コード例 #1
        public void OnSubmit(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SettingsHelper.ConvertVals(day.Text, month.Text, year.Text);
            var context = Android.App.Application.Context;

            if (SettingsHelper.Day == 0)
                var tostMessage = String.Format("Date set to mm:yyyy : {0}-{1}", SettingsHelper.Month, SettingsHelper.Year);
                var durtion     = ToastLength.Long;
                Toast.MakeText(context, tostMessage, durtion).Show();
                var tostMessage = String.Format("Date set to dd:mm:yyyy : {0}:{1}:{2}", SettingsHelper.Day, SettingsHelper.Month, SettingsHelper.Year);
                var durtion     = ToastLength.Long;
                Toast.MakeText(context, tostMessage, durtion).Show();

コード例 #2
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

            var temp = cosmosAccess.RetrieveDict();

            RadCalendarView calendarView = (RadCalendarView)FindViewById(Resource.Id.calendarView);

            calendarView.SelectionMode = CalendarSelectionMode.Single;

            Calendar calendar = Java.Util.Calendar.Instance;
            Date     date;
            long     start       = calendar.TimeInMillis;
            int      year        = SettingsHelper.Year;
            int      month       = SettingsHelper.Month;
            int      day         = SettingsHelper.Day;
            string   snippetTime = String.Format("{0}-{1}", year.ToString(), month.ToString());

            calendar.Add(CalendarField.Hour, 3);
            long end = calendar.TimeInMillis;
            //Event newEvent = new Event(temp["sample1"].ToString(), start, end);
            ////temp.["sample1"] is the key in the collection

            //calendar.Add(CalendarField.Hour, 1);
            //start = calendar.TimeInMillis;
            //calendar.Add(CalendarField.Hour, 1);
            //end = calendar.TimeInMillis;
            //Event newEvent2 = new Event("Walk to work", start, end);
            //newEvent2.EventColor = Android.Graphics.Color.Green;

            //calendar.Add(CalendarField.Hour, 1);

            string        answer     = "";
            IList <Event> events     = new List <Event>();
            int           counter    = 0;
            float         totalSpend = 0;
            double        tempSaving = 0;

            //int tempCounter = 0;

            foreach (List <string> lister in cosmosAccess.CashList)
                int[] dates = new int[3];
                if (lister.Count != 0)
                    int   seCount   = 0;
                    float tempValue = 0;
                    float currBill  = 0;
                    Event nEvent;
                    Event sEvent;
                    bool  printSum = false;
                    foreach (string stringList in lister)
                        if (seCount == 0)
                            string[] time = stringList.Split("T");
                            if (time.Length == 2)
                                string[] dateTimes  = time[0].Split("-");
                                string[] clockTimes = time[1].Split(":");
                                int      timeCheck  = Int32.Parse(clockTimes[0]) - 5;
                                dates[0] = Int32.Parse(dateTimes[0]);
                                dates[1] = Int32.Parse(dateTimes[1]) - 1;
                                dates[2] = Int32.Parse(dateTimes[2]);

                                if (dates[2] == 1 && timeCheck < 0)
                                    dates[1] -= 1;

                                    if (dates[1] == 1)
                                        dates[2] = 28;
                                    else if (dates[1] == 0 || dates[1] == 2 || dates[1] == 4 || dates[1] == 6 || dates[1] == 7 || dates[1] == 9 || dates[1] == 11)
                                        dates[2] = 31;
                                        dates[2] = 30;
                                else if (timeCheck < 0)
                                    dates[2] -= 1;

                                date          = new Date(Int32.Parse(dateTimes[0]) - 1900, (dates[1]), dates[2]);
                                calendar.Time = date;//  .setTime(date);

                        if (SettingsHelper.Day == 0)
                            if (dates[0] == SettingsHelper.Year && ((dates[1] + 1) == SettingsHelper.Month))
                                    tempValue = float.Parse(stringList, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                    if (currBill <= tempValue)
                                        currBill = tempValue;
                                        answer   = stringList;
                                        printSum = true;
                                catch (Exception e)

                                /*start = calendar.TimeInMillis;
                                 * calendar.Add(CalendarField.Minute, 1);
                                 * answer = stringList;
                                 * end = calendar.TimeInMillis;
                                 * nEvent = new Event(answer, start, end);
                                 * nEvent.EventColor = Android.Graphics.Color.Red;
                                 * events.Add(nEvent);*/
                                printSum = false;
                            if (dates[0] == SettingsHelper.Year && ((dates[1] + 1) == SettingsHelper.Month) && dates[2] == SettingsHelper.Day)
                                    tempValue = float.Parse(stringList, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                    if (currBill <= tempValue)
                                        currBill = tempValue;
                                        answer   = stringList;
                                        printSum = true;
                                catch (Exception e)

                                /*start = calendar.TimeInMillis;
                                 * calendar.Add(CalendarField.Minute, 1);
                                 * answer = stringList;
                                 * end = calendar.TimeInMillis;
                                 * nEvent = new Event(answer, start, end);
                                 * nEvent.EventColor = Android.Graphics.Color.Red;
                                 * events.Add(nEvent);*/
                                printSum = false;
                    if (printSum)
                        start = calendar.TimeInMillis;
                        calendar.Add(CalendarField.Minute, 1);
                        end = calendar.TimeInMillis;
                        SavingHelper.Cost = currBill;
                        double saving = SavingHelper.Cost - currBill;
                        saving = Math.Round(saving, 2);
                        nEvent            = new Event(String.Format("Bill {0} : {1}$", ++counter, answer), start, end);
                        sEvent            = new Event(String.Format("Bill {0} Saving : {1}$ ", counter, saving), start, end);
                        nEvent.EventColor = Android.Graphics.Color.Blue;
                        sEvent.EventColor = Android.Graphics.Color.Red;
                        tempSaving += SavingHelper.Cost;
                        totalSpend += currBill;

            counter = 0;
            string tempMonth = SettingsHelper.Month.ToString();
            string tempYear  = SettingsHelper.Year.ToString();

            SettingsHelper.ConvertVals("31", tempMonth, tempYear);
            if (SettingsHelper.Day == 0)
                SettingsHelper.ConvertVals("30", tempMonth, tempYear);
                if (SettingsHelper.Day == 0)
                    SettingsHelper.ConvertVals("28", tempMonth, tempYear);

            calendar.Time = new Date(SettingsHelper.Year - 1900, (SettingsHelper.Month - 1), SettingsHelper.Day);
            start         = calendar.TimeInMillis;
            end           = calendar.TimeInMillis;
            calendar.Add(CalendarField.Hour, 7);
            double tempTotal = tempSaving - totalSpend;

            tempTotal = Math.Round(tempTotal, 2);
            events.Add(new Event(String.Format("Total so far : {0}$ ", totalSpend), start, end));
            Event tempEvent = new Event(String.Format("Total Saving : {0}$ ", tempTotal), start, end);

            tempEvent.EventColor = Android.Graphics.Color.LightGreen;


            calendarView.EventAdapter.Events = events;
            calendarView.EventsDisplayMode   = EventsDisplayMode.Inline;
            calendarView.Adapter.InlineEventTimeStartTextColor = Color.White;
            calendarView.Adapter.InlineEventTimeEndTextColor   = Color.White;
            calendarView.Adapter.InlineEventsBackgroundColor   = Color.White;

            // Create your application here