public PhotoManager() { InitializeComponent(); _lake = Lake.FindAll()[0]; LoadBoats(); LoadPhotos(); }
public Course(string name, DateTime date, Lake lake) { _name = name; _date = date; _lakeId = lake.Id; _directionType = WindDirectionType.ConstantManual; _manualWindDirection = 0.0; _new = true; _changed = true; }
public Course(string name,DateTime date, Lake lake) { _name = name; _date = date; _lakeId = lake.Id; _directionType = WindDirectionType.ConstantManual; _manualWindDirection = 0.0; _new = true; _changed = true; }
public static List <Course> FindAllByLake(Lake lake) { var query = from r in Persistance.Data.Course.AsEnumerable() where (int)r["lake_id"] == lake.Id select r; List <Course> courses = new List <Course>(); foreach (SkipperDataSet.CourseRow rr in query) { courses.Add(new Course(rr)); } return(courses); }
public Race(string name, Lake lake, Course course, DateTime start, DateTime end) { _name = name; _lakeId = lake.Id; _courseId = course.Id; _start = start; _end = end; _startSequence = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0); SetReplayTimes(); _boats = new List <Boat>(); _new = true; _changed = true; }
public Race(string name, Lake lake, Course course, DateTime start, DateTime end) { _name = name; _lakeId = lake.Id; _courseId = course.Id; _start = start; _end = end; _startSequence = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0); SetReplayTimes(); _boats = new List<Boat>(); _new = true; _changed = true; }
public EditCourses(Race race) { this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); InitializeComponent(); LoadPaths(race); _lake = race.Lake; try { _image = AmphibianSoftware.VisualSail.Library.SatelliteImageryHelper.GetImageForLake(_lake); } catch (Exception) { _image = null; } _course = race.Course; LoadCourse(); }
private Lake AutoGenerateLake() { CoordinatePoint nw=null; CoordinatePoint se=null; double altitude=0; if (FindGpsBounds(ref nw, ref se, ref altitude)) { double minLat = se.Latitude.Value; double maxLat = nw.Latitude.Value; double minLong = nw.Longitude.Value; double maxLong = se.Longitude.Value; List<Lake> existingLakes = Lake.FindByBoundingBox(minLat, maxLat, minLong, maxLong); if (existingLakes.Count > 0) { return existingLakes[0]; } else { Lake l; if (CheckForExistingLakeImagery(ref minLat, ref maxLat, ref minLong, ref maxLong).Count == 0) { //no existing images, so we just take a guess at the size we want double padding = 0.05;//this is totally arbitrary based on what looked right l = new Lake(Lake.DefaultName, maxLat + padding, minLat - padding, maxLong + padding, minLong - padding, altitude, "", TimeZoneInfo.Local); } else { //images already exist locally, so we leave the numbers alone l = new Lake(Lake.DefaultName, maxLat, minLat, maxLong, minLong, altitude, "", TimeZoneInfo.Local); } l.Save(); return l; } } else { //throw new Exception("Failed to generate lake"); return null; } }
public LakeResizeControl(Lake lake) { InitializeComponent(); _lake = lake; }
public static Image GetImageForLake(Lake lake) { Image satelite; if (!File.Exists(ContentHelper.DynamicContentPath + AmphibianSoftware.VisualSail.Library.SatelliteImageryHelper.GetFileName(lake.North, lake.South, lake.East, lake.West))) { string lakeFile = SatelliteImageryHelper.GetSatelliteImage(lake.North, lake.South, lake.East, lake.West, (int)lake.WidthInMeters / 50, (int)lake.HeightInMeters / 50); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(lakeFile); fi.MoveTo(ContentHelper.DynamicContentPath + SatelliteImageryHelper.GetFileName(lake.North, lake.South, lake.East, lake.West)); satelite = Image.FromFile(ContentHelper.DynamicContentPath + SatelliteImageryHelper.GetFileName(lake.North, lake.South, lake.East, lake.West)); } else { satelite = Image.FromFile(ContentHelper.DynamicContentPath + AmphibianSoftware.VisualSail.Library.SatelliteImageryHelper.GetFileName(lake.North, lake.South, lake.East, lake.West)); } return satelite; }
public static List<Course> FindAllByLake(Lake lake) { var query = from r in Persistance.Data.Course.AsEnumerable() where (int)r["lake_id"] == lake.Id select r; List<Course> courses = new List<Course>(); foreach (SkipperDataSet.CourseRow rr in query) { courses.Add(new Course(rr)); } return courses; }
private void zoomOutBTN_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _zoomed = false; _zoomedLake = null; ClearCache(); zoomInCB.Checked = false; lakePNL.Invalidate(); lakePNL.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow; }
private void lakePNL_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { _mouseDown = false; if (zoomInCB.Checked) { _zoomSecondPoint = new Point(e.X, e.Y); CoordinatePoint a = ScreenToCoordinates(_zoomFirstPoint); CoordinatePoint b = ScreenToCoordinates(_zoomSecondPoint); double minLat; double maxLat; double minLon; double maxLon; if (a.Latitude.Value < b.Latitude.Value) { minLat = a.Latitude.Value; maxLat = b.Latitude.Value; } else { maxLat = a.Latitude.Value; minLat = b.Latitude.Value; } if (a.Longitude.Value < b.Longitude.Value) { minLon = a.Longitude.Value; maxLon = b.Longitude.Value; } else { maxLon = a.Longitude.Value; minLon = b.Longitude.Value; } _zoomedLake = new Lake(_lake.Name, maxLat, minLat, maxLon,minLon, _lake.Altitude, "", _lake.TimeZone); zoomInCB.Checked = false; _zoomed = true; lakePNL.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow; } ClearCache(); lakePNL.Invalidate(); }