public void Advise(System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject dataObject, ref System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FORMATETC fetc, System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ADVF advf, System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IAdviseSink advise, out int pdwConnection) { int con = -1; System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FORMATETC etc = fetc; Invoke("Advise", () => _dataAdviseHolder.Advise(dataObject, ref etc, advf, advise, out con)); if (!(-1 != con)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(nameof(con) + " should be != -1"); } ComDebug.ReportInfo("ManagedDataAdviseHolder giving out con={0}", con); pdwConnection = con; }
/// <summary> /// Notifies a container when an embedded object's window is about to become invisible. /// The container uses this information to remove the shading when the object is not visible any more. /// </summary> public virtual void SendAdvise_HideWindow() { ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.SendAdvise.HideWindow -> Calling IOleClientSite.OnShowWindow(false)", GetType().Name); try { if (null != _clientSite) { _clientSite.OnShowWindow(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { ComDebug.ReportError("{0}.SendAdvise.HideWindow -> Exception while calling _clientSite.OnShowWindow(false), Details: {0}", GetType().Name, ex.Message); } }
public int GetExtent(int dwDrawAspect, tagSIZEL pSizel) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.IOleObject.GetExtent", GetType().Name); if ((dwDrawAspect & (int)DVASPECT.DVASPECT_CONTENT) == 0) { return(ComReturnValue.E_FAIL); } var renderingOptions = EmbeddedGraphDocumentRenderingHelper.GetRenderingOptions(_document); var docSize_pt = _document.Size * renderingOptions.OutputScalingFactor; pSizel = new tagSIZEL((int)(docSize_pt.X * PointsToHimetric), (int)(docSize_pt.Y * PointsToHimetric)); return(ComReturnValue.NOERROR); }
/// <summary>Invokes on the invokable thread.</summary> /// <param name="actionName">For debugging purposes.</param> /// <param name="action">The action to invoke.</param> private void Invoke(string actionName, Action action) { if (0 == _invokeCount) // no reentrancy { _previousActionName = actionName; ++_invokeCount; ComDebug.ReportInfo("OleAdviseThread {0}", actionName); _invokeableThread.Invoke(action); --_invokeCount; } else // Invoke was called before and is has not finished up to now { ComDebug.ReportWarning("ManagedOleAdviseHolder.Invoke: because a previous action ({0}) is still running, the action ({1}) is invoked asynchronously now.", _previousActionName, actionName); _invokeableThread.InvokeAsync(action); } }
public GraphDocumentLinkedComObject(GraphDocument graphDocument, ProjectFileComObject fileComObject, ComManager comManager) : base(comManager) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0} constructor.", GetType().Name); _dataAdviseHolder = new ManagedDataAdviseHolder(); _oleAdviseHolder = new ManagedOleAdviseHolderFM(); Document = graphDocument; if (null != fileComObject) { fileComObject.FileMonikerChanged += EhFileMonikerChanged; EhFileMonikerChanged(fileComObject.FileMoniker); } }
public override void Close() { if (null != _istream) { //_istream.Commit(0); if (_isStreamOwner) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(_istream); ComDebug.ReportInfo("ComStreamWrapper.Close: istream released"); ReportDebugStream("StreamWrapper.Close"); } _istream = null; } base.Close(); }
private void InternalStopLocalServer() { ComDebug.ReportInfo("Stop local server"); if (null != _embeddedComObject) { _embeddedComObject.Dispose(); _embeddedComObject = null; } foreach (var co in _linkedDocumentsComObjects.Values) { co.Dispose(); } _linkedDocumentsComObjects.Clear(); if (null != _fileComObject) { _fileComObject.Dispose(); _fileComObject = null; } if (null != _classFactoryOfDocumentComObject) { _classFactoryOfDocumentComObject.RevokeClassObject(); ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.StopLocalServer:{1} Revoked.", GetType().Name, _classFactoryOfDocumentComObject.GetType().Name); _classFactoryOfDocumentComObject = null; } if (null != _classFactoryOfFileComObject) { _classFactoryOfFileComObject.RevokeClassObject(); ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.StopLocalServer:{1} Revoked.", GetType().Name, _classFactoryOfFileComObject.GetType().Name); _classFactoryOfFileComObject = null; } if (null != _garbageCollector) { // Now stop the Garbage Collector thread. _garbageCollector.StopThread(); _garbageCollector.WaitForThreadToStop(); _garbageCollector = null; ComDebug.ReportInfo("StopLocalServer: GarbageCollector thread stopped."); } IsActive = false; }
public void StartLocalServer() { IsActive = true; ComDebug.ReportInfo("Starting local server"); // if we are in 64 bit mode, make sure that the PreferredServerBitness flag is set in the registry { // Register the FileComObject _classFactoryOfFileComObject = new ClassFactory_ProjectFileComObject(this) { ClassContext = (uint)(CLSCTX.CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER), ClassId = Marshal.GenerateGuidForType(typeof(ProjectFileComObject)), Flags = (uint)REGCLS.REGCLS_SINGLEUSE | (uint)REGCLS.REGCLS_SUSPENDED }; _classFactoryOfFileComObject.RegisterClassObject(); ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.StartLocalServer Registered: {1}", GetType().Name, _classFactoryOfFileComObject.GetType().Name); } if (ApplicationWasStartedWithEmbeddingArg) { // Register the SimpleCOMObjectClassFactory. _classFactoryOfDocumentComObject = new ClassFactory_GraphDocumentEmbeddedComObject(this) { ClassContext = (uint)(CLSCTX.CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER), ClassId = Marshal.GenerateGuidForType(typeof(GraphDocumentEmbeddedComObject)), Flags = (uint)REGCLS.REGCLS_SINGLEUSE | (uint)REGCLS.REGCLS_SUSPENDED }; _classFactoryOfDocumentComObject.RegisterClassObject(); ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.StartLocalServer Registered: {1}", GetType().Name, _classFactoryOfDocumentComObject.GetType().Name); } ClassFactoryBase.ResumeClassObjects(); // Start up the garbage collection thread. _garbageCollector = new GarbageCollector(1000); var GarbageCollectionThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(_garbageCollector.GCWatch)) { // Set the name of the thread object. Name = "GarbCollThread", IsBackground = true }; // Start the thread. GarbageCollectionThread.Start(); }
public override void InternalCreateInstance(IntPtr pUnkOuter, ref Guid riid, out IntPtr ppvObject) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.CreateInstance(), requesting interface {1}", GetType().Name, riid); if (riid == Marshal.GenerateGuidForType(typeof(System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject)) || riid == InterfaceGuid.IID_IDispatch || riid == InterfaceGuid.IID_IUnknown) { var documentComObject = _comManager.GetNewEmbeddedGraphDocumentComObject(); ppvObject = Marshal.GetComInterfaceForObject(documentComObject, typeof(System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject)); } else { throw new COMException("No interface", unchecked ((int)0x80004002)); } }
private IntPtr RenderBitmapAsDropFile(TYMED tymed) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("GraphDocumentDataObject.BitmapAsDropFile"); if (!(tymed == TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL)) { throw new ArgumentException(nameof(tymed) + " is not TYMED_HGLOBAL"); } EnsureDropFileCreated(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_graphDocumentDropdownFileName)) { return(DataObjectHelper.RenderFiles(new string[] { _graphDocumentDropdownFileName })); } return(IntPtr.Zero); }
public override void InternalCreateInstance(IntPtr pUnkOuter, ref Guid riid, out IntPtr ppvObject) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.CreateInstance(), requesting interface {1}", GetType().Name, riid); if (riid == Marshal.GenerateGuidForType(typeof(System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IPersistFile)) || riid == Marshal.GenerateGuidForType(typeof(IOleItemContainer)) || riid == InterfaceGuid.IID_IDispatch || riid == InterfaceGuid.IID_IUnknown) { // notify the ComManager that we are about to enter linked object mode. _comManager.EnterLinkedObjectMode(); ppvObject = Marshal.GetComInterfaceForObject(_comManager.FileComObject, typeof(System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IPersistFile)); } else { throw new COMException("No interface", unchecked ((int)0x80004002)); } }
private IntPtr RenderBitmapDIBV5(TYMED tymed) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("GraphDocumentDataObject.RenderBitmapDIBV5"); if (!(tymed == TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL)) { throw new ArgumentException(nameof(tymed) + " is not TYMED_HGLOBAL"); } if (null != _graphDocumentBitmapImage) { return(DataObjectHelper.RenderDIBV5BitmapToHGLOBAL(_graphDocumentBitmapImage)); } else { throw new InvalidProgramException("Please report this exception to the author of the program and describe the steps to reproduce the exception"); } }
public void GetDataHere(ref System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FORMATETC format, ref System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.STGMEDIUM medium) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.IDataObject.GetDataHere({1})", GetType().Name, DataObjectHelper.ClipboardFormatName(format.cfFormat)); // Allows containers to duplicate this into their own storage. try { if (InternalGetDataHere(ref format, ref medium)) { return; // data could be provided } } catch (Exception e) { ComDebug.ReportError("{0}.IDataObject.GetDataHere threw an exception: {1}", GetType().Name, e); throw; } Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(ComReturnValue.DATA_E_FORMATETC); }
public int QueryGetData(ref FORMATETC format) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.IDataObject.QueryGetData, tymed={1}, aspect={2}", GetType().Name, format.tymed, format.dwAspect); int ret; // We only support CONTENT aspect if ((DVASPECT.DVASPECT_CONTENT & format.dwAspect) == 0) { ret = ComReturnValue.DV_E_DVASPECT; } else { ret = ComReturnValue.DV_E_TYMED; // Try to locate the data // TODO: The ret, if not S_OK, is only relevant to the last item foreach (var rendering in Renderings) { if ((rendering.format.tymed & format.tymed) > 0) { if (rendering.format.cfFormat == format.cfFormat) { // Found it, return S_OK; ret = ComReturnValue.S_OK; break; } else { // Found the medium type, but wrong format ret = ComReturnValue.DV_E_FORMATETC; } } else { // Mismatch on medium type ret = ComReturnValue.DV_E_TYMED; } } } ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.IDataObject.QueryGetData is returning 0x{1:X}", GetType().Name, ret); return(ret); }
public void GetData(ref FORMATETC format, out STGMEDIUM medium) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.IDataObject.GetData({1})", GetType().Name, DataObjectHelper.FormatEtcToString(format)); try { // Locate the data foreach (var rendering in Renderings) { if ((rendering.format.tymed & format.tymed) > 0 && rendering.format.dwAspect == format.dwAspect && rendering.format.cfFormat == format.cfFormat && rendering.renderer != null) { // Found it. Return a copy of the data. medium = new STGMEDIUM { tymed = rendering.format.tymed & format.tymed }; medium.unionmember = rendering.renderer(medium.tymed); if (medium.tymed == TYMED.TYMED_ISTORAGE || medium.tymed == TYMED.TYMED_ISTREAM) { medium.pUnkForRelease = Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(medium.unionmember); } else { medium.pUnkForRelease = null; } return; } } } catch (Exception e) { ComDebug.ReportError("{0}.IDataObject.GetData threw an exception {1}", GetType().Name, e); throw; } ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.IDataObject.GetData, no data delivered!", GetType().Name); medium = new STGMEDIUM(); // Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(ComReturnValue.DV_E_FORMATETC); }
public void Advise(IAdviseSink pAdvise, out int pdwConnection) { int conn = -1; Invoke("Advise", () => { ComDebug.ReportInfo("ManagedOleAdviseHolder.Advise (before calling Advise)", conn); _oleAdviseHolder.Advise(pAdvise, out conn); ComDebug.ReportInfo("ManagedOleAdviseHolder.Advise has given out cookie={0}", conn); } ); if (!(-1 != conn)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(nameof(conn) + " should be != -1"); } pdwConnection = conn; }
public IEnumFORMATETC EnumFormatEtc(DATADIR direction) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.IDataObject.EnumFormatEtc", GetType().Name); try { // We only support GET if (DATADIR.DATADIR_GET == direction) { return(new EnumFormatEtc(new List <FORMATETC>(Renderings.Select(x => x.format)))); } } catch (Exception e) { ComDebug.ReportError("{0}.IDataObject.EnumFormatEtc exception: {1}", GetType().Name, e); throw; } throw new NotImplementedException("Can not use registry here because a return value is not supported"); }
public int SetExtent(int dwDrawAspect, tagSIZEL pSizel) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.IOleObject.SetExtent({1}x{2}) -> not supported.", GetType().Name,,; /* * if ((dwDrawAspect & (int)DVASPECT.DVASPECT_CONTENT) != 0) * { * try * { * _document.Size = new Graph.PointD2D( / PointsToHimetric, / PointsToHimetric); * return ComReturnValue.S_OK; * } * catch (Exception e) * { * Debug.ReportError("{0}.SetExtent threw an exception: {1}", this.GetType().Name, e); * } * } */ return(ComReturnValue.E_FAIL); }
public GraphDocumentLinkedComObject GetDocumentsComObjectForGraphDocument(GraphDocument doc) { if (null == doc) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.GetDocumentsComObjectForGraphDocument Name={1}", GetType().Name, doc.Name); if (null != doc && _linkedDocumentsComObjects.ContainsKey(doc)) { return(_linkedDocumentsComObjects[doc]); } // else we must create a new DocumentComObject var newComObject = new GraphDocumentLinkedComObject(doc, _fileComObject, this); _linkedDocumentsComObjects.Add(doc, newComObject); return(newComObject); }
private void EhCurrentProjectFileNameChanged(string fileName) { // see Brockschmidt, Inside Ole 2nd ed., page 996 // make sure that if we have a valid file name, then the ComManager should be Active in order that this Com object is made public if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) && !_comManager.IsActive) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.EhCurrentProjectFileNameChanged StartLocalServer because we have a valid file name. FileName: {1}", GetType().Name, fileName); _comManager.StartLocalServer(); } ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.EhCurrentProjectFileNameChanged", GetType().Name); RunningObjectTableHelper.ROTUnregister(ref _fileWithWildCardItemMonikerRotCookie); _fileWithWildCardItemMoniker = null; RunningObjectTableHelper.ROTUnregister(ref _fileMonikerRotCookie); _fileMoniker = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { Ole32Func.CreateFileMoniker(fileName, out _fileMoniker); if (null != _fileMoniker) { RunningObjectTableHelper.ROTRegisterAsRunning(_fileMoniker, this, ref _fileMonikerRotCookie, typeof(IPersistFile)); // Notify all other item Com objects of the new _fileMoniker if (null != FileMonikerChanged) { FileMonikerChanged(_fileMoniker); } // now register also a file moniker with a wild card item, that handles all items that are not open in the moment Ole32Func.CreateItemMoniker("!", "\\", out var wildCardItemMoniker); if (null != wildCardItemMoniker) { _fileMoniker.ComposeWith(wildCardItemMoniker, false, out _fileWithWildCardItemMoniker); RunningObjectTableHelper.ROTRegisterAsRunning(_fileWithWildCardItemMoniker, this, ref _fileWithWildCardItemMonikerRotCookie, typeof(IOleItemContainer)); } } } }
public void DUnadvise(int connection) { if (null == DataAdviseHolder) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.IDataObject.DUnadvise connection={1} -> not implemented!", GetType().Name, connection); return; } else { ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.IDataObject.DUnadvise connection={1}", GetType().Name, connection); try { DataAdviseHolder.Unadvise(connection); } catch (Exception e) { ComDebug.ReportError("{0}.IDataObject.DUnadvise exception {1}", GetType().Name, e); throw; } } }
private IntPtr RenderBitmapDIB(TYMED tymed) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("GraphDocumentDataObject.RenderBitmapDIB"); if (!(tymed == TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL)) { throw new ArgumentException(nameof(tymed) + " is not TYMED_HGLOBAL"); } if (null != _graphDocumentBitmapImage) { using (var convertedBitmap = GraphDocumentExportActions.ConvertBitmapToPixelFormat(_graphDocumentBitmapImage, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb, _graphExportOptions.BackgroundColorForFormatsWithoutAlphaChannel)) { return(DataObjectHelper.RenderDIBBitmapToHGLOBAL(convertedBitmap)); } } else { throw new InvalidProgramException("Please report this exception to the author of the program and describe the steps to reproduce the exception"); } }
public IntPtr GetObject(string pszItem, int dwSpeedNeeded, IBindCtx pbc, ref Guid riid) { // Brockschmidt, Inside Ole 2nd ed. page 1003 pszItem = DataObjectHelper.MonikerNameStringToNormalString(pszItem); ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.GetObject {1}, Requesting Interface : {2}", GetType().Name, pszItem, riid); bool isRunning = _currentProject.GraphDocumentCollection.TryGetValue(pszItem, out var doc); if (((int)BINDSPEED.BINDSPEED_IMMEDIATE == dwSpeedNeeded || (int)BINDSPEED.BINDSPEED_MODERATE == dwSpeedNeeded) && !isRunning) { throw Marshal.GetExceptionForHR(ComReturnValue.MK_E_EXCEEDEDDEADLINE); } if (null == doc) // in this application we can do nothing but to return intptr.Zero { return(IntPtr.Zero); } if (riid == Marshal.GenerateGuidForType(typeof(System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject)) || riid == Marshal.GenerateGuidForType(typeof(IOleObject)) || riid == InterfaceGuid.IID_IDispatch || riid == InterfaceGuid.IID_IUnknown) { var documentComObject = _comManager.GetDocumentsComObjectForGraphDocument(doc); IntPtr ppvObject = Marshal.GetComInterfaceForObject(documentComObject, typeof(System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject)); var action = new Action(() => Current.IProjectService.ShowDocumentView(doc)); Current.Dispatcher.InvokeAndForget(action); return(ppvObject); } else { throw new COMException("No interface", unchecked ((int)0x80004002)); } }
/// <summary> /// Registers the class factory. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool RegisterClassObject() { // Register the class factory int i = Ole32Func.CoRegisterClassObject ( ref _classId, this, ClassContext, Flags, out _cookie ); ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.RegisterClassObject, i={1}, _cookie={2}", GetType().Name, i, _cookie); if (i == 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Releases the unmanaged resources used by the <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream" /> and optionally releases the managed resources. /// </summary> /// <param name="disposing">true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.</param> protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("ComStreamWrapper.Dispose({0})", disposing); ReportDebugStream("StreamWrapper.Dispose({0})\r\n", disposing); base.Dispose(disposing); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(_int64Ptr); _int64Ptr = IntPtr.Zero; Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(_int32Ptr); _int32Ptr = IntPtr.Zero; if (null != _istream) { if (_isStreamOwner) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(_istream); ComDebug.ReportInfo("ComStreamWrapper.Dispose: istream released"); } _istream = null; } }
private IntPtr RenderEnhancedMetaFile(TYMED tymed) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("GraphDocumentDataObject.RenderEnhancedMetafile"); if (!(tymed == TYMED.TYMED_ENHMF)) { throw new ArgumentException(nameof(tymed) + " is not TYMED_TYMED_ENHMF"); } if (null != _graphDocumentMetafileImage) { var mfCloned = (System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile)_graphDocumentMetafileImage.Clone(); return(mfCloned.GetHenhmetafile()); } else if (null != _graphDocumentBitmapImage) { var scaledDocSize = _graphDocumentSize * _graphExportOptions.OutputScalingFactor; return(GraphDocumentExportActions.RenderAsEnhancedMetafileBitmapFormat(_graphDocumentBitmapImage, scaledDocSize).GetHenhmetafile()); } else { throw new InvalidProgramException("Please report this exception to the author of the program and describe the steps to reproduce the exception"); } }
public int SetExtent(int dwDrawAspect, tagSIZEL pSizel) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.IOleObject.SetExtent({1}x{2}) -> not supported.", GetType().Name,,; return(ComReturnValue.E_FAIL); }
public int DoVerb(int iVerb, IntPtr lpmsg, IOleClientSite pActiveSite, int lindex, IntPtr hwndParent, COMRECT lprcPosRect) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.IOleObject.DoVerb {1}", GetType().Name, iVerb); try { // I saw OLEIVERB_HIDE come in as 253. Perhaps a unsigned // byte conversion happening somewhere. if (iVerb >= 250 && iVerb <= 255) { int new_iverb = iVerb - 256; ComDebug.ReportWarning("{0}.IOleObject.DoVerb -> Fixing iVerb: {1} -> {2}", GetType().Name, iVerb, new_iverb); iVerb = new_iverb; } _lastVerb = iVerb; switch (iVerb) { case (int)OLEIVERB.OLEIVERB_HIDE: ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.IOleObject.DoVerb OLEIVERB_HIDE", GetType().Name); _comManager.ApplicationAdapter.HideMainWindow(); SendAdvise_HideWindow(); break; case (int)OLEIVERB.OLEIVERB_PRIMARY: case (int)OLEIVERB.OLEIVERB_SHOW: case (int)OLEIVERB.OLEIVERB_OPEN: if ((int)OLEIVERB.OLEIVERB_PRIMARY == iVerb) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.IOleObject.DoVerb OLEIVERB_PRIMARY", GetType().Name); } if ((int)OLEIVERB.OLEIVERB_SHOW == iVerb) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.IOleObject.DoVerb OLEIVERB_SHOW", GetType().Name); } if ((int)OLEIVERB.OLEIVERB_OPEN == iVerb) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.IOleObject.DoVerb OLEIVERB_OPEN", GetType().Name); } _comManager.ApplicationAdapter.ShowMainWindow(); if (pActiveSite != null) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.IOleObject.DoVerb -> calling ClientSite.ShowObject()", GetType().Name); try { pActiveSite.ShowObject(); } catch (Exception ex) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.IOleObject.DoVerb pActiveSite.ShowObject caused an exception: {1}", GetType().Name, ex); } SendAdvise_ShowWindow(); } return(ComReturnValue.NOERROR); default: ComDebug.ReportError("{0}.IOleObject.DoVerb Unexpected verb: {1}", GetType().Name, iVerb); return(ComReturnValue.OLEOBJ_S_INVALIDVERB); } ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.IOleObject.DoVerb -> returning NOERROR", GetType().Name); return(ComReturnValue.NOERROR); } catch (Exception e) { ComDebug.ReportError("{0}.IOleObject.DoVerb throw an exception. Details: {1}", GetType().Name, e); throw; } }
public int Close(tagOLECLOSE dwSaveOption) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.IOleObject.Close {1}", GetType().Name, dwSaveOption); try { bool save = false, cancelled = false; switch (dwSaveOption) { case tagOLECLOSE.OLECLOSE_SAVEIFDIRTY: save = true; break; case tagOLECLOSE.OLECLOSE_PROMPTSAVE: _comManager.InvokeGuiThread( new Action(() => { // If asked to prompt, do so only if dirty: if we get a YES, save as // usual and close. On NO, just close. On CANCEL, return // OLE_E_PROMPTSAVECANCELLED. var r = System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Save?", "Box", System.Windows.MessageBoxButton.YesNoCancel); switch (r) { case System.Windows.MessageBoxResult.Yes: save = true; break; case System.Windows.MessageBoxResult.Cancel: cancelled = true; break; } })); break; case tagOLECLOSE.OLECLOSE_NOSAVE: break; default: ComDebug.ReportError("{0}.IOleObject.Close called with unknown parameter: {1}", GetType().Name, dwSaveOption); break; } if (cancelled) { ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.IOleObject.Close -> OLE_E_PROMPTSAVECANCELLED", GetType().Name); return(ComReturnValue.OLE_E_PROMPTSAVECANCELLED); } if (save) { SendAdvise_SaveObject(); SendAdvise_Saved(); } // Regardless of whether the form has been shown we must // do all the normal shutdown actions. (e.g. WinWord 2007) ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.IOleObject.Close -> BeginInvoke MainWindow.Close", GetType().Name); _comManager.ApplicationAdapter.BeginClosingApplication(); return(ComReturnValue.NOERROR); } catch (Exception e) { ComDebug.ReportError("{0}.IOleObject.Close threw an exception: {1}", GetType().Name, e); throw; } // } }
public int HandsOffStorage() { ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0}.IPersistStorage.HandsOffStorage", GetType().Name); return(ComReturnValue.S_OK); }