchFailure"); try { e["Reason"] = DataValueFactory.BuildString(incoming.ReasonForFailure); e["WeaponObjectID"] = DataValueFactory.BuildString(incoming.WeaponID); e["ObjectID"] = DataValueFactory.BuildString(incoming.ParentID); e["Time"] = DataValueFactory.BuildInteger(incoming.Time); } catch { throw new Exception("Missing Required Data for Weapon Launch"); } server.PutEvent(e); }