private void LoadReviews(object sender, EventArgs e) { var listview = new ListView(this); listview.Adapter = new ReviewsAdapter(api.Personel_Ratings(Id)); Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder dialog = new Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder(this); Android.App.AlertDialog alert = dialog.Create(); alert.SetTitle("Reviews for " + nameText.Text); alert.SetView(listview); //alert.SetIcon(Resource.Drawable.alert); alert.SetButton("OK", (c, ev) => { alert.Cancel(); }); alert.SetButton2("CANCEL", (c, ev) => { }); alert.Show(); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.SelectionLayout); // Create your application here imageMechan = FindViewById <ImageView>(Resource.Id.imageMechan); imageBreak = FindViewById <ImageView>(Resource.Id.imageBreak); specialityBox = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.specialityText); button = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.button); api = new ImotorCareWebApi.ImotorCareWebApi(); imageMechan.Click += delegate { Intent intent = new Intent(this, typeof(MainActivity)); intent.PutExtra("type", "mechanic"); StartActivity(intent); }; imageBreak.Click += delegate { Intent intent = new Intent(this, typeof(MainActivity)); intent.PutExtra("type", "breakdown"); StartActivity(intent); }; button.Click += delegate { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(specialityBox.Text)) { FilterEvent(); } else { Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder dialog = new Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder(this); Android.App.AlertDialog alert = dialog.Create(); alert.SetTitle("Input Errror"); alert.SetMessage("You must place a description"); //alert.SetIcon(Resource.Drawable.alert); alert.SetButton("OK", (c, ev) => { alert.Cancel(); }); alert.Show(); } }; }
public Java.Lang.String UITestBackdoorScan(string param) { var expectedFormat = BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE; Enum.TryParse(param, out expectedFormat); var opts = new MobileBarcodeScanningOptions { PossibleFormats = new List <BarcodeFormat> { expectedFormat } }; var barcodeScanner = new MobileBarcodeScanner(); Console.WriteLine("Scanning " + expectedFormat); //Start scanning barcodeScanner.Scan(opts).ContinueWith(t => { var result = t.Result; var format = result?.BarcodeFormat.ToString() ?? string.Empty; var value = result?.Text ?? string.Empty; RunOnUiThread(() => { Android.App.AlertDialog dialog = null; dialog = new Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder(this) .SetTitle("Barcode Result") .SetMessage(format + "|" + value) .SetNeutralButton("OK", (sender, e) => { dialog.Cancel(); }).Create(); dialog.Show(); }); }); return(new Java.Lang.String()); }
private void RatePersonel(object sender, EventArgs e) { var numOfStars = ratingBar.Rating; var response = api.RatePersonel(Id, commentText.Text, numOfStars.ToString()); Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder dialog = new Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder(this); Android.App.AlertDialog alert = dialog.Create(); var title = response.ToLower().Contains("success") ? "Success" : "Error"; alert.SetTitle(title); alert.SetMessage(response); //alert.SetIcon(Resource.Drawable.alert); alert.SetButton("OK", (c, ev) => { alert.Cancel(); Load(api.GetPersonelByID(Id)); }); alert.SetButton2("CANCEL", (c, ev) => { }); alert.Show(); ratingBar.Rating = 0; commentText.Text = string.Empty; }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Main); //sets the content view to the layout Button btnPlay = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btnPlay); //connects the elements from the layout Button btnScores = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.BtnScores); Button btnExit = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btnExit); var db = new SQLiteConnection(dbPath2); //opens a connection to SQLLite db.CreateTable <WordsListDatabase>(); // creates my table with empty fields var table = db.Table <WordsListDatabase>(); //connects to the table in the database if (table.Count() != 0) //do nothing if table already has words init { Toast.MakeText(this, "WORDS DATABASE EXISTS", ToastLength.Short).Show(); //toast message to check if database exists. } else if (table.Count() == 0) //add the records if the table is empty { Toast.MakeText(this, "WORDS DATABASE CREATED", ToastLength.Long).Show(); //toast message when table gets created WordsListDatabase word0 = new WordsListDatabase("FERMENT"); //creates an emtry in the table WordsListDatabase word1 = new WordsListDatabase("DISTINCTIVE"); WordsListDatabase word2 = new WordsListDatabase("POTATOES"); WordsListDatabase word3 = new WordsListDatabase("SMOKY"); WordsListDatabase word4 = new WordsListDatabase("FRUITY"); WordsListDatabase word5 = new WordsListDatabase("GRAVY"); WordsListDatabase word6 = new WordsListDatabase("MATURED"); WordsListDatabase word7 = new WordsListDatabase("SWEET"); WordsListDatabase word8 = new WordsListDatabase("SAUSAGE"); WordsListDatabase word9 = new WordsListDatabase("NUTRITIOUS"); WordsListDatabase word10 = new WordsListDatabase("CABBAGE"); WordsListDatabase word11 = new WordsListDatabase("AEDJVLDS"); WordsListDatabase word12 = new WordsListDatabase("JOKES"); WordsListDatabase word13 = new WordsListDatabase("REPUTATION"); WordsListDatabase word14 = new WordsListDatabase("SERVED"); WordsListDatabase word15 = new WordsListDatabase("POISON"); WordsListDatabase word16 = new WordsListDatabase("WHISKEY"); WordsListDatabase word17 = new WordsListDatabase("RAW"); WordsListDatabase word18 = new WordsListDatabase("POISON"); WordsListDatabase word19 = new WordsListDatabase("CRUST"); WordsListDatabase word20 = new WordsListDatabase("TRUST"); WordsListDatabase word21 = new WordsListDatabase("CULINARY"); WordsListDatabase word22 = new WordsListDatabase("FRIED"); WordsListDatabase word23 = new WordsListDatabase("CHEESE"); WordsListDatabase word24 = new WordsListDatabase("MIXED"); db.Insert(word0); db.Insert(word1); db.Insert(word2); db.Insert(word3); db.Insert(word4); //inserts the emtry into the table db.Insert(word5); db.Insert(word6); db.Insert(word7); db.Insert(word8); db.Insert(word9); db.Insert(word10); db.Insert(word11); db.Insert(word12); db.Insert(word13); db.Insert(word14); db.Insert(word15); db.Insert(word16); db.Insert(word17); db.Insert(word18); db.Insert(word19); db.Insert(word20); db.Insert(word21); db.Insert(word22); db.Insert(word23); db.Insert(word24); } btnPlay.Click += delegate { StartActivity(typeof(PlayerActivity)); var db2 = new SQLiteConnection(dbPath); //connection for the sqllite database db2.CreateTable <PlayerDatabase>(); //creates table from the class file }; btnScores.Click += delegate { StartActivity(typeof(ScoresActivity)); //starts defined activity var db2 = new SQLiteConnection(dbPath); //connection for the sqllite database db2.CreateTable <PlayerDatabase>(); //creates table from the class file }; btnExit.Click += delegate { Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder dialog = new Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder(this, Android.App.AlertDialog.ThemeHoloDark); Android.App.AlertDialog alert = dialog.Create(); alert.SetCancelable(false); alert.SetTitle("EXIT GAME"); alert.SetMessage("Are You Sure?"); alert.SetButton("YES", (c, ev) => { Process.KillProcess(Process.MyPid()); }); alert.SetButton2("NO", (c, ev) => { alert.Cancel(); }); alert.Show(); }; }