public BrgMeshExtendedHeader(BrgBinaryReader reader, int extendedHeaderSize) { this.NumNameIndexes = reader.ReadInt16(); this.NumDummies = reader.ReadInt16(); this.NameLength = reader.ReadInt16(); if (extendedHeaderSize > 6) { this.PointMaterial = reader.ReadInt16(); this.PointRadius = reader.ReadSingle(); } if (extendedHeaderSize > 12) { this.NumMaterials = reader.ReadByte(); this.ShadowNameLength0 = reader.ReadByte(); this.ShadowNameLength1 = reader.ReadByte(); this.ShadowNameLength2 = reader.ReadByte(); } if (extendedHeaderSize > 16) { this.AnimationLength = reader.ReadSingle(); } if (extendedHeaderSize > 20) { this.MaterialLibraryTimestamp = reader.ReadInt32(); } if (extendedHeaderSize > 24) { this.Reserved = reader.ReadSingle(); } if (extendedHeaderSize > 28) { this.ExportedScaleFactor = reader.ReadSingle(); } if (extendedHeaderSize > 32) { this.NumNonUniformKeys = reader.ReadInt32(); //09c } if (extendedHeaderSize > 36) { this.NumUniqueMaterials = reader.ReadInt32(); } }
public BrgMeshHeader(BrgBinaryReader reader) { this.Version = reader.ReadInt16(); this.Format = (BrgMeshFormat)reader.ReadInt16(); this.NumVertices = reader.ReadInt16(); this.NumFaces = reader.ReadInt16(); this.InterpolationType = (BrgMeshInterpolationType)reader.ReadByte(); this.AnimationType = (BrgMeshAnimType)reader.ReadByte(); this.UserDataEntryCount = reader.ReadInt16(); this.CenterPosition = reader.ReadVector3D(true, false); this.CenterRadius = reader.ReadSingle(); this.MassPosition = reader.ReadVector3D(true, false); this.HotspotPosition = reader.ReadVector3D(true, false); this.ExtendedHeaderSize = reader.ReadInt16(); this.Flags = (BrgMeshFlag)reader.ReadInt16(); this.MinimumExtent = reader.ReadVector3D(true, false); this.MaximumExtent = reader.ReadVector3D(true, false); }
public BrgMesh(BrgBinaryReader reader, BrgFile file) : base() { this.ParentFile = file; this.Header = new BrgMeshHeader(reader); this.VertexMaterials = new List<Int16>(); if (!this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.PARTICLEPOINTS)) { this.Vertices = new List<Vector3D>(this.Header.NumVertices); for (int i = 0; i < this.Header.NumVertices; i++) { this.Vertices.Add(reader.ReadVector3D(true, this.Header.Version == 22)); } this.Normals = new List<Vector3D>(this.Header.NumVertices); for (int i = 0; i < this.Header.NumVertices; i++) { if (this.Header.Version >= 13 && this.Header.Version <= 17) { reader.ReadInt16(); // No idea what this is } else // v == 18, 19 or 22 { this.Normals.Add(reader.ReadVector3D(true, this.Header.Version == 22)); } } if ((!this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.SECONDARYMESH) || this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.ANIMTEXCOORDS) || this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.PARTICLESYSTEM)) && this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.TEXCOORDSA)) { this.TextureCoordinates = new List<Vector3D>(this.Header.NumVertices); for (int i = 0; i < this.Header.NumVertices; i++) { this.TextureCoordinates.Add(new Vector3D(reader.ReadVector2D(this.Header.Version == 22), 0f)); } } if (!this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.SECONDARYMESH) || this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.PARTICLESYSTEM)) { this.Faces = new List<Face>(this.Header.NumFaces); for (int i = 0; i < this.Header.NumFaces; ++i) { this.Faces.Add(new Face()); } if (this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.MATERIAL)) { for (int i = 0; i < this.Header.NumFaces; i++) { this.Faces[i].MaterialIndex = reader.ReadInt16(); } } for (int i = 0; i < this.Header.NumFaces; i++) { this.Faces[i].Indices.Add(reader.ReadInt16()); this.Faces[i].Indices.Add(reader.ReadInt16()); this.Faces[i].Indices.Add(reader.ReadInt16()); } if (this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.MATERIAL)) { this.VertexMaterials = new List<Int16>(this.Header.NumVertices); for (int i = 0; i < this.Header.NumVertices; i++) { this.VertexMaterials.Add(reader.ReadInt16()); } } } } this.UserDataEntries = new BrgUserDataEntry[this.Header.UserDataEntryCount]; if (!this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.PARTICLEPOINTS)) { for (int i = 0; i < this.Header.UserDataEntryCount; i++) { this.UserDataEntries[i] = reader.ReadUserDataEntry(false); } } this.ExtendedHeader = new BrgMeshExtendedHeader(reader, this.Header.ExtendedHeaderSize); this.particleData = new float[0]; if (this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.PARTICLEPOINTS)) { this.particleData = new float[4 * this.Header.NumVertices]; for (int i = 0; i < this.particleData.Length; i++) { this.particleData[i] = reader.ReadSingle(); } for (int i = 0; i < this.Header.UserDataEntryCount; i++) { this.UserDataEntries[i] = reader.ReadUserDataEntry(true); } } if (this.Header.Version == 13) { reader.ReadBytes(this.ExtendedHeader.NameLength); } if (this.Header.Version >= 13 && this.Header.Version <= 18) { this.Header.Flags |= BrgMeshFlag.ATTACHPOINTS; } if (this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.ATTACHPOINTS)) { Int16 numMatrix = this.ExtendedHeader.NumDummies; Int16 numIndex = this.ExtendedHeader.NumNameIndexes; if (this.Header.Version == 19 || this.Header.Version == 22) { numMatrix = reader.ReadInt16(); numIndex = reader.ReadInt16(); reader.ReadInt16(); } BrgAttachpoint[] attpts = new BrgAttachpoint[numMatrix]; for (int i = 0; i < numMatrix; i++) { attpts[i] = new BrgAttachpoint(); } for (int i = 0; i < numMatrix; i++) { attpts[i].XVector = reader.ReadVector3D(true, this.Header.Version == 22); } for (int i = 0; i < numMatrix; i++) { attpts[i].YVector = reader.ReadVector3D(true, this.Header.Version == 22); } for (int i = 0; i < numMatrix; i++) { attpts[i].ZVector = reader.ReadVector3D(true, this.Header.Version == 22); } if (this.Header.Version == 19 || this.Header.Version == 22) { for (int i = 0; i < numMatrix; i++) { attpts[i].Position = reader.ReadVector3D(true, this.Header.Version == 22); } } for (int i = 0; i < numMatrix; i++) { attpts[i].BoundingBoxMin = reader.ReadVector3D(true, this.Header.Version == 22); } for (int i = 0; i < numMatrix; i++) { attpts[i].BoundingBoxMax = reader.ReadVector3D(true, this.Header.Version == 22); } List<int> nameId = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < numIndex; i++) { int duplicate = reader.ReadInt32(); // have yet to find a model with duplicates reader.ReadInt32(); // Skip the id (at least I think its an ID) for (int j = 0; j < duplicate; j++) { nameId.Add(i); } } this.Attachpoints = new List<BrgAttachpoint>(); for (int i = 0; i < nameId.Count; i++) { this.Attachpoints.Add(new BrgAttachpoint(attpts[reader.ReadByte()])); this.Attachpoints[i].NameId = nameId[i]; //attpts[reader.ReadByte()].NameId = nameId[i]; } //attachpoints = new List<BrgAttachpoint>(attpts); } else { this.Attachpoints = new List<BrgAttachpoint>(); } if (((this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.COLORALPHACHANNEL) || this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.COLORCHANNEL)) && !this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.SECONDARYMESH)) || this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.ANIMVERTCOLORALPHA)) { this.Colors = new List<Color4D>(this.Header.NumVertices); for (int i = 0; i < this.Header.NumVertices; i++) { this.Colors.Add(reader.ReadTexel()); } } // Only seen on first mesh this.NonUniformKeys = new float[0]; if (this.Header.AnimationType.HasFlag(BrgMeshAnimType.NonUniform)) { this.NonUniformKeys = new float[this.ExtendedHeader.NumNonUniformKeys]; for (int i = 0; i < this.ExtendedHeader.NumNonUniformKeys; i++) { this.NonUniformKeys[i] = reader.ReadSingle(); } } if (this.Header.Version >= 14 && this.Header.Version <= 19) { // Face Normals?? Vector3D[] legacy = new Vector3D[this.Header.NumFaces]; for (int i = 0; i < this.Header.NumFaces; i++) { legacy[i] = reader.ReadVector3D(); } } if (!this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.SECONDARYMESH) && this.Header.Version != 22) { reader.ReadBytes(ExtendedHeader.ShadowNameLength0 + ExtendedHeader.ShadowNameLength1); } }
public BrgMesh(BrgBinaryReader reader, BrgFile file) : this(file) { this.ParentFile = file; this.Header = new BrgMeshHeader(reader); if (!this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.PARTICLEPOINTS)) { this.Vertices = new List <Vector3>(this.Header.NumVertices); for (int i = 0; i < this.Header.NumVertices; i++) { this.Vertices.Add(reader.ReadVector3D(true, this.Header.Version == 22)); } this.Normals = new List <Vector3>(this.Header.NumVertices); for (int i = 0; i < this.Header.NumVertices; i++) { if (this.Header.Version >= 13 && this.Header.Version <= 17) { reader.ReadInt16(); // TODO figure this out } else // v == 18, 19 or 22 { this.Normals.Add(reader.ReadVector3D(true, this.Header.Version == 22)); } } if ((!this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.SECONDARYMESH) || this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.ANIMTEXCOORDS) || this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.PARTICLESYSTEM)) && this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.TEXCOORDSA)) { this.TextureCoordinates = new List <Vector3>(this.Header.NumVertices); for (int i = 0; i < this.Header.NumVertices; i++) { this.TextureCoordinates.Add(new Vector3(reader.ReadVector2D(this.Header.Version == 22), 0f)); } } if (!this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.SECONDARYMESH) || this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.PARTICLESYSTEM)) { this.Faces = new List <Face>(this.Header.NumFaces); for (int i = 0; i < this.Header.NumFaces; ++i) { this.Faces.Add(new Face()); } if (this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.MATERIAL)) { for (int i = 0; i < this.Header.NumFaces; i++) { this.Faces[i].MaterialIndex = reader.ReadInt16(); } } for (int i = 0; i < this.Header.NumFaces; i++) { this.Faces[i].Indices.Add(reader.ReadInt16()); this.Faces[i].Indices.Add(reader.ReadInt16()); this.Faces[i].Indices.Add(reader.ReadInt16()); } if (this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.MATERIAL)) { this.VertexMaterials = new List <Int16>(this.Header.NumVertices); for (int i = 0; i < this.Header.NumVertices; i++) { this.VertexMaterials.Add(reader.ReadInt16()); } } } } this.UserDataEntries = new BrgUserDataEntry[this.Header.UserDataEntryCount]; if (!this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.PARTICLEPOINTS)) { for (int i = 0; i < this.Header.UserDataEntryCount; i++) { this.UserDataEntries[i] = reader.ReadUserDataEntry(false); } } this.ExtendedHeader = new BrgMeshExtendedHeader(reader, this.Header.ExtendedHeaderSize); if (this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.PARTICLEPOINTS)) { this.particleData = new float[4 * this.Header.NumVertices]; for (int i = 0; i < this.particleData.Length; i++) { this.particleData[i] = reader.ReadSingle(); } for (int i = 0; i < this.Header.UserDataEntryCount; i++) { this.UserDataEntries[i] = reader.ReadUserDataEntry(true); } } if (this.Header.Version == 13) { reader.ReadBytes(this.ExtendedHeader.NameLength); } if (this.Header.Version >= 13 && this.Header.Version <= 18) { this.Header.Flags |= BrgMeshFlag.ATTACHPOINTS; } if (this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.ATTACHPOINTS)) { Int16 numMatrix = this.ExtendedHeader.NumDummies; Int16 numIndex = this.ExtendedHeader.NumNameIndexes; if (this.Header.Version == 19 || this.Header.Version == 22) { numMatrix = reader.ReadInt16(); numIndex = reader.ReadInt16(); reader.ReadInt16(); } BrgAttachpoint[] attpts = new BrgAttachpoint[numMatrix]; for (int i = 0; i < numMatrix; i++) { attpts[i] = new BrgAttachpoint(); } for (int i = 0; i < numMatrix; i++) { attpts[i].XVector = reader.ReadVector3D(true, this.Header.Version == 22); } for (int i = 0; i < numMatrix; i++) { attpts[i].YVector = reader.ReadVector3D(true, this.Header.Version == 22); } for (int i = 0; i < numMatrix; i++) { attpts[i].ZVector = reader.ReadVector3D(true, this.Header.Version == 22); } if (this.Header.Version == 19 || this.Header.Version == 22) { for (int i = 0; i < numMatrix; i++) { attpts[i].Position = reader.ReadVector3D(true, this.Header.Version == 22); } } for (int i = 0; i < numMatrix; i++) { attpts[i].BoundingBoxMin = reader.ReadVector3D(true, this.Header.Version == 22); } for (int i = 0; i < numMatrix; i++) { attpts[i].BoundingBoxMax = reader.ReadVector3D(true, this.Header.Version == 22); } List <int> nameId = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < numIndex; i++) { int duplicate = reader.ReadInt32(); // have yet to find a model with duplicates reader.ReadInt32(); // TODO figure out what this means for (int j = 0; j < duplicate; j++) { nameId.Add(i); } } for (int i = 0; i < nameId.Count; i++) { this.Attachpoints.Add(new BrgAttachpoint(attpts[reader.ReadByte()])); this.Attachpoints[i].NameId = nameId[i]; //attpts[reader.ReadByte()].NameId = nameId[i]; } //attachpoints = new List<BrgAttachpoint>(attpts); } if (((this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.COLORALPHACHANNEL) || this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.COLORCHANNEL)) && !this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.SECONDARYMESH)) || this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.ANIMVERTCOLORALPHA)) { this.Colors = new List <Color4D>(this.Header.NumVertices); for (int i = 0; i < this.Header.NumVertices; i++) { this.Colors.Add(reader.ReadTexel()); } } // Only seen on first mesh if (this.Header.AnimationType.HasFlag(BrgMeshAnimType.NonUniform)) { this.NonUniformKeys = new List <float>(this.ExtendedHeader.NumNonUniformKeys); for (int i = 0; i < this.ExtendedHeader.NumNonUniformKeys; i++) { this.NonUniformKeys[i] = reader.ReadSingle(); } } if (this.Header.Version >= 14 && this.Header.Version <= 19) { // Face Normals?? Vector3[] legacy = new Vector3[this.Header.NumFaces]; for (int i = 0; i < this.Header.NumFaces; i++) { legacy[i] = reader.ReadVector3D(); } } if (!this.Header.Flags.HasFlag(BrgMeshFlag.SECONDARYMESH) && this.Header.Version != 22) { reader.ReadBytes(ExtendedHeader.ShadowNameLength0 + ExtendedHeader.ShadowNameLength1); } }