コード例 #1
        public void UpdatingAProduct(ProductModel user, long productId)
            "Given an existing user".
                f(() => ManagementServiceMock.Setup(m => m.UpdateProductAsync(It.IsAny<ProductUpdateModel>(), productId)).ReturnsAsync(1));

            "When a PUT request is made".
                f(() =>
                    dynamic dto = JObject.FromObject(new
                        description = "TEST_DESCRIPTION",
                        name = "TEST_NAME",
                        quantityAvailable = 99,

                    Request.Method = HttpMethod.Put;
                    Request.RequestUri = new Uri(string.Format("{0}/{1}", ProductsUrl, productId));
                    Request.Content = new ObjectContent<dynamic>(dto, new JsonMediaTypeFormatter());
                    Response = Client.SendAsync(Request).Result;

            "Then a '200 OK' status is returned".
                f(() => Response.StatusCode.ShouldBe(HttpStatusCode.OK));

            "And the user should be updated".
                f(() => ManagementServiceMock.Verify(m => m.UpdateProductAsync(It.IsAny<ProductUpdateModel>(), productId), Times.Once()));
コード例 #2
        public void RetrievingAProduct(ProductModel product, long productId)
            "Given an existing product".
                f(() => ManagementServiceMock.Setup(m => m.GetProductAsync(productId)).ReturnsAsync(new ProductModel {Id = productId}));

            "When it is retrieved".
                f(() =>
                    Request.RequestUri = new Uri(string.Format("{0}/{1}", ProductsUrl, productId));
                    Response = Client.SendAsync(Request).Result;
                    product = Response.Content.ReadAsAsync<ProductModel>().Result;

            "Then the product should be retrieved".
                f(() => ManagementServiceMock.Verify(m => m.GetProductAsync(productId), Times.Once()));

            "And a '200 OK' status is returned".
                f(() => Response.StatusCode.ShouldBe(HttpStatusCode.OK));

            "Then it is returned".
                f(() => product.ShouldNotBe(null));

            "And it should have an id".
                f(() => product.Id.ShouldBe(productId));