protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Page); //update local tag cache m_sBaseDir = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); this.UpdateTagCache(); m_pTags = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.txtTags); m_pSources = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.txtSource); EditText pSnippetContent = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.txtSnippetContent); EditText pSourceData = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.txtSourceData); Button pTagsButton = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btnTagsList); pTagsButton.Click += delegate { this.DisplayList("tags"); }; Button pSourceButton = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btnSourceList); pSourceButton.Click += delegate { this.DisplayList("sources"); }; Button pSubmitButton = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btnSubmit); pSubmitButton.Click += delegate { string sContent = pSnippetContent.Text; string sTags = m_pTags.Text + ",source:" + m_pSources.Text; // add meta tags //sContent = "<meta name='sourceTag' content='" + lblSourceName.Content + "'><meta name='source' content='" + txtSourceText.Text + "'>" + sContent; sContent = "<meta name='sourceTag' content='" + m_pSources.Text + "'><meta name='source' content='" + pSourceData.Text + "'>" + sContent; // make the xml request body string sBody = "<params>"; sBody += "<param name='sTagList'>" + sTags + "</param><param name='sSnippet'>" + Master.EncodeXML(sContent) + "</param>"; if (m_bEditing) { sBody += "<param name='sFileName'>" + m_sEditingSnippet + "</param>"; } sBody += "</params>"; string sResponse = ""; if (m_bEditing) { sResponse = WebCommunications.SendPostRequest("", sBody, true); } else { sResponse = WebCommunications.SendPostRequest("", sBody, true); } this.Finish(); }; Button pDeleteButton = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btnDelete); pDeleteButton.Click += delegate { if (!m_bEditing) { return; } // thanks to var pBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); pBuilder.SetMessage("Are you sure you want to delete this snippet?"); pBuilder.SetPositiveButton("Yes", (s, e) => { WebCommunications.SendGetRequest("" + m_sEditingSnippet, true); this.Finish(); }); pBuilder.SetNegativeButton("No", (s, e) => { return; }); pBuilder.Create().Show(); }; string sType = this.Intent.GetStringExtra("Type"); if (sType == "new") { m_bEditing = false; } else if (sType == "edit") { string sSnippetName = this.Intent.GetStringExtra("SnippetName"); string sSnippetSourceName = this.Intent.GetStringExtra("SourceName"); string sSnippetSourceText = this.Intent.GetStringExtra("SourceText"); string sSnippetTags = this.Intent.GetStringExtra("SnippetTags"); m_bEditing = true; m_sEditingSnippet = sSnippetName; // get the actual snippet content from the server string sSnippetContent = WebCommunications.SendGetRequest("" + sSnippetName, true); sSnippetContent = Master.CleanResponseForEditor(sSnippetContent); // remove the meta tags (since they are merely added back in on submit) Regex pRegex = new Regex(s_sMetaPattern); sSnippetContent = pRegex.Replace(sSnippetContent, ""); // fill fields pSnippetContent.Text = sSnippetContent; pSourceData.Text = sSnippetSourceText; m_pTags.Text = sSnippetTags; m_pSources.Text = sSnippetSourceName; this.Title = "Edit Snippet"; } }
protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, Result resultCode, Intent data) { base.OnActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if (resultCode == Result.Ok) { // TODO: HANDLE EXTRA HERE string sType = data.GetStringExtra("Type"); XElement pResponse = null; bool bRestartRequested = false; if (sType == "initial") { string sRule = data.GetStringExtra("Rule"); string sInitialCorrectKoan = data.GetStringExtra("CorrectKoan"); string sInitialIncorrectKoan = data.GetStringExtra("IncorrectKoan"); string sBody = Master.BuildCommonBody(Master.BuildGameIDBodyPart(m_sGameID) + "<param name='sRule'>" + sRule + "</param><param name='sBuddhaNatureKoan'>" + sInitialCorrectKoan + "</param><param name='sNonBuddhaNatureKoan'>" + sInitialIncorrectKoan + "</param>"); string sResponse = WebCommunications.SendPostRequest(Master.GetBaseURL() + Master.GetGameURL("Zendo") + "SubmitInitialKoans", sBody, true); if (Master.CleanResponse(sResponse) != "") { pResponse = Master.ReadResponse(sResponse); } } else if (sType == "build") { string sKoan = data.GetStringExtra("Koan"); bool bMondo = data.GetBooleanExtra("Mondo", false); string sBody = Master.BuildCommonBody(Master.BuildGameIDBodyPart(m_sGameID) + "<param name='sKoan'>" + sKoan + "</param>"); string sResponse = ""; if (!bMondo) { sResponse = WebCommunications.SendPostRequest(Master.GetBaseURL() + Master.GetGameURL("Zendo") + "SubmitKoan", sBody, true); } else { sResponse = WebCommunications.SendPostRequest(Master.GetBaseURL() + Master.GetGameURL("Zendo") + "SubmitMondo", sBody, true); } if (Master.CleanResponse(sResponse) != "") { pResponse = Master.ReadResponse(sResponse); } bRestartRequested = true; } else if (sType == "analysis") { bool bHasBuddhaNature = data.GetBooleanExtra("HasBuddhaNature", false); string sBody = Master.BuildCommonBody(Master.BuildGameIDBodyPart(m_sGameID) + "<param name='bHasBuddhaNature'>" + bHasBuddhaNature + "</param>"); string sResponse = WebCommunications.SendPostRequest(Master.GetBaseURL() + Master.GetGameURL("Zendo") + "SubmitPendingKoanAnalysis", sBody, true); if (Master.CleanResponse(sResponse) != "") { pResponse = Master.ReadResponse(sResponse); } } else if (sType == "predict") { bool bPrediction = data.GetBooleanExtra("Prediction", false); string sBody = Master.BuildCommonBody(Master.BuildGameIDBodyPart(m_sGameID) + "<param name='bPrediction'>" + bPrediction + "</param>"); string sResponse = WebCommunications.SendPostRequest(Master.GetBaseURL() + Master.GetGameURL("Zendo") + "SubmitMondoPrediction", sBody, true); if (Master.CleanResponse(sResponse) != "") { pResponse = Master.ReadResponse(sResponse); } bRestartRequested = true; } else if (sType == "guess") { string sGuess = data.GetStringExtra("Guess"); string sBody = Master.BuildCommonBody(Master.BuildGameIDBodyPart(m_sGameID) + "<param name='sGuess'>" + Master.EncodeXML(sGuess) + "</param>"); string sResponse = WebCommunications.SendPostRequest(Master.GetBaseURL() + Master.GetGameURL("Zendo") + "SubmitGuess", sBody, true); if (Master.CleanResponse(sResponse) != "") { pResponse = Master.ReadResponse(sResponse); } bRestartRequested = true; } else if (sType == "disprove") { bool bSuccessfullyDisproved = data.GetBooleanExtra("Disprove", false); if (!bSuccessfullyDisproved) { string sAltResponse = WebCommunications.SendPostRequest(Master.GetBaseURL() + Master.GetGameURL("Zendo") + "GrantEnlightenment", Master.BuildCommonBody(Master.BuildGameIDBodyPart(m_sGameID)), true); if (Master.CleanResponse(sAltResponse) != "") { pResponse = Master.ReadResponse(sAltResponse); } } else { string sKoan = data.GetStringExtra("Koan"); bool bHasBuddhaNature = data.GetBooleanExtra("HasBuddhaNature", false); string sBody = Master.BuildCommonBody(Master.BuildGameIDBodyPart(m_sGameID) + "<param name='sKoan'>" + sKoan + "</param><param name='bHasBuddhaNature'>" + bHasBuddhaNature + "</param>"); string sResponse = WebCommunications.SendPostRequest(Master.GetBaseURL() + Master.GetGameURL("Zendo") + "DisproveGuess", sBody, true); if (Master.CleanResponse(sResponse) != "") { pResponse = Master.ReadResponse(sResponse); } } } if (pResponse != null) { var pBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); pBuilder.SetMessage(pResponse.Element("Text").Value); pBuilder.SetPositiveButton("Ok", (e, s) => { return; }); pBuilder.Show(); } else if (bRestartRequested) { this.ForceRestart(); } else { this.GetUserBoard(); } } }