private void compilacion(ICharStream input, string pathSalida) { compilacionOK = false; //Plantillas //TextReader groupFileR = new StreamReader("C:\\Proyectos\\ProyectosVS\\FKVM\\FKVM\\src\\antlr\\FkvmIL.stg"); TextReader groupFileR = new StreamReader( System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("FKVM.src.antlr.FkvmIL.stg")); StringTemplateGroup templates = new StringTemplateGroup(groupFileR); groupFileR.Close(); //Análisis Léxico-Sintáctico Console.WriteLine("Análisis léxico-sintáctico..."); //ANTLRFileStream input = new ANTLRFileStream(pathEntrada); FKVMLexer lexer = new FKVMLexer(input); CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); FKVMParser parser = new FKVMParser(tokens); parser.TreeAdaptor = adaptor; parser.reportarError = re; FKVMParser.programa_return result = parser.programa(); //Si no hay errores léxicos ni sintácticos ==> Análisis Semántico if (lexer.numErrors + parser.numErrors == 0) { //Analisis Semántico Console.WriteLine("Análisis semántico..."); CommonTree t = ((CommonTree)result.Tree); //Console.WriteLine(t.ToStringTree() + "\n\n"); // CommonTreeNodeStream nodes2 = new CommonTreeNodeStream(t); nodes2.TokenStream = tokens; FKVMSem walker2 = new FKVMSem(nodes2); walker2.reportarError = re; walker2.programa(parser.symtable); //Si no hay errores en el análisis semántico ==> Generación de código if (walker2.numErrors == 0) { //Generación de Código Console.WriteLine("Generación de código..."); CommonTreeNodeStream nodes = new CommonTreeNodeStream(t); nodes.TokenStream = tokens; FKVMGen walker = new FKVMGen(nodes); walker.TemplateLib = templates; FKVMGen.programa_return r2 = walker.programa(parser.numVars); //Presentación de resultados StringTemplate output = (StringTemplate)r2.Template; //Console.WriteLine(output.ToString()); StreamWriter pw = new StreamWriter(pathSalida); pw.WriteLine(output.ToString()); pw.Flush(); pw.Close(); compilacionOK = true; } } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a StringTemplateGroup instance that manages a set of /// templates defined in a "group file". /// </summary> /// <param name="reader">Input stream for group file data</param> /// <param name="lexer">Lexer to use for breaking up templates into chunks</param> /// <param name="errorListener">Error message sink</param> /// <param name="superGroup">Parent (or super/base) group</param> /// <returns>A StringTemplateGroup instance or null if no group is found</returns> public StringTemplateGroup CreateGroup( TextReader reader, Type lexer, IStringTemplateErrorListener errorListener, StringTemplateGroup superGroup) { return new StringTemplateGroup(reader, lexer, errorListener, superGroup); }
public string Process(string template, Dictionary<string, object> variables) { //This is a hack, but it removes the need for a step to separate html from tt //by treating it all as literals between tags Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(template); template = string.Concat("[%'", template.Replace("[%", "'^^][%").Replace("%]", "%][%'").Replace("'^^]", "'%]"), "'%]"); template = template.Replace("[%''%]", ""); Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(template); Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------"); //CSharpTarget.stg contains string templates used for targeting C# //TextReader stgReader = new StreamReader(File.Open("CSharpGenerator.stg", FileMode.Open)); TextReader stgReader = new StreamReader("CSharpGenerator.stg"); StringTemplateGroup stg = new StringTemplateGroup(stgReader); //lex ICharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream(template); TemplateLexer lex = new TemplateLexer(input); //parse TemplateParser parse = new TemplateParser(new CommonTokenStream(lex)); TemplateParser.document_return parseRet = parse.document(); Console.WriteLine(( (CommonTree) parseRet.Tree).ToStringTree()); //generate C# ITreeNodeStream nodeStream = new CommonTreeNodeStream(parseRet.Tree); CSharpGenerator gen = new CSharpGenerator(nodeStream); gen.TemplateLib = stg; CSharpGenerator.document_return ret = gen.document(); //compile to executable and optionally run Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(ret.Template.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------"); // compile and run it var inMemory = true; Assembly assembly = Generate(ret.Template.ToString(), "", inMemory); if (inMemory) { //assembly.EntryPoint.Invoke(null, new object[] { new string[] { } }); var o = assembly.CreateInstance("x"); Object[] args = {this.Settings, variables}; var result = o.GetType().InvokeMember("Render", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, o, args); return result.ToString(); } return ""; }
public static void Main(string[] args) { // Use a try/catch block for parser exceptions try { string inputFileName; string templateFileName; if ((args.Length == 1) || (args.Length == 2)) { if (args.Length == 1) { templateFileName = "Java.stg"; inputFileName = args[0]; } else { templateFileName = args[0]; inputFileName = args[1]; } // Ensure full pathnames if (!Path.IsPathRooted(templateFileName)) { //templateFileName = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, templateFileName); templateFileName = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, templateFileName); } if (!Path.IsPathRooted(inputFileName)) { inputFileName = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, inputFileName); } templates = new StringTemplateGroup(new StreamReader(templateFileName), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer)); ICharStream input = new ANTLRFileStream(inputFileName); CMinusLexer lexer = new CMinusLexer(input); CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); CMinusParser parser = new CMinusParser(tokens); parser.TemplateLib = templates; RuleReturnScope r = parser.program(); Console.Out.WriteLine(r.Template.ToString()); } else Console.Error.WriteLine("Usage: cminus [<output-template-file>] <input-file>"); } catch (System.Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("exception: " + e); Console.Error.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); // so we can get stack trace } }
public StringTemplate LoadTemplate(string name) { if (_templateGroup == null) { _templateGroup = new StringTemplateGroup("MG", GLexConfig.TemplatePath, typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer)); _templateGroup.RegisterAttributeRenderer(typeof(bool), TemplateRenderers.BoolRenderer.Instance); _templateGroup.RegisterAttributeRenderer(typeof(Color), TemplateRenderers.ColorRenderer.Instance); _templateGroup.RegisterAttributeRenderer(typeof(DateTime), TemplateRenderers.DateTimeRenderer.Instance); _templateGroup.RegisterAttributeRenderer(typeof(Vector3), TemplateRenderers.VectorRenderer.Instance); _templateGroup.RegisterAttributeRenderer(typeof(Vector2), TemplateRenderers.VectorRenderer.Instance); _templateGroup.RegisterAttributeRenderer(typeof(Matrix4x4), TemplateRenderers.MatrixRenderer.Instance); } Debug.Log (name); return _templateGroup.GetInstanceOf(GLexConfig.GetTemplate(name)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a StringTemplateGroup instance that manages a set of /// templates that are accessible via a specified /// <seealso cref="StringTemplateLoader"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Input stream for group file data</param> /// <param name="templateLoader">Loader for retrieving this group's templates</param> /// <param name="lexer">Lexer to use for breaking up templates into chunks</param> /// <param name="errorListener">Error message sink</param> /// <param name="superGroup">Parent (or super/base) group</param> /// <returns>A StringTemplateGroup instance or null</returns> public StringTemplateGroup CreateGroup( string name, StringTemplateLoader templateLoader, Type lexer, IStringTemplateErrorListener errorListener, StringTemplateGroup superGroup) { return new StringTemplateGroup(name, templateLoader, lexer, errorListener, superGroup); }
/** * Instantiates an instance of the CxxTestDriverGenerator for the * specified project and test suite collection. * * @param project the ICProject associated with this generator * @param path the path of the source file to be generated * @param suites the collection of test suites to be generated * * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs during generation */ public TestRunnerGenerator(string path, TestSuiteCollection suites, Dictionary<string, bool> testsToRun) { this.suites = suites; this.runnerPath = path; // Create a proxy object to manage the tests to run. Any tests // not in this map are assumed to be true (so that if tests // have been added, but not refreshed in the tool window, they // will be run until they are explicitly disabled). this.testsToRunProxy = new TestsToRunProxy(testsToRun); // Load the template from the embedded assembly resources. Stream stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream( RunnerTemplateResourcePath); StringTemplateGroup templateGroup = new StringTemplateGroup( new StreamReader(stream), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer)); templateGroup.RegisterAttributeRenderer(typeof(string), new TestRunnerStringRenderer(path)); template = templateGroup.GetInstanceOf("runAllTestsFile"); // Initialize the options that will be passed into the template. options = new Hashtable(); options["platformIsMSVC"] = true; options["trapSignals"] = true; options["traceStack"] = true; options["noStaticInit"] = true; options["root"] = true; options["part"] = false; options["abortOnFail"] = true; options["longLongType"] = null; options["mainProvided"] = suites.MainFunctionExists; options["runner"] = "XmlStdioPrinter"; options["xmlOutput"] = true; options["testResultsFilename"] = Constants.TestResultsFilename; options["testsToRun"] = testsToRunProxy; writer = File.CreateText(path); }
// private readonly StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("myGroup", @"C:\shared.datastore\repository\personal\dev\projects\semantic-web\LinqToRdf.Prototypes\RdfMetal\template"); public CodeGenerator() { templateLoader = new EmbeddedResourceTemplateLoader(GetType().Assembly, TemplateNamespace); stringTemplateGroup = new StringTemplateGroup("RdfMetal", templateLoader); }
static TemplateWrap() { log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(TemplateWrap)); Group = new StringTemplateGroup("CodeNote", TemplateDir, typeof(Antlr.StringTemplate.Language.DefaultTemplateLexer)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a group manager for some templates, all of which are /// loaded via a <see cref="StringTemplateLoader"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <param name="templateLoader"></param> /// <param name="lexer"></param> /// <param name="errorListener"></param> public StringTemplateGroup( string name, StringTemplateLoader templateLoader, Type lexer, IStringTemplateErrorListener errorListener, StringTemplateGroup superGroup) { = name; nameToGroupMap[name] = this; if (templateLoader == null) this.templateLoader = new NullTemplateLoader(); else this.templateLoader = templateLoader; this.templateLexerClass = lexer; if (errorListener == null) this.errorListener = DEFAULT_ERROR_LISTENER; else this.errorListener = errorListener; this.superGroup = superGroup; }
/// <summary> /// Loads the named StringTemplateGroup instance with the specified super /// group from somewhere. Configure to use specified lexer. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Groups with region definitions must know their supergroup to find /// templates during parsing. /// </remarks> /// <param name="groupName">Name of the StringTemplateGroup to load</param> /// <param name="superGroup">Super group</param> /// <param name="lexer">Type of lexer to use to break up templates into chunks</param> /// <returns>A StringTemplateGroup instance or null if no group is found</returns> public StringTemplateGroup LoadGroup(string groupName, StringTemplateGroup superGroup, Type lexer) { StringTemplateGroup group = null; try { Stream groupStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(namespaceRoot + "." + groupName + ".stg"); group = factory.CreateGroup(new StreamReader(groupStream), lexer, errorListener, superGroup); } catch (Exception ex) { Error("Resource Error: can't load group '" + namespaceRoot + "." + groupName + ".stg' from assembly '" + assembly.FullName + "'", ex); } return group; }
public TreeElements() { group = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(BASE)); templateGroup = new StringTemplateGroup("interface"); templateGroup.SuperGroup = group; templateGroup.DefineTemplate("interface", INTERFACE_DECLARATION); templateGroup.DefineTemplate("impl", IMPL_DECLARATION); templateGroup.DefineTemplate("elementTypes", ELEMENT_TYPES_DECLARATION); templateGroup.DefineTemplate("elementTypeInstances", ELEMENT_TYPE_INSTANCES_DECLARATION); templateGroup.DefineTemplate("elementsFactory", ELEMENTS_FACTORY); }
public void GenerateFile(string outputFilePath, string templateString, string templateName, string rootName, object root) { if (_mostRecentSourceFile < File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(outputFilePath)) return; StringTemplateGroup group; using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(templateString)) { group = new StringTemplateGroup(reader, typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer)); } StringTemplate template = group.GetInstanceOf(templateName); template.SetAttribute(rootName, root); using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(outputFilePath, false)) { template.Write(new AutoIndentWriter(writer)); } }
/// <summary> /// Return a list of all template sigs that are present in the group, but /// that have wrong formal argument lists. Return null if all is well. /// </summary> /// <param name="group">Group to check</param> /// <returns> /// List of templates with mismatched signatures from specified group or null /// </returns> public IList GetMismatchedTemplates(StringTemplateGroup group) { ArrayList mismatched = null; foreach (string name in templates.Keys) { TemplateDefinition tdef = (TemplateDefinition) templates[name]; if ( group.IsDefined( ) { StringTemplate defST = group.GetTemplateDefinition(; IDictionary formalArgs = defST.FormalArguments; bool ack = false; if ( (tdef.formalArgs!=null && formalArgs==null) || (tdef.formalArgs==null && formalArgs!=null) || (tdef.formalArgs.Count != formalArgs.Count) ) { ack = true; } if ( !ack ) { foreach (string argName in formalArgs.Keys) { if ( tdef.formalArgs[argName] == null ) { ack=true; break; } } } if ( ack ) { // Console.Out.WriteLine(CollectionUtils.DictionaryToString(tdef.formalArgs) // + "!=" + CollectionUtils.DictionaryToString(formalArgs)); if (mismatched == null) { mismatched = new ArrayList(); } mismatched.Add(GetTemplateSignature(tdef)); } } } return mismatched; }
/// <summary> /// Return a list of all template names missing from group that are defined /// in this interface. Return null if all is well. /// </summary> /// <param name="group">Group to check</param> /// <returns>List of templates missing from specified group or null</returns> public IList GetMissingTemplates(StringTemplateGroup group) { ArrayList missing = null; foreach (string name in templates.Keys) { TemplateDefinition tdef = (TemplateDefinition) templates[name]; if ( !tdef.optional && !group.IsDefined( ) { if (missing == null) { missing = new ArrayList(); } missing.Add(; } } return missing; }
public static StringTemplateGroup LoadGroup(string name, StringTemplateGroup superGroup) { if (groupLoader != null) { return groupLoader.LoadGroup(name, superGroup); } return null; }
/// <summary> /// Create a group from the input stream, but use a nondefault lexer /// to break the templates up into chunks. This is usefor changing /// the delimiter from the default $...$ to <...>, for example. /// </summary> public StringTemplateGroup( TextReader r, Type lexer, IStringTemplateErrorListener errorListener, StringTemplateGroup superGroup) { this.templatesDefinedInGroupFile = true; this.templateLexerClass = (lexer == null) ? typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer) : lexer; this.errorListener = (errorListener == null) ? DEFAULT_ERROR_LISTENER : errorListener; this.superGroup = superGroup; this.templateLoader = new NullTemplateLoader(); ParseGroup(r); VerifyInterfaceImplementations(); }
public StringTemplateGroup(TextReader r, IStringTemplateErrorListener errorListener, StringTemplateGroup superGroup) : this(r, null, errorListener, superGroup) { }
/// <summary> /// Loads the named StringTemplateGroup instance with the specified super /// group from somewhere. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Groups with region definitions must know their supergroup to find /// templates during parsing. /// </remarks> /// <param name="groupName">Name of the StringTemplateGroup to load</param> /// <param name="superGroup">Super group</param> /// <returns>A StringTemplateGroup instance or null if no group is found</returns> public StringTemplateGroup LoadGroup(string groupName, StringTemplateGroup superGroup) { return LoadGroup(groupName, superGroup, null); }
/// <summary> /// Loads the named StringTemplateGroup instance with the specified super /// group from somewhere. Configure to use specified lexer. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Groups with region definitions must know their supergroup to find /// templates during parsing. /// </remarks> /// <param name="groupName">Name of the StringTemplateGroup to load</param> /// <param name="superGroup">Super group</param> /// <param name="lexer">Type of lexer to use to break up templates into chunks</param> /// <returns>A StringTemplateGroup instance or null if no group is found</returns> public StringTemplateGroup LoadGroup(string groupName, StringTemplateGroup superGroup, Type lexer) { foreach (IStringTemplateGroupLoader loader in loaders) { StringTemplateGroup group = loader.LoadGroup(groupName, superGroup, lexer); if (group != null) return group; } return null; }
/// <summary> /// Loads the named StringTemplateGroup instance with the specified super /// group from somewhere. Configure to use specified lexer. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Groups with region definitions must know their supergroup to find /// templates during parsing. /// </remarks> /// <param name="groupName">Name of the StringTemplateGroup to load</param> /// <param name="superGroup">Super group</param> /// <param name="lexer">Type of lexer to use to break up templates into chunks</param> /// <returns>A StringTemplateGroup instance or null if no group is found</returns> public StringTemplateGroup LoadGroup(string groupName, StringTemplateGroup superGroup, Type lexer) { StringTemplateGroup group = null; string fileName = LocateFile(groupName + ".stg"); if (fileName == null) { Error("no such group file '" + groupName + ".stg'"); } else { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileName, encoding)) { try { group = factory.CreateGroup(reader, lexer, errorListener, superGroup); } catch (ArgumentException argx) { Error("Path Error: can't load group '" + groupName + "'", argx); } catch (IOException iox) { Error("IO Error: can't load group '" + groupName + "'", iox); } } } return group; }
private void WriteHeaderFileContent(TextWriter writer, string suitePath) { Stream stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream( NewTestSuiteTemplateResourcePath); StringTemplateGroup templateGroup = new StringTemplateGroup( new StreamReader(stream), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer)); templateGroup.RegisterAttributeRenderer(typeof(string), new NewTestSuiteStringRenderer(suitePath)); StringTemplate template = templateGroup.GetInstanceOf("newSuiteFile"); // Initialize the options that will be passed into the template. Hashtable options = new Hashtable(); options["suiteName"] = suiteName; options["superclass"] = superclass; options["headerUnderTest"] = headerUnderTest.CanonicalName; options["createSetUp"] = createSetUp; options["createTearDown"] = createTearDown; template.SetAttribute("options", options); template.SetAttribute("testCases", new List<string>(stubNames)); template.Write(new AutoIndentWriter(writer)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { string inputFileName; string templateFileName; if ((args.Length == 1) || (args.Length == 2)) { if (args.Length == 1) { templateFileName = "CUDAC.stg"; inputFileName = args[0]; } else { templateFileName = args[0]; inputFileName = args[1]; } if (!Path.IsPathRooted(templateFileName)) { //templateFileName = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, templateFileName); templateFileName = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, templateFileName); } if (!Path.IsPathRooted(inputFileName)) { inputFileName = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, inputFileName); } templates = new StringTemplateGroup(new StreamReader(templateFileName), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer)); templates2 = new StringTemplateGroup(new StreamReader("CUDAPattern.stg"), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer)); templates3 = new StringTemplateGroup(new StreamReader("CUDACkernel.stg"), typeof(AngleBracketTemplateLexer)); //ArrayList one=new ArrayList(); //one.Add("i"); ////one.Add("+"); ////one.Add("1"); //ArrayList two = new ArrayList(); //two.Add("i"); Analysis analysis = new Analysis(); //if (analysis.BenergyTest(one, two)) //{ // Console.Out.WriteLine("Iterative Dependecy"); //} //else //{ // Console.Out.WriteLine("No Dependecy"); //} //return; ICharStream input = new ANTLRFileStream(inputFileName); C2CUDATranslatorLexer lexer = new C2CUDATranslatorLexer(input); CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); C2CUDATranslatorParser parser = new C2CUDATranslatorParser(tokens); parser.TemplateLib = templates; RuleReturnScope r = parser.program(); Console.Out.WriteLine(r.Template.ToString().Replace(@"\/", "/").ToString()); // Part 2 // Console.Error.WriteLine("Getting Pattern"); ICharStream input3 = new ANTLRFileStream(inputFileName); C2CUDATranslatorLexer lexer3 = new C2CUDATranslatorLexer(input3); CommonTokenStream tokens3 = new CommonTokenStream(lexer3); C2CUDATranslatorParser parser3 = new C2CUDATranslatorParser(tokens3); parser3.TemplateLib = templates3; RuleReturnScope r3 = parser3.program(); ICharStream input2 = new ANTLRStringStream(r3.Template.ToString().Replace("((", "( (").Replace(@"\/", "/").ToString().ToString().Replace("))", ") )").ToString().Replace("){", ") {").ToString().Replace("**", "*").ToString()); PatternGeneratorLexer lexer2 = new PatternGeneratorLexer(input2); CommonTokenStream tokens2 = new CommonTokenStream(lexer2); PatternGeneratorParser parser2 = new PatternGeneratorParser(tokens2); parser2.TemplateLib = templates2; RuleReturnScope r2 = parser2.pattern(); Console.Error.WriteLine("// Pattern : "); string pattern= r2.Template.ToString(); Console.Out.WriteLine("//" + r2.Template.ToString().Replace("\r\n","\r\n//")); //Console.Out.WriteLine("Checking in Database"); //string connecstr = "Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\\Database1.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"; //SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connecstr); //con.Close(); //con.Open(); //String sql = "Select * from PatternDatabase"; //DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(sql,con); //adp.Fill(dt); //bool flag=false ; //for(int i=0;i<dt.Rows.Count -1 ;i++) //{ // if(pattern==dt.Rows[i][1].ToString()) // { // Console.Out.WriteLine("Found in Database"); // flag =true ; // } // else // { // } //} //if (flag == true) //{ //} //else //{ // sql = "Insert into PatternDatabase values('"+pattern.ToString()+"','"+pattern.ToString()+"')"; // SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con); // cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // con.Close(); // Console.Out.WriteLine("Not Found in Database But added in database"); //} //con.Close(); string lines = "group CUDA;\r\n pattern(type,name,args,"; string[] p = pattern.ToString().Replace("{", " ").ToString().Replace("}", " ").ToString().Replace("\n", ",").Replace(@"\/", "/").ToString().Substring(34, pattern.Length - 34).ToString().Split(','); for (int i = 0;i< p.Length -1; i++) { if (p[i].ToString().Trim() != "") { lines = lines + p[i].ToString().Trim() + ",\r\n"; } } lines = lines + ") ::= << " + "\r\n" + "<type> <name>(<args; separator=\"\\n\">) {" + "\r\n"; for (int i = 0;i< p.Length -1; i++) { if (p[i].ToString().Trim() != "") { lines = lines + " <" + p[i].ToString().Trim() + ">" + "\r\n"; } } lines = lines + ">>"; System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("c:\\test.stg"); file.WriteLine(lines); file.Close(); Console.ReadLine(); } else Console.Error.WriteLine("Usage: C2CUDATranslator [<output-template-file>] <input-file>"); } catch (System.Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("exception: " + e); Console.Error.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); Console.ReadLine(); } }
public static void CS2JMain(string[] args) { long startTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks; bool doHelp = false; // Use a try/catch block for parser exceptions try { // if we have at least one command-line argument if (args.Length > 0) { if (cfg.Verbosity >= 2) Console.Error.WriteLine("Parsing Command Line Arguments..."); OptionSet p = new OptionSet () .Add ("config=", f => updateFromConfigFile(f, cfg)) .Add ("v", v => cfg.Verbosity = cfg.OptVerbosity.IsDefault ? 1 : cfg.Verbosity + 1) .Add ("debug=", v => cfg.DebugLevel = Int32.Parse(v)) .Add ("debug-template-extraction:", v => cfg.DebugTemplateExtraction = parseBoolOption(v)) .Add ("warnings:", v => cfg.Warnings = parseBoolOption(v)) .Add ("warnings-resolve-failures:", v => cfg.WarningsFailedResolves = parseBoolOption(v)) .Add ("version:", v => { if (parseBoolOption(v)) showVersion(); }) .Add ("help|h|?", v => {doHelp = true; doEarlyExit = true; }) .Add ("show-csharp:", v => cfg.DumpCSharp = parseBoolOption(v)) .Add ("show-java:", v => cfg.DumpJava = parseBoolOption(v)) .Add ("show-javasyntax:", v => cfg.DumpJavaSyntax = parseBoolOption(v)) .Add ("show-tokens:", v => cfg.DisplayTokens = parseBoolOption(v)) .Add ("D=", def => cfg.OptMacroDefines.Add(mkStrings(def))) .Add ("dump-enums:", v => cfg.DumpEnums = parseBoolOption(v)) .Add ("out-enums-file=", dir => cfg.EnumDir = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), dir)) .Add ("dump-xmls:", v => cfg.DumpXmls = parseBoolOption(v)) .Add ("out-xml-dir=", dir => cfg.XmlDir = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), dir)) .Add ("out-java-dir=", dir => cfg.OutDir = dir) .Add ("cheat-dir=", dir => cfg.CheatDir = dir) .Add ("net-templates-dir=", dirs => cfg.OptNetRoot.Add(mkDirectories(dirs))) .Add ("ex-net-templates-dir=", dirs => cfg.OptExNetRoot.Add(mkDirectories(dirs))) .Add ("net-schema-dir=", dirs => cfg.OptNetSchemaDir.Add(mkDirectories(dirs))) .Add ("app-dir=", dirs => cfg.OptAppRoot.Add(mkDirectories(dirs))) .Add ("ex-app-dir=", dirs => cfg.OptExAppRoot.Add(mkDirectories(dirs))) .Add ("cs-dir=", dirs => cfg.OptCsDir.Add(mkDirectories(dirs))) .Add ("ex-cs-dir=", dirs => cfg.OptExCsDir.Add(mkDirectories(dirs))) .Add ("alt-translations=", alts => cfg.OptAltTranslations.Add(mkStrings(alts))) .Add ("keep-parens:", v => cfg.TranslatorKeepParens = parseBoolOption(v)) .Add ("timestamp-files:", v => cfg.TranslatorAddTimeStamp = parseBoolOption(v)) .Add ("blanket-throw:", v => cfg.TranslatorBlanketThrow = parseBoolOption(v)) .Add ("exception-is-throwable:", v => cfg.TranslatorExceptionIsThrowable = parseBoolOption(v)) .Add ("make-javadoc-comments:", v => cfg.TranslatorMakeJavadocComments = parseBoolOption(v)) .Add ("make-java-naming-conventions:", v => cfg.TranslatorMakeJavaNamingConventions = parseBoolOption(v)) .Add ("experimental-enums-to-numeric-consts:", v => cfg.EnumsAsNumericConsts = parseBoolOption(v)) .Add ("experimental-unsigned-to-signed:", v => cfg.UnsignedNumbersToSigned = parseBoolOption(v)) .Add ("experimental-unsigned-to-bigger-signed:", v => cfg.UnsignedNumbersToBiggerSignedNumbers = parseBoolOption(v)) .Add ("experimental-transforms:", v => cfg.ExperimentalTransforms = parseBoolOption(v)) .Add ("internal-isjavaish:", v => cfg.InternalIsJavaish = parseBoolOption(v)) ; // Final argument is translation target foreach (string s in p.Parse (args)) { if (s.StartsWith("-") || s.StartsWith("/")) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Unrecognized Option: " + s); doEarlyExit = true; } else { cfg.OptCsDir.Add(mkDirectories(s)); } } if (cfg.Verbosity > 0) showVersion(); if (doHelp) showUsage(); if (!doEarlyExit && (cfg.CsDir == null || cfg.CsDir.Count == 0)) { // No work Console.WriteLine("Please specify files to translate with -cs-dir option"); doEarlyExit = true; } if (doEarlyExit) { Environment.Exit(0); } AppEnv = new DirectoryHT<TypeRepTemplate>(); if (cfg.TranslatorMakeJavaNamingConventions) { // Search lowerCamelCase AppEnv.Alts.Add("LCC"); } foreach (string alt in cfg.AltTranslations) { AppEnv.Alts.Add(alt); } // Load .Net templates // Do we have schemas for the templates? if (cfg.NetSchemaDir.Count == 0) { // By default look for schemas in net dirs cfg.NetSchemaDir = new List<string>(cfg.NetRoot); } // Comment out for now. I don't see how to wrie an xsd file that will allow elements to appear in any order // foreach (string schemadir in cfg.NetSchemaDir) // doFile(schemadir, ".xsd", addNetSchema, null); foreach (string r in cfg.NetRoot) doFile(r, ".xml", addNetTranslation, cfg.ExNetRoot); // Load Application Class Signatures (i.e. generate templates) if (cfg.AppRoot.Count == 0) { // By default translation target is application root foreach (string s in cfg.CsDir) { cfg.AppRoot.Add(s); } } foreach (string r in cfg.AppRoot) doFile(r, ".cs", addAppSigTranslation, cfg.ExAppRoot); // parse it if (cfg.DumpEnums) { enumXmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(cfg.EnumDir, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); enumXmlWriter.WriteStartElement("enums"); } if (cfg.DumpXmls) { // Get package name and convert to directory name foreach (KeyValuePair<string,TypeRepTemplate> de in AppEnv) { String xmlFName = Path.Combine(cfg.XmlDir, ((string)de.Key).Replace('.', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) + ".xml"); String xmlFDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(xmlFName); if (!Directory.Exists(xmlFDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(xmlFDir); } XmlSerializer s = new XmlSerializer(de.Value.GetType(), CS2JConstants.TranslationTemplateNamespace); TextWriter w = new StreamWriter(xmlFName); s.Serialize(w, de.Value); w.Close(); } } // load in T.stg template group, put in templates variable string templateLocation = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, Path.Combine("templates", "java.stg")); if (File.Exists(templateLocation)) { TextReader groupFileR = new StreamReader(templateLocation); templates = new StringTemplateGroup(groupFileR); groupFileR.Close(); } else { templates = new StringTemplateGroup(new StringReader(Templates.JavaTemplateGroup)); } foreach (string r in cfg.CsDir) doFile(r, ".cs", translateFile, cfg.ExCsDir); // translate it if (cfg.DebugLevel >= 1 && partialTypes.Count > 0) Console.Out.WriteLine("Writing out collected partial types"); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ClassDescriptorSerialized> entry in partialTypes) emitPartialType(entry.Key, entry.Value); if (cfg.DumpEnums) { enumXmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); enumXmlWriter.Close(); } } else { showUsage(); } } catch (System.Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("exception: " + e); Console.Error.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); // so we can get stack trace } double elapsedTime = ((DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime) / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond) / 1000.0; if (cfg.Verbosity >= 1) { System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Total run time was {0} seconds.", elapsedTime); } }
public static StringTemplate LoadTemplate(string name) { StringTemplateGroup templateGroup = new StringTemplateGroup ("MG", templatePath, typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer)); return templateGroup.GetInstanceOf (name); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new Domain renderer object. /// </summary> private DomainRenderer() { log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(DomainRenderer)); CommonGroupLoader loader = null; string location = null; if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[RELATIVE_CONFIG].Equals("true")) { location = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetAssembly(GetType()).CodeBase); if (location.IndexOf("file:") == 0) { location = location.Substring(6); } log.InfoFormat("Obtaining Templates from the Relative location: {0}", location); } else { location = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[TEMPLATE_LOCATION_CONFIG]; log.InfoFormat("Obtaining Templates from this location: {0}", location); } loader = new CommonGroupLoader(new ConsoleErrorListener(), location); StringTemplateGroup.RegisterGroupLoader(loader); baseTemplateGroup = StringTemplateGroup.LoadGroup(BASE_TEMPLATES_GROUP); templateGroups = new Dictionary<string, StringTemplateGroup>(); dateRenderer = new DateRenderer(); }