internal static string DiggStory(DiggStory diggStory) { HttpWebRequest req = CreateRequest("", _cookies); PostData(req, "id=" + + "&row=" + diggStory.row + "&digcheck=" + diggStory.diggCheck); string responseString = GetResponseString(req); return(responseString); }
internal void SetStory(DiggStory story) { _diggStory = story; Invoke(new MethodInvoker(InternalSetStory)); }
internal static DiggStory[] GetStories(string username, string password, string page) //page for future use { string url = ""; switch (page) { case "Technology": url = ""; break; case "Science": url = ""; break; case "World & Business": url = ""; break; case "Videos": url = ""; break; case "Entertainment": url = ""; break; case "Gaming": url = ""; break; default: url = ""; break; } //first login if (!_loggedIn) { LoginToDigg(username, password); } HttpWebRequest req = CreateRequest(url, _cookies); string responseString = GetResponseString(req); //parse out the stories... I know, I know, the jedi should learn regex string[] stories = responseString.Split(new string[] { " target=\"_blank\">" }, StringSplitOptions.None); List <DiggStory> diggStoryList = new List <DiggStory>(); int d = 0; for (int i = 1; i < stories.Length; i += 2) { DiggStory ds = new DiggStory(); do { ds.title = stories[i].Split('<')[0]; if (ds.title == "") { i++; } } while (ds.title == ""); string temp = stories[i + 1].Split(new string[] { "<p>" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1]; ds.description = temp.Substring(0, temp.IndexOf('&')); ds.diggUrl = temp.Substring(temp.IndexOf("href=") + 6); ds.diggUrl = ds.diggUrl.Substring(0, ds.diggUrl.IndexOf('"')); ds.url = stories[i - 1].Substring(stories[i - 1].LastIndexOf("href=") + 6); ds.url = ds.url.Substring(0, ds.url.Length - 1); string diggs = temp.Substring(0, temp.IndexOf("</strong>")); ds.diggs = diggs.Substring(diggs.LastIndexOf('>') + 1); string[] idInfoTemp = stories[i + 1].Split(new string[] { "javascript:wrapper_full(" }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (idInfoTemp.Length > 1) { string idInfo = idInfoTemp[1]; idInfo = idInfo.Substring(0, idInfo.IndexOf(')')); string[] infoDetails = idInfo.Split(','); = infoDetails[2]; ds.row = infoDetails[0]; ds.diggCheck = infoDetails[3].Substring(1, infoDetails[3].Length - 2); } diggStoryList.Add(ds); } return(diggStoryList.ToArray()); }