コード例 #1

    public CLangDebuggeeStackFrame (CLangDebugger debugger, CLangDebuggeeThread thread, MiResultValueTuple frameTuple, string frameName)
      : base (debugger.Engine, thread as DebuggeeThread, frameName)
      m_debugger = debugger;

      if (frameTuple == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("frameTuple");

      m_queriedRegisters = false;

      m_queriedArgumentsAndLocals = false;

      GetInfoFromCurrentLevel (frameTuple);
コード例 #2

    private void GetInfoFromCurrentLevel (MiResultValueTuple frameTuple)
      LoggingUtils.PrintFunction ();

        if (frameTuple == null)
          throw new ArgumentNullException ("frameTuple");

        if (frameTuple.HasField ("level"))
          m_stackLevel = frameTuple ["level"] [0].GetUnsignedInt ();

        // Discover the function or shared library location.

        if (frameTuple.HasField ("addr"))
          m_locationAddress = new DebuggeeAddress (frameTuple ["addr"] [0].GetString ());
          m_locationAddress = new DebuggeeAddress ("0x0");

        if (frameTuple.HasField ("func"))
          m_locationFunction = frameTuple ["func"] [0].GetString ();
          m_locationFunction = "??";

        m_locationIsSymbolicated = !(m_locationFunction.Equals ("??"));

        if (frameTuple.HasField ("from"))
          m_locationModule = Path.GetFileName (frameTuple ["from"] [0].GetString ());
          m_locationModule = string.Empty;

        // Generate code and document contexts for this frame location.

        if (frameTuple.HasField ("fullname") && frameTuple.HasField ("line"))
          // If the symbol table isn't yet loaded, we'll need to specify exactly the location of this stack frame.

          TEXT_POSITION [] textPositions = new TEXT_POSITION [2];

          textPositions [0].dwLine = frameTuple ["line"] [0].GetUnsignedInt () - 1;

          textPositions [0].dwColumn = 0;

          textPositions [1].dwLine = textPositions [0].dwLine;

          textPositions [1].dwColumn = textPositions [0].dwColumn;

          string filename = PathUtils.ConvertPathCygwinToWindows (frameTuple ["fullname"] [0].GetString ());

          m_documentContext = new DebuggeeDocumentContext (m_debugger.Engine, filename, textPositions [0], textPositions [1]);

          m_codeContext = CLangDebuggeeCodeContext.GetCodeContextForLocation (m_debugger, m_locationAddress.ToString ());

          if (m_codeContext == null)
            throw new InvalidOperationException ();
          m_codeContext = CLangDebuggeeCodeContext.GetCodeContextForLocation (m_debugger, m_locationAddress.ToString ());

          m_documentContext = (m_codeContext != null) ? m_codeContext.DocumentContext : null;
      catch (Exception e)
        LoggingUtils.HandleException (e);