private void generateDocButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SimulationModelReader smr = new SimulationModelReader(); SimulationModelInfo simModel; try { simModel = smr.readModel(simModelTextBox.Text); } catch (Exception x) { MessageBox.Show(x.ToString(),"Error reading simulation model!"); return; } StreamWriter outFile; try { outFile = new StreamWriter(ouputTextBox.Text); } catch (Exception x) { MessageBox.Show(x.ToString(), "Error opening output file!"); return; } string headerHtml = "<html><head><title>DDD Event Documentation</title></head><body><p><h2>DDD Event Documentation</h2></p>"; string footerHtml = "</body></html>"; outFile.WriteLine(headerHtml); outFile.WriteLine(String.Format("<a name=\"TOC\"><h2>Table of Contents</h2></a>")); outFile.WriteLine("<ul>"); List<string> eventKeys = new List<string>(; eventKeys.Sort(); foreach (string s in eventKeys) { outFile.WriteLine("<li><a href=\"#{0}\">{0}</a></li>",s); } outFile.WriteLine("</ul>"); foreach (string key in eventKeys) { WriteEventHTML(ref outFile,[key]); } outFile.WriteLine(footerHtml); outFile.Flush(); outFile.Close(); }
private void SetSimulationModel() { string name = simulationModelTextBox.Text; if (System.IO.File.Exists(name)) { SimulationModelReader r = new SimulationModelReader(); simModel = r.readModel(name); updateFrequency = simModel.GetUpdateFrequency(); NetworkEnable(); EventsEnable(); SimulationModelDisable(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid simulation model file!"); } }
public static void Coordinate( string scenarioFile, string schemaFile, ref SimulationEventDistributor distributor, //string hostname, //string portString, string simModelName, string contextControl,//*NETWORK" string updateIncr, string lowerLevel, //GUI List<string> logTypes, string debugFile ) { /// <summary> debugLogger = new DebugLogger(); //DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; if (!Directory.Exists(debugFile.Remove(debugFile.LastIndexOf("\\")))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(debugFile.Remove(debugFile.LastIndexOf("\\"))); } DebugLogger.SetDebugStyleFile(debugFile); //DebugLogger.SetDebugStyle(DebugLogger.DebugStyleValues.FileReporting); DebugLogger.SetLoggingType("general", true); foreach (string s in logTypes) { DebugLogger.SetLoggingType(s, true); debugLogger.Writeline("Coordinator", s + " is being recorded.", "general"); } // DebugLogger.SetLoggingType("all", false); debugLogger.Writeline("Coordinator", "Hello", "general"); //int port = int.Parse(portString); SimulationModelReader smr = new SimulationModelReader(); SimulationModelInfo simModelInfo = smr.readModel(simModelName); if (distributor == null) { distributor = new SimulationEventDistributor(ref simModelInfo); } //SimulationEventDistributor dist = new SimulationEventDistributor(ref simModelInfo); //SimulationEventDistributorClient cc = new SimulationEventDistributorClient(); updateIncrement = simModelInfo.GetUpdateFrequency(); int enteredIncrement = Int32.Parse(updateIncr); if (enteredIncrement > 0) { updateIncrement = enteredIncrement; } tickController.UpdateIncrement = updateIncrement; try { new ScenarioToQueues(scenarioFile, schemaFile); new ForkReplayToQueues(replayFile,simModelInfo); } catch (System.Exception f) { if (f.Message.StartsWith("User Cancelled")) {//This means a missing map or icon library, and the user wanted to stop the server. Do not write to error log, just stop the server. throw f; } throw new ApplicationException("Failure in ScenarioToQueues: " + f.Message); } //NetworkClient c = new NetworkClient(); SimulationEventDistributorClient distClient = new SimulationEventDistributorClient(); distributor.RegisterClient(ref distClient); try { //c.Connect(hostname, port); EventCommunicator eventCommunicator = new EventCommunicator(ref distClient, simModelName); eCommReceiver = new Thread(new ThreadStart(eventCommunicator.WaitForEvents)); eCommReceiver.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US", true); eCommReceiver.Start(); } catch (System.Exception e) { //Coordinator.debugLogger.WriteLine("Unable to connect"); Coordinator.debugLogger.Writeline("Coordinator", "Error in startup: System message: "+e.Message, "general"); MessageBox.Show("Startup error: " + e.Message); Application.Exit(); } EventCommunicator.SendSimStartEvent(); //dist.RegisterClient(ref cc); /* * Temporary event watcher to allow for insertion of events from below */ if (lowerLevel != "GUI") { //NetworkClient client = new NetworkClient(); //client.Connect(hostname, port); /* // Tickwatcher is used only to simulate events from lower levels TickWatcher sink = new TickWatcher(client, simModelName); ThreadStart stub = new ThreadStart(sink.TickEventGetter); Thread stubThread = new Thread(stub); stubThread.Start(); */ } TimerQueueClass.SendImmediates(); if ("NETWORK" == contextControl) { while (!readyToTick) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } tickController.SetCallback(new Metronome.SendTimeTick(SendTimeTick)); tickController.Start(); while (true) { while (pause) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } timeSlice = (timeSlice + 1) % TimeSliceIncrement; //next tick will have 100ms between calls, will not handle sending time ticks, just recent incoming events. //a callback will handle sending time ticks TimerTicker.NextTimeSlice(); Thread.Sleep((int)((updateIncrement / TimeSliceIncrement) / speedFactor)); } } Coordinator.debugLogger.Writeline("Coordinator", "The End", "general"); }
public void StartConnect(string host, string shareName, int port, ConnectCompleteDelegate callback) { if (_dddConnection != null) { if (_dddConnection.IsConnected()) _dddConnection.Disconnect(); } _simModelPath = String.Format(@"\\{0}\{1}\SimulationModel.xml", host, shareName); SimulationModelReader rdr = new SimulationModelReader(); _simModel = rdr.readModel(_simModelPath); _dddConnection.DDDClientPath = String.Format(@"\\{0}\{1}", host, shareName); _connectCompleteCallback = callback; //bool result = false;// = _dddConnection.ConnectToServer(host, port); //_connectRunning = true; //while (true) //{ // lock (_connectionLock) // { // if (!_connectRunning) // { // break; // } // } // Thread.Sleep(1000); //} _connectThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(T_Connect)); _connectThread.Start(new object[] { host, port }); }
/// <summary> /// A helper function used by ReadSimModel(). /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool ReadSimModel(String path) { SimulationModelReader reader = new SimulationModelReader(); try { m_simModel = reader.readModel(path); return true; } catch { m_simModel = null; return false; } }
private void ReadSimulationModel() { Stream str = null; SimulationModelReader s = new SimulationModelReader(); try { System.Reflection.Assembly assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); str = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(this.GetType(), "SimulationModel.xml"); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to read the Simulation Model."); } DDD_Global.Instance.SimModel = s.readModel(str); }
private void ReadSimulationModel(string hostname) { try { SimulationModelReader s = new SimulationModelReader(); if (hostname != string.Empty) { DDD_Global.Instance.SimModel = s.readModel(string.Format("{0}SimulationModel.xml", DDD_Global.Instance.DDDClientShareFolder)); } else { DDD_Global.Instance.SimModel = s.readModel("SimulationModel.xml"); } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Couldn't find Simulation Model."); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { /* setup the exit handler */ Console.TreatControlCAsInput = false; Console.CancelKeyPress += new ConsoleCancelEventHandler(MyExitHandler); /* read in the config file */ if (args.Length != 2) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Usage: {0} [CONFIG_FILE] [DDD_SIMULATION_MODEL]",Environment.CommandLine)); Environment.Exit(1); } string configFileName = args[0]; Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Reading config file: {0}",configFileName)); string simModelFile = args[1]; SimulationModelInfo simModel = null; SimulationModelReader smr = new SimulationModelReader(); try { simModel = smr.readModel(simModelFile); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Environment.Exit(1); } ConfigFile config = new ConfigFile(); try { config.readFile(configFileName); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Environment.Exit(1); } try { config.verifyConfig(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Environment.Exit(1); } /* connect to the DDD Server */ dddNetworkClient = new NetworkClient(); if (!dddNetworkClient.Connect(config.dddServerHostname, config.dddServerPortNumber)) { Environment.Exit(1); } /* connect to the IMAP server */ imapServer = new Chilkat.Imap(); imapServer.Port = config.emailServerPortNumber; imapServer.Ssl = config.emailServerUseSSL; bool success; // Anything unlocks the component and begins a fully-functional 30-day trial. success = imapServer.UnlockComponent("SAptimaIMAPMAIL_yyq2ULZCFw4G"); if (success != true) { Console.WriteLine(imapServer.LastErrorText); ExitApp(); } /* loop reading from the IMAP Server until user cancels or the DDD disconnects us */ int count = config.emailCheckFrequency; while (dddNetworkClient.IsConnected()) { if (count == config.emailCheckFrequency) { Console.WriteLine("Checking email"); // Connect to an IMAP server. success = imapServer.Connect(config.emailServerHostname); if (success != true) { Console.WriteLine(imapServer.LastErrorText); ExitApp(); } // Login success = imapServer.Login(config.emailUsername, config.emailPassword); if (success != true) { Console.WriteLine(imapServer.LastErrorText); ExitApp(); } // Select an IMAP mailbox success = imapServer.SelectMailbox("Inbox"); if (success != true) { Console.WriteLine(imapServer.LastErrorText); ExitApp(); } Chilkat.MessageSet messageSet; // We can choose to fetch UIDs or sequence numbers. bool fetchUids; fetchUids = true; /* downloading new emails from IMAP server */ messageSet = imapServer.Search("NOT SEEN", fetchUids); if (messageSet == null) { Console.WriteLine(imapServer.LastErrorText); ExitApp(); } // Fetch the emails into a bundle object: Chilkat.EmailBundle bundle; bundle = imapServer.FetchBundle(messageSet); if (bundle == null) { Console.WriteLine(imapServer.LastErrorText); ExitApp(); } imapServer.Disconnect(); int i; Chilkat.Email email; for (i = 0; i <= bundle.MessageCount - 1; i++) { email = bundle.GetEmail(i); SimulationEvent ev = SimulationEventFactory.BuildEvent(ref simModel, "ExternalEmailReceived"); ((StringValue)ev["FromAddress"]).value = email.FromAddress; for (int k = 0; k < email.NumTo; k++) { ((StringListValue)ev["ToAddresses"]).strings.Add(email.GetToAddr(k)); //Console.WriteLine("To:" + email.GetToAddr(k)); } //Console.WriteLine("Wall clock time:" + email.LocalDate.ToString()); ((StringValue)ev["WallClockTime"]).value = email.LocalDate.ToString(); //Console.WriteLine("Subject:" + email.Subject); ((StringValue)ev["Subject"]).value = email.Subject; //Console.WriteLine("Body:" + email.Body); ((StringValue)ev["Body"]).value = email.Body; //Console.WriteLine("NumAttachments:" + email.NumAttachments.ToString()); string attachName; string attachDir; string dirPath; for (int j = 0; j < email.NumAttachments; j++) { attachName = email.GetAttachmentFilename(j); //Console.WriteLine("filename=" + email.GetAttachmentFilename(j)); attachDir = String.Format("Attachments{0}", email.LocalDate.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")); dirPath = String.Format("{0}\\{1}", config.attachmentBaseDirectory, UniqueDirName(config.attachmentBaseDirectory, attachDir)); Directory.CreateDirectory(dirPath); attachName = String.Format("{0}\\{1}", dirPath, email.GetAttachmentFilename(j)); ((StringListValue)ev["Attachments"]).strings.Add(attachName); email.SaveAttachedFile(j, dirPath); } dddNetworkClient.PutEvent(ev); Console.WriteLine(SimulationEventFactory.XMLSerialize(ev)); } count = 0; } Thread.Sleep(1000); count++; } ExitApp(); }