コード例 #1
            public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater Inflater, ViewGroup container,
                    Bundle savedInstanceState) {
                View v = Inflater.Inflate(R.Layout.receive_result, container, false);

                // Retrieve the TextView widget that will display results.
                mResults = (TextView)v.FindViewById(R.Id.results);

                // This allows us to later extend the text buffer.
                mResults.SetText(mResults.GetText(), TextView.BufferType.EDITABLE);

                // Watch for button clicks.
                Button getButton = (Button)v.FindViewById(R.Id.get);
                getButton.Click += (o, a) =>
                    // Start the activity whose result we want to retrieve.  The
                    // result will come back with request code GET_CODE.
                    Intent intent = new Intent(GetActivity(), typeof(SendResult));
                    StartActivityForResult(intent, GET_CODE);

                return v;