public static void ProcessRequestHandlers(IExecutionContext executionContext) { var request = executionContext.RequestContext.Request; var config = executionContext.RequestContext.ClientConfig; string nonArnOutpostId; Arn s3Arn; if (S3ArnUtils.RequestContainsArn(request, out s3Arn)) { IS3Resource s3Resource = null; if (s3Arn.IsOutpostArn()) { if (!s3Arn.IsValidService()) { throw new AmazonClientException($"Invalid ARN: {s3Arn.ToString()}, not S3 Outposts ARN"); } s3Resource = s3Arn.ParseOutpost(); request.Headers[HeaderKeys.XAmzOutpostId] = ((S3OutpostResource)s3Resource).OutpostId; } if (s3Resource != null) { s3Resource.ValidateArnWithClientConfig(config); request.Endpoint = s3Resource.GetEndpoint(config); request.UseSigV4 = true; request.CanonicalResourcePrefix = string.Concat("/", s3Resource.FullResourceName); request.OverrideSigningServiceName = s3Arn.Service; // The access point arn can be using a region different from the configured region for the service client. // If so be sure to set the authentication region so the signer will use the correct region. request.AuthenticationRegion = s3Arn.Region; request.Headers[HeaderKeys.XAmzAccountId] = s3Arn.AccountId; // replace the ARNs in the resource path or query params with the extracted name of the resource // These methods assume that there is max 1 Arn in the PathResources or Parameters S3ArnUtils.ReplacePathResourceArns(request.PathResources, s3Resource.Name); S3ArnUtils.ReplacePathResourceArns(request.Parameters, s3Resource.Name); } } else if (S3ArnUtils.DoesRequestHaveOutpostId(request.OriginalRequest, out nonArnOutpostId)) { if (!S3ArnUtils.IsValidOutpostId(nonArnOutpostId)) { throw new AmazonClientException($"Invalid outpost ID. ID must contain only alphanumeric characters and dashes"); } request.OverrideSigningServiceName = S3ArnUtils.S3OutpostsService; request.Endpoint = S3ArnUtils.GetNonStandardOutpostIdEndpoint(config); request.Headers[HeaderKeys.XAmzOutpostId] = nonArnOutpostId; } }
public static void ProcessRequestHandlers(IExecutionContext executionContext) { var request = executionContext.RequestContext.Request; var config = executionContext.RequestContext.ClientConfig; //If a ServiceURL is set the config ClientRegion should be null. Under this case //the region needs to be determined from the ServiceURL. RegionEndpoint useRegion = config.RegionEndpoint; if (useRegion == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.ServiceURL)) { var regionName = AWSSDKUtils.DetermineRegion(config.ServiceURL); useRegion = RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(regionName); } string nonArnOutpostId; Arn s3Arn; if (S3ArnUtils.RequestContainsArn(request, out s3Arn)) { IS3Resource s3Resource = null; if (!s3Arn.HasValidAccountId()) { throw new AmazonAccountIdException(); } if (s3Arn.IsOutpostArn()) { if (!s3Arn.IsValidService()) { throw new AmazonClientException($"Invalid ARN: {s3Arn.ToString()}, not S3 Outposts ARN"); } s3Resource = s3Arn.ParseOutpost(config as AmazonS3ControlConfig); request.Headers[HeaderKeys.XAmzOutpostId] = ((S3OutpostResource)s3Resource).OutpostId; } if (s3Resource != null) { s3Resource.ValidateArnWithClientConfig(config, useRegion); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.ServiceURL)) { request.Endpoint = s3Resource.GetEndpoint(config); } else { request.Endpoint = new Uri(config.ServiceURL); } request.SignatureVersion = SignatureVersion.SigV4; request.CanonicalResourcePrefix = string.Concat("/", s3Resource.FullResourceName); request.OverrideSigningServiceName = s3Arn.Service; // The access point arn can be using a region different from the configured region for the service client. // If so be sure to set the authentication region so the signer will use the correct region. request.AuthenticationRegion = s3Arn.Region; request.Headers[HeaderKeys.XAmzAccountId] = s3Arn.AccountId; // replace the ARNs in the resource path or query params with the extracted name of the resource // These methods assume that there is max 1 Arn in the PathResources or Parameters S3ArnUtils.ReplacePathResourceArns(request.PathResources, s3Resource.Name); S3ArnUtils.ReplacePathResourceArns(request.Parameters, s3Resource.Name); } } else if (S3ArnUtils.DoesRequestHaveOutpostId(request.OriginalRequest, out nonArnOutpostId)) { if (!S3ArnUtils.IsValidOutpostId(nonArnOutpostId)) { throw new AmazonClientException($"Invalid outpost ID. ID must contain only alphanumeric characters and dashes"); } request.OverrideSigningServiceName = S3ArnUtils.S3OutpostsService; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.ServiceURL)) { request.Endpoint = S3ArnUtils.GetNonStandardOutpostIdEndpoint(config); } else { request.Endpoint = new Uri(config.ServiceURL); } request.Headers[HeaderKeys.XAmzOutpostId] = nonArnOutpostId; } }