public static List<Price> GetHistoricalMINUTE_FromWEB(DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate, int TimeFrame, string ContractName) { string startdate = StartDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); string endddate = EndDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); string URL = "" + ContractName + "&StartDate=" + startdate + @"&EndDate=" + endddate + @"&Password=PieterF&Username=PFOUCHE&compression=" + TimeFrame; Debug.WriteLine(URL); List<Price> Data = new List<Price>(); List<string> rawData = new List<string>(); HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(URL); req.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip; WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse(); Stream s = resp.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s, Encoding.ASCII); while (sr.Peek() >= 0) { string _rawData = sr.ReadLine(); if (!rawData.Contains(_rawData)) rawData.Add(_rawData); } foreach (string ss in rawData) { Price p = new Price(); List<string> data = new List<string>(ss.Split(',')); string date = data[0]; int y = int.Parse(date.Substring(0, 4)); int mm = int.Parse(date.Substring(4, 2)); int d = int.Parse(date.Substring(6, 2)); string time = data[1]; int h = int.Parse(time.Substring(0, 2)); int m = int.Parse(time.Substring(3, 2)); p.TimeStamp = new DateTime(y, mm, d, h, m, 0); p.Open = int.Parse(data[2]); p.High = int.Parse(data[3]); p.Low = int.Parse(data[4]); p.Close = int.Parse(data[5]); p.Volume = int.Parse(data[6]); p.InstrumentName = ContractName; Data.Add(p); } return Data.DistinctBy(t => t.TimeStamp).ToList(); }
private void stringtoPrice(string l) { var sp = l.Split(','); int day = int.Parse(sp[0].ToString().Substring(0, 2)); int month = int.Parse(sp[0].ToString().Substring(3, 2)); int year = int.Parse(sp[0].ToString().Substring(6, 4)); int hour = int.Parse(sp[1].ToString().Substring(0, 2)); int min = int.Parse(sp[1].ToString().Substring(3, 2)); var open = double.Parse(sp[2].ToString()); var high = double.Parse(sp[3].ToString()); var low = double.Parse(sp[4].ToString()); var close = double.Parse(sp[5].ToString()); var vol = int.Parse(sp[6].ToString()); AlsiUtils.Price p = new Price(); DateTime dt = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, min, 0); p.TimeStamp = dt.AddMinutes(-1); p.Open = open; p.High = high; p.Low = low; p.Close = close; p.Volume = vol; p.InstrumentName = "Hist"; AllHisto.Add(p); }
private void SetOHLC_IntraTrade_SingleTradePL() { var tpl = new List<ProfitAlgoLayer.TakeProfitTrade>(); StreamWriter sr = new StreamWriter(@"d:\ohlcPL2.csv"); int C = _CompletedTrades.Count; double totProfit = 0; double start = 0; var dc = new AlsiDBDataContext(); var M = dc.OHLC_5_Minutes.ToList(); for (int i = 1; i < C; i++) { var pl5 = from x in _FullTradeList where x.TimeStamp >= _CompletedTrades[i].OpenTrade.TimeStamp && x.TimeStamp <= _CompletedTrades[i].CloseTrade.TimeStamp select x; tpl = pl5.ToList(); if (tpl.Count > 1) { foreach (var v in tpl) { var f = M.Where(z => z.Stamp == v.TimeStamp).First(); var market = new Price(f.Stamp, f.O, f.H, f.L, f.C, f.Instrument); start = tpl.First().TradedPrice; double o = 0; if (tpl[0].Reason == Trade.Trigger.OpenShort) o = (start - market.Open) ; if (tpl[0].Reason == Trade.Trigger.OpenLong) o = (market.Open - start) ; double h = 0; if (tpl[0].Reason == Trade.Trigger.OpenShort) h = (start - market.High) ; if (tpl[0].Reason == Trade.Trigger.OpenLong) h = (market.High - start) ; double l = 0; if (tpl[0].Reason == Trade.Trigger.OpenShort) l = (start - market.Low) ; if (tpl[0].Reason == Trade.Trigger.OpenLong) l = (market.Low - start) ; double c = 0; if (tpl[0].Reason == Trade.Trigger.OpenShort) c = (start - market.Close) ; if (tpl[0].Reason == Trade.Trigger.OpenLong) c = (market.Close - start) ; var P = new Price(); P.TimeStamp = market.TimeStamp; P.Open = o; P.High = h; P.Low = l; P.Close = c; if (v.TimeStamp == tpl.Last().TimeStamp) { totProfit += tpl.Last().RunningProfit; } OHLC_LIST.Add(P); sr.WriteLine(P.TimeStamp.Date +","+P.TimeStamp +","+v.Reason + "," + P.Open + "," + P.High + "," + P.Low + "," + P.Close + "," + 0 + "," + market.Open + "," + market.High + "," + market.Low + "," + market.Close + "," + totProfit ); } //Debug.WriteLine(P.Close); // Debug.WriteLine(i + "," + (o + tpl[0].RunningTotalProfit_New) + "," + (h + tpl[0].RunningTotalProfit_New) + "," + (l + tpl[0].RunningTotalProfit_New) + "," + (c + tpl[0].RunningTotalProfit_New)); // Debug.WriteLine(i + "," + P.Open + "," + "," + P.High + "," + P.Low + "," + P.Close); } } sr.Close(); }
private static List<Price> convertTickToMinute(List<RawTick> TickData) { DateTime start = DateTime.Now; List<Price> minuteData = new List<Price>(); List<double> open = new List<double>(); List<double> close = new List<double>(); List<DateTime> minuteRawTime = new List<DateTime>(); List<double> low = new List<double>(); List<double> high = new List<double>(); //OPEN //DateTime start_open = DateTime.Now; foreach (var p in TickData) { int yearT = p.Stamp.Value.Year; int monthT = p.Stamp.Value.Month; int dayT = p.Stamp.Value.Day; int hourT = p.Stamp.Value.Hour; int minuteT = p.Stamp.Value.Minute; DateTime d = new DateTime(yearT, monthT, dayT, hourT, minuteT, 0); if (!minuteRawTime.Contains(d)) { minuteRawTime.Add(d); open.Add((double)p.Price); } } //DateTime finish_open = DateTime.Now; //TimeSpan duration_open = finish_open - start_open; //Debug.WriteLine("[OPEN] Convertion Time Ticks to Minutes : " + duration_open.Seconds + ":" + duration_open.Milliseconds); //CLOSE //DateTime start_close = DateTime.Now; TickData.Reverse(); minuteRawTime.Clear(); foreach (var p in TickData) { int yearT = p.Stamp.Value.Year; int monthT = p.Stamp.Value.Month; int dayT = p.Stamp.Value.Day; int hourT = p.Stamp.Value.Hour; int minuteT = p.Stamp.Value.Minute; DateTime d = new DateTime(yearT, monthT, dayT, hourT, minuteT, 0); if (!minuteRawTime.Contains(d)) { minuteRawTime.Add(d); close.Add((double)p.Price); } } //DateTime finish_close = DateTime.Now; //TimeSpan duration_close = finish_open - start_open; //Debug.WriteLine("[Close] Convertion Time Ticks to Minutes : " + duration_close.Seconds + ":" + duration_close.Milliseconds); //HIGH+LOW DateTime start_HL = DateTime.Now; close.Reverse(); minuteRawTime.Reverse(); TickData.Reverse(); int ind = minuteRawTime.Count - 1; for (int x = 0; x <= ind; x++) { int yy = minuteRawTime[x].Year; int mm = minuteRawTime[x].Month; int dy = minuteRawTime[x].Day; int hh = minuteRawTime[x].Hour; int mn = minuteRawTime[x].Minute; int ss = minuteRawTime[x].Second; DateTime dd = new DateTime(yy, mm, dy, hh, mn, ss); double min = 100000; double max = 1; foreach (var p in TickData) { int yearT = p.Stamp.Value.Year; int monthT = p.Stamp.Value.Month; int dayT = p.Stamp.Value.Day; int hourT = p.Stamp.Value.Hour; int minuteT = p.Stamp.Value.Minute; if (dd.Year == yearT && dd.Month == monthT && dd.Day == dayT && dd.Hour == hourT && dd.Minute == minuteT) { if (p.Price > max) max = (double)p.Price; if (p.Price < min) min = (double)p.Price; } } low.Add(min); high.Add(max); } for (int x = 0; x <= ind; x++) { //Debug.WriteLine(minuteRawTime[x] + " Open " + open[x] + " Close " + close[x] + " High " + high[x] + " Low " + low[x]); Price m = new Price(); m.Close = close[x]; m.Open = open[x]; m.High = high[x]; m.Low = low[x]; m.TimeStamp = minuteRawTime[x]; minuteData.Add(m); } //DateTime finish_HL = DateTime.Now; //TimeSpan duration_HL = finish_HL - start_HL; //Debug.WriteLine("[HIGH LOW] Convertion Time Ticks to Minutes : " + duration_HL.Seconds + ":" + duration_HL.Milliseconds); //Debug.WriteLine(minuteData[0].TimeStamp + " Open : {0} High : {1} Low : {2} Close : {3}", minuteData[0].Open, minuteData[0].High, minuteData[0].Low, minuteData[0].Close); DateTime finish = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan duration = finish - start; Debug.WriteLine("Convertion Time Ticks to Minutes : " + duration.Seconds + ":" + duration.Milliseconds); return minuteData; }
private static bool GetTimestampForPrice(Price price) { if (price.TimeStamp >= DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-DateTime.Now.Second)) return true; return false; }
private void TickDataToXMinData() { AlsiUtils.AlsiDBDataContext dc = new AlsiDBDataContext(); switch (_Interval) { case GlobalObjects.TimeInterval.Minute_2: break; case GlobalObjects.TimeInterval.Minute_5: dc.OHLC_5_Temp(); break; case GlobalObjects.TimeInterval.Minute_10: break; } GlobalObjects.Points.Clear(); foreach (var p in dc.OHLC_Temps) { var P = new Price() { TimeStamp = p.Stamp, Open = p.O, High = p.H, Low = p.L, Close = p.C, InstrumentName = _ContractName, }; GlobalObjects.Points.Add(P); } }
static public List<Price> readDataFromDataBase_1_MIN_MasterMinute(int numberOfPeriods, bool reverseList) { try { List<Price> prices = new List<Price>(); AlsiDBDataContext dc = new AlsiDBDataContext(); dc.Connection.ConnectionString = AlsiUtils.Data_Objects.GlobalObjects.CustomConnectionString; var count = (from p in dc.MasterMinutes select (p.Stamp)).Count(); //Console.WriteLine("10 Minute Data Count : " + count); var result = from q in dc.MasterMinutes .Skip(count - numberOfPeriods) .Take(numberOfPeriods) select new { q.Stamp, q.O, q.H, q.L, q.C, q.Instrument }; foreach (var v in result) { Price p = new Price(); p.Close = v.C; p.Open = v.O; p.High = v.H; p.Low = v.L; p.TimeStamp = v.Stamp; p.InstrumentName = v.Instrument; prices.Add(p); } if (reverseList) prices.Reverse(); return prices; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("readDataFromDataBase_10_MIN Database Busy : " + ex.Message); return null; } }
static public List<Price> readDataFromDataBase(GlobalObjects.TimeInterval T, dataTable TD, DateTime Start, DateTime End, bool reverseList) { List<Price> prices = new List<Price>(); AlsiDBDataContext dc = new AlsiDBDataContext(); if (TD == dataTable.Temp) { var result = from q in dc.OHLC_Temps where q.Stamp > Start && q.Stamp < End select new { q.Stamp, q.O, q.H, q.L, q.C, }; foreach (var v in result) { Price p = new Price(); p.Close = v.C; p.Open = v.O; p.High = v.H; p.Low = v.L; p.TimeStamp = v.Stamp; prices.Add(p); } dc.Clean_OHLC_Temp(); if (reverseList) prices.Reverse(); return prices; } if (TD == dataTable.AllHistory) { if (T == GlobalObjects.TimeInterval.Minute_2) { var firstinDB = dc.OHLC_2_Minutes.AsEnumerable().First().Stamp; var lastinDB = dc.OHLC_2_Minutes.AsEnumerable().Last().Stamp; if (firstinDB > Start) dc.OHLC_2_AllHistory(); if (lastinDB > End) dc.OHLC_2_AllHistory(); } if (T == GlobalObjects.TimeInterval.Minute_5) { try { var firstinDB = dc.OHLC_5_Minutes.AsEnumerable().First().Stamp; var lastinDB = dc.OHLC_5_Minutes.AsEnumerable().Last().Stamp; if (firstinDB > Start) dc.OHLC_5_AllHistory(); if (lastinDB < End) dc.OHLC_5_AllHistory(); } catch { dc.OHLC_5_AllHistory(); } } if (T == GlobalObjects.TimeInterval.Minute_10) { var firstinDB = dc.OHLC_10_Minutes.AsEnumerable().First().Stamp; var lastinDB = dc.OHLC_10_Minutes.AsEnumerable().Last().Stamp; if (firstinDB > Start) dc.OHLC_10_AllHistory(); if (lastinDB < End) dc.OHLC_10_AllHistory(); } } if (TD == dataTable.MasterMinute) { if (T == GlobalObjects.TimeInterval.Minute_2) { var min2 = dc.OHLC_2_Minutes; if (min2.Count() == 0) { dc.OHLC_2(); } else { var firstinDB = dc.OHLC_2_Minutes.AsEnumerable().First().Stamp; var lastinDB = dc.OHLC_2_Minutes.AsEnumerable().Last().Stamp; if (firstinDB > Start) dc.OHLC_2(); if (lastinDB < End) dc.OHLC_2(); } } if (T == GlobalObjects.TimeInterval.Minute_5) { var min5 = dc.OHLC_5_Minutes; if (min5.Count() == 0) { dc.OHLC_5(); } else { var firstinDB = min5.AsEnumerable().First().Stamp; var lastinDB = min5.AsEnumerable().Last().Stamp; if (firstinDB > Start) dc.OHLC_5(); if (lastinDB < End) dc.OHLC_5(); } } if (T == GlobalObjects.TimeInterval.Minute_10) { var min10 = dc.OHLC_10_Minutes; if (min10.Count() == 0) { dc.OHLC_10(); } else { var firstinDB = dc.OHLC_10_Minutes.AsEnumerable().First().Stamp; var lastinDB = dc.OHLC_10_Minutes.AsEnumerable().Last().Stamp; if (firstinDB > Start) dc.OHLC_10(); if (lastinDB < End) dc.OHLC_10(); } } if (T == GlobalObjects.TimeInterval.Hour_1) { dc.OHLC_Hour_1(); } } if (T == GlobalObjects.TimeInterval.Minute_2) { var result = from q in dc.OHLC_2_Minutes where q.Stamp > Start && q.Stamp < End select new { q.Stamp, q.O, q.H, q.L, q.C, q.Instrument }; foreach (var v in result) { Price p = new Price(); p.Close = v.C; p.Open = v.O; p.High = v.H; p.Low = v.L; p.TimeStamp = v.Stamp; p.InstrumentName = v.Instrument; prices.Add(p); } } if (T == GlobalObjects.TimeInterval.Minute_5) { var result = from q in dc.OHLC_5_Minutes where q.Stamp > Start && q.Stamp < End select new { q.Stamp, q.O, q.H, q.L, q.C, q.Instrument }; foreach (var v in result) { Price p = new Price(); p.Close = v.C; p.Open = v.O; p.High = v.H; p.Low = v.L; p.TimeStamp = v.Stamp; p.InstrumentName = v.Instrument; prices.Add(p); } } if (T == GlobalObjects.TimeInterval.Minute_10) { var result = from q in dc.OHLC_10_Minutes where q.Stamp > Start && q.Stamp < End select new { q.Stamp, q.O, q.H, q.L, q.C, q.Instrument }; foreach (var v in result) { Price p = new Price(); p.Close = v.C; p.Open = v.O; p.High = v.H; p.Low = v.L; p.TimeStamp = v.Stamp; p.InstrumentName = v.Instrument; prices.Add(p); } } if (T == GlobalObjects.TimeInterval.Hour_1) { var result = from q in dc.OHLC_1_Hours where q.Stamp > Start && q.Stamp < End select new { q.Stamp, q.O, q.H, q.L, q.C, q.Instrument }; foreach (var v in result) { Price p = new Price(); p.Close = v.C; p.Open = v.O; p.High = v.H; p.Low = v.L; p.TimeStamp = v.Stamp; p.InstrumentName = v.Instrument; prices.Add(p); } } if (reverseList) prices.Reverse(); return prices; }
public static List<Price> GetHistoricalTICK_FromWEB(DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate, string ContractName) { List<Price> Data = new List<Price>(); try { string startdate = StartDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); string endddate = EndDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); string URL = "" + ContractName + "&StartDate=" + startdate + @"&EndDate=" + endddate + @"&Password=PieterF&Username=PFOUCHE"; List<string> rawData = new List<string>(); HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(URL); req.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip; WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse(); Stream s = resp.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s, Encoding.ASCII); while (sr.Peek() >= 0) { string _rawData = sr.ReadLine(); if (!rawData.Contains(_rawData)) rawData.Add(_rawData); } for (int x = 0; x < rawData.Count; x++) { Price p = new Price(); List<string> data = new List<string>(rawData[x].Split(',')); string date = data[0]; int y = int.Parse(date.Substring(0, 4)); int mm = int.Parse(date.Substring(4, 2)); int d = int.Parse(date.Substring(6, 2)); string time = data[1]; int h = int.Parse(time.Substring(0, 2)); int m = int.Parse(time.Substring(3, 2)); int ss = int.Parse(time.Substring(6, 2)); p.TimeStamp = new DateTime(y, mm, d, h, m, ss, 0); p.Close = int.Parse(data[2]); p.Volume = int.Parse(data[3]); Data.Add(p); } int countMili = 0; for (int x = 0; x < Data.Count - 1; x++) { if (Data[x + 1].TimeStamp.Second == Data[x].TimeStamp.Second) { countMili++; Data[x].TimeStamp = Data[x].TimeStamp.AddMilliseconds(countMili); } else { countMili++; Data[x].TimeStamp = Data[x].TimeStamp.AddMilliseconds(countMili); countMili = -1; } } Data[Data.Count - 1].TimeStamp = Data[Data.Count - 1].TimeStamp.AddMilliseconds(100); return Data; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); return Data; } }
public Trade() { Extention = new Data_Objects.RegressionExt(); OHLC = new Price(); }
public static List<Price> getPriceFromXML(FileInfo file, string InstrumentCode) { List<DateTime> datum = new List<DateTime>(); List<int> open = new List<int>(); List<int> high = new List<int>(); List<int> low = new List<int>(); List<int> close = new List<int>(); List<int> volume = new List<int>(); List<Price> p = new List<Price>(); #region Messy using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(file.FullName)) { while (reader.Read()) { // Only detect start elements. if (reader.IsStartElement()) { //Timestamp if (reader.Name == "Date") { { string attribute_date = reader["Date"]; if (attribute_date != null) { Debug.WriteLine(" Has attribute name: " + attribute_date); } // Next read will contain text. if (reader.Read()) { string ds = reader.Value.Trim(); DateTime d = DateTime.Parse(ds); datum.Add(d); } } } //OPEN if (reader.Name == "Open") { string attribute_open = reader["Open"]; if (attribute_open != null) { Debug.WriteLine(" Has attribute name: " + attribute_open); } // Next read will contain text. if (reader.Read()) { string o = reader.Value.Trim(); open.Add(int.Parse(o)); } } //HIGH if (reader.Name == "High") { string attribute_high = reader["High"]; if (attribute_high != null) { Debug.WriteLine(" Has attribute name: " + attribute_high); } // Next read will contain text. if (reader.Read()) { string h = reader.Value.Trim(); high.Add(int.Parse(h)); } } //LOW if (reader.Name == "Low") { string attribute_low = reader["Low"]; if (attribute_low != null) { Debug.WriteLine(" Has attribute name: " + attribute_low); } // Next read will contain text. if (reader.Read()) { string l = reader.Value.Trim(); low.Add(int.Parse(l)); } } //CLOSE if (reader.Name == "Close") { string attribute_close = reader["Close"]; if (attribute_close != null) { Debug.WriteLine(" Has attribute name: " + attribute_close); } // Next read will contain text. if (reader.Read()) { string c = reader.Value.Trim(); close.Add(int.Parse(c)); } } //VOLUME if (reader.Name == "Volume") { string attribute_vol = reader["Volume"]; if (attribute_vol != null) { Debug.WriteLine(" Has attribute name: " + attribute_vol); } // Next read will contain text. if (reader.Read()) { string v = reader.Value.Trim(); volume.Add(int.Parse(v)); } } } } } #endregion for (int x = 0; x < datum.Count; x++) { var pp = new Price { TimeStamp = datum[x], Open = open[x], High = high[x], Low = low[x], Close = close[x], Volume = volume[x], InstrumentName = InstrumentCode }; p.Add(pp); } return p; }