コード例 #1
ファイル: ReportBase.cs プロジェクト: eric645/INCC6
        public void GenerateReports(Measurement m)
            if (m.Detector.ListMode) // generate list mode report if it is list mode, hey!
                RawAnalysisReport rep = new RawAnalysisReport(ctrllog);
                ResultsReport = rep.replines;
            MethodResultsReport mrep = new MethodResultsReport(ctrllog);

            foreach (List <string> r in mrep.INCCResultsReports)
            if (NC.App.AppContext.CreateINCC5TestDataFile)
                TestDataFile mdat = new TestDataFile(ctrllog);
                foreach (List <string> r in mdat.INCCTestDataFiles)

            if (NC.App.AppContext.OpenResults)
                if (bNotepadHappensToBeThere)
                    foreach (ResultFile fname in m.ResultsFiles)
                        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(notepadPath, fname.Path);
                // optional enablement
                if (ExcelPush.ExcelPresent() && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.ResultsFiles.CSVResultsFileName.Path))
                    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application excel = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
                    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook    wb    = excel.Workbooks.Open(m.ResultsFiles.CSVResultsFileName.Path);
                    excel.Visible = true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: FileCtrlINCC5.cs プロジェクト: tempbottle/INCC6
        void AddTestDataCycle(int run, uint run_seconds, double run_count_time, Measurement meas, TestDataFile td, string pivot = "", int cfindex = -1)
            Cycle cycle = new Cycle(datalog);
                cycle.UpdateDataSourceId(ConstructedSource.CycleFile, meas.Detectors[0].Id.SRType,
                        td.DTO.AddSeconds(run_seconds), td.Filename);
                cycle.seq = run;
                cycle.TS = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(run_count_time);  // dev note: check if this is always only in seconds, or fractions of a second
                                                                  // hn -- 9/4/14 -- not integer for count time.  Convert from double seconds here.
                                                                  // Joe still has force to int.  bleck!

                /* init run tests */
                cycle.SetQCStatus(meas.Detectors[0].MultiplicityParams, QCTestStatus.None); // multmult creates entry if not found
                meas.Add(cycle, cfindex);
                /* singles, reals + accidentals, accidentals */
                string l = td.reader.ReadLine();
                string[] zorks = l.Split((char[])null, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                double[] v = new double[5];
                for (int z = 0; z < 5; z++)
                    double d;
                    bool b = Double.TryParse(zorks[z], out d);
                    if (b)
                        v[z] = d;
                cycle.Totals = (ulong)v[0];
                MultiplicityCountingRes mcr = new MultiplicityCountingRes(meas.Detectors[0].MultiplicityParams.FA, cycle.seq); // multmult
                cycle.CountingAnalysisResults.Add(meas.Detectors[0].MultiplicityParams, mcr);  // multmult
                mcr.AB.TransferIntermediates(meas.Detectors[0].AB);  // copy alpha beta onto the cycle's results 
                mcr.Totals = cycle.Totals;
                mcr.TS = cycle.TS;
                mcr.ASum = v[4];
                mcr.RASum = v[3];
                mcr.Scaler1.v = v[1];
                mcr.Scaler2.v = v[2];
                cycle.SinglesRate = v[0] / run_count_time;

                // assign the hits to a single channel (0)
                cycle.HitsPerChannel[0] = cycle.Totals;

                mcr.RawSinglesRate.v = cycle.SinglesRate;

                /* number of multiplicity values */
                string mv = td.reader.ReadLine();
                UInt16 k = 0;
                UInt16.TryParse(mv, out k);
                if (k == 0)  // test data files require an entry with 1 bin set 0s for the absence of multiplicity, go figure
                    ctrllog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Error, 440, "This" + pivot + " cycle " + run.ToString() + " has no good multiplicity data.");
                mcr.MinBins = mcr.MaxBins = k;
                mcr.RAMult = new ulong[k];
                mcr.NormedAMult = new ulong[k];
                mcr.UnAMult = new ulong[k]; // todo: compute this
                /* multiplicity values */
                for (UInt16 j = 0; j < k; j++)
                    string ra = td.reader.ReadLine();
                    string[] blorks = ra.Split((char[])null, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    double[] ve = new double[2];
                    for (int z = 0; z < 2; z++)
                        double d;
                        bool b = Double.TryParse(blorks[z], out d);
                        if (b)
                            ve[z] = d;
                    mcr.RAMult[j] = (ulong)ve[0];
                    mcr.NormedAMult[j] = (ulong)ve[1];
                ctrllog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, 5439, "Cycle " + cycle.seq.ToString() + pivot + ((mcr.RAMult[0] + mcr.NormedAMult[0]) > 0 ? " max:" + mcr.MaxBins.ToString() : " *"));

            catch (Exception e)
                ctrllog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Warning, 33085, pivot + "cycle processing error {0} {1} {2}", run, e.Message, pivot);
コード例 #3
ファイル: ReportBase.cs プロジェクト: hnordquist/INCC6
        public void GenerateReports(Measurement m)
            if (m.Detector.ListMode) // generate list mode report if it is list mode, hey!
                RawAnalysisReport rep = new RawAnalysisReport(ctrllog);
                ResultsReport = rep.replines;
            MethodResultsReport mrep = new MethodResultsReport(ctrllog);
            foreach (List<string> r in mrep.INCCResultsReports)
            if (NC.App.AppContext.CreateINCC5TestDataFile)
                TestDataFile mdat = new TestDataFile(ctrllog);
                foreach (List<string> r in mdat.INCCTestDataFiles)

            if (NC.App.AppContext.OpenResults)
                if (bNotepadHappensToBeThere)
                    foreach (ResultFile fname in m.ResultsFiles)
                        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(notepadPath, fname.Path);
                // optional enablement
                if (ExcelPush.ExcelPresent() && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.ResultsFiles.CSVResultsFileName.Path))
            #if EXCEL
                    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application excel = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
                    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(m.ResultsFiles.CSVResultsFileName.Path);
                    excel.Visible = true;