コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This function allows to synchronize a local folder with an folder exists in the cloud storage
        /// and vice versa. The local folder and the target folder has to be created before.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="srcFolder"></param>
        /// <param name="tgtFolder"></param>
        /// <param name="flags"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Boolean SynchronizeFolder(DirectoryInfo srcFolder, ICloudDirectoryEntry tgtFolder, SyncFolderFlags flags)
            // init ret value
            Boolean bRet = true;

            // init helper parameter
            Boolean bRecursive = ((flags & SyncFolderFlags.Recursive) != 0);

            // init the differ
            DirectoryDiff diff = new DirectoryDiff(srcFolder, tgtFolder);

            // build the diff results
            List <DirectoryDiffResultItem> res = diff.Compare(bRecursive);

            // process the diff result
            foreach (DirectoryDiffResultItem item in res)
                switch (item.compareResult)
                case ComparisonResult.Identical:

                case ComparisonResult.MissingInLocalFolder:
                    // check of the upload flag was set
                    if ((flags & SyncFolderFlags.DownloadItems) != SyncFolderFlags.DownloadItems)

                    // copy remote to local or create path

                    // 1. get the rel path
                    String relPath;
                    if (item.remoteItem is ICloudDirectoryEntry)
                        relPath = CloudStorage.GetFullCloudPath(tgtFolder, item.remoteItem, '\\');
                        relPath = CloudStorage.GetFullCloudPath(tgtFolder, item.remoteItem.Parent, '\\');

                    // 2. ensure the directory exists
                    String tgtPath = Path.Combine(srcFolder.FullName, relPath);
                    if (!Directory.Exists(tgtPath))

                    // 3. download file if needed
                    if (!(item.remoteItem is ICloudDirectoryEntry))
                        DownloadFile(item.remoteItem.Parent, item.remoteItem.Name, tgtPath);

                case ComparisonResult.MissingInRemoteFolder:
                    // check of the upload flag was set
                    if ((flags & SyncFolderFlags.UploadItems) != SyncFolderFlags.UploadItems)

                    // copy local to remote

                    // 1. get the rel path
                    String relPath;
                    if ((item.localItem.Attributes & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory)
                        relPath = item.localItem.FullName.Remove(0, srcFolder.FullName.Length);
                        relPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(item.localItem.FullName).Remove(0, srcFolder.FullName.Length);

                    // 2. convert delimit
                    relPath = relPath.Replace(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, '/');

                    // 3. ensure the directory exists
                    ICloudDirectoryEntry realTarget = null;

                    if (relPath.Length == 0)
                        realTarget = tgtFolder;
                        if (relPath[0] == '/')
                            relPath = relPath.Remove(0, 1);

                        //check if subfolder exists, if it doesn't, create it
                        realTarget = GetFolder(relPath, tgtFolder) ?? CreateFolderEx(relPath, tgtFolder);

                    // 4. check target
                    if (realTarget == null)
                        bRet = false;

                    // 5. upload file if needed
                    if ((item.localItem.Attributes & FileAttributes.Directory) != FileAttributes.Directory)
                        if (UploadFile(item.localItem.FullName, realTarget) == null)
                            bRet = false;

                case ComparisonResult.SizeDifferent:
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
