protected void Submit(object sender, EventArgs e) { Order order = (Order)Session["order"]; if (order != null) { // Add checked toppings to the pizza foreach (GridViewRow row in ToppingsGridView.Rows) { CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("ToppingSelector"); if ((cb != null) && (cb.Checked)) { DataKey topping_key = ToppingsGridView.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]; string name = (string) topping_key["topping"]; decimal cost = (decimal) topping_key["cost"]; Topping topping = new Topping(name, cost); pizza_to_add.AddTopping(topping); } } // Add the pizza to the order, and go back to the order page order.AddPizza(pizza_to_add); Session["order"] = order; } Session["pizza_to_add"] = null; Response.Redirect("OrderPizza.aspx"); }
public void AddTopping(Topping topping) { toppings.Add(topping); }