コード例 #1
     * Build a list of line items based on the {@link ItemInfo} and a boolean that indicates
     * whether to use estimated values of tax and shipping for setting up the
     * {@link MaskedWalletRequest} or actual values in the case of a {@link FullWalletRequest}
     * @param itemInfo {@link com.google.android.gms.samples.wallet.ItemInfo} used for building the
     *                 {@link com.google.android.gms.wallet.LineItem} list.
     * @param isEstimate {@code boolean} that indicates whether to use estimated values for
     *                   shipping and tax values.
     * @return list of line items
        private static List<LineItem> buildLineItems (ItemInfo itemInfo, bool isEstimate) 
            var list = new List<LineItem> ();
            var itemPrice = toDollars(itemInfo.PriceMicros);

            list.Add (LineItem.NewBuilder()
                .SetCurrencyCode (Constants.CURRENCY_CODE_USD)
                .SetDescription (itemInfo.Name)
                .SetQuantity ("1")
                .SetUnitPrice (itemPrice)
                .SetTotalPrice (itemPrice)
                .Build ());

            var shippingPrice = toDollars (
                isEstimate ? itemInfo.EstimatedShippingPriceMicros : itemInfo.ShippingPriceMicros);

            list.Add (LineItem.NewBuilder ()
                .SetCurrencyCode (Constants.CURRENCY_CODE_USD)
                .SetDescription (Constants.DESCRIPTION_LINE_ITEM_SHIPPING)
                .SetRole (LineItem.Role.Shipping)
                .SetTotalPrice (shippingPrice)
                .Build ());

            String tax = toDollars(
                isEstimate ? itemInfo.EstimatedTaxMicros : itemInfo.TaxMicros);

            list.Add (LineItem.NewBuilder ()
                .SetCurrencyCode (Constants.CURRENCY_CODE_USD)
                .SetDescription (Constants.DESCRIPTION_LINE_ITEM_TAX)
                .SetRole (LineItem.Role.Tax)
                .SetTotalPrice (tax)
                .Build ());

            return list;
コード例 #2
        private static MaskedWalletRequest CreateMaskedWalletRequest (ItemInfo itemInfo, PaymentMethodTokenizationParameters parameters) {
            // Build a List of all line items
            var lineItems = buildLineItems (itemInfo, true);

            // Calculate the cart total by iterating over the line items.
            var cartTotal = calculateCartTotal(lineItems);

            var builder = MaskedWalletRequest.NewBuilder()
                .SetMerchantName (Constants.MERCHANT_NAME)
                .SetPhoneNumberRequired (true)
                .SetShippingAddressRequired (true)
                .SetCurrencyCode (Constants.CURRENCY_CODE_USD)
                .SetEstimatedTotalPrice (cartTotal)
                // Create a Cart with the current line items. Provide all the information
                // available up to this point with estimates for shipping and tax included.
                .SetCart (Cart.NewBuilder ()
                    .SetCurrencyCode (Constants.CURRENCY_CODE_USD)
                    .SetTotalPrice (cartTotal)
                    .SetLineItems (lineItems)
                    .Build ());

            if (parameters != null)
                builder.SetPaymentMethodTokenizationParameters (parameters);

            return builder.Build ();
        public override Android.Views.View OnCreateView (Android.Views.LayoutInflater inflater, Android.Views.ViewGroup container, Android.OS.Bundle savedInstanceState)
            var view = inflater.Inflate (Resource.Layout.fragment_full_wallet_confirmation_button, container, false);
            mItemInfo = Constants.ITEMS_FOR_SALE[mItemId];

            mConfirmButton = view.FindViewById<Button> (Resource.Id.button_place_order);
            mConfirmButton.Click += delegate {
            return view;
コード例 #4
 * Creates a MaskedWalletRequest for processing payments with Stripe
 * @param itemInfo {@link com.google.android.gms.samples.wallet.ItemInfo} containing details
 *                 of an item.
 * @param parameters {@link PaymentMethodTokenizationParameters} object containing details
 *                   for payment processing with Stripe.
 * @return {@link MaskedWalletRequest} instance
    public static MaskedWalletRequest CreateStripeMaskedWalletRequest (ItemInfo itemInfo, PaymentMethodTokenizationParameters parameters) 
        return CreateMaskedWalletRequest (itemInfo, parameters);
コード例 #5
 * Creates a MaskedWalletRequest for direct merchant integration (no payment processor)
 * @param itemInfo {@link com.google.android.gms.samples.wallet.ItemInfo} containing details
 *                 of an item.
 * @return {@link MaskedWalletRequest} instance
    public static MaskedWalletRequest CreateMaskedWalletRequest (ItemInfo itemInfo) 
        return CreateMaskedWalletRequest (itemInfo, null);
コード例 #6
     * @param itemInfo {@link com.google.android.gms.samples.wallet.ItemInfo} to use for creating
     *                 the {@link com.google.android.gms.wallet.FullWalletRequest}
     * @param googleTransactionId
     * @return {@link FullWalletRequest} instance
        public static FullWalletRequest CreateFullWalletRequest(ItemInfo itemInfo, string googleTransactionId) {

            List<LineItem> lineItems = buildLineItems(itemInfo, false);

            String cartTotal = calculateCartTotal(lineItems);

            return FullWalletRequest.NewBuilder ()
                .SetGoogleTransactionId (googleTransactionId)
                .SetCart (Cart.NewBuilder ()
                    .SetCurrencyCode (Constants.CURRENCY_CODE_USD)
                    .SetTotalPrice (cartTotal)
                    .SetLineItems (lineItems)
                    .Build ())
                .Build ();