public void TestImportDir() { /* dir1 g.stg has a() that imports dir2 with absolute path dir2 */ string dir1 = Path.Combine(tmpdir, "dir1"); string dir2 = Path.Combine(tmpdir, "dir2"); string gstr = "import \"" + dir2 + "\"\n" + "a() ::= <<dir1 a>>\n"; writeFile(dir1, "g.stg", gstr); string a = "a() ::= <<dir2 a>>\n"; string b = "b() ::= <<dir2 b>>\n"; writeFile(dir2, "", a); writeFile(dir2, "", b); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(dir1, "g.stg")); Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("b"); // visible only if import worked string expected = "dir2 b"; string result = st.Render(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public static string Render(def.BiTemporal definition, string templateName) { var templateDI = new FileInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).Directory; var templateFI = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(templateDI.FullName, templateDirectory, templateFilename)); var stg = new st.TemplateGroupFile(templateFI.FullName); var template = stg.GetInstanceOf(templateName); template.Add("def", definition); return(template.Render()); }
public void TestIndexAttrVisibleLocallyOnly() { string templates = "t(names) ::= \"<names:{n | <u(n)>}>\"\n" + "u(x) ::= \"<i>:<x>\""; ErrorBuffer errors = new ErrorBuffer(); writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("t"); st.Add("names", "Ter"); string result = st.Render(); group.GetInstanceOf("u").impl.Dump(); string expectedError = "t.stg 2:11: implicitly-defined attribute i not visible" + newline; Assert.AreEqual(expectedError, errors.ToString()); string expected = ":Ter"; Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); group.Listener = ErrorManager.DefaultErrorListener; }
public static string tryMyTemplate() { TemplateGroup stg = new TemplateGroupFile(@"C:\Users\Paulo\SkyDrive\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\DecafIde\DecafIde\CIL.stg"); Template fileTemplate = stg.GetInstanceOf("file"); Template structTemplate = stg.GetInstanceOf("struct"); structTemplate.Add("name", "name1"); structTemplate.Add("fields", "field1"); structTemplate.Add("fields", "field2"); fileTemplate.Add("defs", structTemplate.Render()); structTemplate = stg.GetInstanceOf("struct"); structTemplate.Add("name", "name2"); structTemplate.Add("fields", "field21"); structTemplate.Add("fields", "field22"); fileTemplate.Add("defs", structTemplate.Render()); return fileTemplate.Render(); }
public void TestAlias() { string dir = tmpdir; string groupFile = "a() ::= \"bar\"\n" + "b ::= a\n"; writeFile(dir, "group.stg", groupFile); TemplateGroupFile group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(dir, "group.stg")); Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("b"); string expected = "bar"; string result = st.Render(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void SimpleVisualizerTest() { string templates = "method(type,name,locals,args,stats) ::= <<\n" + "public <type> <ick()> <name>(<args:{a| int <a>}; separator=\", \">) {\n" + " <if(locals)>int locals[<locals>];<endif>\n" + " <stats;separator=\"\\n\">\n" + "}\n" + ">>\n" + "assign(a,b) ::= \"<a> = <b>;\"\n" + "return(x) ::= <<return <x>;>>\n" + "paren(x) ::= \"(<x>)\"\n"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.TrackCreationEvents = true; Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("method"); st.impl.Dump(); st.Add("type", "float"); st.Add("name", "foo"); st.Add("locals", 3); st.Add("args", new string[] { "x", "y", "z" }); Template s1 = group.GetInstanceOf("assign"); Template paren = group.GetInstanceOf("paren"); paren.Add("x", "x"); s1.Add("a", paren); s1.Add("b", "y"); Template s2 = group.GetInstanceOf("assign"); s2.Add("a", "y"); s2.Add("b", "z"); Template s3 = group.GetInstanceOf("return"); s3.Add("x", "3.14159"); st.Add("stats", s1); st.Add("stats", s2); st.Add("stats", s3); st.Visualize(); }
public void TestDefaultValueBehaviorEmptyTemplate() { string templates = "t(a={}) ::= <<\n" + "<a><if(a)>+<else>-<endif>\n" + ">>\n"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(tmpdir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "t.stg"); Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("t"); string expected = "+"; string result = st.Render(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestAliasWithArgs() { string dir = tmpdir; string groupFile = "a(x,y) ::= \"<x><y>\"\n" + "b ::= a\n"; writeFile(dir, "group.stg", groupFile); TemplateGroupFile group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(dir, "group.stg")); Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("b"); st.Add("x", 1); st.Add("y", 2); string expected = "12"; string result = st.Render(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestFortranLineWrap() { string templates = "Function(args) ::= << FUNCTION line( <args; wrap=\"\\n c\", separator=\",\"> )>>" + newline; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); Template a = group.GetInstanceOf("Function"); a.Add("args", new string[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f" }); string expecting = " FUNCTION line( a,b,c,d," + Environment.NewLine + " ce,f )"; Assert.AreEqual(expecting, a.Render(30)); }
public void TestAnonymousTemplateInRegion() { string dir = tmpdir; string g = "a() ::= <<[<@r()>]>>\n" + "@a.r() ::= <<\n"+ "<[\"foo\"]:{x|<x>}>\n"+ ">>\n"; writeFile(dir, "g.stg", g); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(dir, "g.stg")); Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("a"); string expected = "[foo]"; string result = st.Render(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestEarlyEvalInIfExpr() { string templates = "main(x) ::= << <if((x))>foo<else>bar<endif> >>"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(tmpdir + "/t.stg"); Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("main"); string s = st.Render(); Assert.AreEqual(" bar ", s); st.Add("x", "true"); s = st.Render(); Assert.AreEqual(" foo ", s); }
public void TestInstanceofRenderer() { string templates = "numberThing(x,y,z) ::= \"numbers: <x>, <y>; <z>\"\n"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.RegisterRenderer(typeof(int), new NumberRenderer()); group.RegisterRenderer(typeof(double), new NumberRenderer()); Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("numberThing"); st.Add("x", -2100); st.Add("y", 3.14159); st.Add("z", "hi"); string expecting = "numbers: -2100, 3.14159; hi"; string result = st.Render(); Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result); }
public void TestDefaultArgument() { string templates = "method(name) ::= <<" + newline + "$stat(name)$" + newline + ">>" + newline + "stat(name,value=\"99\") ::= \"x=$value$; // $name$\"" + newline ; writeFile(tmpdir, "group.stg", templates); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "group.stg"), '$', '$'); Template b = group.GetInstanceOf("method"); b.Add("name", "foo"); string expecting = "x=99; // foo"; string result = b.Render(); Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result); }
public void TestIndirectCallWithPassThru() { // pass-through for dynamic template invocation is not supported by the // bytecode representation writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", "t1(x) ::= \"<x>\"\n" + "main(x=\"hello\",t=\"t1\") ::= <<\n" + "<(t)(...)>\n" + ">>"); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(tmpdir + "/t.stg"); ErrorBuffer errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group.Listener = errors; Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("main"); Assert.AreEqual("t.stg 2:34: mismatched input '...' expecting RPAREN" + newline, errors.ToString()); Assert.IsNull(st); }
public void TestAttribute() { string templates = "t(x) ::= << <x> >>" + Environment.NewLine; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("t"); List<InterpEvent> events = st.GetEvents(); string expected = "[IndentEvent{self=/t(x), expr=' <x>', source=[0..4), output=[0..1)}," + " EvalExprEvent{self=/t(x), expr='<x>', source=[1..4), output=[0..0)}," + " EvalExprEvent{self=/t(x), expr=' ', source=[4..5), output=[0..1)}," + " EvalTemplateEvent{self=/t(x), output=[0..1)}]"; string result = events.ToListString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestLocaleWithNumberRenderer() { //string templates = "foo(x,y) ::= << <x; format=\"%,d\"> <y; format=\"%,2.3f\"> >>\n"; string templates = "foo(x,y) ::= << <x; format=\"{0:#,#}\"> <y; format=\"{0:0.000}\"> >>\n"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.RegisterRenderer(typeof(int), new NumberRenderer()); group.RegisterRenderer(typeof(double), new NumberRenderer()); Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("foo"); st.Add("x", -2100); st.Add("y", 3.14159); // Polish uses ' ' (ASCII 160) for ',' and ',' for '.' string expecting = " -2 100 3,142 "; // Ê string result = st.Render(new CultureInfo("pl")); Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result); }
public void TestHiddenPropertyNotError() { ErrorBuffer errors = new ErrorBuffer(); string templates = "t(u) ::= \"<>\"" + Environment.NewLine; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("t"); st.Add("u", new UserHiddenName("parrt")); st.Render(); string expected = ""; string result = errors.ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestAccessDictionaryFromAnonymousTemplate() { string dir = tmpdir; string g = "a() ::= <<[<[\"foo\",\"a\"]:{x|<if(values.(x))><x><endif>}>]>>\n" + "values ::= [\n" + " \"a\":false,\n" + " default:true\n" + "]\n"; writeFile(dir, "g.stg", g); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(dir, "g.stg")); Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("a"); string expected = "[foo]"; string result = st.Render(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestDefineRegionInSubgroup() { string dir = tmpdir; string g1 = "a() ::= <<[<@r()>]>>\n"; writeFile(dir, "g1.stg", g1); string g2 = "@a.r() ::= <%\n" + " foo\n\n\n" + "%>\n"; writeFile(dir, "g2.stg", g2); TemplateGroup group1 = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(dir, "g1.stg")); TemplateGroup group2 = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(dir, "g2.stg")); group2.ImportTemplates(group1); // define r in g2 Template st = group2.GetInstanceOf("a"); string expected = "[foo]"; string result = st.Render(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestIndentBeyondLineWidth() { string templates = "duh(chars) ::= << <chars; wrap=\"\\n\"\\>>>" + newline; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); Template a = group.GetInstanceOf("duh"); a.Add("chars", new string[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" }); // string expecting = " a" + Environment.NewLine + " b" + Environment.NewLine + " c" + Environment.NewLine + " d" + Environment.NewLine + " e"; Assert.AreEqual(expecting, a.Render(2)); }
public void TestArgWithSameNameAsEnclosing() { string templates = "t(x,y) ::= \"<u(x)>\"\n" + "u(y) ::= \"<x><y>\""; ErrorBuffer errors = new ErrorBuffer(); writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("t"); st.Add("x", "x"); st.Add("y", "y"); string result = st.Render(); string expectedError = ""; Assert.AreEqual(expectedError, errors.ToString()); string expected = "xx"; Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); group.Listener = ErrorManager.DefaultErrorListener; }
public void TestEarlyEvalOfMapInIfExpr() { string templates = "m ::= [\n" + " \"parrt\": \"value\",\n" + " default: \"other\"\n" + "]\n" + "main(x) ::= << p<x>t: <m.({p<x>t})>, <if(m.({p<x>t}))>if<else>else<endif> >>\n"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(tmpdir + "/t.stg"); Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("main"); st.Add("x", null); string s = st.Render(); Assert.AreEqual(" pt: other, if ", s); st.Add("x", "arr"); s = st.Render(); Assert.AreEqual(" parrt: value, if ", s); }
public void TestEmptyGroupImportGroupFileSameDir() { /* dir group1.stg that imports group2.stg in same dir with just filename group2.stg has c() */ string dir = tmpdir; string groupFile = "import \"group2.stg\"\n"; writeFile(dir, "group1.stg", groupFile); groupFile = "c() ::= \"g2 c\"\n"; writeFile(dir, "group2.stg", groupFile); TemplateGroup group1 = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(dir, "group1.stg")); Template st = group1.GetInstanceOf("c"); // should see c() string expected = "g2 c"; string result = st?.Render(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestGroupFileInDirImportsAGroupDir() { /* dir g.stg has a() that imports subdir with relative path subdir */ string dir = tmpdir; string gstr = "import \"subdir\"\n" + // finds subdir in dir "a() ::= \"a: <b()>\"\n"; writeFile(dir, "g.stg", gstr); writeFile(dir, "subdir/", "b() ::= \"b: <c()>\"\n"); writeFile(dir, "subdir/", "c() ::= <<subdir c>>\n"); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(dir + "/g.stg"); Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("a"); string expected = "a: b: subdir c"; string result = st.Render(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestReUseOfRestResult() { string templates = "a(names) ::= \"<b(rest(names))>\"" + newline + "b(x) ::= \"<x>, <x>\"" + newline ; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); Template e = group.GetInstanceOf("a"); List<string> names = new List<string>(); names.Add("Ter"); names.Add("Tom"); e.Add("names", names); string expecting = "Tom, Tom"; Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.Render()); }
public void TestReUseOfCat() { string templates = "a(mine,yours) ::= \"<b([mine,yours])>\"" + newline + "b(x) ::= \"<x>, <x>\"" + newline ; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); Template e = group.GetInstanceOf("a"); List<string> mine = new List<string>(); mine.Add("Ter"); mine.Add("Tom"); e.Add("mine", mine); List<string> yours = new List<string>(); yours.Add("Foo"); e.Add("yours", yours); string expecting = "TerTomFoo, TerTomFoo"; Assert.AreEqual(expecting, e.Render()); }
public void TestIt() { string templates = "main() ::= <<" + newline + "<@r>a<@end>" + newline + "<@r()>" + newline + ">>"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); ErrorBuffer errors = new ErrorBuffer(); group.Listener = errors; group.Load(); Assert.AreEqual(0, errors.Errors.Count); Template template = group.GetInstanceOf("main"); string expected = "a" + newline + "a"; string result = template.Render(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestListAsTemplateArgument() { string templates = "test(names,phones) ::= \"<foo([names,phones])>\"" + newline + "foo(items) ::= \"<items:{a | *<a>*}>\"" + newline ; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); Template e = group.GetInstanceOf("test"); e.Add("names", "Ter"); e.Add("names", "Tom"); e.Add("phones", "1"); e.Add("phones", "2"); string expecting = "*Ter**Tom**1**2*"; string result = e.Render(); Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result); }
public void TestMissingArg() { string templates = "t() ::= \"<u()>\"\n" + "u(z) ::= \"\""; ErrorBuffer errors = new ErrorBuffer(); writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("t"); string result = st.Render(); string expectedError = "context [/t] 1:1 passed 0 arg(s) to template /u with 1 declared arg(s)" + newline; Assert.AreEqual(expectedError, errors.ToString()); }
public void TestMapWithExprAsTemplateName() { string templates = "d ::= [\"foo\":\"bold\"]\n" + "test(name) ::= \"<name:(>\"\n" + "bold(x) ::= <<*<x>*>>\n"; writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("test"); st.Add("name", "Ter"); st.Add("name", "Tom"); st.Add("name", "Sumana"); string expected = "*Ter**Tom**Sumana*"; string result = st.Render(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
public void TestUnknownAttr() { string templates = "t() ::= \"<x>\"\n"; ErrorBuffer errors = new ErrorBuffer(); writeFile(tmpdir, "t.stg", templates); TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "t.stg")); group.Listener = errors; Template st = group.GetInstanceOf("t"); string result = st.Render(); string expectedError = "context [/t] 1:1 attribute x isn't defined" + newline; Assert.AreEqual(expectedError, errors.ToString()); }