private int Acknowledge_Alarm_Encode(ref Byte[] apdu, Byte invoke_id, ref ACKNOWLEDGE_ALARM_DATA Ack_data, int pos) { int len = 0; /* length of each encoding */ int apdu_len = 0; apdu[pos + 0] = (byte)BACNET_PDU_TYPE.PDU_TYPE_CONFIRMED_SERVICE_REQUEST; apdu[pos + 1] = BasicalProcessor.Encode_MaxSegsandApdu(0, 1476); apdu[pos + 2] = invoke_id; apdu[pos + 3] = (byte)BACNET_CONFIRMED_SERVICE.SERVICE_CONFIRMED_ACKNOWLEDGE_ALARM; apdu_len = 4; /* tag 0 - processIdentifier */ len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Unsigned(ref apdu, 0, Ack_data.ProcessIdentifier, pos + apdu_len); apdu_len += len; /* tag 1 - eventObjectIdentifier */ len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_ObjectId(ref apdu, 1, (int)Ack_data.EventIdentifier.type, Ack_data.EventIdentifier.instance, pos + apdu_len); apdu_len += len; /* tag 2 - toState */ len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Enumerate(ref apdu, 2, (uint)Ack_data.StateAcknowledged, apdu_len + pos); apdu_len += len; /* tag 3 - timeStamp */ len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Timestamp(ref apdu, 3, ref Ack_data.TimeStamp, pos + apdu_len); apdu_len += len; /* tag 4 - Acknowledgment Source */ len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Character_String(ref apdu, 4, ref Ack_data.Source, pos + apdu_len); apdu_len += len; /* tag 5- timeStamp */ len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Timestamp(ref apdu, 5, ref Ack_data.TimeOfAcknowledgment, pos + apdu_len); apdu_len += len; return(apdu_len); }
private int Encode_Service_Request(ref Byte[] apdu, ref BACNET_EVENT_NOTIFICATION_DATA data, int pos) { int len = 0; /* length of each encoding */ int apdu_len = 0; /* tag 0 - processIdentifier */ len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Unsigned(ref apdu, 0, data.processIdentifier, pos + apdu_len); apdu_len += len; /* tag 1 - initiatingObjectIdentifier */ len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_ObjectId(ref apdu, 1, (int)data.initiatingObjectIdentifier.type, data.initiatingObjectIdentifier.instance, pos + apdu_len); apdu_len += len; /* tag 2 - eventObjectIdentifier */ len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_ObjectId(ref apdu, 2, (int)data.eventObjectIdentifier.type, data.eventObjectIdentifier.instance, pos + apdu_len); apdu_len += len; /* tag 3 - timeStamp */ len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Timestamp(ref apdu, 3, ref data.timeStamp, pos + apdu_len); apdu_len += len; /* tag 4 - noticicationClass */ len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Unsigned(ref apdu, 4, data.notificationClass, apdu_len + pos); apdu_len += len; /* tag 5 - priority */ len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Unsigned(ref apdu, 5, data.priority, apdu_len + pos); apdu_len += len; /* tag 6 - eventType */ len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Enumerate(ref apdu, 6, (uint)data.eventType, apdu_len + pos); apdu_len += len; /* tag 7 - messageText */ // if (data->messageText) 可选参数 /* tag 8 - notifyType */ len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Enumerate(ref apdu, 8, (uint)data.notifyType, apdu_len + pos); apdu_len += len; /* tag 9 - ackRequired */ switch (data.notifyType) { case BACNET_NOTIFY_TYPE.NOTIFY_ALARM: case BACNET_NOTIFY_TYPE.NOTIFY_EVENT: /* tag 9 - ackRequired */ len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Boolean(ref apdu, 9, data.ackRequired, apdu_len + pos); apdu_len += len; /* tag 10 - fromState */ len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Enumerate(ref apdu, 10, (uint)data.fromState, apdu_len + pos); apdu_len += len; break; default: break; } /* tag 11 - toState */ len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Enumerate(ref apdu, 11, (uint)data.toState, apdu_len + pos); apdu_len += len; /* tag 12 - event values */ if (data.notifyType == BACNET_NOTIFY_TYPE.NOTIFY_ALARM || data.notifyType == BACNET_NOTIFY_TYPE.NOTIFY_EVENT) { switch (data.eventType) { //EVENT_CHANGE_OF_STATE: /* case BACNET_EVENT_TYPE.EVENT_CHANGE_OF_STATE: * { * len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Opening_Tag(ref apdu, 12,apdu_len+pos); * apdu_len += len; * len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Opening_Tag(ref apdu, 1, apdu_len + pos); * apdu_len += len; * len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Opening_Tag(ref apdu, 0, apdu_len + pos); * apdu_len += len; * len=BasicalProcessor.Encode_Property_State(ref apdu,ref data.notificationParams.newState,apdu_len+pos); * apdu_len += len; * len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Closing_Tag(ref apdu, 0, apdu_len + pos); * apdu_len += len; * len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Bitstring(ref apdu, 1, ref data.notificationParams.statusFlags, apdu_len + pos); * apdu_len += len; * len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Opening_Tag(ref apdu,1, apdu_len + pos); * apdu_len += len; * len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Closing_Tag(ref apdu, 12,apdu_len+pos); * apdu_len += len; * break; * }*/ case BACNET_EVENT_TYPE.EVENT_CHANGE_OF_LIFE_SAFETY: { len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Opening_Tag(ref apdu, 8, apdu_len + pos); apdu_len += len; len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Enumerate(ref apdu, 0, (UInt16)data.notificationParams.change_of_lifesafety.newState, apdu_len + pos); apdu_len += len; len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Enumerate(ref apdu, 1, (UInt16)data.notificationParams.change_of_lifesafety.newMode, apdu_len + pos); apdu_len += len; len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Bitstring(ref apdu, 2, ref data.notificationParams.change_of_lifesafety.statusFlags, apdu_len + pos); apdu_len += len; len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Enumerate(ref apdu, 3, (UInt16)data.notificationParams.change_of_lifesafety.operationExpected, apdu_len + pos); apdu_len += len; len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Closing_Tag(ref apdu, 8, apdu_len + pos); apdu_len += len; break; } } } return(apdu_len); }