resize() public method

public resize ( ) : byte[]
return byte[]
コード例 #1
ファイル: Texture2D.cs プロジェクト: CreeperLava/ME3Explorer
        // New methods!
        public void OneSizeFitsAll(String inputFile, bool resFix = false)
            // forced lowresfix
            // resFix = true;

            if (!File.Exists(inputFile))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Input texture not found at: " + inputFile);

            bool containsmips = true;
            ImageMipMapHandler mipmaps = null;

            if (imgList.Count > 1)
                try{ mipmaps = new ImageMipMapHandler(inputFile, null); }
                catch (FormatException) { containsmips = false; }
                containsmips = false;

            ImageInfo existingImg = imgList.First(img => img.storageType != storage.empty);
            if (containsmips)
                if ((float)mipmaps.imageList[0].imgSize.width / (float)mipmaps.imageList[0].imgSize.height != (float)existingImg.imgSize.width / (float)existingImg.imgSize.height)
                    throw new FormatException("Input texture not correct aspect ratio");

                if (mipmaps.imageList[0].format == "PF_R8G8B8") // Convert to 32-bit if necessary
                    for (int i = 0; i < mipmaps.imageList.Count; i++)
                        mipmaps.imageList[i] = new DDS(null, mipmaps.imageList[i].imgSize, "A8R8G8B8", ImageMipMapHandler.ConvertTo32bit(mipmaps.imageList[i].resize(), (int)mipmaps.imageList[i].imgSize.width, (int)mipmaps.imageList[i].imgSize.height));

                if (Class == class2 || Class == class3) // Allow format modification if one of the derived classes. Don't need the single level check since we're replacing all levels

                if (texFormat == "PF_NormalMap_HQ") // Check formats
                    if (mipmaps.imageList[0].format != "ATI2")
                        throw new FormatException("Texture not in correct format - Expected ATI2");
                else if (String.Compare(texFormat, "PF_" + mipmaps.imageList[0].format, true) != 0)
                    throw new FormatException("Texture not in correct format - Expected " + texFormat);

                for (int i = mipmaps.imageList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (imgList.Exists(img => img.imgSize == mipmaps.imageList[i].imgSize))
                    else if (mipmaps.imageList[i].imgSize.width > imgList.First().imgSize.width && mipmaps.imageList[i].imgSize.height > imgList.First().imgSize.height)
                    //    AddMissingImage(mipmaps.imageList[i]);
                    // Else ignore missing values

                while (imgList[0].imgSize.width > mipmaps.imageList[0].imgSize.width) // Remove any existing higher levels
                ImageFile ddsfile = new DDS(inputFile, null);
                if ((float)ddsfile.imgSize.width / (float)ddsfile.imgSize.height != (float)existingImg.imgSize.width / (float)existingImg.imgSize.height) // Check dimensions
                    throw new FormatException("Input texture not correct aspect ratio");

                if (ddsfile.format == "R8G8B8")
                    ddsfile = new DDS(null, ddsfile.imgSize, "A8R8G8B8", ImageMipMapHandler.ConvertTo32bit(ddsfile.resize(), (int)ddsfile.imgSize.width, (int)ddsfile.imgSize.height));

                if (imgList.Count == 1 && (Class == class2 || Class == class3)) // Since this is single level replacement, only allow format change if a single level texture with required class

                if (texFormat == "PF_NormalMap_HQ") // Check format
                    if (ddsfile.format != "ATI2")
                        throw new FormatException("Texture not in correct format - Expected ATI2");
                else if (String.Compare(texFormat, "PF_" + ddsfile.format, true) != 0)
                    throw new FormatException("Texture not in correct format - Expected " + texFormat);

                if (imgList.Count == 1 && imgList[0].imgSize != ddsfile.imgSize) // If img doesn't exist and it's a single level texture, use hard replace
                else if (imgList.Exists(img => img.imgSize == ddsfile.imgSize)) // Catches the rest of the single levels and every one which has an existing reference for that level
                else if (ddsfile.imgSize.width > imgList[0].imgSize.width) // Add a greater image
                //else if (ddsfile.imgSize.width < imgList.Last().imgSize.width) // Add a smaller image
                //    AddMissingImage(ddsfile);

            if (imgList.Count > 1 && resFix)

            // Fix up properties
            if (properties.ContainsKey("SizeX"))
                properties["SizeX"].Value.IntValue = (int)imgList.First(img => img.storageType != storage.empty).imgSize.width;
            if (properties.ContainsKey("SizeY"))
                properties["SizeY"].Value.IntValue = (int)imgList.First(img => img.storageType != storage.empty).imgSize.height;
            if (properties.ContainsKey("MipTailBaseIdx"))
                properties["MipTailBaseIdx"].Value.IntValue = imgList.Count - 1;
            numMipMaps = (uint)imgList.Count;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Texture2D.cs プロジェクト: CreeperLava/ME3Explorer
        public void singleImageUpscale(string imagePathToAdd, string archiveDir)
            ImageSize biggerImageSizeOnList = imgList.Max(image => image.imgSize);
            // check if replacing image is supported
            ImageFile imgFile;
            string fileFormat = Path.GetExtension(imagePathToAdd);
            switch (fileFormat)
                case ".dds": imgFile = new DDS(imagePathToAdd, null); break;
                case ".DDS": imgFile = new DDS(imagePathToAdd, null); break;
                default: throw new FormatException(fileFormat + " image extension not supported");

            if (texFormat == "PF_NormalMap_HQ")
                if (imgFile.format != "ATI2")
                    throw new FormatException("Different image format, original is " + texFormat + ", new is " + imgFile.subtype());
            else if (String.Compare(texFormat, "PF_" + imgFile.format, true) != 0 &&
                String.Compare(texFormat, imgFile.format, true) != 0)
                throw new FormatException("Different image format, original is " + texFormat + ", new is " + imgFile.subtype());

            // !!! warning, this method breaks consistency between imgList and imageData[] !!!
            ImageInfo newImgInfo = new ImageInfo();
            newImgInfo.storageType = imgList.Find(img => img.storageType != storage.empty && img.storageType != storage.pccSto).storageType;
            newImgInfo.imgSize = imgFile.imgSize;
            newImgInfo.uncSize = imgFile.resize().Length;
            newImgInfo.cprSize = 0x00; // not yet filled
            newImgInfo.offset = 0x00; // not yet filled
            imgList.RemoveAt(0);  // Remove old single image and add new one

            //now I let believe the program that I'm doing an image replace, saving lot of code ;)
            replaceImage2(newImgInfo.imgSize.ToString(), imagePathToAdd, archiveDir);

            // update Sizes
            properties["SizeX"].Value.IntValue = (int)newImgInfo.imgSize.width;
            properties["SizeY"].Value.IntValue = (int)newImgInfo.imgSize.height;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Texture2D.cs プロジェクト: CreeperLava/ME3Explorer
        public void replaceImage2(string strImgSize, string fileToReplace, string archiveDir)
            ImageSize imgSize = ImageSize.stringToSize(strImgSize);
            if (!imgList.Exists(img => img.imgSize == imgSize))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Image with resolution " + imgSize + " isn't found");

            int imageIdx = imgList.FindIndex(img => img.imgSize == imgSize);
            ImageInfo imgInfo = imgList[imageIdx];

            if (!File.Exists(fileToReplace))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("invalid file to replace: " + fileToReplace);

            // check if replacing image is supported
            ImageFile imgFile;
            string fileFormat = Path.GetExtension(fileToReplace);
            switch (fileFormat)
                case ".dds": imgFile = new DDS(fileToReplace, null); break;
                case ".DDS": imgFile = new DDS(fileToReplace, null); break;
                default: throw new FormatException(fileFormat + " image extension not supported");

            if (texFormat == "PF_NormalMap_HQ")
                if (imgFile.format != "ATI2")
                    throw new FormatException("Different image format, original is " + texFormat + ", new is " + imgFile.subtype());
            else if (String.Compare(texFormat, "PF_" + imgFile.format, true) != 0 &&
                String.Compare(texFormat, imgFile.format, true) != 0)
                throw new FormatException("Different image format, original is " + texFormat + ", new is " + imgFile.subtype());

            byte[] imgBuffer;

            // if the image is empty then recover the archive compression from the image list
            if (imgInfo.storageType == storage.empty)
                imgInfo.storageType = imgList.Find(img => img.storageType != storage.empty && img.storageType != storage.pccSto).storageType;
                imgInfo.uncSize = imgFile.resize().Length;
                imgInfo.cprSize = imgFile.resize().Length;

            switch (imgInfo.storageType)
                case storage.arcCpr:
                case storage.arcUnc:
                    string archivePath = FullArcPath;
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(archivePath))
                        archivePath = GetTexArchive(archiveDir);
                    if (!File.Exists(archivePath))
                        throw new FileNotFoundException("Texture archive not found in " + archivePath);

                    imgBuffer = imgFile.imgData;

                    if (imgBuffer.Length != imgInfo.uncSize)
                        throw new FormatException("image sizes do not match, original is " + imgInfo.uncSize + ", new is " + imgBuffer.Length);

                    if (arcName.Length <= CustCache.Length || arcName.Substring(0, CustCache.Length) != CustCache) // Check whether existing texture is in a custom cache
                        ChooseNewCache(archiveDir, imgBuffer.Length);
                        archivePath = FullArcPath;
                        FileInfo arc = new FileInfo(archivePath);
                        if (arc.Length + imgBuffer.Length >= 0x80000000)
                            ChooseNewCache(archiveDir, imgBuffer.Length);
                            archivePath = FullArcPath;

                    using (FileStream archiveStream = new FileStream(archivePath, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write))
                        int newOffset = (int)archiveStream.Position;
                        if (imgInfo.storageType == storage.arcCpr)
                            byte[] tempBuff;
                            SaltLZOHelper lzohelper = new SaltLZOHelper();
                            tempBuff = lzohelper.CompressTex(imgBuffer);
                            imgBuffer = new byte[tempBuff.Length];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(tempBuff, 0, imgBuffer, 0, tempBuff.Length);
                            imgInfo.cprSize = imgBuffer.Length;
                        archiveStream.Write(imgBuffer, 0, imgBuffer.Length);

                        imgInfo.offset = newOffset;
                case storage.pccSto:
                    imgBuffer = imgFile.resize();
                    using (MemoryStream dataStream = new MemoryStream())
                        if (imgBuffer.Length <= imgInfo.uncSize && imgInfo.offset > 0)
                            dataStream.Seek(imgInfo.offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            imgInfo.offset = (int)dataStream.Position;
                        imgInfo.cprSize = imgBuffer.Length;
                        imgInfo.uncSize = imgBuffer.Length;
                        imageData = dataStream.ToArray();

            imgList[imageIdx] = imgInfo;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Texture2D.cs プロジェクト: CreeperLava/ME3Explorer
        public void addBiggerImage(string imagePathToAdd, string archiveDir)
            ImageSize biggerImageSizeOnList = imgList.Max(image => image.imgSize);
            // check if replacing image is supported
            ImageFile imgFile;
            string fileFormat = Path.GetExtension(imagePathToAdd);
            switch (fileFormat)
                case ".dds": imgFile = new DDS(imagePathToAdd, null); break;
                case ".DDS": imgFile = new DDS(imagePathToAdd, null); break;
                default: throw new FormatException(fileFormat + " image extension not supported");

            if (texFormat == "PF_NormalMap_HQ")
                if (imgFile.format != "ATI2")
                    throw new FormatException("Different image format, original is " + texFormat + ", new is " + imgFile.subtype());
            else if (String.Compare(texFormat, "PF_" + imgFile.format, true) != 0 &&
                String.Compare(texFormat, imgFile.format, true) != 0)
                throw new FormatException("Different image format, original is " + texFormat + ", new is " + imgFile.subtype());

            // check if image to add is valid
            if (biggerImageSizeOnList.width * 2 != imgFile.imgSize.width || biggerImageSizeOnList.height * 2 != imgFile.imgSize.height)
                throw new FormatException("image size " + imgFile.imgSize + " isn't valid, must be " + new ImageSize(biggerImageSizeOnList.width * 2, biggerImageSizeOnList.height * 2));

            if (imgList.Count <= 1)
                throw new Exception("Unable to add image, texture must have more than one image present");

            // !!! warning, this method breaks consistency between imgList and imageData[] !!!
            ImageInfo newImgInfo = new ImageInfo();
            newImgInfo.storageType = imgList.Find(img => img.storageType != storage.empty && img.storageType != storage.pccSto).storageType;
            // for additional mipmaps keep them in external archive but only when
            // texture allready have such property
            if (properties.ContainsKey("TextureFileCacheName"))
                newImgInfo.storageType = storage.arcCpr;
            newImgInfo.imgSize = imgFile.imgSize;
            newImgInfo.uncSize = imgFile.resize().Length;
            newImgInfo.cprSize = 0x00; // not yet filled
            newImgInfo.offset = 0x00; // not yet filled
            imgList.Insert(0, newImgInfo); // insert new image on top of the list

            //now I let believe the program that I'm doing an image replace, saving lot of code ;)
            replaceImage(newImgInfo.imgSize.ToString(), imagePathToAdd, archiveDir);

            //updating num of images

            // update MipTailBaseIdx
            int propVal = properties["MipTailBaseIdx"].Value.IntValue;
            properties["MipTailBaseIdx"].Value.IntValue = propVal;

            // update Sizes
            properties["SizeX"].Value.IntValue = (int)newImgInfo.imgSize.width;
            properties["SizeY"].Value.IntValue = (int)newImgInfo.imgSize.height;