internal bool ReadEntry()
            var tailLength = this.tailLength;

            if (tailLength + 1 >= this.Size)
            byte compressedIntBytes = 0;

            byte[] currentData      = null;
            int    currentDataCount = 0;

            currentDataCount = CliMetadataFixedRoot.ReadCompressedUnsignedInt(reader, out compressedIntBytes);
            if (tailLength + compressedIntBytes >= this.Size)
                reader.BaseStream.Seek(-(tailLength + compressedIntBytes - this.Size), SeekOrigin.Current);
                tailLength += compressedIntBytes;
            if (currentDataCount == 0)
                /* *
                 * Reached the end of the heap which is padded
                 * with zeroes until the next 4-byte boundry.
                 * */
            if (tailLength + currentDataCount > this.Size)
                throw new BadImageFormatException(string.Format("The data within the {0} heap entry is longer than expected.", this.Name));
            currentData = new byte[currentDataCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < currentDataCount && tailLength < this.Size; i++, tailLength++)
                currentData[i] = reader.ReadByte();
            this.AddData(this.GetData(currentData), compressedIntBytes);
            if (tailLength >= this.Size)
 internal void Read(EndianAwareBinaryReader reader)
     this.syncObject = this.metadataRoot.SourceImage.SyncObject;
     lock (this.syncObject)
         byte[] blobSectionData = new byte[this.Size];
         reader.Read(blobSectionData, 0, blobSectionData.Length);
         MemoryStream blobStream = new MemoryStream(blobSectionData);
         this.reader     = new EndianAwareBinaryReader(blobStream, Endianness.LittleEndian, false);
         this.blobStream = blobStream;
         //this.reader = new EndianAwareBinaryReader(reader.BaseStream, Endianness.LittleEndian, false);
         byte firstNull = (byte)(this.reader.PeekByte() & 0xFF);
         if (firstNull != 0)
             throw new BadImageFormatException(string.Format("The first item of a {0} heap must be null.", this.Name));
         this.smallEntries.Add(0, new SmallBlobEntry(1)
             BlobData = new byte[this.reader.ReadByte()]
         byte currentItemLengthWidth;
         long currentPosition = 1;
         while (currentPosition < this.Size)
             int currentLength = CliMetadataFixedRoot.ReadCompressedUnsignedInt(this.reader, out currentItemLengthWidth);
             if (currentItemLengthWidth == 1)
                 this.smallEntries.Add((uint)currentPosition, new SmallBlobEntry((sbyte)currentLength));
             else if (currentItemLengthWidth == 2)
                 this.mediumEntries.Add((uint)currentPosition, new MediumBlobEntry((short)currentLength));
                 this.largEntries.Add((uint)currentPosition, new LargeBlobEntry(currentLength));
             if (currentPosition + currentItemLengthWidth + currentLength > this.Size)
             currentPosition += currentItemLengthWidth + currentLength;
             this.reader.BaseStream.Seek(currentLength, SeekOrigin.Current);
 public CliMetadataBlobHeaderAndHeap(CliMetadataStreamHeader originalHeader, CliMetadataFixedRoot metadataRoot)
     : base(originalHeader)
     this.metadataRoot = metadataRoot;