コード例 #1
 public static GoogleDocsRequestToken GetGoogleDocsRequestToken(GoogleDocsConfiguration configuration, String consumerKey, String consumerSecret)
     var consumerContext = new OAuthConsumerContext(consumerKey, consumerSecret);
     var serviceContext = new OAuthServiceContext(GetRequestTokenUrl(configuration),
                                                  GetAccessTokenUrl(configuration, null));
     var service = new OAuthService();
     var token = service.GetRequestToken(serviceContext, consumerContext);
     return token != null ? new GoogleDocsRequestToken(token) : null;
コード例 #2
 public static ICloudStorageAccessToken ExchangeGoogleDocsRequestTokenIntoAccessToken(GoogleDocsConfiguration configuration, String consumerKey, String consumerSecret, GoogleDocsRequestToken requestToken, String oAuthVerifier)
     var consumerContext = new OAuthConsumerContext(consumerKey, consumerSecret);
     var serviceContext = new OAuthServiceContext(configuration.OAuthGetRequestTokenUrl.ToString(),
                                                  GetAccessTokenUrl(configuration, oAuthVerifier));
     var service = new OAuthService();
     var accessToken = service.GetAccessToken(serviceContext, consumerContext, requestToken.RealToken);
     if (accessToken == null) throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();
     return new GoogleDocsToken(accessToken, consumerKey, consumerSecret);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method retrieves a new request token from the dropbox server
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configuration"></param>
        /// <param name="ConsumerKey"></param>
        /// <param name="ConsumerSecret"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DropBoxRequestToken GetDropBoxRequestToken(DropBoxConfiguration configuration, String ConsumerKey, String ConsumerSecret)
            // build the consumer context
            var consumerContext = new OAuthConsumerContext(ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret);

            // build up the oauth session
            var serviceContext = new OAuthServiceContext(configuration.RequestTokenUrl.ToString(),
                                                         configuration.AuthorizationTokenUrl.ToString(), configuration.AuthorizationCallBack.ToString(),

            // get a request token from the provider      
            var svc = new OAuthService();
            var oauthToken = svc.GetRequestToken(serviceContext, consumerContext);
            return oauthToken != null ? new DropBoxRequestToken(oauthToken) : null;
コード例 #4
        public static String RequestResourceByUrl(String url, Dictionary<String, String> parameters, IStorageProviderService service, IStorageProviderSession session, out int netErrorCode)
            // cast the dropbox session
            var dropBoxSession = session as DropBoxStorageProviderSession;

            // instance the oAuthServer
            var svc = new OAuthService();

            var urlhash = new KeyValuePair<string, string>();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url) && url.Contains("/metadata/"))
                //Add the hash attr if any
                urlhash = SessionHashStorage.Get(session.SessionToken.ToString(), url, () => new KeyValuePair<string, string>());

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlhash.Key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlhash.Value))
                //Add params
                if (parameters == null)
                    parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                parameters.Add("hash", urlhash.Key);

            // build the webrequest to protected resource
            var request = svc.CreateWebRequest(url, WebRequestMethodsEx.Http.Get, null, null, dropBoxSession.Context, (DropBoxToken) dropBoxSession.SessionToken, parameters);

            // get the error code
            WebException ex;

            // perform a simple webrequest 
            using (Stream s = svc.PerformWebRequest(request, null, out netErrorCode, out ex, 
                (code) => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlhash.Key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlhash.Value) && code == 304)/*to check code without downloading*/)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlhash.Key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlhash.Value) && netErrorCode == 304)
                    return urlhash.Value;
                if (s == null)
                    return "";

                // read the memory stream and convert to string
                var response = new StreamReader(s).ReadToEnd();
                return response;
コード例 #5
        public override Uri GetFileSystemObjectUrl(string path, ICloudDirectoryEntry parent)
            // get the filesystem
            var entry = GetFileSystemObject(path, parent);

            // get the download url
            var url = DropBoxStorageProviderService.GetDownloadFileUrlInternal(this._Session, entry);

            // get the right session
            var session = (DropBoxStorageProviderSession) _Session;

            // generate the oauth url
            var svc = new OAuthService();
            url = svc.GetProtectedResourceUrl(url, session.Context, session.SessionToken as DropBoxToken, null, WebRequestMethodsEx.Http.Get);

            // go ahead
            return new Uri(url);
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is able to exchange the request token into an access token which can be used in 
        /// sharpbox. It is necessary that the user validated the request via authorization url otherwise 
        /// this call wil results in an unauthorized exception!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configuration"></param>
        /// <param name="ConsumerKey"></param>
        /// <param name="ConsumerSecret"></param>
        /// <param name="DropBoxRequestToken"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ICloudStorageAccessToken ExchangeDropBoxRequestTokenIntoAccessToken(DropBoxConfiguration configuration, String ConsumerKey, String ConsumerSecret, DropBoxRequestToken DropBoxRequestToken)
            // build the consumer context
            var consumerContext = new OAuthConsumerContext(ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret);

            // build up the oauth session
            var serviceContext = new OAuthServiceContext(configuration.RequestTokenUrl.ToString(),
                                                         configuration.AuthorizationTokenUrl.ToString(), configuration.AuthorizationCallBack.ToString(),

            // build the access token
            var svc = new OAuthService();
            var accessToken = svc.GetAccessToken(serviceContext, consumerContext, DropBoxRequestToken.RealToken);
            if (accessToken == null)
                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();

            // create the access token 
            return new DropBoxToken(accessToken,
                                    new DropBoxBaseTokenInformation
                                            ConsumerKey = ConsumerKey,
                                            ConsumerSecret = ConsumerSecret
コード例 #7
        public void CommitUploadSession(IStorageProviderSession session, IResumableUploadSession uploadSession)
            if (uploadSession.Status == ResumableUploadSessionStatus.Started)
                var requestService = new OAuthService();
                var request = requestService.CreateWebRequest(GetCommitUploadSessionUrl(session, uploadSession),
                                                              new Dictionary<string, string> {{"upload_id", uploadSession.GetItem<string>("UploadId")}});

                int httpStatusCode;
                WebException httpException;
                requestService.PerformWebRequest(request, null, out httpStatusCode, out httpException);

                if (httpStatusCode != (int)HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    SharpBoxException.ThrowSharpBoxExceptionBasedOnHttpErrorCode((HttpWebRequest)request, (HttpStatusCode)httpStatusCode, httpException);

                var file = (BaseFileEntry)uploadSession.File;
                file.Length = uploadSession.BytesToTransfer;
                file.Id = file.ParentID != "/" ? file.ParentID + "/" + file.Name : file.Name;

                var parent = file.Parent as BaseDirectoryEntry;
                if (parent != null)

                ((ResumableUploadSession)uploadSession).Status = ResumableUploadSessionStatus.Completed;
コード例 #8
        public override void UploadChunk(IStorageProviderSession session, IResumableUploadSession uploadSession, Stream stream, long chunkLength)
            if (uploadSession.Status == ResumableUploadSessionStatus.Completed || uploadSession.Status == ResumableUploadSessionStatus.Aborted)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Upload session was either completed or aborted.");

            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("stream");

            var requestParams = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            if (uploadSession.Status == ResumableUploadSessionStatus.Started)
                requestParams.Add("upload_id", uploadSession.GetItem<string>("UploadId"));
                requestParams.Add("offset", uploadSession.BytesTransfered.ToString());

            var request = new OAuthService().CreateWebRequest(GetUrlString(DropBoxChunkedUpload, session.ServiceConfiguration),

            request.ContentLength = chunkLength;
            using (var requestStream = request.GetRequestStream())

            using (var response = request.GetResponse())
            using (var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
                if (responseStream == null) return;

                var json = new JsonHelper();
                json.ParseJsonMessage(new StreamReader(responseStream).ReadToEnd());
                var uplSession = (ResumableUploadSession)uploadSession;
                uplSession["UploadId"] = json.GetProperty("upload_id");
                uplSession["Expired"] = json.GetDateTimeProperty("expired");
                uplSession.BytesTransfered += chunkLength;
                uplSession.Status = ResumableUploadSessionStatus.Started;
                if (uplSession.BytesToTransfer == uploadSession.BytesTransfered)
                    CommitUploadSession(session, uploadSession);
コード例 #9
        public override Stream CreateUploadStream(IStorageProviderSession session, ICloudFileSystemEntry fileSystemEntry, long uploadSize)
            // build the url 
            var url = GetDownloadFileUrlInternal(session, fileSystemEntry.Parent);

            // get the session
            var dbSession = session as DropBoxStorageProviderSession;

            // build service
            var svc = new OAuthService();

            // encode the filename
            var fileName = fileSystemEntry.Name;

            // build oAuth parameter
            var param = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            param.Add("file", fileName);

            // sign the url 
            var signedUrl = svc.GetSignedUrl(url, dbSession.Context, dbSession.SessionToken as DropBoxToken, param);

            // build upload web request
            var uploadRequest = svc.CreateWebRequestMultiPartUpload(signedUrl, null);

            // get the network stream
            var ws = svc.GetRequestStreamMultiPartUpload(uploadRequest, fileName, uploadSize);

            // register the post dispose opp
            ws.PushPostDisposeOperation(CommitUploadStream, svc, uploadRequest, uploadSize, fileSystemEntry, ws);

            // go ahead
            return ws;
コード例 #10
        public override Stream CreateDownloadStream(IStorageProviderSession session, ICloudFileSystemEntry fileSystemEntry)
            // build the url 
            var url = GetDownloadFileUrlInternal(session, fileSystemEntry);

            // build the service
            var svc = new OAuthService();

            // get the dropbox session
            var dropBoxSession = session as DropBoxStorageProviderSession;

            // create webrequst 
            var requestProtected = svc.CreateWebRequest(url, WebRequestMethodsEx.Http.Get, null, null, dropBoxSession.Context, (DropBoxToken) dropBoxSession.SessionToken, null);

            // get the response
            var response = svc.GetWebResponse(requestProtected);

            // get the data stream
            var orgStream = svc.GetResponseStream(response);

            // build the download stream
            var dStream = new BaseFileEntryDownloadStream(orgStream, fileSystemEntry);

            // put the disposable on the stack

            // go ahead
            return dStream;
コード例 #11
        public override string GetResourceUrl(IStorageProviderSession session, ICloudFileSystemEntry fileSystemEntry, String additionalPath)
            var dbSession = session as DropBoxStorageProviderSession;

            String path = DropBoxResourceIDHelpers.GetResourcePath(fileSystemEntry, additionalPath);
            String url = GetResourceUrlInternal(session, path);

            // generate the oauth url
            var svc = new OAuthService();
            return svc.GetProtectedResourceUrl(url, dbSession.Context, dbSession.SessionToken as DropBoxToken, null, WebRequestMethodsEx.Http.Get);
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// This method offers the mobile login api of dropbox for users who are migrating from version 0 of the 
        /// dropbox API because version 1 supports token based logins only
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="username"></param>
        /// <param name="password"></param>
        /// <param name="appkey"></param>
        /// <param name="appsecret"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ICloudStorageAccessToken LoginWithMobileAPI(String username, String password, String appkey, String appsecret)
            // get the configuration
            var configuration = DropBoxConfiguration.GetStandardConfiguration();

            // build the consumer context
            var consumerContext = new OAuthConsumerContext(appkey, appsecret);

            // build up the oauth session
            var serviceContext = new OAuthServiceContext(configuration.RequestTokenUrl.ToString(),
                                                         configuration.AuthorizationTokenUrl.ToString(), configuration.AuthorizationCallBack.ToString(),

            // get a request token from the provider      
            var svc = new OAuthService();
            var oAuthRequestToken = svc.GetRequestToken(serviceContext, consumerContext);
            if (oAuthRequestToken == null)
                throw new SharpBoxException(SharpBoxErrorCodes.ErrorInvalidConsumerKeySecret);
            var DropBoxRequestToken = new DropBoxToken(oAuthRequestToken, new DropBoxBaseTokenInformation {ConsumerKey = appkey, ConsumerSecret = appsecret});

            // generate the dropbox service
            var service = new DropBoxStorageProviderService();

            // build up a request Token Session
            var requestSession = new DropBoxStorageProviderSession(DropBoxRequestToken, configuration, consumerContext, service);

            // build up the parameters
            var param = new Dictionary<String, String>
                                {"email", username},
                                {"password", password}

            // call the mobile login api 
            var result = "";

                int code;
                result = DropBoxRequestParser.RequestResourceByUrl(DropBoxMobileLogin, param, service, requestSession, out code);
                if (result.Length == 0)
                    throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex is UnauthorizedAccessException)
                    throw ex;
                    throw new SharpBoxException(SharpBoxErrorCodes.ErrorCouldNotContactStorageService, ex);
            catch (System.Web.HttpException netex)
                throw new SharpBoxException(SharpBoxErrorCodes.ErrorCouldNotContactStorageService, netex);

            // exchange a request token for an access token
            var accessToken = new DropBoxToken(result);

            // adjust the token 
            if (accessToken.BaseTokenInformation == null)
                accessToken.BaseTokenInformation = new DropBoxBaseTokenInformation
                                                           ConsumerKey = appkey,
                                                           ConsumerSecret = appsecret

            // go ahead
            return accessToken;