コード例 #1
ファイル: WorksheetAnalysis.cs プロジェクト: Altaxo/Altaxo
		/// <summary>
		/// This predicts the selected columns/rows against a user choosen calibration model.
		/// The orientation of spectra is given by the parameter <c>spectrumIsRow</c>.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="srctable">Table holding the specta to predict values for.</param>
		/// <param name="selectedColumns">Columns selected in the source table.</param>
		/// <param name="selectedRows">Rows selected in the source table.</param>
		/// <param name="destTable">The table to store the prediction result.</param>
		/// <param name="modelTable">The table where the calibration model is stored.</param>
		/// <param name="numberOfFactors">Number of factors used to predict the values.</param>
		/// <param name="spectrumIsRow">If true, the spectra is horizontally oriented, else it is vertically oriented.</param>
		public virtual void PredictValues(
			DataTable srctable,
			IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedColumns,
			IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedRows,
			bool spectrumIsRow,
			int numberOfFactors,
			DataTable modelTable,
			DataTable destTable)
			IMultivariateCalibrationModel calibModel = GetCalibrationModel(modelTable);
			//      Export(modelTable, out calibModel);
			var memento = GetContentAsMultivariateContentMemento(modelTable);

			// Fill matrixX with spectra
			Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection spectralIndices;
			Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection measurementIndices;

			spectralIndices = new Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection(selectedColumns);
			measurementIndices = new Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection(selectedRows);
			RemoveNonNumericCells(srctable, measurementIndices, spectralIndices);

			// exchange selection if spectrum is column
			if (!spectrumIsRow)
				Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection hlp;
				hlp = spectralIndices;
				spectralIndices = measurementIndices;
				measurementIndices = hlp;

			// if there are more data than expected, we have to map the spectral indices
			if (spectralIndices.Count > calibModel.NumberOfX)
				double[] xofx = GetXOfSpectra(srctable, spectrumIsRow, spectralIndices, measurementIndices);

				string errormsg;
				AscendingIntegerCollection map = MapSpectralX(calibModel.PreprocessingModel.XOfX, VectorMath.ToROVector(xofx), out errormsg);
				if (map == null)
					throw new ApplicationException("Can not map spectral data: " + errormsg);
					AscendingIntegerCollection newspectralindices = new AscendingIntegerCollection();
					for (int i = 0; i < map.Count; i++)
					spectralIndices = newspectralindices;

			IMatrix matrixX = GetRawSpectra(srctable, spectrumIsRow, spectralIndices, measurementIndices);

			MatrixMath.BEMatrix predictedY = new MatrixMath.BEMatrix(measurementIndices.Count, calibModel.NumberOfY);
			CalculatePredictedY(calibModel, memento.SpectralPreprocessing, matrixX, numberOfFactors, predictedY, null);

			// now save the predicted y in the destination table

			Altaxo.Data.DoubleColumn labelCol = new Altaxo.Data.DoubleColumn();
			for (int i = 0; i < measurementIndices.Count; i++)
				labelCol[i] = measurementIndices[i];
			destTable.DataColumns.Add(labelCol, "MeasurementLabel", Altaxo.Data.ColumnKind.Label, 0);

			for (int k = 0; k < predictedY.Columns; k++)
				Altaxo.Data.DoubleColumn predictedYcol = new Altaxo.Data.DoubleColumn();

				for (int i = 0; i < measurementIndices.Count; i++)
					predictedYcol[i] = predictedY[i, k];
				destTable.DataColumns.Add(predictedYcol, "Predicted Y" + k.ToString(), Altaxo.Data.ColumnKind.V, 0);
コード例 #2
ファイル: WorksheetAnalysis.cs プロジェクト: Altaxo/Altaxo
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the matrix of x and y values (raw data).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="srctable">The table where the data come from.</param>
		/// <param name="selectedColumns">The selected columns.</param>
		/// <param name="selectedRows">The selected rows.</param>
		/// <param name="selectedPropertyColumns">The selected property column(s).</param>
		/// <param name="bHorizontalOrientedSpectrum">True if a spectrum is a single row, False if a spectrum is a single column.</param>
		/// <param name="matrixX">On return, gives the matrix of spectra (each spectra is a row in the matrix).</param>
		/// <param name="matrixY">On return, gives the matrix of y-values (each measurement is a row in the matrix).</param>
		/// <param name="plsContent">Holds information about the analysis results.</param>
		/// <param name="xOfX">On return, this is the vector of values corresponding to each spectral bin, i.e. wavelength values, frequencies etc.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static string GetXYMatrices(
			Altaxo.Data.DataTable srctable,
			IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedColumns,
			IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedRows,
			IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedPropertyColumns,
			bool bHorizontalOrientedSpectrum,
			MultivariateContentMemento plsContent,
			out IMatrix matrixX,
			out IMatrix matrixY,
			out IROVector xOfX
			matrixX = null;
			matrixY = null;
			xOfX = null;
			plsContent.SpectrumIsRow = bHorizontalOrientedSpectrum;

			Altaxo.Data.DataColumn xColumnOfX = null;
			Altaxo.Data.DataColumn labelColumnOfX = new Altaxo.Data.DoubleColumn();

			Altaxo.Data.DataColumnCollection concentration = bHorizontalOrientedSpectrum ? srctable.DataColumns : srctable.PropertyColumns;

			// we presume for now that the spectrum is horizontally,
			// if not we exchange the collections later

			AscendingIntegerCollection numericDataCols = new AscendingIntegerCollection();
			AscendingIntegerCollection numericDataRows = new AscendingIntegerCollection();
			AscendingIntegerCollection concentrationIndices = new AscendingIntegerCollection();

			AscendingIntegerCollection spectralIndices = bHorizontalOrientedSpectrum ? numericDataCols : numericDataRows;
			AscendingIntegerCollection measurementIndices = bHorizontalOrientedSpectrum ? numericDataRows : numericDataCols;

			plsContent.ConcentrationIndices = concentrationIndices;
			plsContent.MeasurementIndices = measurementIndices;
			plsContent.SpectralIndices = spectralIndices;
			plsContent.SpectrumIsRow = bHorizontalOrientedSpectrum;
			plsContent.OriginalDataTableName = srctable.Name;

			bool bUseSelectedColumns = (null != selectedColumns && 0 != selectedColumns.Count);
			// this is the number of columns (for now), but it can be less than this in case
			// not all columns are numeric
			int prenumcols = bUseSelectedColumns ? selectedColumns.Count : srctable.DataColumns.ColumnCount;
			// check for the number of numeric columns
			int numcols = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < prenumcols; i++)
				int idx = bUseSelectedColumns ? selectedColumns[i] : i;
				if (srctable[idx] is Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn)

			// check the number of rows
			bool bUseSelectedRows = (null != selectedRows && 0 != selectedRows.Count);
			int numrows;
			if (bUseSelectedRows)
				numrows = selectedRows.Count;
				numrows = 0;
				for (int i = 0; i < numcols; i++)
					int idx = bUseSelectedColumns ? selectedColumns[i] : i;
					numrows = Math.Max(numrows, srctable[idx].Count);
				numericDataRows.Add(ContiguousIntegerRange.FromStartAndCount(0, numrows));

			if (bHorizontalOrientedSpectrum)
				if (numcols < 2)
					return "At least two numeric columns are neccessary to do Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis!";

				// check that the selected columns are in exactly two groups
				// the group which has more columns is then considered to have
				// the spectrum, the other group is the y-values
				int group0 = -1;
				int group1 = -1;
				int groupcount0 = 0;
				int groupcount1 = 0;

				for (int i = 0; i < numcols; i++)
					int grp = srctable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(numericDataCols[i]);

					if (group0 < 0)
						group0 = grp;
						groupcount0 = 1;
					else if (group0 == grp)
					else if (group1 < 0)
						group1 = grp;
						groupcount1 = 1;
					else if (group1 == grp)
						return "The columns you selected must be members of two groups (y-values and spectrum), but actually there are more than two groups!";
				} // end for all columns

				if (groupcount1 <= 0)
					return "The columns you selected must be members of two groups (y-values and spectrum), but actually only one group was detected!";

				if (groupcount1 < groupcount0)
					int hlp;
					hlp = groupcount1;
					groupcount1 = groupcount0;
					groupcount0 = hlp;

					hlp = group1;
					group1 = group0;
					group0 = hlp;

				// group0 is now the group of y-values (concentrations)
				// group1 is now the group of x-values (spectra)

				// we delete group0 from numericDataCols and add it to concentrationIndices

				for (int i = numcols - 1; i >= 0; i--)
					int index = numericDataCols[i];
					if (group0 == srctable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(index))

				// fill the corresponding X-Column of the spectra
				xColumnOfX = Altaxo.Data.DataColumn.CreateColumnOfSelectedRows(
			else // vertically oriented spectrum -> one spectrum is one data column
				// we have to exchange measurementIndices and

				// if PLS on columns, than we should have property columns selected
				// that designates the y-values
				// so count all property columns

				bool bUseSelectedPropCols = (null != selectedPropertyColumns && 0 != selectedPropertyColumns.Count);
				// this is the number of property columns (for now), but it can be less than this in case
				// not all columns are numeric
				int prenumpropcols = bUseSelectedPropCols ? selectedPropertyColumns.Count : srctable.PropCols.ColumnCount;
				// check for the number of numeric property columns
				for (int i = 0; i < prenumpropcols; i++)
					int idx = bUseSelectedPropCols ? selectedPropertyColumns[i] : i;
					if (srctable.PropCols[idx] is Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn)

				if (concentrationIndices.Count < 1)
					return "At least one numeric property column must exist to hold the y-values!";

				// fill the corresponding X-Column of the spectra
				xColumnOfX = Altaxo.Data.DataColumn.CreateColumnOfSelectedRows(
					srctable.DataColumns.FindXColumnOf(srctable[measurementIndices[0]]), spectralIndices);
			} // else vertically oriented spectrum

			IVector xOfXRW = VectorMath.CreateExtensibleVector(xColumnOfX.Count);
			xOfX = xOfXRW;
			if (xColumnOfX is INumericColumn)
				for (int i = 0; i < xOfX.Length; i++)
					xOfXRW[i] = ((INumericColumn)xColumnOfX)[i];
				for (int i = 0; i < xOfX.Length; i++)
					xOfXRW[i] = spectralIndices[i];

			// now fill the matrix

			// fill in the y-values
			matrixY = new MatrixMath.BEMatrix(measurementIndices.Count, concentrationIndices.Count);
			for (int i = 0; i < concentrationIndices.Count; i++)
				Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn col = concentration[concentrationIndices[i]] as Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn;
				for (int j = 0; j < measurementIndices.Count; j++)
					matrixY[j, i] = col[measurementIndices[j]];
			} // end fill in yvalues

			matrixX = new MatrixMath.BEMatrix(measurementIndices.Count, spectralIndices.Count);
			if (bHorizontalOrientedSpectrum)
				for (int i = 0; i < spectralIndices.Count; i++)
					labelColumnOfX[i] = spectralIndices[i];
					Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn col = srctable[spectralIndices[i]] as Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn;
					for (int j = 0; j < measurementIndices.Count; j++)
						matrixX[j, i] = col[measurementIndices[j]];
				} // end fill in x-values
			else // vertical oriented spectrum
				for (int i = 0; i < spectralIndices.Count; i++)
					labelColumnOfX[i] = spectralIndices[i];
				for (int i = 0; i < measurementIndices.Count; i++)
					Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn col = srctable[measurementIndices[i]] as Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn;
					for (int j = 0; j < spectralIndices.Count; j++)
						matrixX[i, j] = col[spectralIndices[j]];
				} // end fill in x-values

			return null;
コード例 #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Exports a table to a PLS2CalibrationSet
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="table">The table where the calibration model is stored.</param>
    /// <param name="calibrationSet"></param>
    public static void Export(
      DataTable table,
      out PCRCalibrationModel calibrationSet)
      int numberOfX = GetNumberOfX(table);
      int numberOfY = GetNumberOfY(table);
      int numberOfFactors = GetNumberOfFactors(table);
      int numberOfMeasurements = GetNumberOfMeasurements(table);

      calibrationSet = new PCRCalibrationModel();
      calibrationSet.NumberOfX = numberOfX;
      calibrationSet.NumberOfY = numberOfY;
      calibrationSet.NumberOfFactors = numberOfFactors;
      MultivariatePreprocessingModel preprocessSet = new MultivariatePreprocessingModel();
      MultivariateContentMemento plsMemo = table.GetTableProperty("Content") as MultivariateContentMemento;
        preprocessSet.PreprocessOptions = plsMemo.SpectralPreprocessing;

      Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection sel = new Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection();
      Altaxo.Data.DataColumn col;

      col = table[GetXOfX_ColumnName()];
      if(col==null || !(col is INumericColumn)) NotFound(GetXOfX_ColumnName());
      preprocessSet.XOfX = Altaxo.Calc.LinearAlgebra.DataColumnWrapper.ToROVector((INumericColumn)col,numberOfX);

      col = table[GetXMean_ColumnName()];
      if(col==null) NotFound(GetXMean_ColumnName());
      preprocessSet.XMean = Altaxo.Calc.LinearAlgebra.DataColumnWrapper.ToROVector(col,numberOfX);

      col = table[GetXScale_ColumnName()];
      if(col==null) NotFound(GetXScale_ColumnName());
      preprocessSet.XScale = Altaxo.Calc.LinearAlgebra.DataColumnWrapper.ToROVector(col,numberOfX);

      col = table[GetYMean_ColumnName()];
      if(col==null) NotFound(GetYMean_ColumnName());
      preprocessSet.YMean = DataColumnWrapper.ToROVector(col,numberOfY);

      col = table[GetYScale_ColumnName()];
      if(col==null) NotFound(GetYScale_ColumnName());
      preprocessSet.YScale = DataColumnWrapper.ToROVector(col,numberOfY);

      for(int i=0;i<numberOfFactors;i++)
        string colname = GetXScore_ColumnName(i);
        col = table[colname];
        if(col==null) NotFound(colname);
      calibrationSet.XScores = DataTableWrapper.ToROColumnMatrix(table.DataColumns,sel,numberOfMeasurements);

      for(int i=0;i<numberOfFactors;i++)
        string colname = GetXLoad_ColumnName(i);
        col = table[colname];
        if(col==null) NotFound(colname);
      calibrationSet.XLoads = DataTableWrapper.ToRORowMatrix(table.DataColumns,sel,numberOfX);

      for(int i=0;i<numberOfY;i++)
        string colname = GetYLoad_ColumnName(i);
        col = table[colname];
        if(col==null) NotFound(colname);
      calibrationSet.YLoads = DataTableWrapper.ToROColumnMatrix(table.DataColumns,sel,numberOfMeasurements);

      col = table[GetCrossProduct_ColumnName()];
      if(col==null) NotFound(GetCrossProduct_ColumnName());
      calibrationSet.CrossProduct = Altaxo.Calc.LinearAlgebra.DataColumnWrapper.ToROVector(col,numberOfFactors);

コード例 #4
    public static LinearFitBySvd Regress(MultivariateLinearFitParameters parameters, out string[] paramNames)
      DataColumnCollection table = parameters.Table;
      IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedCols = parameters.SelectedDataColumns;
      AscendingIntegerCollection selectedColsWODependent = new AscendingIntegerCollection(selectedCols);

      IAscendingIntegerCollection validRows = DataTableWrapper.GetCollectionOfValidNumericRows(parameters.Table,selectedCols);
      parameters.SelectedDataRows = validRows;
      IROMatrix xbase;
        xbase = DataTableWrapper.ToROColumnMatrixWithIntercept(parameters.Table,selectedColsWODependent,validRows);
        xbase = DataTableWrapper.ToROColumnMatrix(parameters.Table,selectedColsWODependent,validRows);

      paramNames = new string[xbase.Columns];
        paramNames[0] = "Intercept";
        for(int i=0;i<selectedColsWODependent.Count;i++)
        for(int i=0;i<selectedColsWODependent.Count;i++)

      // Fill the y and the error array
      double[] yarr = new double[validRows.Count];
      double[] earr = new double[validRows.Count];

      Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn ycol = (Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn)table[selectedCols[parameters.DependentColumnIndexIntoSelection]];

      for(int i=0;i<validRows.Count;i++)
        yarr[i] = ycol[validRows[i]];
        earr[i] = 1;

      LinearFitBySvd fit = 
        new LinearFitBySvd(
        xbase,yarr,earr, xbase.Rows, xbase.Columns, 1E-5);

      return fit;

コード例 #5
ファイル: FitElement.cs プロジェクト: Altaxo/Altaxo
		/// <summary>
		/// Calculates the valid numeric rows of the data source, i.e. that rows that can be used for fitting. Both dependent and independent variable sources are considered. A row is considered valid, if
		/// all (independent and dependent) variables of this row have finite numeric values.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>The set of rows that can be used for fitting.</returns>
		public IAscendingIntegerCollection CalculateValidNumericRows()
			// also obtain the valid rows both of the independent and of the dependent variables
			var cols = new IReadableColumn[_independentVariables.Length + _dependentVariables.Length];
			int i;
			AscendingIntegerCollection selectedCols = new AscendingIntegerCollection();
			// note: for a fitting session all independent variables columns must
			// be not null
			int maxLength = int.MaxValue;
			for (i = 0; i < _independentVariables.Length; i++)
				cols[i] = _independentVariables[i].Document;
				if (cols[i].Count.HasValue)
					maxLength = Math.Min(maxLength, cols[i].Count.Value);

			// note: for a fitting session some of the dependent variables can be null
			for (int j = 0; j < _dependentVariables.Length; ++j, ++i)
				if (_dependentVariables[j] != null && _dependentVariables[j].Document != null)
					cols[i] = _dependentVariables[j].Document;
					if (cols[i].Count.HasValue)
						maxLength = Math.Min(maxLength, cols[i].Count.Value);
			if (maxLength == int.MaxValue)
				maxLength = 0; // in case non of the columns has a defined length

			bool[] arr = Altaxo.Calc.LinearAlgebra.DataTableWrapper.GetValidNumericRows(cols, selectedCols, _rangeOfRows.GetSelectedRowIndicesFromTo(0, maxLength, _dataTable?.Document.DataColumns, maxLength), maxLength);

			return Altaxo.Calc.LinearAlgebra.DataTableWrapper.GetCollectionOfValidNumericRows(arr);
コード例 #6
ファイル: FitElement.cs プロジェクト: xuchuansheng/GenXSource
    public IAscendingIntegerCollection CalculateValidNumericRows()
      // also obtain the valid rows both of the independent and of the dependent variables
      INumericColumn[] cols = new INumericColumn[_independentVariables.Length + _dependentVariables.Length];
      int i;
      AscendingIntegerCollection selectedCols = new AscendingIntegerCollection();
      // note: for a fitting session all independent variables columns must
      // be not null
      int maxLength = int.MaxValue;
      for (i = 0; i < _independentVariables.Length; i++)
        cols[i] = _independentVariables[i].Document;
        if (cols[i] is IDefinedCount)
          maxLength = Math.Min(maxLength, ((IDefinedCount)cols[i]).Count);

      // note: for a fitting session some of the dependent variables can be null
      for (int j = 0; j < _dependentVariables.Length; ++j, ++i)
        if (_dependentVariables[j] != null && _dependentVariables[j].Document != null)
          cols[i] = _dependentVariables[j].Document;
          if (cols[i] is IDefinedCount)
            maxLength = Math.Min(maxLength, ((IDefinedCount)cols[i]).Count);
      if (maxLength == int.MaxValue)
        maxLength = 0;

      maxLength = Math.Min(maxLength, this._rangeOfRows.End);

      bool[] arr = Altaxo.Calc.LinearAlgebra.DataTableWrapper.GetValidNumericRows(cols, selectedCols, maxLength);
      return Altaxo.Calc.LinearAlgebra.DataTableWrapper.GetCollectionOfValidNumericRows(arr);

コード例 #7
ファイル: EditCommands.cs プロジェクト: Altaxo/Altaxo
		/// <summary>
		/// Writes ASCII to the clipboard if data cells are selected.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="dt">The data table.</param>
		/// <param name="selCols">Selected data columns.</param>
		/// <param name="selRows">Selected data rows.</param>
		/// <param name="selPropCols">Selected property columns.</param>
		/// <param name="dao">The clipboard data object</param>
		public static void WriteAsciiToClipBoardIfDataCellsSelected(
			DataTable dt,
			Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection selCols,
			Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection selRows,
			Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection selPropCols,
			Altaxo.Gui.IClipboardSetDataObject dao)
			if (selCols.Count == 0)
				selCols = new Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection();
				selCols.AddRange(0, dt.DataColumnCount);

			if (selRows.Count == 0)
				selRows = new Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection();
				int nRows = 0; // count the rows since they are maybe less than in the hole worksheet
				for (int i = 0; i < selCols.Count; i++)
					nRows = System.Math.Max(nRows, dt[selCols[i]].Count);
				selRows.AddRange(0, nRows);

			System.IO.StringWriter str = new System.IO.StringWriter();
			for (int i = 0; i < selPropCols.Count; i++)
				for (int j = 0; j < selCols.Count; j++)
					if (j < selCols.Count - 1)

			for (int i = 0; i < selRows.Count; i++)
				for (int j = 0; j < selCols.Count; j++)
					if (j < selCols.Count - 1)

			// now also as tab separated text
			System.IO.StringWriter sw = new System.IO.StringWriter();

			for (int i = 0; i < selPropCols.Count; i++)
				for (int j = 0; j < selCols.Count; j++)
					if (j < selCols.Count - 1)
			for (int i = 0; i < selRows.Count; i++)
				for (int j = 0; j < selCols.Count; j++)
					if (j < selCols.Count - 1)
			dao.SetData(typeof(string), sw.ToString());
コード例 #8
		/// <summary>
		/// Expand the source columns according to the provided options. The source table and the settings are provided in the <paramref name="options"/> variable.
		/// The provided destination table is cleared from all data and property values before.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="inputData">The data containing the source table, the participating columns and the column with the cycling variable.</param>
		/// <param name="options">The settings for expanding.</param>
		/// <param name="destTable">The destination table. Any data will be removed before filling with the new data.</param>
		/// <returns>Null if the method finishes successfully, or an error information.</returns>
		public static string ExpandCyclingVariableColumn(DataTableMultipleColumnProxy inputData, ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions options, DataTable destTable)
			var srcTable = inputData.DataTable;

				ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataAndOptions.EnsureCoherence(inputData, true);
			catch (Exception ex)
				return ex.Message;


			DataColumn srcCycCol = inputData.GetDataColumnOrNull(ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataAndOptions.ColumnWithCyclingVariableIdentifier);
			var repeatRanges = DecomposeIntoRepeatUnits(srcCycCol);

			// check if there is at least one averaged column
			var columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod = inputData.GetDataColumns(ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataAndOptions.ColumnsToAverageIdentifier);
			if (options.DestinationX == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.DestinationXColumn.FirstAveragedColumn && columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod.Count == 0)
				throw new ArgumentException("In order to let the first averaged column being the x-column, a column to average is needed, but the options didn't provide such column!");

			// get the other columns to process

			var srcColumnsToProcess = new List<DataColumn>(inputData.GetDataColumns(ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataAndOptions.ColumnsParticipatingIdentifier));
			// subtract cyclic variable column and average columns
			foreach (var col in columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod)

			// --- Create and calculate the averaged columns, for now only temporarily ---
			var propColsTemp = AverageColumns(srcTable, columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod, options, repeatRanges);

			// --- avgValueOrder designates the ordering of the first averaged column and therefore of the sorting of the ranges and of the first averaged column
			int[] avgValueOrder = Sorting.CreateIdentityIndices(repeatRanges.Count);
			// --- prepare the sorting of columns by first averaged column ---
			var rangeOrderSorting = options.DestinationX == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.DestinationXColumn.CyclingVariable ? options.DestinationColumnSorting : options.DestinationRowSorting;
			if (propColsTemp.Length > 0 && rangeOrderSorting != ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputSorting.None)
				avgValueOrder = Sorting.HeapSortVirtually(propColsTemp[0], avgValueOrder);
				if (rangeOrderSorting == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputSorting.Descending)

			// prepare the sorting of the cycling values
			var cycValueSorting = options.DestinationX == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.DestinationXColumn.CyclingVariable ? options.DestinationRowSorting : options.DestinationColumnSorting;
			// create a dictionary with the cycling values (unique) and the corresponding ordering index
			var cycValueOrder = GetUniqueValues(srcCycCol, cycValueSorting == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputSorting.Descending);

			if (options.DestinationX == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.DestinationXColumn.CyclingVariable)
				int[] propColsIdx = CreatePropColsForAveragedColumns(srcTable, columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod, options, destTable);

				// --- Fill the x column, take the row sorting into account ---
				var destXCol = destTable.DataColumns.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcCycCol), srcCycCol.GetType(), ColumnKind.X, srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(srcCycCol));
				foreach (var entry in cycValueOrder)
					destXCol[entry.Value] = entry.Key;

				if (options.DestinationOutput == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputFormat.GroupOneColumn)
					// foreach sourceColumnToProcess create as many destination columns as there are cycling ranges available
					foreach (var srcCol in srcColumnsToProcess)
						int nCreatedCol = -1;
						var destColumnsToSort = new AscendingIntegerCollection();
						foreach (int rangeIndex in avgValueOrder)
							var range = repeatRanges[rangeIndex];
							var destCol = destTable.DataColumns.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcCol) + "." + nCreatedCol.ToString(), srcCol.GetType(), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnKind(srcCol), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(srcCol));
							var nDestCol = destTable.DataColumns.GetColumnNumber(destCol);
							foreach (var nSrcRow in range)
								int nDestRow = cycValueOrder[srcCycCol[nSrcRow]];
								destCol[nDestRow] = srcCol[nSrcRow];
							// fill also property columns
							for (int nPropCol = 0; nPropCol < propColsTemp.Length; nPropCol++)
								destTable.PropCols[propColsIdx[nPropCol]][nDestCol] = propColsTemp[nPropCol][rangeIndex];
					} // repeat for each source colum to process
				else if (options.DestinationOutput == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputFormat.GroupAllColumns)
					int nCreatedCol = -1; // running number of processed range for column creation (Naming)
					foreach (int rangeIndex in avgValueOrder)
						var range = repeatRanges[rangeIndex];
						foreach (var srcCol in srcColumnsToProcess)
							var destCol = destTable.DataColumns.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcCol) + "." + nCreatedCol.ToString(), srcCol.GetType(), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnKind(srcCol), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(srcCol));
							var nDestCol = destTable.DataColumns.GetColumnNumber(destCol);
							foreach (var nSrcRow in range)
								int nDestRow = cycValueOrder[srcCycCol[nSrcRow]];
								destCol[nDestRow] = srcCol[nSrcRow];
							// fill also property columns
							for (int nPropCol = 0; nPropCol < propColsTemp.Length; nPropCol++)
								destTable.PropCols[propColsIdx[nPropCol]][nDestCol] = propColsTemp[nPropCol][rangeIndex];
					throw new NotImplementedException("The option for destination output is unknown: " + options.DestinationOutput.ToString());
			else if (options.DestinationX == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.DestinationXColumn.FirstAveragedColumn)
				// now the first x column contains the values of the averaged column
				// the rest of the data columns is repeated as many times as there are members in each repeat range
				DataColumn srcXCol = columnsToAverageOverRepeatPeriod[0];
				var destXCol = destTable.DataColumns.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcXCol), srcXCol.GetType(), ColumnKind.X, srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(srcXCol));

				// Fill with destination X
				for (int nDestRow = 0; nDestRow < repeatRanges.Count; nDestRow++)
					destXCol[nDestRow] = propColsTemp[0][avgValueOrder[nDestRow]];

				// the only property column that is now usefull is that with the repeated values
				var destPropCol = destTable.PropCols.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcCycCol), srcCycCol.GetType(), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnKind(srcCycCol), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(srcCycCol));

				if (options.DestinationOutput == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputFormat.GroupOneColumn)
					foreach (var srcCol in srcColumnsToProcess)
						int nCurrNumber = -1;

						IEnumerable<AltaxoVariant> cycValues = cycValueOrder.Keys;
						if (options.DestinationColumnSorting == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputSorting.Descending)
							cycValues = cycValueOrder.Keys.Reverse();

						foreach (var cycValue in cycValues)
							var destCol = destTable.DataColumns.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcCol) + "." + nCurrNumber.ToString(), srcCol.GetType(), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnKind(srcCol), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(srcCol));
							var nDestCol = destTable.DataColumns.GetColumnNumber(destCol);
							int nDestRow = -1;

							foreach (int rangeIndex in avgValueOrder)
								var range = repeatRanges[rangeIndex];
								int nSrcRow = FindSrcXRow(srcCycCol, cycValue, range);
								if (nSrcRow >= 0)
									destCol[nDestRow] = srcCol[nSrcRow];
							// fill also property column
							destPropCol[nDestCol] = cycValue;
				else if (options.DestinationOutput == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputFormat.GroupAllColumns)
					IEnumerable<AltaxoVariant> positionsKeys = cycValueOrder.Keys;
					if (options.DestinationColumnSorting == ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions.OutputSorting.Descending)
						positionsKeys = cycValueOrder.Keys.Reverse();

					int nCurrNumber = -1;
					foreach (var xVal in positionsKeys)
						foreach (var srcCol in srcColumnsToProcess)
							var destCol = destTable.DataColumns.EnsureExistence(srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnName(srcCol) + "." + nCurrNumber.ToString(), srcCol.GetType(), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnKind(srcCol), srcTable.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(srcCol));
							var nDestCol = destTable.DataColumns.GetColumnNumber(destCol);
							int nDestRow = -1;
							foreach (int rangeIndex in avgValueOrder)
								var range = repeatRanges[rangeIndex];
								int nSrcRow = FindSrcXRow(srcCycCol, xVal, range);
								if (nSrcRow >= 0)
									destCol[nDestRow] = srcCol[nSrcRow];
							// fill also property column
							destPropCol[nDestCol] = xVal;
					throw new NotImplementedException("The option for destination output is unknown: " + options.DestinationOutput.ToString());

			return null;
コード例 #9
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the indices of data columns that can participate in a matrix area, by providing a data table and the selected column.
		/// The participating data columns must have ColumnKind.V, and must share the same group number.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="table">The table.</param>
		/// <param name="selectedColumns">The selected data columns of the provided table. You can provide <c>null</c> for this parameter. This is considered as if all columns of the table are selected.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static AscendingIntegerCollection GetParticipatingDataColumns(DataTable table, IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedColumns)
			var result = new Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection();
			int? groupNumber = null;
			if (selectedColumns == null || selectedColumns.Count == 0) // No columns selected - than we assume all columns, but only V-columns
				var dc = table.DataColumns;
				for (int i = 0; i < table.DataColumnCount; ++i)
					if (dc[i] is Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn && dc.GetColumnKind(i) == ColumnKind.V && (!groupNumber.HasValue || groupNumber.Value == dc.GetColumnGroup(i)))
				for (int k = 0; k < selectedColumns.Count; ++k)
					var dc = table.DataColumns;
					int i = selectedColumns[k];
					if (dc[i] is DoubleColumn && dc.GetColumnKind(i) == ColumnKind.V && (!groupNumber.HasValue || groupNumber.Value == dc.GetColumnGroup(i)))
			return result;
コード例 #10
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the data rows that participate in a matrix area by providing a table, the collection of selected data rows, and the collection of selected data columns.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="table">The table.</param>
		/// <param name="selectedRows">The selected data rows.</param>
		/// <param name="participatingColumns">The data columns that participate in the matrix area.</param>
		/// <returns>The collection of indices of data rows that participate in the matrix area.</returns>
		public static Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection GetParticipatingDataRows(DataTable table, IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedRows, IAscendingIntegerCollection participatingColumns)
			var result = new AscendingIntegerCollection();

			if (null != selectedRows && selectedRows.Count > 0)
				var dc = table.DataColumns;
				int rows = participatingColumns.Select(i => dc[i].Count).MinOrDefault(0);

				result.AddRange(0, rows);

			return result;
コード例 #11
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a collection cloned from another <see cref="AscendingIntegerCollection" />.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="from"></param>
		public AscendingIntegerCollection(AscendingIntegerCollection from)
			_list = new System.Collections.Generic.SortedList<int, object>(from._list);
コード例 #12
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DataTableMultipleColumnProxy"/> class. The selected collections determine which columns and rows contribute to this instance.
		/// The group number is determined by the first selected column (or, if no column is selected, by the first column of the data table).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="identifier">The identifier of the bundle of columns that are initially set with this constructor.</param>
		/// <param name="table">The underlying table.</param>
		/// <param name="selectedDataRows">The selected data rows.</param>
		/// <param name="selectedDataColumns">The selected data columns.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">table must not be null.</exception>
		public DataTableMultipleColumnProxy(string identifier, DataTable table, IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedDataRows, IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedDataColumns)
			if (null == identifier)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("identifier");

			if (null == table)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("table");

			_dataColumnBundles = new Dictionary<string, ColumnBundleInfo>();

			_dataTable = new DataTableProxy(table) { ParentObject = this };

			_groupNumber = 0;

			if (null != selectedDataColumns && selectedDataColumns.Count > 0)
				_groupNumber = table.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(table[selectedDataColumns[0]]);

			var bundle = new ColumnBundleInfo();
			_dataColumnBundles.Add(identifier, bundle);

			int maxRowCount = 0;
			if (selectedDataColumns != null && selectedDataColumns.Count > 0)
				for (int i = 0; i < selectedDataColumns.Count; ++i)
					var col = table[selectedDataColumns[i]];
					if (table.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(col) == _groupNumber)
						InternalAddDataColumnNoClone(bundle, ReadableColumnProxyBase.FromColumn(col));
						maxRowCount = Math.Max(maxRowCount, col.Count);
			else // nothing selected - use all columns of group number 0
				for (int i = 0; i < table.DataColumnCount; ++i)
					var col = table[i];
					if (table.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(col) == _groupNumber)
						InternalAddDataColumnNoClone(bundle, ReadableColumnProxyBase.FromColumn(col));
						maxRowCount = Math.Max(maxRowCount, col.Count);

			_useAllAvailableDataRows = null == selectedDataRows || selectedDataRows.Count == 0;

			_participatingDataRows = new AscendingIntegerCollection(_useAllAvailableDataRows ? ContiguousIntegerRange.FromStartAndCount(0, maxRowCount) : selectedDataRows);
コード例 #13
		/// <summary>
		/// Copies data from another instance of <see cref="DataTableMultipleColumnProxy"/>.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj">The instance.</param>
		/// <returns><c>True</c> if any data could be copyied.</returns>
		public bool CopyFrom(object obj)
			if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
				return true;
			var from = obj as DataTableMultipleColumnProxy;
			if (null == from)
				return false;

			this._groupNumber = from._groupNumber;
			this._useAllAvailableDataRows = from._useAllAvailableDataRows;
			_participatingDataRows = (AscendingIntegerCollection)from._participatingDataRows.Clone();

			_isDirty = from._isDirty;

			return true;
コード例 #14
ファイル: WorksheetAnalysis.cs プロジェクト: Altaxo/Altaxo
		/// <summary>
		/// This maps the indices of a master x column to the indices of a column to map.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="xmaster">The master column containing x-values, for instance the spectral wavelength of the PLS calibration model.</param>
		/// <param name="xtomap">The column to map containing x-values, for instance the spectral wavelength of an unknown spectra to predict.</param>
		/// <param name="failureMessage">In case of a mapping error, contains detailed information about the error.</param>
		/// <returns>The indices of the mapping column that matches those of the master column. Contains as many indices as items in xmaster. In case of mapping error, returns null.</returns>
		public static Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection MapSpectralX(IROVector xmaster, IROVector xtomap, out string failureMessage)
			failureMessage = null;
			int mastercount = xmaster.Length;

			int mapcount = xtomap.Length;

			if (mapcount < mastercount)
				failureMessage = string.Format("More items to map ({0} than available ({1}", mastercount, mapcount);
				return null;

			Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection result = new Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection();
			// return an empty collection if there is nothing to map
			if (mastercount == 0)
				return result;

			// there is only one item to map - we can not check this - return a 1:1 map
			if (mastercount == 1)
				return result;

			// presumtion here (checked before): mastercount>=2, mapcount>=1

			double distanceback, distancecurrent, distanceforward;
			int i, j;
			for (i = 0, j = 0; i < mastercount && j < mapcount; j++)
				distanceback = j == 0 ? double.MaxValue : Math.Abs(xtomap[j - 1] - xmaster[i]);
				distancecurrent = Math.Abs(xtomap[j] - xmaster[i]);
				distanceforward = (j + 1) >= mapcount ? double.MaxValue : Math.Abs(xtomap[j + 1] - xmaster[i]);

				if (distanceback < distancecurrent)
					failureMessage = string.Format("Mapping error - distance of master[{0}] to current map[{1}] is greater than to previous map[{2}]", i, j, j - 1);
					return null;
				else if (distanceforward < distancecurrent)

			if (i != mastercount)
				failureMessage = string.Format("Mapping error- no mapping found for current master[{0}]", i - 1);
				return null;

			return result;
コード例 #15
ファイル: EditCommands.cs プロジェクト: Altaxo/Altaxo
		/// <summary>
		/// Writes ASCII to the clipboard if only property cells are selected.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="dg">The worksheet controller</param>
		/// <param name="dao">The clipboard data object</param>
		protected static void WriteAsciiToClipBoardIfOnlyPropertyCellsSelected(IWorksheetController dg, Altaxo.Gui.IClipboardSetDataObject dao)
			// columns are selected
			DataTable dt = dg.DataTable;
			Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection selCols = dg.SelectedPropertyColumns;
			Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection selRows = dg.SelectedPropertyRows;
			if (selRows.Count == 0)
				selRows = new Altaxo.Collections.AscendingIntegerCollection();
				selRows.AddRange(0, dg.DataTable.PropertyRowCount);

			System.IO.StringWriter str = new System.IO.StringWriter();
			for (int i = 0; i < selRows.Count; i++)
				for (int j = 0; j < selCols.Count; j++)
					if (j < selCols.Count - 1)

			// now also as tab separated text
			System.IO.StringWriter sw = new System.IO.StringWriter();

			for (int i = 0; i < selRows.Count; i++)
				for (int j = 0; j < selCols.Count; j++)
					if (j < selCols.Count - 1)
			dao.SetData(typeof(string), sw.ToString());
コード例 #16
    /// <summary>
    /// Plots all preprocessed spectra into a newly created graph.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="table">The table of PLS output data.</param>
    public static void PlotPredictionScores(Altaxo.Data.DataTable table)
      MultivariateContentMemento plsMemo = table.GetTableProperty("Content") as MultivariateContentMemento;

      GetAnalysis(table).CalculateAndStorePredictionScores(table, plsMemo.PreferredNumberOfFactors);
      AscendingIntegerCollection sel = new AscendingIntegerCollection();

      for(int i=0;i<plsMemo.NumberOfConcentrationData;i++)
        string name = WorksheetAnalysis.GetPredictionScore_ColumnName(i,plsMemo.PreferredNumberOfFactors);

コード例 #17
ファイル: DataTableWrapper.cs プロジェクト: Altaxo/Altaxo
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the collection of valid rows from the array that is returned by <see cref="GetValidNumericRows(INumericColumn[], IAscendingIntegerCollection, int)" />.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="array">The boolean array.</param>
		/// <returns>An collection of ascending integer values. These values are the indizes of valid numeric rows, i.e. the number of elements in the array which have the value of true.</returns>
		public static AscendingIntegerCollection GetCollectionOfValidNumericRows(bool[] array)
			AscendingIntegerCollection result = new AscendingIntegerCollection();
			for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
				if (array[i])
			return result;