コード例 #1
        // gateway service process/ event thread / async enabled?
        public override int onStartCommand(Intent value0, int flags, int startId)
            // Options that have been set in the service declaration in the manifest.
            // http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/pm/ServiceInfo.html#FLAG_STOP_WITH_TASK

            Console.WriteLine("enter onStartCommand " + new { flags, startId });

            // until wifi changes?
            var xipv4 =
                //from n in System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()
                from n in AllNetworkInterfaces
                let IPProperties = n.GetIPProperties()
                let c = IPProperties.UnicastAddresses.Count
                from i in Enumerable.Range(0, c)
                let ip = IPProperties.UnicastAddresses[i]

                where ip.Address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork
                //let loop = IPAddress.Loopback == ip.Address
                let loop = IPAddress.IsLoopback(ip.Address)

                orderby loop
                select new { n, ip, loop, ip.Address };

            //I/System.Console(20546): 5042:0001 { n = ScriptCoreLibJava.BCLImplementation.System.Net.NetworkInformation.__NetworkInterface@37e1894a, ip = { Address = }, loop = false, Address = }
            //I/System.Console(20546): 5042:0001 { n = ScriptCoreLibJava.BCLImplementation.System.Net.NetworkInformation.__NetworkInterface@3c1830bb, ip = { Address = }, loop = true, Address = }


            var BestGuessHost = xipv4.FirstOrDefault();
            Console.WriteLine(" " + new { BestGuessHost });

            //var port = new Random().Next(8000, 30000);

            // cached by cloudflare?
            //var port = 80;
            var port = 8080;
            // https://github.com/NanoHttpd/nanohttpd/blob/master/core/src/main/java/fi/iki/elonen/NanoHTTPD.java

            var notifyServiceReceiver = new AsyncReplyReceiver
                AtReceive = (cc, ii) =>
                    Console.WriteLine("enter onReceive");

                    int rqs = ii.getIntExtra("RQS", 0);

                    if (rqs == RQS_STOP_SERVICE)

                    if (ii.hasExtra("whats my port"))
                        // how do we reply?
                        // sharedmemory implementation is missing and useless


                        var intent = new Intent();
                        //intent.putExtra("host", BestGuessHost.Address.ToString());

                        // did we switch networks?
                        intent.putExtra("host", xipv4.FirstOrDefault().ToString());
                        intent.putExtra("port", port);
                        intent.setAction(GatewayService.ACTION + "reply");

            #region AtDestroy
            this.AtDestroy = delegate
                Console.WriteLine("enter AtDestroy");

                //            I/System.Console( 8080): onDestroy { xmyPid = 8080 }
                //I/art     ( 8080): System.exit called, status: 42

                var xmyPid = android.os.Process.myPid();
                Console.WriteLine("onDestroy " + new { xmyPid });


            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = ip6tnl0, Description = ip6tnl0, SupportsMulticast = false, InetAddressesString =  }
            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = rmnet4, Description = rmnet4, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString =  }
            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = rmnet2, Description = rmnet2, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString =  }
            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = rmnet3, Description = rmnet3, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString =  }
            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = rmnet7, Description = rmnet7, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString =  }
            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = rmnet5, Description = rmnet5, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString =  }
            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = rmnet6, Description = rmnet6, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString =  }
            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = rmnet1, Description = rmnet1, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString =  }
            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = rmnet0, Description = rmnet0, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString =  }

            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 1, Name = lo, Description = lo, SupportsMulticast = false, InetAddressesString = , ::1%1, }
            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = sit0, Description = sit0, SupportsMulticast = false, InetAddressesString =  }
            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 1, Name = p2p0, Description = p2p0, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString = , fe80::e850:8bff:fe7d:277c%p2p0 }
            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 1, Name = wlan0, Description = wlan0, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString = , 2001:7d0:8414:3001:ea50:8bff:fe7d:277c%13, fe80::ea50:8bff:fe7d:277c%wlan0, 2001:7d0:8414:3001:b421:4790:ede8:826c%13, }

            //I/System.Console(15259): 3b9b:0001 { OperationalStatus = 1, Name = lo, Description = lo, SupportsMulticast = false, InetAddressesString = , ::1%1, }
            //I/System.Console(15259): 3b9b:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = dummy0, Description = dummy0, SupportsMulticast = false, InetAddressesString =  }
            //I/System.Console(15259): 3b9b:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = sit0, Description = sit0, SupportsMulticast = false, InetAddressesString =  }
            //I/System.Console(15259): 3b9b:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = ip6tnl0, Description = ip6tnl0, SupportsMulticast = false, InetAddressesString =  }
            //I/System.Console(15259): 3b9b:0001 { OperationalStatus = 1, Name = p2p0, Description = p2p0, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString = , fe80::10bf:48ff:febe:6b7d%p2p0 }
            //I/System.Console(15259): 3b9b:0001 { OperationalStatus = 1, Name = wlan0, Description = wlan0, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString = , 2001:7d0:8414:3001:a06f:6dfe:8dfc:42b8%6, 2001:7d0:8414:3001:12bf:48ff:febe:6b7d%6, fe80::12bf:48ff:febe:6b7d%wlan0, }

            // I/System.Console(11408): 2c90:0001 { OperationalStatus = 1, Name = rmnet0, Description = rmnet0, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString = , }

            //Implementation not found for type import :
            //type: System.Net.NetworkInformation.UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection
            //method: System.Net.NetworkInformation.UnicastIPAddressInformation get_Item(Int32)
            //Did you forget to add the [Script] attribute?
            //Please double check the signature!

            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14182014/android-oncreate-or-onstartcommand-for-starting-service

            var myPid = android.os.Process.myPid();

            var intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
            registerReceiver(notifyServiceReceiver, intentFilter);

            Func<TcpListener> ctor = delegate
                TcpListener x = null;
                    Console.WriteLine("774 TcpListener " + new { port });
                    x = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, port);
                    Console.WriteLine("776 TcpListener ");

                    // signal UI service is yet again available
                    //Console.WriteLine("before Start ");

                    // I/System.Console(25817): 64d9:0001 { err = java.lang.RuntimeException: bind failed: EACCES (Permission denied) }


                    Console.WriteLine("782 TcpListener ");

                catch (Exception err)
                    Console.WriteLine(new { err });

                return x;

            #region TcpListener
            new { }.With(
                async delegate

                    //var l = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, port);
                    var l = ctor();


                    var href =
                        "" + port;


                    while (true)
                        //Console.WriteLine("before AcceptTcpClientAsync ");

                        var c = await l.AcceptTcpClientAsync();

                        // time to do firewall or security?

                        //Console.WriteLine("before yield " + new { c });

                        //Console.WriteLine("after yield " + new { c });

            var onStartCommand_status = base.onStartCommand(value0, flags, startId);

            Console.WriteLine("exit onStartCommand " + new { onStartCommand_status });

            // I/System.Console( 9005): 232d:0001 exit onStartCommand { onStartCommand_status = 1 }

            return onStartCommand_status;
コード例 #2
        // gateway service process/ event thread / async enabled?
        public override int onStartCommand(Intent value0, int flags, int startId)
            // Options that have been set in the service declaration in the manifest.
            // http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/pm/ServiceInfo.html#FLAG_STOP_WITH_TASK

            Console.WriteLine("enter onStartCommand " + new { flags, startId });

            // until wifi changes?
            var xipv4 =
                //from n in System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()
                from n in AllNetworkInterfaces
                let IPProperties                 = n.GetIPProperties()
                                           let c = IPProperties.UnicastAddresses.Count
                                                   from i in Enumerable.Range(0, c)
                                                   let ip = IPProperties.UnicastAddresses[i]

                                                            where ip.Address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork
                                                            //let loop = IPAddress.Loopback == ip.Address
                                                            let loop = IPAddress.IsLoopback(ip.Address)

                                                                       orderby loop
                                                                       select new { n, ip, loop, ip.Address };

            //I/System.Console(20546): 5042:0001 { n = ScriptCoreLibJava.BCLImplementation.System.Net.NetworkInformation.__NetworkInterface@37e1894a, ip = { Address = }, loop = false, Address = }
            //I/System.Console(20546): 5042:0001 { n = ScriptCoreLibJava.BCLImplementation.System.Net.NetworkInformation.__NetworkInterface@3c1830bb, ip = { Address = }, loop = true, Address = }


            var BestGuessHost = xipv4.FirstOrDefault();

            Console.WriteLine(" " + new { BestGuessHost });

            //var port = new Random().Next(8000, 30000);

            // cached by cloudflare?
            //var port = 80;
            var port = 8080;
            // https://github.com/NanoHttpd/nanohttpd/blob/master/core/src/main/java/fi/iki/elonen/NanoHTTPD.java

            var notifyServiceReceiver = new AsyncReplyReceiver
                AtReceive = (cc, ii) =>
                    Console.WriteLine("enter onReceive");

                    int rqs = ii.getIntExtra("RQS", 0);

                    if (rqs == RQS_STOP_SERVICE)

                    if (ii.hasExtra("whats my port"))
                        // how do we reply?
                        // sharedmemory implementation is missing and useless


                        var intent = new Intent();
                        //intent.putExtra("host", BestGuessHost.Address.ToString());

                        // did we switch networks?
                        intent.putExtra("host", xipv4.FirstOrDefault().ToString());
                        intent.putExtra("port", port);
                        intent.setAction(GatewayService.ACTION + "reply");

            #region AtDestroy
            this.AtDestroy = delegate
                Console.WriteLine("enter AtDestroy");

                //            I/System.Console( 8080): onDestroy { xmyPid = 8080 }
                //I/art     ( 8080): System.exit called, status: 42

                var xmyPid = android.os.Process.myPid();
                Console.WriteLine("onDestroy " + new { xmyPid });


            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = ip6tnl0, Description = ip6tnl0, SupportsMulticast = false, InetAddressesString =  }
            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = rmnet4, Description = rmnet4, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString =  }
            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = rmnet2, Description = rmnet2, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString =  }
            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = rmnet3, Description = rmnet3, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString =  }
            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = rmnet7, Description = rmnet7, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString =  }
            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = rmnet5, Description = rmnet5, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString =  }
            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = rmnet6, Description = rmnet6, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString =  }
            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = rmnet1, Description = rmnet1, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString =  }
            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = rmnet0, Description = rmnet0, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString =  }

            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 1, Name = lo, Description = lo, SupportsMulticast = false, InetAddressesString = , ::1%1, }
            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = sit0, Description = sit0, SupportsMulticast = false, InetAddressesString =  }
            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 1, Name = p2p0, Description = p2p0, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString = , fe80::e850:8bff:fe7d:277c%p2p0 }
            //I/System.Console( 9390): 24ae:0001 { OperationalStatus = 1, Name = wlan0, Description = wlan0, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString = , 2001:7d0:8414:3001:ea50:8bff:fe7d:277c%13, fe80::ea50:8bff:fe7d:277c%wlan0, 2001:7d0:8414:3001:b421:4790:ede8:826c%13, }

            //I/System.Console(15259): 3b9b:0001 { OperationalStatus = 1, Name = lo, Description = lo, SupportsMulticast = false, InetAddressesString = , ::1%1, }
            //I/System.Console(15259): 3b9b:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = dummy0, Description = dummy0, SupportsMulticast = false, InetAddressesString =  }
            //I/System.Console(15259): 3b9b:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = sit0, Description = sit0, SupportsMulticast = false, InetAddressesString =  }
            //I/System.Console(15259): 3b9b:0001 { OperationalStatus = 2, Name = ip6tnl0, Description = ip6tnl0, SupportsMulticast = false, InetAddressesString =  }
            //I/System.Console(15259): 3b9b:0001 { OperationalStatus = 1, Name = p2p0, Description = p2p0, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString = , fe80::10bf:48ff:febe:6b7d%p2p0 }
            //I/System.Console(15259): 3b9b:0001 { OperationalStatus = 1, Name = wlan0, Description = wlan0, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString = , 2001:7d0:8414:3001:a06f:6dfe:8dfc:42b8%6, 2001:7d0:8414:3001:12bf:48ff:febe:6b7d%6, fe80::12bf:48ff:febe:6b7d%wlan0, }

            // I/System.Console(11408): 2c90:0001 { OperationalStatus = 1, Name = rmnet0, Description = rmnet0, SupportsMulticast = true, InetAddressesString = , }

            //Implementation not found for type import :
            //type: System.Net.NetworkInformation.UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection
            //method: System.Net.NetworkInformation.UnicastIPAddressInformation get_Item(Int32)
            //Did you forget to add the [Script] attribute?
            //Please double check the signature!

            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14182014/android-oncreate-or-onstartcommand-for-starting-service

            var myPid = android.os.Process.myPid();

            var intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
            registerReceiver(notifyServiceReceiver, intentFilter);

            Func <TcpListener> ctor = delegate
                TcpListener x = null;
                    Console.WriteLine("774 TcpListener " + new { port });
                    x = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, port);
                    Console.WriteLine("776 TcpListener ");

                    // signal UI service is yet again available
                    //Console.WriteLine("before Start ");

                    // I/System.Console(25817): 64d9:0001 { err = java.lang.RuntimeException: bind failed: EACCES (Permission denied) }


                    Console.WriteLine("782 TcpListener ");
                catch (Exception err)
                    Console.WriteLine(new { err });


            #region TcpListener
            new { }.With(
                async delegate
                //var l = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, port);
                var l = ctor();

                var href =
                    "" + port;


                while (true)
                    //Console.WriteLine("before AcceptTcpClientAsync ");

                    var c = await l.AcceptTcpClientAsync();

                    // time to do firewall or security?

                    //Console.WriteLine("before yield " + new { c });

                    //Console.WriteLine("after yield " + new { c });

            var onStartCommand_status = base.onStartCommand(value0, flags, startId);

            Console.WriteLine("exit onStartCommand " + new { onStartCommand_status });

            // I/System.Console( 9005): 232d:0001 exit onStartCommand { onStartCommand_status = 1 }

コード例 #3
        // "x:\util\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe" connect

        //  x:\util\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe logcat -s "xNativeActivity" "System.Console" "DEBUG"

        // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/backlog/knowledge-base/2015/201505/20150513
        // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/backlog/knowledge-base/2015/201505/20150531

        // 01. lets have our service think of a port, and send it back to activity at start. or save into file as cpu does it?
        // http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/MemoryFile.html
        // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19778196/class-memoryfile-of-any-use
        // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15123402/share-memory-between-two-processes-in-dalvik
        // http://www.slideshare.net/tetsu.koba/interprocess-communication-of-android
        // http://www.codota.com/android/scenarios/52fcbca7da0a12229fc989b1/android.os.MemoryFile?tag=dragonfly
        // https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/android-developers/r-oqeI7MlJg
        // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19778196/class-memoryfile-of-any-use
        // https://vec.io/posts/andriod-ipc-shared-memory-with-ashmem-memoryfile-and-binder
        // http://notjustburritos.tumblr.com/post/21442138796/an-introduction-to-android-shared-memory
        // https://developer.android.com/training/articles/memory.html
        // http://www.slideshare.net/jserv/android-ipc-mechanism

        //Action AtActivityResult;

        //protected override void onActivityResult(int arg0, int arg1, Intent arg2)
        //    base.onActivityResult(arg0, arg1, arg2);

        //    if (AtActivityResult != null)
        //        AtActivityResult();

        //        I/ActivityManager(  475): Killing 7649:AndroidMultiProcTCPServerAsync.Activities/u0a49 (adj 9): remove task
        //I/ActivityManager(  475): Killing 7627:AndroidMultiProcTCPServerAsync.Activities:gateway7/u0a49 (adj 5): remove task
        //I/ActivityManager(  475): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.l
        //W/ActivityManager(  475): Scheduling restart of crashed service AndroidMultiProcTCPServerAsync.Activities/.GatewayService in 16000ms

        //protected override void onPause()
        //    Console.WriteLine("enter onPause, finishAndRemoveTask");

        //    // not called on back button?
        //    // keep service running, remove activity
        //    this.finishAndRemoveTask();

        //    base.onPause();


        protected override void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

            var sv = new ScrollView(this);
            var ll = new LinearLayout(this);
            // fill the button


            var activity = this;

            new Button(activity).WithText("is the service already running?").AttachTo(ll);

            var m = (ActivityManager)this.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
            // why limit?
            var s = m.getRunningServices(0xffff);

            var a = Enumerable.FirstOrDefault(
                from i in Enumerable.Range(0, s.size())
                let rsi = (android.app.ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo)s.get(i)
                let cn = rsi.service.getClassName()
                where cn == typeof(GatewayService).FullName
                select new { i, rsi, cn }

            if (a == null)
                new Button(activity).WithText("start service").AttachTo(ll).AtClick(
                        // start the service unless already running?
                        var intent = new Intent(this.getApplicationContext(), typeof(GatewayService).ToClass());
                        // if the user can swipe us away service is restarted?



            // whats the port?

            new Button(activity).WithText("which port are we on? " + new { a }).AttachTo(ll).AtClick(
                    var aa = default(AsyncReplyReceiver);

                    aa = new AsyncReplyReceiver
                        AtReceive = (cc, ii) =>
                            Console.WriteLine("ui now has the port...");

                            var host = ii.getStringExtra("host");
                            var port = ii.getIntExtra("port", 0);

                            new Button(activity).WithText("open " + host + ":" + port).AttachTo(ll).AtClick(

                                     var href =
                                         "http://" + host + ":" + port;


                                     //    delegate
                                     //    {
                                     var i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,

                                     // http://vaibhavsarode.wordpress.com/2012/05/14/creating-our-own-activity-launcher-chooser-dialog-android-launcher-selection-dialog/
                                     var ic = Intent.createChooser(i, href);

                                     //    }

                    var intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
                    intentFilter.addAction(GatewayService.ACTION + "reply");
                    this.registerReceiver(aa, intentFilter);

                    var intent = new Intent();
                    intent.putExtra("whats my port", "?");

            new Button(this).WithText("exit").AttachTo(ll).AtClick(

                 // will it be logged?

                 // application still visible in tasks?

            new Button(this).WithText("finish").AttachTo(ll).AtClick(

                   // will it be logged?

                   // application still visible in tasks?

            new Button(this).WithText("finishAndRemoveTask").AttachTo(ll).AtClick(

                 // will it be logged?

                 // application still visible in tasks?

            //            [javac] W:\src\AndroidMultiProcTCPServerAsync\Activities\ApplicationActivity.java:56: error: unreported exception IOException; must be caught or declared to be thrown
            //[javac]         class22.m = new MemoryFile("foo0", 100);

            //// ipc memory referenced
            //var m = default(MemoryFile);

            //    m = new MemoryFile("foo0", 100);
            //catch { throw; }

            // MemoryFile not available yet. bypass to NDK? workaround to filesystem?

            // E/AndroidRuntime(28716): Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: EROFS (Read-only file system)

            // http://developer.android.com/training/basics/data-storage/files.html

            //  File.WriteAllText(this.getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath() + "/MemoryFile-foo0", "awaiting...");

            //  new Button(activity).WithText("Next " +

            //      File.ReadAllText(this.getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath() + "/MemoryFile-foo0")

            //      ).AttachTo(ll).AtClick(
            //      button =>
            //      {
            //          Intent intent = new Intent(activity, typeof(SecondaryActivity).ToClass());
            //          intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY);

            //          // share scope
            //          var myPid = android.os.Process.myPid();
            //          intent.putExtra("_item", "hello from " + new { myPid });

            //          //intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK);

            //          //new Button(activity).WithText("read").AttachTo(ll).AtClick(
            //          //      button2 =>
            //          //      {
            //          //          var m2 = default(MemoryFile);

            //          //          try
            //          //          {
            //          //              m2 = new MemoryFile("foo0", 100);
            //          //          }
            //          //          catch { throw; }

            //          //          var pos = 0;

            //          //          //var __out = new __NetworkStream { InternalOutputStream = m.getOutputStream() };
            //          //          var __in = new __NetworkStream { InternalInputStream = m2.getInputStream() };

            //          //          // block the ui?

            //          //          var ipcByte = 0;
            //          //          while (ipcByte == 0)
            //          //          {
            //          //              ipcByte = __in.ReadByte();
            //          //              button2.WithText(new { ipcByte, pos }.ToString());
            //          //              pos++;
            //          //          }
            //          //      }
            //          //  );

            //          AtActivityResult +=
            //              delegate
            //              {
            //                  // if we read too early we get all zeros..

            //                  //var pos = 0;

            //                  ////var __out = new __NetworkStream { InternalOutputStream = m.getOutputStream() };
            //                  //var __in = new __NetworkStream { InternalInputStream = m.getInputStream() };

            //                  //// block the ui?

            //                  //var ipcByte = 0;
            //                  //while (ipcByte == 0)
            //                  //{
            //                  //    ipcByte = __in.ReadByte();
            //                  //    button.WithText(new { ipcByte, pos }.ToString());
            //                  //    pos++;
            //                  //}

            //                  button.WithText(
            //                   File.ReadAllText(this.getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath() + "/MemoryFile-foo0")
            //                 );

            //              };

            //          // cached backgroun process?
            //          // switching to another process.. easy...
            //          //activity.startActivity(intent);
            //          activity.startActivityForResult(intent, requestCode: 0x14);

            //      }

            //  //var s = new SemaphoreSlim(0);

            //  ////java.lang.Object, rt
            //  ////enter async { ManagedThreadId = 1 }
            //  ////awaiting for SemaphoreSlim{ ManagedThreadId = 1 }
            //  ////after delay{ ManagedThreadId = 8 }
            //  ////
            //  ////{ fileName = }
            //  ////enter catch { mname = <0032> nop.try } ClauseCatchLocal:
            //  ////{ Message = , StackTrace = java.lang.RuntimeException
            //  ////        at ScriptCoreLibJava.BCLImplementation.System.Net.Sockets.__TcpListener.AcceptTcpClientAsync(__TcpListener.java:131)

            //  //new { }.With(
            //  //    async delegate
            //  //    {
            //  //        //System.Object, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
            //  //        //enter async { ManagedThreadId = 1 }
            //  //        //awaiting for SemaphoreSlim{ ManagedThreadId = 1 }
            //  //        //after delay{ ManagedThreadId = 4 }
            //  //        //
            //  //        //awaiting for SemaphoreSlim. done.{ ManagedThreadId = 1 }
            //  //        //--
            //  //        //accept { c = System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient, ManagedThreadId = 6 }
            //  //        //System.Object, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
            //  //        //accept { c = System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient, ManagedThreadId = 8 }
            //  //        //{ ManagedThreadId = 6, input = GET / HTTP/1.1

            //  //        // jump back to main thread..
            //  //        s.Release();
            //  //    }
            //  //);
コード例 #4
        // "x:\util\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe" connect

        //  x:\util\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe logcat -s "xNativeActivity" "System.Console" "DEBUG"

        // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/backlog/knowledge-base/2015/201505/20150513
        // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/backlog/knowledge-base/2015/201505/20150531

        // 01. lets have our service think of a port, and send it back to activity at start. or save into file as cpu does it?
        // http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/MemoryFile.html
        // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19778196/class-memoryfile-of-any-use
        // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15123402/share-memory-between-two-processes-in-dalvik
        // http://www.slideshare.net/tetsu.koba/interprocess-communication-of-android
        // http://www.codota.com/android/scenarios/52fcbca7da0a12229fc989b1/android.os.MemoryFile?tag=dragonfly
        // https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/android-developers/r-oqeI7MlJg
        // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19778196/class-memoryfile-of-any-use
        // https://vec.io/posts/andriod-ipc-shared-memory-with-ashmem-memoryfile-and-binder
        // http://notjustburritos.tumblr.com/post/21442138796/an-introduction-to-android-shared-memory
        // https://developer.android.com/training/articles/memory.html
        // http://www.slideshare.net/jserv/android-ipc-mechanism

        //Action AtActivityResult;

        //protected override void onActivityResult(int arg0, int arg1, Intent arg2)
        //    base.onActivityResult(arg0, arg1, arg2);

        //    if (AtActivityResult != null)
        //        AtActivityResult();

        //        I/ActivityManager(  475): Killing 7649:AndroidMultiProcTCPServerAsync.Activities/u0a49 (adj 9): remove task
        //I/ActivityManager(  475): Killing 7627:AndroidMultiProcTCPServerAsync.Activities:gateway7/u0a49 (adj 5): remove task
        //I/ActivityManager(  475): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.l
        //W/ActivityManager(  475): Scheduling restart of crashed service AndroidMultiProcTCPServerAsync.Activities/.GatewayService in 16000ms

        //protected override void onPause()
        //    Console.WriteLine("enter onPause, finishAndRemoveTask");

        //    // not called on back button?
        //    // keep service running, remove activity
        //    this.finishAndRemoveTask();

        //    base.onPause();


        protected override void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

            var sv = new ScrollView(this);
            var ll = new LinearLayout(this);

            // fill the button


            var activity = this;

            new Button(activity).WithText("is the service already running?").AttachTo(ll);

            var m = (ActivityManager)this.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
            // why limit?
            var s = m.getRunningServices(0xffff);

            var a = Enumerable.FirstOrDefault(
                from i in Enumerable.Range(0, s.size())
                let rsi                   = (android.app.ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo)s.get(i)
                                   let cn = rsi.service.getClassName()
                                            where cn == typeof(GatewayService).FullName
                                            select new { i, rsi, cn }

            if (a == null)
                new Button(activity).WithText("start service").AttachTo(ll).AtClick(
                    // start the service unless already running?
                    var intent = new Intent(this.getApplicationContext(), typeof(GatewayService).ToClass());
                    // if the user can swipe us away service is restarted?

            // whats the port?

            new Button(activity).WithText("which port are we on? " + new { a }).AttachTo(ll).AtClick(
                var aa = default(AsyncReplyReceiver);

                aa = new AsyncReplyReceiver
                    AtReceive = (cc, ii) =>
                        Console.WriteLine("ui now has the port...");

                        var host = ii.getStringExtra("host");
                        var port = ii.getIntExtra("port", 0);

                        new Button(activity).WithText("open " + host + ":" + port).AttachTo(ll).AtClick(
                            var href =
                                "http://" + host + ":" + port;


                            //    delegate
                            //    {
                            var i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,

                            // http://vaibhavsarode.wordpress.com/2012/05/14/creating-our-own-activity-launcher-chooser-dialog-android-launcher-selection-dialog/
                            var ic = Intent.createChooser(i, href);

                            //    }

                var intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
                intentFilter.addAction(GatewayService.ACTION + "reply");
                this.registerReceiver(aa, intentFilter);

                var intent = new Intent();
                intent.putExtra("whats my port", "?");

            new Button(this).WithText("exit").AttachTo(ll).AtClick(
                // will it be logged?

                // application still visible in tasks?

            new Button(this).WithText("finish").AttachTo(ll).AtClick(

                // will it be logged?

                // application still visible in tasks?

            new Button(this).WithText("finishAndRemoveTask").AttachTo(ll).AtClick(

                // will it be logged?

                // application still visible in tasks?

            //            [javac] W:\src\AndroidMultiProcTCPServerAsync\Activities\ApplicationActivity.java:56: error: unreported exception IOException; must be caught or declared to be thrown
            //[javac]         class22.m = new MemoryFile("foo0", 100);

            //// ipc memory referenced
            //var m = default(MemoryFile);

            //    m = new MemoryFile("foo0", 100);
            //catch { throw; }

            // MemoryFile not available yet. bypass to NDK? workaround to filesystem?

            // E/AndroidRuntime(28716): Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: EROFS (Read-only file system)

            // http://developer.android.com/training/basics/data-storage/files.html

            //  File.WriteAllText(this.getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath() + "/MemoryFile-foo0", "awaiting...");

            //  new Button(activity).WithText("Next " +

            //      File.ReadAllText(this.getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath() + "/MemoryFile-foo0")

            //      ).AttachTo(ll).AtClick(
            //      button =>
            //      {
            //          Intent intent = new Intent(activity, typeof(SecondaryActivity).ToClass());
            //          intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY);

            //          // share scope
            //          var myPid = android.os.Process.myPid();
            //          intent.putExtra("_item", "hello from " + new { myPid });

            //          //intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK);

            //          //new Button(activity).WithText("read").AttachTo(ll).AtClick(
            //          //      button2 =>
            //          //      {
            //          //          var m2 = default(MemoryFile);

            //          //          try
            //          //          {
            //          //              m2 = new MemoryFile("foo0", 100);
            //          //          }
            //          //          catch { throw; }

            //          //          var pos = 0;

            //          //          //var __out = new __NetworkStream { InternalOutputStream = m.getOutputStream() };
            //          //          var __in = new __NetworkStream { InternalInputStream = m2.getInputStream() };

            //          //          // block the ui?

            //          //          var ipcByte = 0;
            //          //          while (ipcByte == 0)
            //          //          {
            //          //              ipcByte = __in.ReadByte();
            //          //              button2.WithText(new { ipcByte, pos }.ToString());
            //          //              pos++;
            //          //          }
            //          //      }
            //          //  );

            //          AtActivityResult +=
            //              delegate
            //              {
            //                  // if we read too early we get all zeros..

            //                  //var pos = 0;

            //                  ////var __out = new __NetworkStream { InternalOutputStream = m.getOutputStream() };
            //                  //var __in = new __NetworkStream { InternalInputStream = m.getInputStream() };

            //                  //// block the ui?

            //                  //var ipcByte = 0;
            //                  //while (ipcByte == 0)
            //                  //{
            //                  //    ipcByte = __in.ReadByte();
            //                  //    button.WithText(new { ipcByte, pos }.ToString());
            //                  //    pos++;
            //                  //}

            //                  button.WithText(
            //                   File.ReadAllText(this.getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath() + "/MemoryFile-foo0")
            //                 );

            //              };

            //          // cached backgroun process?
            //          // switching to another process.. easy...
            //          //activity.startActivity(intent);
            //          activity.startActivityForResult(intent, requestCode: 0x14);

            //      }

            //  //var s = new SemaphoreSlim(0);

            //  ////java.lang.Object, rt
            //  ////enter async { ManagedThreadId = 1 }
            //  ////awaiting for SemaphoreSlim{ ManagedThreadId = 1 }
            //  ////after delay{ ManagedThreadId = 8 }
            //  ////
            //  ////{ fileName = }
            //  ////enter catch { mname = <0032> nop.try } ClauseCatchLocal:
            //  ////{ Message = , StackTrace = java.lang.RuntimeException
            //  ////        at ScriptCoreLibJava.BCLImplementation.System.Net.Sockets.__TcpListener.AcceptTcpClientAsync(__TcpListener.java:131)

            //  //new { }.With(
            //  //    async delegate
            //  //    {
            //  //        //System.Object, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
            //  //        //enter async { ManagedThreadId = 1 }
            //  //        //awaiting for SemaphoreSlim{ ManagedThreadId = 1 }
            //  //        //after delay{ ManagedThreadId = 4 }
            //  //        //
            //  //        //awaiting for SemaphoreSlim. done.{ ManagedThreadId = 1 }
            //  //        //--
            //  //        //accept { c = System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient, ManagedThreadId = 6 }
            //  //        //System.Object, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
            //  //        //accept { c = System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient, ManagedThreadId = 8 }
            //  //        //{ ManagedThreadId = 6, input = GET / HTTP/1.1

            //  //        // jump back to main thread..
            //  //        s.Release();
            //  //    }
            //  //);