コード例 #1
        private static Segment HandleAirSegment(JObject segment, JArray airlines, JArray places, JArray vehicles)
            var indicativePrices = segment["indicativePrices"] as JArray;
            var pLow             = indicativePrices != null ? (int?)indicativePrices[0]["priceLow"] : 0;
            var pHigh            = indicativePrices != null ? (int?)indicativePrices[0]["priceHigh"] : 0;
            var vehicleJson      = (JObject)vehicles.ElementAt((int)segment["vehicle"]);
            var kind             = (string)vehicleJson["kind"];

            var duration = (int)segment["transitDuration"] + (int)segment["transferDuration"];
            var distance = (double)segment["distance"];

            var tuple   = RoutesHandler.FetchAirlineImage(segment, airlines);
            var image   = tuple.Item2;
            var segName = tuple.Item1;
            var from    = (string)((JObject)places.ElementAt((int)segment["depPlace"]))["shortName"];
            var to      = (string)((JObject)places.ElementAt((int)segment["arrPlace"]))["shortName"];

            pLow  = pLow ?? 0;
            pHigh = pHigh ?? 0;
            int?price = 0;

            if (pLow == 0 && pHigh == 0)
                price = indicativePrices != null ? (int?)indicativePrices[0]["price"] : 0;

            return(new AirSegment(segName, from, to, (int)pLow, (int)pHigh, duration, distance, image, "", kind, price ?? 0));
コード例 #2
        private static string ConstructSegmentJson(IEnumerable <Segment> segments, string currency)
            var segmentList  = segments.ToList();
            var elementsJson = new JArray();

            foreach (var segment in segmentList)
                var emoji     = GetEmojiSegment(segment.Kind);
                var name      = segment.Name + emoji;
                var priceLow  = segment.PriceLow.ToString("C0", new CultureInfo(currency));
                var priceHigh = segment.PriceHigh.ToString("C0", new CultureInfo(currency));
                var duration  = RoutesHandler.FormatDuration(segment.Duration);
                var image     = segment.Image;

                var priceString = (segment.PriceLow == 0 && segment.PriceHigh == 0)
                    ? segment.Price.ToString("C0", new CultureInfo(currency))
                    : $"{priceLow} - {priceHigh}";

                if (segment is SurfaceSegment)
                    var buttons = new JArray();

                    var surSegment = (SurfaceSegment)segment;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(surSegment.ScheduleUrl) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(surSegment.MapUrl) ||
                        buttons.Add(new JObject(
                                        new JProperty("type", "web_url"),
                                        new JProperty("url", surSegment.BookUrl),
                                        new JProperty("title", "Go To Agency Page")
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(surSegment.ScheduleUrl))
                        buttons.Add(new JObject(
                                        new JProperty("type", "web_url"),
                                        new JProperty("url", surSegment.ScheduleUrl),
                                        new JProperty("title", "Go To Booking Page")
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(surSegment.MapUrl))
                        dynamic recipient = new JObject();
                        recipient.id = MessageHandler.SenderId;

                        dynamic payLoad = new JObject();
                        payLoad.recipient = recipient;
                        payLoad.intent    = "SendMap";
                        payLoad.MapUrl    = surSegment.MapUrl;

                        var p = payLoad.ToString();

                        //var p = $"\"payload\":{{\"recipient\" : {{\"id\" : \"{{{MessageHandler.SenderId}}}\"}},\"intent\":\"SegmentInfo\", \"origin\":\"{origin}\", \"destination\":\"{dest}\", \"routeName\":\"{route.Name}\"}}";
                        var button = new JObject(new JProperty("type", "postback"),
                                                 new JProperty("title", "Show Map"),
                                                 new JProperty("payload", p));
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(surSegment.PhoneNumber))
                        buttons.Add(new JObject(
                                        new JProperty("type", "phone_number"),
                                        new JProperty("payload", surSegment.PhoneNumber),
                                        new JProperty("title", "Call Agency 📞")

                    var element = new JObject(
                        new JProperty("title", name),
                        new JProperty("image_url", image),
                        new JProperty("subtitle",
                                      $"From: {segment.From}\nTo:{segment.To}\nPrice: {priceString}"),
                        //new JProperty("default_action", defaultAction),
                        new JProperty("buttons", buttons)
                    var airSegment = (AirSegment)segment;
                    var buttons    = new JArray();

                    buttons.Add(new JObject(
                                    new JProperty("type", "web_url"),
                                    new JProperty("url", "www.google.com"),
                                    new JProperty("title", "View More Info")

                    var element = new JObject(
                        new JProperty("title", name),
                        new JProperty("image_url", image),
                        new JProperty("subtitle", $"From: {segment.From}\nTo:{segment.To}\nPrice: {priceString} \nDuration: {duration}"),
                        //new JProperty("default_action", defaultAction),
                        new JProperty("buttons", buttons)

            var payload = new JObject(
                new JProperty("template_type", "generic"),
                new JProperty("image_aspect_ratio", "square"),
                new JProperty("elements", elementsJson)

            var attachment = new JObject(
                new JProperty("type", "template"),
                new JProperty("payload", payload)

            var returnJson = new JObject(
                new JProperty("attachment", attachment)

コード例 #3
        public static Segment HandleSurfaceSegment(JObject segment, JArray agencies, JArray places, JArray vehicles)
            var indicativePrices = segment["indicativePrices"] as JArray;
            var pLow             = indicativePrices != null ? (int?)indicativePrices[0]["priceLow"] : 0;
            var pHigh            = indicativePrices != null ? (int?)indicativePrices[0]["priceHigh"] : 0;
            var agency           = (JObject)((JArray)segment["agencies"]).ElementAt(0);
            var vehicleJson      = (JObject)vehicles.ElementAt((int)segment["vehicle"]);
            var kind             = (string)vehicleJson["kind"];
            var agencyJson       = agencies.ElementAt((int)agency["agency"]);
            var links            = segment["links"] as JArray;
            var bookUrl          = "";
            var scheUrl          = "";

            if (links != null)
                foreach (JObject link in links)
                    if (((string)link["text"]).StartsWith("Book"))
                        bookUrl = (string)link["displayUrl"];
                    if (((string)link["text"]).StartsWith("Schedule"))
                        scheUrl = (string)link["displayUrl"];

            var defaultUrl = (string)agencyJson["url"];

            bookUrl = string.IsNullOrEmpty(bookUrl) ? defaultUrl : bookUrl;

            var segName  = (string)agencyJson["name"];
            var phone    = (string)agencyJson["phone"];
            var duration = (int)segment["transitDuration"] + (int)segment["transferDuration"];

            var image = RoutesHandler.FetchAgencyImage(segment, agencies);

            var from     = (string)((JObject)places.ElementAt((int)segment["depPlace"]))["shortName"];
            var to       = (string)((JObject)places.ElementAt((int)segment["arrPlace"]))["shortName"];
            var latlongs = (string)segment["path"];
            var mapUrl   = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(latlongs))
                mapUrl = string.Format(StaticMapUrl, latlongs);

            pLow  = pLow ?? 0;
            pHigh = pHigh ?? 0;
            int?price = 0;

            if (pLow == 0 && pHigh == 0)
                price = indicativePrices != null ? (int?)indicativePrices[0]["price"] : 0;

            return(new SurfaceSegment(segName, from, to, pLow ?? 0, pHigh ?? 0, duration, image.Item2, defaultUrl, bookUrl, scheUrl, phone, mapUrl, kind, price ?? 0));