public static Ec2Response StartServer(DeveloperOptions developerOptions) { try { var ec2Config = new AmazonEC2Config { AuthenticationRegion = developerOptions.RegionEndpont }; var ec2Client = new AmazonEC2Client( new BasicAWSCredentials(developerOptions.AccessKey, developerOptions.SecretAccessKey), ec2Config); var launchRequest = new RunInstancesRequest { ImageId = developerOptions.AmiId, InstanceType = developerOptions.InstanceType, MinCount = 1, MaxCount = 1, KeyName = developerOptions.Ec2KeyPair, SecurityGroupIds = new List<string> { developerOptions.SecurityGroupId } }; var launchResponse = ec2Client.RunInstances(launchRequest); if (launchResponse.HttpStatusCode.Equals(HttpStatusCode.OK)) { while (true) { var instances = ec2Client.DescribeInstances(); } } } catch (Exception) { throw; } // TODO return null; }
private static AmazonEC2Client _GetClient() { var awsAccessKeyId = "ACCESS_KEY"; var secretAccessKey = "SECRET_ACCESS_KEY".ToCharArray(); var awsSecretAccessKey = new SecureString(); foreach (var secretAccessKeyChar in secretAccessKey) awsSecretAccessKey.AppendChar(secretAccessKeyChar); awsSecretAccessKey.MakeReadOnly(); var config = new AmazonEC2Config(); return new AmazonEC2Client(awsAccessKeyId, awsSecretAccessKey, config); }
/// <summary> /// Return the EC2 client /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static AmazonEC2Client CreateClient() { AmazonEC2Config config = new AmazonEC2Config(); config.ServiceURL = "https://ec2." + Program.options.Region + ""; //config.RegionEndpoint = RegionEndpoint.USEast1; AmazonEC2Client ec2 = new Amazon.EC2.AmazonEC2Client(Program.options.AccessKey, Program.options.SecretKey, config); //AmazonEC2 ec2 = AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonEC2Client(Program.options.AccessKey, Program.options.SecretKey, config); return ec2; }
public void TestProxySetupHostAndPortOnly() { var dummyConfig = new AmazonEC2Config(); dummyConfig.ProxyHost = Host; dummyConfig.ProxyPort = Port; WebProxy proxy = dummyConfig.GetWebProxy(); var address = proxy.Address; Assert.AreEqual(address.Host, Host); Assert.AreEqual(address.Port, Port); Assert.AreEqual(0, proxy.BypassList.Length); Assert.IsFalse(proxy.BypassProxyOnLocal); }
public void TestProxySetupWithSchemedHost() { // verifies bug fix that the http:// scheme is not doubled // up in the proxy address if the user specifies it when setting // proxy host (the bug yielded an address like http://http/host) var dummyConfig = new AmazonEC2Config(); var host = string.Concat("http://", Host); dummyConfig.ProxyHost = host; dummyConfig.ProxyPort = Port; WebProxy proxy = dummyConfig.GetWebProxy(); Assert.IsTrue(proxy.Address.ToString().StartsWith(host, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); }
public void TestProxySetupWithBypass() { var dummyConfig = new AmazonEC2Config(); dummyConfig.ProxyHost = Host; dummyConfig.ProxyPort = Port; dummyConfig.ProxyBypassList = new List<string>(BypassList); dummyConfig.ProxyBypassOnLocal = true; WebProxy proxy = dummyConfig.GetWebProxy(); Assert.AreEqual(BypassList.Count, proxy.BypassList.Length); // making assumption here that order is retained on assignment // inside WebProxy - seems to be the case for (int i = 0; i < BypassList.Count; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(BypassList[i], proxy.BypassList[i]); } Assert.IsTrue(proxy.BypassProxyOnLocal); }
/// <summary> /// Create a client for the Amazon EC2 Service with the specified configuration /// </summary> /// <param name="awsAccessKey">The AWS Access Key associated with the account</param> /// <param name="awsSecretAccessKey">The AWS Secret Access Key associated with the account</param> /// <param name="config">Configuration options for the service like HTTP Proxy, # of connections, etc /// </param> /// <returns>An Amazon EC2 client</returns> /// <remarks> /// </remarks> public static IAmazonEC2 CreateAmazonEC2Client( string awsAccessKey, string awsSecretAccessKey, AmazonEC2Config config ) { return new AmazonEC2Client(awsAccessKey, awsSecretAccessKey, config); }
/// <summary> /// Create a client for the Amazon EC2 Service with the credentials loaded from the application's /// default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. /// /// Example App.config with credentials set. /// <code> /// <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> /// <configuration> /// <appSettings> /// <add key="AWSAccessKey" value="********************"/> /// <add key="AWSSecretKey" value="****************************************"/> /// </appSettings> /// </configuration> /// </code> /// </summary> /// <param name="config">Configuration options for the service like HTTP Proxy, # of connections, etc</param> /// <returns>An Amazon EC2 client</returns> public static AmazonEC2 CreateAmazonEC2Client(AmazonEC2Config config) { return new AmazonEC2Client(config); }
private AmazonEC2 CreateAmazonEc2Client(Ec2Key ec2Key) { var er2Config = new AmazonEC2Config(); AmazonEC2 ec2 = AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonEC2Client(ec2Key.AwsAccessKey, ec2Key.AwsSecretKey, er2Config); return ec2; }
/// <summary> /// Constructs AmazonEC2Client with AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Key and an /// AmazonEC2Client Configuration object. /// </summary> /// <param name="awsAccessKeyId">AWS Access Key ID</param> /// <param name="awsSecretAccessKey">AWS Secret Access Key</param> /// <param name="awsSessionToken">AWS Session Token</param> /// <param name="clientConfig">The AmazonEC2Client Configuration Object</param> public AmazonEC2Client(string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey, string awsSessionToken, AmazonEC2Config clientConfig) : base(awsAccessKeyId, awsSecretAccessKey, awsSessionToken, clientConfig, AuthenticationTypes.User | AuthenticationTypes.Session) { }
/// <summary> /// Constructs AmazonEC2Client with AWS Credentials and an /// AmazonEC2Client Configuration object. /// </summary> /// <param name="credentials">AWS Credentials</param> /// <param name="clientConfig">The AmazonEC2Client Configuration Object</param> public AmazonEC2Client(AWSCredentials credentials, AmazonEC2Config clientConfig) : base(credentials, clientConfig) { }
private void Initialize(RegionEndpoint regionEndpoint, string AWSAcessKey, string AWSSecretKey) { // Set configuration info AmazonEC2Config config = new AmazonEC2Config (); config.Timeout = new TimeSpan (1, 0, 0); config.ReadWriteTimeout = new TimeSpan (1, 0, 0); config.RegionEndpoint = regionEndpoint; // Create EC2 client EC2client = AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonEC2Client ( AWSAcessKey, AWSSecretKey, config); }
/// <summary> /// Creates AWS EC2 client /// </summary> /// <returns>AmazonEC2Client</returns> private AmazonEC2Client GetEc2Client() { if (vm.Region == null) { throw new InvalidRegionException("No region defined when creating EC2 client"); } AmazonEC2Config config = new AmazonEC2Config(); config.ServiceURL = vm.Region.Ec2Url; AmazonEC2Client client = new AmazonEC2Client(config); return client; }
/// <summary> /// Create a client for the Amazon EC2 Service with AWSCredentials and an AmazonEC2 Configuration object. /// </summary> /// <param name="credentials">AWS Credentials</param> /// <param name="config">Configuration options for the service like HTTP Proxy, # of connections, etc</param> /// <returns>An Amazon EC2 client</returns> /// <remarks> /// </remarks> public static IAmazonEC2 CreateAmazonEC2Client(AWSCredentials credentials, AmazonEC2Config config) { return new AmazonEC2Client(credentials, config); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs AmazonEC2Client with the credentials loaded from the application's /// default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. /// /// Example App.config with credentials set. /// <code> /// <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> /// <configuration> /// <appSettings> /// <add key="AWSAccessKey" value="********************"/> /// <add key="AWSSecretKey" value="****************************************"/> /// </appSettings> /// </configuration> /// </code> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="config">The AmazonEC2 Configuration Object</param> public AmazonEC2Client(AmazonEC2Config config) : base(FallbackCredentialsFactory.GetCredentials(), config, AuthenticationTypes.User | AuthenticationTypes.Session) { }
/// <summary> /// Constructs AmazonEC2Client with the credentials loaded from the application's /// default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. /// /// Example App.config with credentials set. /// <code> /// <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> /// <configuration> /// <appSettings> /// <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/> /// </appSettings> /// </configuration> /// </code> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="config">The AmazonEC2Client Configuration Object</param> public AmazonEC2Client(AmazonEC2Config config) : base(FallbackCredentialsFactory.GetCredentials(), config) { }
/// <summary> /// Constructs AmazonEC2Client with AWS Credentials and an /// AmazonEC2Client Configuration object. /// </summary> /// <param name="credentials">AWS Credentials</param> /// <param name="clientConfig">The AmazonEC2Client Configuration Object</param> public AmazonEC2Client(AWSCredentials credentials, AmazonEC2Config clientConfig) : base(credentials, clientConfig, AuthenticationTypes.User | AuthenticationTypes.Session) { }
/// <summary> /// Constructs AmazonEC2Client with AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Key and an /// AmazonEC2Client Configuration object. /// </summary> /// <param name="awsAccessKeyId">AWS Access Key ID</param> /// <param name="awsSecretAccessKey">AWS Secret Access Key</param> /// <param name="awsSessionToken">AWS Session Token</param> /// <param name="clientConfig">The AmazonEC2Client Configuration Object</param> public AmazonEC2Client(string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey, string awsSessionToken, AmazonEC2Config clientConfig) : base(awsAccessKeyId, awsSecretAccessKey, awsSessionToken, clientConfig) { }
public EC2Helper(AwsClientDetails clientDetails, String regionURL) { AmazonEC2Config region = new AmazonEC2Config(); region.ServiceURL = regionURL; Client = AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonEC2Client(clientDetails.AwsAccessKeyId, clientDetails.AwsSecretAccessKey, region); }