internal static void ApplyPatches(ProductInfo p, ApexSettings settings) { var client = new WebClient { BaseAddress = EnsureTrailingSlash(settings.updateCheckBaseUrl) }; client.Headers.Add("Accept", "application/xml"); var request = string.Format("api/Products/GetAvailablePatches?productName={0}&version={1}",, p.installedVersion); var patchList = client.DownloadString(request); var doc = XDocument.Parse(patchList); var ns = XNamespace.Get(doc.Root.Attribute("xmlns").Value); var patchFiles = from s in XDocument.Parse(patchList).Root.Elements(ns + "string") select s.Value; foreach (var patchFile in patchFiles) { var patchPath = string.Concat(settings.dataFolder, "/", patchFile); var url = string.Concat("content/patches/", patchFile); client.DownloadFile(url, patchPath); AssetDatabase.ImportPackage(patchPath, false); } }
private void CreateProductEntry(ProductInfo p) { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("Box", GUILayout.Width(428)); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); //Create and anchor the foldout GUILayout.Label(GUIContent.none, GUILayout.Width(230)); var productLabel = new GUIContent(" " +, p.icon); p.expanded = EditorGUI.Foldout(GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(), p.expanded, productLabel, true, _styles.foldout); //New update marker if (p.newUpdateAvailable) { if (p.status == ProductStatus.PatchAvailable) { GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent("#", "New patch available!"), _styles.labelHighlight, GUILayout.Width(20)); } else { GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent("!", "New update available!"), _styles.labelHighlight, GUILayout.Width(20)); } } else { GUILayout.Label(GUIContent.none, GUILayout.Width(20)); } //Version GUIContent status; if (p.installedVersion == null) { status = new GUIContent("N/A", "Not installed"); } else { status = new GUIContent(Write(p.installedVersion), "Installed version"); } GUILayout.Label(status, GUILayout.Width(50)); //Link buttons / status if (p.status != ProductStatus.UpToDate) { if (p.status == ProductStatus.ComingSoon) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Coming soon", GUILayout.Width(80)); } else if (p.status == ProductStatus.UpdateAvailable) { if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Update It", string.Format("Version {0} is now available.\n\nClick to open the product's page on the Unity Asset Store.", p.newestVersion)))) { AssetStore.Open(p.storeUrl); } } else if (p.status == ProductStatus.ProductAvailable) { if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Get It", "Now available.\n\nClick to open the product's page on the Unity Asset Store."))) { AssetStore.Open(p.storeUrl); } } else if (p.status == ProductStatus.PatchAvailable) { if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Patch It", "A patch is available.\n\nClick to download and apply the patch. Patches are hot fixes and all patches will be included in the following product update."))) { ProductManager.ApplyPatches(p, _settings); } } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); //Details if (p.expanded) { GUILayout.Box(GUIContent.none, _styles.boxSeparator); var description = string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.description) ? "No description available" : p.description; EditorGUILayout.LabelField(description, _styles.labelWithWrap); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.productUrl)) { if (GUILayout.Button("Product Page", _styles.labelLink)) { Application.OpenURL(p.productUrl); } EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(), MouseCursor.Link); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.changeLogPath)) { if (GUILayout.Button("Change Log", _styles.labelLink)) { Application.OpenURL(p.changeLogPath); } EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(), MouseCursor.Link); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); }
private static IEnumerable<ProductInfo> GetProductsInfo(ApexSettings settings, bool checkForUpdates) { var productsInfo = new List<ProductInfo>(); //Get the currently installed products var installed = typeof(ProductManager).Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ApexProductAttribute), true).Cast<ApexProductAttribute>(); foreach (var p in installed) { var info = new ProductInfo { name =, installedVersion = string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.version) ? null : new Version(p.version), type = p.type }; info.iconInfo = GetIconPath(settings, info); info.changeLogPath = GetChangeLogPath(settings, info); productsInfo.Add(info); } //Check existence of product manifest var manifestPath = string.Concat(settings.dataFolder, "/Products.manifest"); bool checkedForUpdates = checkForUpdates || settings.timeToUpdate || (!File.Exists(manifestPath) && settings.allowAutomaticUpdateCheck); if (checkedForUpdates) { DownloadLatest(settings, manifestPath); } //Read the product manifest if (!File.Exists(manifestPath)) { return productsInfo; } var installedLookup = productsInfo.ToDictionary(p =>, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); try { var productsXml = XDocument.Load(manifestPath); XNamespace ns = productsXml.Root.Attribute("xmlns").Value; foreach (var p in productsXml.Root.Elements(ns + "Product")) { var productName = p.Element(ns + "name").Value; ProductInfo info; if (!installedLookup.TryGetValue(productName, out info)) { info = new ProductInfo(); productsInfo.Add(info); } var versionString = p.Element(ns + "version").Value; var patchString = p.Element(ns + "latestPatch").Value; = productName; info.description = p.Element(ns + "description").Value; info.newestVersion = string.IsNullOrEmpty(versionString) ? null : new Version(versionString); info.latestPatch = string.IsNullOrEmpty(patchString) ? null : new Version(patchString); info.productUrl = p.Element(ns + "productUrl").Value; info.storeUrl = p.Element(ns + "storeUrl").Value; info.type = (ProductType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ProductType), p.Element(ns + "type").Value); info.iconInfo = GetIconPath(settings, info); } } catch { //Just eat this, it should not happen, but if it does we do not want to impact the users, and there is no way to recover so... } //Apply update knowledge to list if (checkedForUpdates) { MarkPendingUpdates(settings, productsInfo); EnsureIcons(settings, productsInfo); } return productsInfo; }
internal static Texture GetIcon(ProductInfo p) { return GetIcon(p.iconInfo); }
private static string GetChangeLogPath(ApexSettings settings, ProductInfo p) { var subFolder =; if (!subFolder.StartsWith("Apex ")) { subFolder = string.Concat("Apex ", subFolder); } var path = string.Concat(settings.rootFolder, "/", subFolder, "/ChangeLog.txt"); if (File.Exists(path)) { return path; } return null; }
private static IconInfo GetIconPath(ApexSettings settings, ProductInfo p) { string key = (p.type == ProductType.Product) ?" ", string.Empty) : p.type.ToString(); return new IconInfo { key = key, path = string.Concat(settings.relativeDataFolder, "/", key, ".png") }; }
private static IEnumerable <ProductInfo> GetProductsInfo(ApexSettings settings, bool checkForUpdates) { var productsInfo = new List <ProductInfo>(); //Get the currently installed products var installed = typeof(ProductManager).Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ApexProductAttribute), true).Cast <ApexProductAttribute>(); foreach (var p in installed) { var info = new ProductInfo { name =, installedVersion = string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.version) ? null : new Version(p.version), type = p.type }; info.iconInfo = GetIconPath(settings, info); info.changeLogPath = GetChangeLogPath(settings, info); productsInfo.Add(info); } //Check existence of product manifest var manifestPath = string.Concat(settings.dataFolder, "/Products.manifest"); bool checkedForUpdates = checkForUpdates || settings.timeToUpdate || (!File.Exists(manifestPath) && settings.allowAutomaticUpdateCheck); if (checkedForUpdates) { DownloadLatest(settings, manifestPath); } //Read the product manifest if (!File.Exists(manifestPath)) { return(productsInfo); } var installedLookup = productsInfo.ToDictionary(p =>, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); try { var productsXml = XDocument.Load(manifestPath); XNamespace ns = productsXml.Root.Attribute("xmlns").Value; foreach (var p in productsXml.Root.Elements(ns + "Product")) { var productName = p.Element(ns + "name").Value; ProductInfo info; if (!installedLookup.TryGetValue(productName, out info)) { info = new ProductInfo(); productsInfo.Add(info); } var versionString = p.Element(ns + "version").Value; var patchString = p.Element(ns + "latestPatch").Value; = productName; info.description = p.Element(ns + "description").Value; info.newestVersion = string.IsNullOrEmpty(versionString) ? null : new Version(versionString); info.latestPatch = string.IsNullOrEmpty(patchString) ? null : new Version(patchString); info.productUrl = p.Element(ns + "productUrl").Value; info.storeUrl = p.Element(ns + "storeUrl").Value; info.type = (ProductType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ProductType), p.Element(ns + "type").Value); info.iconInfo = GetIconPath(settings, info); } } catch { //Just eat this, it should not happen, but if it does we do not want to impact the users, and there is no way to recover so... } //Apply update knowledge to list if (checkedForUpdates) { MarkPendingUpdates(settings, productsInfo); EnsureIcons(settings, productsInfo); } return(productsInfo); }
internal static Texture GetIcon(ProductInfo p) { return(GetIcon(p.iconInfo)); }